<< 21-04-2016 >>

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01:19:00krux02why does SortedSet from sets not have the same procs as HashSet?
01:19:40krux02I mean OrdererdSet
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06:21:03Araq_krux02 what's missing/different?
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07:42:45veganskAraq_, hi! I have a question about https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/4079. The problem is that closure is called with nil as it's environment. Here is the generated code for it: https://gist.github.com/vegansk/8343cdc33c08aed2d0845c11d27e091d
07:43:49veganskCan you tell me where is that place in the compiler that decides to create closure like that?
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07:51:17veganskGot it, ``isConstClosure``
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10:51:37Araq_vegansk: more likely it's lambdalifting.nim, line
10:52:35Araq_718 or 727
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11:41:55veganskAraq_, it's line 718
11:44:18Araq_vegansk: well that's a closure generation conflict then?
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11:44:38Araq_some parts of the compiler say it's (proc, env) other parts say it's (proc, nil)
11:45:07Araq_congrats, your code is so convoluted that I have no idea how to solve this conflict.
11:45:33Araq_in the past for the cases we encountered (proc, nil) always was the desired interpretation.
11:45:53Araq_so you cannot change it easily. you need to come up with a rule.
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17:16:54cheatfate_dom96, do you really sure of the correctness of your isDisconnectionError() from net.nim?
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17:19:40cheatfate_dom96, is this function intended to use with TCP only or UDP too?
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17:20:21flyxis it possible to query whether there are known derived types of a type at compile time?
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17:48:31Araq_flyx: getType includes inheritance information
17:49:06flyxAraq_: yes, but I can only see which ancenstors a type has, not which descendants
17:49:21Araq_well how would the compiler know?
17:49:48Araq_inheritance means the type is "open" for anybody to inherit from it.
17:49:54flyxthat's why I ask about *known* derived types
17:50:12flyxe.g. types for that the declaration already has been parsed
17:50:36Araq_well no... the compiler doesn't support that. in fact, internally there is no data structure for it either it could ask.
17:51:51flyxis there an internal structure I could derive this information from? a list of declared types or something?
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20:25:21cheatfate_dom96, https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/4098
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