<< 20-04-2016 >>

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06:34:01IcyFoxyWhere is --app:* used?
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11:48:20krux02is anyone online who uses nim-mode?
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12:05:49krux02federico: nim-mode is the nim support for emacs
12:06:30krux02since I found out about spacemacs, I would like to use it there, but somehow I could only get it to work in spacemacs
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12:36:53reactormonkkrux02, hm? works somewhat here.
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12:44:12krux02reactormonk: I can't get completion to work
12:44:50krux02I had completion working in emacs without spacemacs, but in spacemacs I just can't get it working
12:45:13krux02autocompletion is on, and it also completes, but it doesn't have semantic completion, just word based completion
12:45:33krux02and I don't know what to do to find out what is going wrong
12:48:23reactormonkkrux02, does it find nimsuggest?
12:53:03krux02yes it does
12:54:43krux02nim-nimsuggest-path is a variable defined in `nim-vars.el'.
12:54:43krux02Its value is "/home/arne/.nimble/bin/nimsuggest"
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13:35:11krux02reactormonk: is there something spacemacs that I need to enable so that nim semantic completion works?
13:36:23reactormonkkrux02, dunno, works for me :-)
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13:36:53krux02reactormonk: then what is your config?
13:37:31krux02can I have your .spacemacs if there is nothing private in it?
13:37:57reactormonkjust plain spacemacs
13:38:15reactormonkgrep nim .spacemacs shows just the layer
13:39:24krux02what other layers do you have
13:40:47reactormonknothing specific I'd say
13:42:14krux02can I please have it?
13:42:30krux02I would like to know if I have anything that might be incompatible
13:43:15krux02reactormonk: or you just forgot to mention something it would really help me if I would have a config file, where I already know it works
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14:16:26cheatfateAraq_, i'm reading macros.html and want to ask you, how nnkAsmStmt working with vcc? because vcc dont have support of inline assembler for x64 targets
14:17:27Araq_same as the 'asm' keyword works for vcc. not at all, it barfs on the produced C code ...
14:17:47Araq_the lack of an inline assembler makes the whole compiler a bad joke, if you ask me.
14:19:38cheatfateAraq_, yeah, but thanks
14:21:18cheatfateAraq_, how do you think is it possible to replace msvcrt specific code from nim executable stub
14:21:53Araq_we need to get rid of lib C dependencies and write our own stuff based on the Windows API.
14:22:20cheatfatewhat do you think about replacement for setjmp/longjmp
14:23:05cheatfatei think its the only problem
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14:58:37cheatfateAraq_, question about concurrency, how do you think to made it with async? Like call callbacks in threadpoll or start N threads with poll()?
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15:06:45Araq_cheatfate: not sure, what did I do in my crazy_concurrency branch? :-)
15:06:51Araq_can't remember.
15:07:20cheatfatethere no final stage in crazy_concurrency, just preparations
15:08:08*McSpiros quit (Quit: Page closed)
15:08:16Araq_well one solution is to have N threads that listen to the shared table for 'tasks' to execute
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15:10:08Araq_another solution is to keep it single threaded but since the shared data structures are concurrency safe, you can 'spawn' on your own in a longer running request (whatever that is)
15:10:38Araq_that's a worse solution since then application developers need to use 'spawn'.
15:11:54cheatfatewindows iocp for best performance must be handled by N threads where N = number of cores, so there must be N getqueuedcompletionstatus()
15:13:09cheatfatenginx uses spawn on linux so N processes calling epoll_wait so situation is same
15:13:52Araq_IME #thread > number of cores is better for performance.
15:16:18cheatfateAraq_, of course it can be better for windows like 2x number of cores... but there no advantage for linux/bsd because there no kernel threads like in windows
15:16:47Araq_what about hyperthreading?
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15:18:26cheatfateAraq_, lol ok let formula be #threads = #cores * 2 * 2 if HT else 1
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16:39:37ephjaI wonder if it's possible to generate binary expression trees with glossolalia
16:40:03ephjaPN ftw though ;)
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18:40:20ephjagetType(enumType) returns "typeDesc[enum enum a b, c]". is this right?
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19:00:24Araq_ephja: no it might be related to some bug I'm hunting
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23:17:05krux02Araq_: why do bracket expressions have a very big impact on the way untyped ast's are parsed?
23:18:23krux02 C[i,m,n] = A[l,i,k] ∗ B[l,k,j] ∗ D[j,n,m] + A[l,i,m] ∗ E[l,n]
23:18:23krux02 C = A * B * D + A * E
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23:19:01Araq_what's wrong with it?
23:19:13krux02the second one parses with "Infix +" as the first token on the right hand side of the assignment
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23:19:42krux02the first one parses with command BracketExpre A
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23:22:55krux02this is the output: http://pastebin.com/QyX004mF
23:24:02krux02I would expect, that the order and the kind of the nim nodes would not change from the first and the second version
23:24:28*gokr quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
23:25:18krux02I would expect that the version with the bracket experssions would be the same as the one without the bracket expressions, just with bracket expressions instead of the identifiers
23:25:21Araq_what the fuck, that AST is completely wrong :-)
23:25:28Araq_I agree with you.
23:26:01krux02should I create an issue on github?
23:26:48Araq_but it's because your asterisks are Unicode shit ;-)
23:26:54Araq_use Ascii ones
23:27:39Araq_unicode asterisks are parses as ordinary identifiers, not operators
23:27:47Araq_which completely explains the difference.
23:28:42krux02maybe then you should add a message in the compiler when something is not ascii
23:29:00krux02I think it came from copy paste
23:29:02Araq_the spec says it's valid Nim code.
23:29:52cheatfateinteresting, why everybody playing with macroses :)
23:30:18Araq_I could add warnings, but dealing with unicode is always so messy. and you need to constantly update all these lookup tables. yay, a moving "standard".
23:30:46cheatfatedom96, common, please review my PR i want to add more to dispute :)
23:31:11krux02cheatfate: I think the reason is, because macros are the strong features of nim
23:31:46krux02if you don't use macros, why not use a programming language that is a bit more stable
23:31:56krux02like D
23:32:10cheatfatejust because i love C
23:32:27cheatfateand assembler
23:33:13cheatfatei think macroses just give some comfort even not for yourself but for somebody who will use them :)
23:33:59krux02Araq_: thanks a lot, I would never thought that there was non-Ascii
23:34:42krux02I now feel the urge to put a greek question mark into someone's c++ sourcecode
23:34:57Araq_try trigraphs instead.
23:35:06Araq_use !!? in a string literal.
23:35:40Araq_speaking of which ... does Nim produce that sequence in its C output?
23:35:46Araq_that would be wrong ... :-)
23:41:34krux02the unicode definitively confused emacs about where identifiers were
23:42:43krux02that expression uses l as identifiers, and nim warn about them, but with each unicode asterisk, the warnings were off by one more column
23:43:37krux02I did not create any code based on the asterisk values, it was all just compile time, and therefore not in the generated C code
23:52:10Araq_the columns are byte-based :P
23:52:42Araq_which is wrong, but not hard to fix, except perhaps some editors actually prefer bytebased columns