<< 21-06-2017 >>

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00:13:56subsetparkdom96: how does one set up jester so that requests are handled by workers, so that a crash kills the handler (and returns a 500) rather than killing the whole application?
00:14:41dom96subsetpark: The OS should handle that, in particular software like systemd
00:14:57dom96You should set it up to automatically restart when it crashes
00:15:06dom96and ideally use nginx as a reverse proxy
00:15:49subsetparkLike a socket/service setup?
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00:16:15subsetparkHm aye
00:17:43dom96subsetpark: here is the .service file for nimforum https://gist.github.com/dom96/890034ca53625121e0a8b28e07288932
00:17:50dom96and the nginx config is pretty simple
00:17:55subsetparkOh awesome
00:18:05dom96search for "reverse proxy nginx config" and i'm sure you'll find it
00:18:16subsetparkYeah I've set those before - thanks!
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08:11:10couven92Araq, regarding the Android support: How do I generate the csources? Should I use koch or should I use niminst... Or actually: Can I specify custom cmd args to niminst when running koch?
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08:38:51Araqcouven92: just patch compiler/installer.ini
08:39:15Araqthe build process does the rest, aka 'koch csources -d:release'
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10:48:01user0_Is the book "Nim in Action" still upto date?
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10:56:18koppehMhh.. I'm developing an OpenGL application on windows.
10:57:03koppehI don't have Visual Studio, but installed the build tools and compilers and.. should have installed the headers from the Windows SDK too, but they're apparently not found.
10:57:42koppehI'm on Windows 7 by the way. Did anyone struggle with the same, or knows what might be missing in my case?
10:59:43ftsfwhat does it say is missing?
11:00:40koppehGL/glu.h, windows.h: No such file or directoy, and cannot open input file opengl32.lib
11:01:26ftsfwhich "build tools" did you install?
11:02:18koppehhttps://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=3138 and also this, though only selected the headers and libraries bit I think.
11:03:13ftsfhmm do you need to use VC++? if not i'd recommend just using mingw
11:03:36ftsf(i don't know much about vc++ but it sounds like it doesn't include the windows SDK, just the compiler)
11:03:57ftsfyou can use choosenim to set it all up for you on windows
11:04:19koppehI had an old installation of mingw before I removed it.
11:04:43koppehMy partner is using msvc, so.. well if it works it would be nice.
11:08:50*jsgrant- quit (Quit: Peace Peeps. o/ If you need me asap, message me at msg[(at)]jsgrant.io & I'll try to get back to you within 24-36 hours.)
11:11:50couven92Araq, running koch csoures fails: https://pastebin.com/0R2zg4c4
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11:15:49koppehWill choosenim conflict with an existing Nim installation?
11:23:14Araqkoppeh: if you lack windows.h your installation is incomplete, please search for the problem the internet should be full of solutions
11:23:50*jsgrant- quit (Quit: Peace Peeps. o/ If you need me asap, message me at msg[(at)]jsgrant.io & I'll try to get back to you within 24-36 hours.)
11:24:25Araqcouven92: koch csources -d:release
11:24:31koppehUgh. Yay, OS development on Windows is so fun!
11:24:32couven92same error
11:24:42koppeh(OS = open source)
11:24:57Araqcouven92: koch boot -d:release && koch csources -d:release
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11:27:05couven92Araq, huh, that worked... Do we know why? :O
11:27:50koppehNow I get "could not load: libeay32.dll" when I run nimble..?
11:28:22ArrrrI think i got the same, but i downloaded some dlls from the nim zip
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11:28:44ArrrrTake them from the webpage
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11:36:14dom96koppeh: nope
11:36:29couven92How does Nim decide what symbols are defined when running --os? Now, with --os:android I also have to define both linux and posix or else I get `lib/system/dyncalls.nim(161, 10) Error: no implementation for dyncalls`
11:36:53couven92any ideas on how to tell Nim that --os:android implies --os:linux?
11:37:15dom96user0_: yes, Nim in Action is still up to date.
11:37:28dom96koppeh: Are you using choosenim and getting that Nimble error?
11:38:37ftsfcouven92, hmm i don't think there's a os:android, use linux but you should -d:android
11:39:09couven92ftsf, I am currently implementing --os:android, ref. PR5772 (https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/5772)
11:39:34ftsfoh ok
11:39:36ftsfthat sounds good
11:39:56ftsfcouven92, i would then say that os:android should not imply os:linux
11:40:11ftsfbut it means a bunch of stuff will need to be changed to not check for linux
11:40:50couven92ftsf, well, that's all been taken care of, and yes running --os:linux -d:android actully solves (almost) all problems now
11:41:49couven92but we came to the conclusion that we should introduce --os:android... But I don't see how I get nim to define everything is defines when running --os:linux...
11:42:33koppehdom96: Yes.
11:43:03dom96koppeh: https://github.com/dom96/choosenim/issues/19
11:43:57dom96TL;DR: choosenim should have downloaded the DLLs
11:44:23dom96If it hasn't for you then I'd appreciate you investigating a bit as I can't reproduce it.
11:44:49dom96(Or you can just download the DLLs yourself and place them in ~/.nimble/bin http://nim-lang.org/download/dlls.zip)
11:44:58koppehI wouldn't mind helping a bit.
11:46:38Araqcouven92: probably the arbitrary stack limit is just too low for the Nim compiler sometimes
11:47:02Araqdom96: maybe it did download the DLLs but it didn't modify the PATH?
11:47:14dom96It doesn't modify the PATH
11:47:22dom96I trust my users to do that :P
11:47:30FromGitter<TiberiumN> Also, about compiler: ⏎ @koppeh I installed whole Visual Studio to use the compiler
11:47:46FromGitter<TiberiumN> a *bit* overhead
11:48:14Araqcouven92: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/compiler/condsyms.nim#L40
11:48:28couven92Araq, AH! :)
11:48:37Araqadd an 'of "linux" ' there so that android implies linux
11:48:50*jsgrant- quit (Quit: Peace Peeps. o/ If you need me asap, message me at msg[(at)]jsgrant.io & I'll try to get back to you within 24-36 hours.)
11:49:05Araqnot sure if that's wise but it seems better than patching the stdlib everywhere
11:49:15Araq'when defined(linux) or defined(android)'
11:49:37couven92yeah... and we already have the patches where that was necessary
11:49:41koppeh@TiberiumN I'm not going to install a whole IDE just to use the compiler. I have been burned by everything VS related so far. Terrible experience.
11:49:44Araqeither way we do it it's wrong.
11:50:03FromGitter<TiberiumN> @koppeh, ok, because only this worked good for me :)
11:50:05euantordom96: Sorry, I missed your tag on GitHub regaridng choosenim. I just tested that function
11:50:10FromGitter<TiberiumN> because VS installs all the headers/libraries/etc..
11:50:11couven92Araq, like here: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/5772/commits/d19c82f3e6a4eff24d135a9b8506d0c988a5f566
11:50:21FromGitter<TiberiumN> and you'll not use VS anyway
11:50:23Araqkoppeh: then use the mingw we ship with Nim, run 'finish.exe' to download and install it
11:50:24FromGitter<TiberiumN> only compiler from it
11:50:27FromGitter<TiberiumN> via command-line
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11:51:20koppehAraq: dom96 suggested choosenim, it's currently missing some libraries it's supposed to install.
11:51:43FromGitter<TiberiumN> you can download them manually
11:52:07FromGitter<TiberiumN> https://nim-lang.org/download/dlls.zip
11:53:19koppehI will probably, after I can hopefully help debug this..?
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11:54:09koppehBut I have something more important to do for now - didn't even eat today. So, after that!
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11:56:41dom96euantor: thanks, replied.
11:56:50dom96I wonder if the self extracting exe could be screwing it up somehow.
11:57:03dom96Maybe you could see if the zip works?
11:58:58*PMunch joined #nim
11:59:29euantorI'm trying the self extracting zip now, just cleaning out the existing install
11:59:43dom96thanks :)
12:00:15dom96oh but wait
12:00:20dom96You said it returns `false`
12:00:24dom96it should return `true`
12:00:39euantorYep, it returns false
12:00:51euantorI updated my response with some output showing the paths it finds
12:01:29dom96ahh, well, that solves the mystery
12:01:29euantorI've got Ruby installed on this system which also includes the DLLs (and they're in my PATH through that), but choosenim fails to run
12:01:43euantorYeah, one step forward :)
12:02:56dom96See my reply
12:03:09dom96Well, this sucks.
12:03:48dom96Not sure what choosenim should do in this case.
12:03:53euantorYep, just trying to determine if they are x64
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12:06:01euantorThey both are, that would explain it.
12:06:11dom96Fun :)
12:06:22dom96So many edge cases
12:06:42euantorNOt sure what the best approach is in that case. I would install the 64 bit version, if there was one ;)
12:11:48dom96I think the best approach in this case would be to show an error (or maybe just a warning)
12:11:59dom96I wonder if I can programmatically detect whether a DLL is x64
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12:17:00euantorYou can by reading the header
12:17:02couven92Araq, that seemed to work: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/5772/commits/004c532bb970386a7cbef8903ab1771692fa7791 :)
12:17:36euantorTHe way I determined if they were 64 bit was with `dumpbin /headers`
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12:26:30PMunchAnd osAtari?
12:28:50*jsgrant- quit (Quit: Peace Peeps. o/ If you need me asap, message me at msg[(at)]jsgrant.io & I'll try to get back to you within 24-36 hours.)
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13:15:07koppehdom96: Could it be that I didn't remove my nim installation yet?
13:15:32koppehSo it found the DLLs, didn't install them, and when I installed using choosenim and removed the old nim installation, they were missing?
13:16:52koppehIt's now saying "Downloading DLLs", I don't think it did that before.
13:17:01koppehnimble now runs.
13:17:14koppehSo that was the issue, dom96.
13:18:55koppehStill appear to be missing the windows headers.
13:22:14*Arrrr quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
13:33:00AraqPMunch: Nim runs on palmOS and ataris
13:33:17Araqbecause platform.nim says so :P
13:33:48ftsfmaybe i should port my games to atari...
13:39:03FromGitter<ephja> ofc
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13:52:56dom96koppeh: makes sense.
13:53:31dom96koppeh: I could get choosenim to check for the existence of these DLLs every time nimble is executed, although that might be a bit of an overkill.
13:53:56dom96Perhaps a `health` choosenim command could be introduced to verify these things.
13:54:12dom96koppeh: what's the windows header issue?
13:54:28dom96choosenim will also reuse any C compiler that you have installed
13:54:42koppehOh, does it?
13:55:00koppehWell it's using gcc.
13:55:19koppehBut yeah it shows "fatal error: GL/glu.h: No such file or directoy"
13:55:43ftsfdoes that file exist anywhere on your system?
13:56:02ftsfis GLU even shipped any more?
13:56:54couven92what does %= mean in nim.cfg?
13:57:20koppehftsf: No idea..
13:57:54subsetparkcouven92: x = x % y ?
13:58:46*onionhammer quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
14:00:00Araq^ yup
14:01:02ftsfcheck under windows SDK includes?
14:06:17koppehThe windows SDK folder under program files doesn't have headers and such.
14:08:12couven92koppeh, Windows Kits!
14:14:45*Vi- joined #nim
14:16:33couven92koppeh, C:\Program Files\Windows Kits (or Program Files (x86))
14:16:46couven92that's where the Windows SDK is stored
14:16:57couven92(by default anyway)
14:25:09koppehWindows development is the worst.
14:26:56koppehThe SDK said it included the windows headers and libraries.
14:27:19koppehI do *not* have Windows Kits, so .. let's look for that next.
14:28:15koppehI do have a folder called Windows SDKs. (On Win7 btw.)
14:28:30koppehOn, it's in there.
14:28:37koppehBut empty.
14:29:22Vi-C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A\Include <- That's where my headers are
14:30:01koppehThere are some but they're missing windows.h, GL related.
14:30:13couven92With VS2017 my headers are here: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Include"
14:31:07couven92koppeh, is the include folder empty or are there subfolders (like um and shared)?
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14:32:12koppehno um or shared folders.
14:32:23koppehThe others didn't have the relevant files either.
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14:50:11PMunchAraq, yeah I figured. I was just surprised that it did, or rather that someone had taken the time to make them do it :P
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14:54:51AraqPMunch: oh no, sorry, I wasn't serious. I copied a list of all OSes at some point to Nim as a starting point
14:55:33PMunchAah :P
14:55:38PMunchThat does make more sense
14:56:20PMunchI bet you could get Nim to run on PalmOS, but I can't see who would try to
14:56:38couven92Araq, btw, your suggestion worked very nicely: Nim now fully believes in can run on Android and ARM on my Phone! :D (Currently running testament)
14:57:01Araqcouven92: great but the build.sh problem remains I think
14:57:26couven92Araq, yeah... But I fixed it for Termux where uname actually says Android
14:57:50AraqPMunch: that said, it was ported to Haiku and vxWorks or whatever it's called
14:58:12Araqso ... it's really very portable
15:00:29Araqcouven92: what IS termux?
15:00:47PMunchTerminal emulator for Android
15:00:55PMunchThink it's the most popular one
15:01:12PMunchBut yeah, Nim is really portable which is great :)
15:01:30couven92Araq, what PMunch says, it's an app for Android that provides e.g. apt and through that access to gcc, ssh, git, etc.
15:01:49PMunchOh yeah, it wraps all of those in there as well
15:01:55FromGitter<ephja> chronic fatigue 
15:02:10couven92I haven't really figured out yet how to build Nim without that (nice we need gcc!)
15:02:23Araqcan we assume it's installed then?
15:02:30couven92no we cannot
15:02:44Araqbummer what else can people use?
15:03:12couven92the ADB tool that comes with the Android SDK...
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15:04:12couven92since the adb tool has a way to open a shell over a USB connected phone... And then you can somehow cross-compile gcc for Android and ARM and then push it to your via USB
15:05:30PMunchI think it can be fairly assumed for people who want to use something sensible..
15:05:43PMunchThe adb way is probably massively painful
15:09:29PMunchMost people with adb access would cross compile
15:09:59PMunchBut you could of course grab this: https://code.google.com/archive/p/native-android-development/downloads
15:11:08PMunchThat seems to include a precompiled GCC 4.4.0 for Android
15:11:56couven92Oh... I didn't find that earlier... Thanks PMunch, I will try that as well after I'm done with Termux
15:12:24PMunchIt's pretty old (I'm running 7.1.1) but it should work
15:13:25couven92PMunch, here's `gcc --version` on the APT GCC from Termux: `clang version 4.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_400/final)`
15:13:41PMunchOh okay, so it would actually be newer :P
15:13:55couven92ah, wait that's clang actually... Hmm... Is 4.0.0 recent CLANG?
15:14:40PMunchI've got 4.0.0 and I'm on a rolling release distro
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15:18:31PMunchApparently GCC for the NDK has been deprecated
15:19:48couven92PMunch, does it say why?
15:20:00couven92Do we have clang for NDK?
15:22:22Vi-Have to say, after using Nim for three days I already fell in love with it. Might as well become my new fav... I come from a scala & python background and did some C/C++ as well. Kudos to the developers, I love its non-restrictive nature and liberating syntax. Oh, and macros are cool ^^
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15:23:23FromGitter<ephja> it's even better than COBOL
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15:38:35couven92dom96, do you have an idea why nimble does not find the nimble-file? https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/5772#issuecomment-310118557
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15:40:10FromGitter<dom96> Permission problem?
15:41:26couven92@dom96, hmm... but nimble would be run as u0_a147, so it should work, shouldn't it?
15:42:17couven92since `whoami` reports `u0_a147` and that's where I run nimble from
15:47:12dom96Bah. On train wi-fi sure is slow.
15:49:14dom96couven92: No permissions to list the contents of the directory?
15:49:19dom96Here is the code: https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/blob/master/src/nimblepkg/packageinfo.nim#L256
15:50:07rkjxI haven't had time to learn Nim yet :-( But plan to. Getting set up on Devuan (Refracta) is a challenge since I'm relative n00b on Linux & don't know nothin'. Math logic hobbyist! Will work it out.
15:52:49PMunchIsn't it just a "sudo apt-get install nim" rkjx?
15:53:00dom96Vi-: Glad you love it :D
15:54:22dom96rkjx: curl https://nim-lang.org/choosenim/init.sh -sSf | sh
15:56:11Araqdom96: that's a security risk :P
15:56:47dom96Yep. But you can easily review the bash file.
15:58:06rkjxBut I have a message! There is a new language called "Red" that is surprisingly similar to Nim in some ways. IIRC, it has no functional stuff, and no OOP. Its big conceit is that it can do everything high-level like Pascal + everything low-level like Cee, both in one unified language.
16:01:25couven92Hmm... according to testament boehm GC does not seem to work very well on Android...
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16:04:19dom96rkjx: Interesting. That's a big conceit that would apply to Nim as well.
16:04:33Araqrkjx: it also has no sane type system and depends on a virtual machine iirc
16:04:39rkjxI dimly recall that Nim may have a similar capability. However, with Red, everything gets directly compiled to Linux, Windows, etc. And it's free as in freedom. It seems to be at the "1.0" stage. Just thought it might be interesting to look into. I might be tempted to go with them but Nim has a ton of great looking new features.
16:10:33dom96I'd say that it being free as in freedom is a bit of a negative. There is a reason Nim was relicensed under MIT.
16:11:34rkjxAraq: no hacker-friendly virtual machines for me! They gave me the impression it compiled all the way down, so maybe they changed it. But must have a sane type system! Nim looks to be loaded with great new stuff anyway. H should a n00b install? Last time I got Aphoria & nothing else I could find. I'm so dumb!
16:12:04dom96rkjx: Just execute the command I sent you above to install
16:12:21rkjxMIT is fine for me.
16:15:12AraqI like their examples, we should steal them somehow
16:16:10dom96Okay, make an issue in the website repo :)
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16:45:22FromGitter<ephja> hasn't anyone reported issues with return type matching for concepts?
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16:55:49FromGitter<ephja> I was doing "foo(x): bool" rather than "foo(x) is bool". should it work?
16:56:21Araqephja: concepts just got a prepass
16:56:32Araqnot sure if they can catch that yet though
16:56:50Araqfoo(x): bool should not work, no.
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16:58:32FromGitter<ephja> maybe not. I updated yesterday
17:00:21FromGitter<ephja> I think my userland iterators and foreach macro works now
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17:01:20FromGitter<ephja> is anyone using coroutines yet btw?
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17:04:52couven92Hmm... the AppVeyor tests fail for my PR... but the only error message I can find is AppVeyor stating that it terminated the test run after an hour
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17:05:45FromGitter<ephja> "macro foreach(itemName: untyped, container: Container, loopBody: untyped): typed" this results in an undefined reference for the first argument if the second one does not match for example
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17:11:33koppehAaaaa! So installing the Windows SDK fails because vcredist setup fails with code 5100 (already installed), even though I unchecked that being installed?!
17:12:28koppehI just want the fricking headers! .... time to uninstall the other, newer ones, I guess..?
17:14:02ftsftime to file a bug report with windows sdk =)
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17:23:23couven92koppeh, what's wrong with installing the VC+ Runtime? You'll need that anyways
17:23:46koppehI already have it, deselecting will cause the installation to fail anyway.
17:24:19koppehI suppose I haven't tried the opposite but I doubt that'd do, so I just removed them to I can install them again.
17:24:28couven92koppeh, you're sure? There are many versions of it you know... each able to install side-by-side with the other
17:25:39couven92so for the current Windows SDK I'd imagine you need msvcrt140
17:26:08koppehIt said 2010 somewhere in the log files so I removed those.
17:26:20koppehAnd it just completed successfully.
17:28:13koppehAaaand.. nothing.
17:28:20couven92koppeh, illutrating how many MSVCRTs there are: https://imagebin.ca/v/3QlIftZiu5Ya :P
17:28:53couven92Hmm... it looks like I skipped the 2015 MSVCRT... that's strange :O
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17:30:52koppehI don't even need that.
17:31:05koppehI just need the fricking windows headers (like glu.h).
17:31:20koppehBut it seems like it didn't install them or.. if it did, no idea where.
17:32:05koppehOr maybe it's getting all screwed up because it complains about something .NET pre-installation :/
17:32:14couven92koppeh, one of mine (yeah, I got multiple ones of those, too) is here: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.15063.0\um\gl\GLU.h"
17:33:23koppeh... I might just install the win8/10 SDKs..?
17:33:43couven92ah! You're trying to install the Win7 SDK?
17:34:24couven92(Sry, I just came home, I haven't been following your WinSDK troubles)
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17:38:01couven92koppeh, since I'm just twiddling my thumbs right now, waiting for testament to finish, I'll try to reproduce your problem at my end... I'm currently downloading the Windows 7 SDK ISO (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8442)
17:38:33koppehI appreciate it.
17:38:53koppehI have a pre-release of .NET on my system though which it's warning me about before the installer starts.
17:39:00koppehNot sure if that's messing with things.
17:39:20couven92pre-release as in the .NET Core Preview?
17:39:25koppehConsidering it breaks if I already have msvc redist installed..
17:39:32*koppeh shrugs.
17:39:43koppehI have messed with that yes.
17:39:59koppehThe .NET related options are disabled but the rest is supposed to still work.
17:40:25couven92patience... Downloading... 53% :P
17:40:35FromGitter<TiberiumN> hmm, is there a way in Nim to create a simple http bruteforce? So I need to send some JSON post to one URL with different data in json body, and I want to do this multi-threaded. ⏎ Or can I create a fast bruteforce using async?
17:41:25couven92@TiberiumN, hmm... do we want to know what you are doing there? :P
17:41:42couven92I hope it's not my server you're trying to bring down?
17:41:48FromGitter<TiberiumN> noooo
17:41:51koppehcouven92: Why the ISO, out of curiosity?
17:42:12couven92koppeh, to exclude any chance of this being a network issue
17:42:12FromGitter<TiberiumN> I already have a program like that in C# (I've used a template project from internet and just added a couple of my own code)
17:42:31koppehcouven92: I see. Thanks for taking the time.
17:45:28couven92koppeh, first of all I also get the warning about pre-release .NET. I imagine this is simply because the Win7 SDK is dated 2010, and all Windows OSes have received .NET 4.6 (which didn't yet exist back then) as part of Windows Update (e.g. Win7 received that with SP1 iirc)
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17:48:34couven92koppeh, and yes, my install also fails (pretty much immediately)
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17:49:55koppehAt least I'm not the only one.
17:51:42couven92and from what I can see, it looks like it mostly is because it's so outdated... Is there a specific reason why you need the Windows 7 SDK?
17:52:14FromGitter<TiberiumN> dom96: do I need to create separate asyncHttpClients for each procedure?
17:52:29FromGitter<TiberiumN> If I would have a lot of them run in one async program
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17:57:26couven92koppeh, because even if you're on Windows 7 SP1, as far as I understand, you should use the newest SDK anyways: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/downloads/windows-10-sdk Read the Supported OS section (especially the note) under System Requirements
17:58:00koppehOut of curiosity, since I didn't find that information - where did you?
17:58:44couven92and some experience from working with the Windows SDK
18:01:01couven92basically, since Windows Vista, the SDKs are incremental and fully backwards compatible... In most cases, you're fine with just using the SDK as it is... But if you really want to lock your app for a specific Windows Version, there's a Windows Version preprocessor that you can define, which will then disable everything in the SDK that was not supported for that version
18:02:33couven92e.g. if I defined the preprocessor to Windows 7, the USER_INFO_24 structure would no longer be defined, as it contains user information for Microsoft Accounts linked to your local account, sth. which only is supported in Windows 8 or later was released
18:02:39koppehI see. Thank you a lot.
18:02:52koppehI still think the old SDK installer is broken though ^^
18:04:16couven92koppeh, no it's just strict... It fails because some components installed in your computer have unrecognised version numbers... And that is to be expected, as software from 2010 won't know what versions exist in 2017!
18:04:38couven92but yeah, I realize that it is annoying! :)
18:06:10couven92I use beta from Microsoft a lot, and every once in a while I get update or uninstall errors, because oftentimes beta version aren't listed in the RTM installers, so they get really confused :P
18:09:52couven92Araq, concerning the testament-tests that fail on Android... once it completes, I can get testament to create an HTML from that, right? And that'll be the future Fixes-for-Android Roadmap?
18:10:30Araqhmm yeah though the HTML output hasn't been used in a while
18:11:23couven92Araq, okay... so I should take the log from the testament stdout, do some fancy regexp-ing and produce my own HTML? :P
18:12:43couven92well testament is still running, so I might just as well look how testament conjures up HTML...
18:14:16Araqhtml might still work, give it a shot
18:15:43couven92srsly, we got tests to check Roman Numeral conversion? :O
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18:19:10Araqmaybe we have too many tests, appveyor also started dying with timeouts, annoying
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18:20:02FromGitter<TiberiumN> what would be the proper way to limit the count of currently running async procedures?
18:21:15couven92Araq, run all tests in parallel? :P
18:21:42FromGitter<TiberiumN> good idea, but I think it would be hard to make them run in parallel
18:22:35couven92well, then AppVeyor might crash, because we spawn too many processes? Isn't each test compiled by nim on its own?
18:23:23couven92Ah, Araq, maybe we could introduce a nim batch command, to be able to compile all test files in one go, and then executing them?
18:23:53Araqcouven92: no way, that would introduce new problems, the compiler isn't isolated
18:26:27couven92BTW, the JSON module is now listed on the official JSON website ( http://json.org/ )... I contacted the site maintainer to ask to include Nim there
18:28:35Araqthanks a lot!
18:29:22couven92np, nim FTW!
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19:06:19Vi-I'm having a little bit of an argument with koppeh about whether or not to use pointers... Since I'm coming from C++ I'm not afraid of them, especially if they point to static memory. The following case: wrapping opengl objects
19:07:33Vi-Think of a shader program. Id just make some object type that holds a handle to an opengl object plus the string for the shader location
19:07:51Vi-and then store that in static memory
19:08:26Vi-the program ends up loading the shader program and putting the correct handle in place
19:09:10Vi-if you want to use a program all youd do is pass references to that one program object around
19:09:39Vi-For me this would look something like that:
19:09:53Vi-const myProgram = addr ProgramDef(resource.shader.frag, resource.shader.vert, ...)
19:10:29Vi-with type Program = ptr ProgramDef
19:11:02Vi-and koppeh would do
19:11:23Vi-const myProgram = newProgram(resource.shader.frag, resource.shader.vert, ...)
19:12:54koppehOr just let.
19:13:15Vi-To me the first one is "better" (I dont actually know if it works like that, but in principle) because you dont need to write that newProgram function
19:13:30Vi-ownership is clear, no gc involved where I dont need it
19:13:45Vi-The actual usage would remain the same
19:19:13couven92Araq, I finally got testament to finish... As I said earlier, Boehm GC does not work on Android, every Boehm test fails, else only a few minor things here and there, that will have to be looked into...
19:19:59koppeh(For the record I've mentioned that addr is probably not supposed to be used that way.)
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19:20:52koppehVi-: Did you see the example usage of a non-ref type and its ref usage here: https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#types-reference-and-pointer-types ?
19:22:52Vi-Well in C++ this would be a reference and not a pointer
19:23:29Vi-const Program& pmyProgram = Program(...) if I'm not mistaken
19:24:15Vi-which you then dont need to dereference
19:25:14koppehOh and...
19:25:22koppeh"To allocate a new traced object, the built-in procedure new has to be used."
19:25:56Vi-Well yea but this one doesnt have to be traced
19:26:04koppehNot quite sure how that applies in ouzr case.
19:27:18AraqVi-: just use let myProgram = Program(...) and let Nim take care of it, C++ idioms are irrelevant
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19:27:22Vi-My stand is basically "Why use the GC if you dont need it" and koppeh "Why not use the GC, it doesnt matter"
19:27:47Araqyou can avoid the GC just fine without messing with pointers in nim
19:27:49Vi-Araq, so this is const Program& pmyProgram = Program(...) ?
19:28:16Araqdepends on what Program is
19:28:29Vi-Just some struct
19:28:31Araqthe compiler is allowed to move it into the let location
19:28:45Araq(but is currently sometimes more stupid that it should be)
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19:29:11koppehIt's holding the opengl handle.
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19:29:26koppehCurrently that's all, might get some more fields in the future, possibly.
19:29:41Vi-a string for the location, thats for sure
19:29:50Vi-stuff Id put in static memory
19:31:58koppehStill an unanswered question:
19:32:10koppehtype Program = ref object or just object?
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19:36:27Araqjust object
19:36:42Araqobjects are not GC'ed btw
19:37:26koppehWhich only works as long as the handle doesn't change, right?
19:38:18koppehBecause changing the handle would not retroactively change it anywhere else.
19:38:28Vi-like you could do this
19:38:45Vi-let myProgram: ref Program = Program(...) ?
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19:38:52koppehVi-: Which by the way we'll probably do because we might want to keep the old working program around before we replace it with the new one..?
19:39:21koppehThen the question is why don't you make the type ref in the first place?
19:39:59Vi-Well, lets continue this a bit
19:40:06Vi-that right there doesnt work anyways
19:40:14koppehI mean, you can do var program = newProgram(...); and then pass it into procs using "var Program"..
19:41:17Vi-The program has to be registed to reload somewhere so that someone can go ahead and change the handle
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19:43:36Vi-and... one could do that at compile time provided that you know where the program is
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