<< 22-06-2017 >>

00:12:00eeproksAnyone using Nim on OpenBSD? Any gotchas to look for?
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05:50:47Araqeeproks: I know it was ported and should work out of the box but is not part of our CI
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07:38:11Araqeeproks: openBSD's GCC version doesn't support the atomics that Nim requires though, update your GCC
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07:40:54tankfeedereeproks, pkg_add and new gcc will be egcc somewhere
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08:53:26euantorI've installed Nim on OpenBSD 6.1, but not really used it much. I basically just installed it and made sure my pledge wrapper worked correctly
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09:56:59Trioxinif only there was a pill that would let me stay awake for days and not feel like complete crap
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10:17:06dom96Then everybody would be using it and we'd be back where we started
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10:53:24PMunchNot if we don't tell anyone
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11:13:32flyxmore likely the users would soon be dead because just not feeling exhausted does not mean your body does not need any rest.
11:15:19PMunch and not feel like complete crap
11:15:30PMunchDead is pretty crap
11:15:41flyxyou don't feel anything when you're dead
11:19:03PMunchHaha, fair point
11:25:36ArrrrThat sounds heretical
11:29:24flyxwell, what doesn't in some belief system
11:45:41FromGitter<TiberiumN> Anyone have an advice for async? I need to run many async procs, but I don't want to run more than 50 at one moment
11:46:22FromGitter<TiberiumN> Currently I'm starting them via asyncCheck
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12:39:09PMunchTiberiumN, a pool?
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12:51:26FromGitter<TiberiumN> @PMunch can you give any examples?
12:51:32PMunchOf a pool?
12:53:58PMunchOr my own, generic pool implementation: http://ix.io/xVE
12:56:33FromGitter<TiberiumN> Hmm, how can I use it with async?
12:59:10PMunchSince you're using asyncCheck I assume you don't care about the return value of the invocations?
13:01:00FromGitter<TiberiumN> Yes
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13:02:51PMunchIn that case you could probably just use a guarded couter
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13:05:45PMunchThe most efficient way would probably be to create a guarded queue with the work you want done. Then create 50 worker threads, each reading a work item from the queue and completing it, repeating until the queue is empty.
13:07:31PMunchBut without specifics about what you are actually doing it's hard to say if there is a better way
13:09:00*Vi- quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
13:09:04FromGitter<TiberiumN> I'm sending many HTTP requests
13:10:01PMunchTo a single IP, to different IPs? What does one "job" consist of?
13:10:15FromGitter<TiberiumN> singe IP, singe URL, different POST bodies
13:10:28FromGitter<TiberiumN> Just send Http post request with some JSON data, and check status code of the response
13:10:34FromGitter<TiberiumN> if it's 200 - echo response body
13:13:08PMunchSo create a structure of your bodies
13:13:27PMunchWell, create one of these: https://nim-lang.org/docs/deques.html
13:13:55PMunchMark it with {.guard: postlock.}
13:14:14PMunchThen write a simple template like the one here: https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#guards-and-the-locks-section-protecting-global-variables
13:14:26PMunchThe atomicRead one
13:14:46PMunchBut with a postBodyQueue.popFirst() for example
13:15:57PMunchThen write your thread proc which basically is a loop of sending statements and queue reads
13:16:03PMunchAnd start 50 of these threads
13:16:26FromGitter<TiberiumN> So I will need to have 50 http clients?
13:17:00PMunchUhm, yes I think so
13:17:13PMunchHaven't really used the HTTP stuff at this level
13:17:51PMunchAnd I'm not sure if you get any benefit from doing it this way compared to just hammering out requests with asyncdispatch..
13:17:55PMunchProbably not though
13:18:11PMunchYou know what
13:18:36FromGitter<TiberiumN> thanks anyway
13:19:11PMunchBut if you want to run 50 concurrent dispatches you could start a single asyncdispatch
13:19:35PMunchThen start 50, each with a callback of "pop an element from the queue and start a new one".
13:19:43PMunchThat way only 50 would be running at a time
13:24:00*Vladar quit (Remote host closed the connection)
13:31:40FromGitter<TiberiumN> Hmm, even with async if I try to use one http client for all requested - it throws an error "invalid headers"
13:31:50FromGitter<TiberiumN> and using ~50 asynchttp clients costs in 170mb ram
13:32:22PMunchNono, you use 1 asynchttp client. Then start 50 request, each with a callback to start a new one.
13:32:46FromGitter<TiberiumN> ah
13:33:44dom96To start 50 concurrent requests you need 50 http clients
13:34:26PMunchIsn't there an async version?
13:34:32dom96there is
13:34:43dom96TiberiumN: Why do you want 50 concurrent requests?
13:34:55PMunchBut it can't run asynchronous requests?
13:35:19FromGitter<TiberiumN> I mean I have a C# program which can send ~150 requests in one second
13:35:22FromGitter<TiberiumN> it's using threads
13:35:26FromGitter<TiberiumN> and some third-party http lib
13:35:36dom96You can't send concurrent requests over a single socket
13:36:03dom96You can't send "GET / HTTP/1.1" and "GET /blah HTTP/1.1" and expect two responses.
13:36:22dom96A single http client is a single socket
13:36:37PMunchAh, I misunderstood what the asynchttp thing did
13:36:47PMunchI thought it opened multiple sockets
13:36:52dom96I dunno, maybe it should do some magic like that.
13:37:55PMunchWould be nifty
13:40:19*PMunch quit (Quit: leaving)
13:42:56couven92dom96, In .NET we have a ServicePointManager which basically is a pool of sockets, and HttpWebRequest is directed to one particular ServicePoint from the Manager
13:44:15couven92We could introduce an HttpClientManager or sth like that... in .NET this architecture leads to the sockets being kept alive, allowing multiple HTTP requests to sent over the same socket
13:44:28couven92(after each other of course)
13:45:09subsetparkSeems like a pretty natural extension of a thread pool
13:45:23couven92it is
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13:58:03euantorIn C# these days you're recommended to use HttpClient: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.net.http.httpclient(v=vs.118).aspx
13:58:23euantorAnd it's advised to create 1 single HTTP client and use it for many (concurrent) requests
13:59:22euantorIt would be cool to have something like that in the stdlib for definite :)
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14:07:14subsetparkdom96: I'm gonna open some feature request issues on Nimble - these are mostly to track for myself, so if you want to assign them directly to me that's cool
14:07:44dom96subsetpark: alright
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14:45:14dom96Can we get RAII? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14612502
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15:11:47Araqdom96: yes, we're slowly following C++'s footsteps
15:12:09Araqit's also highly connected with the ownership system I'm dreaming about
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15:43:55shmupdoes choosenim win only install i386 versions?
15:46:56euantorYes, at the minute: https://github.com/dom96/choosenim/issues/16
15:48:30shmupthanks euantor
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18:01:15rain1could anyone point me to where in the nim compiler code it checks array bounds?
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18:15:24Araqrain1: compiler/ccgexprs.nim and others
18:15:25salewskiproc main(x: string) =
18:15:32salewski GC_ref(x)
18:15:38salewskimain("compiles fine but crashes")
18:15:48salewskiIs that intended?
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18:22:23Araqit is as you say
18:22:34Araqstring literals are not on the heap
18:23:00salewskiOK, thanks.
18:24:18demi-hmmm, part of me says that should be a compiler error/warning, and another part feels like if you cannot track that stuff then you have bigger problems with the code
18:26:45subsetparkAraq: in that case, when would it ever make sense to GC_ref something not on the heap?
18:27:12salewskiYes, I think I can catch that with something like "when compiles(x = x; GC_ref(x))"
18:27:38salewskiThat question was related to my last forum post, bye...
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21:51:21subsetparkSo - I've got some nim code for work that I need reviewed... But it's a little more advanced than my coworkers understand nim. Luckily the repo is public. Anybody wanna do some code review for me??
21:55:18dom96subsetpark: Would love to!
21:55:34subsetparkhttps://github.com/makingspace/syphus-nim/pull/1 :D
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22:15:20subsetparkBTW dom96 do you have access to comment on that pull request? I've never tried to do that before
22:16:47dom96hrm, I think so
22:17:06subsetparkthanks for the look!
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22:19:33dom96sorry, seems like I won't be able to finish the review.
22:19:53dom96One thing that stood out to me is 'TabuQueue*[T] = ref Deque[Tabu[T]]'
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22:20:18dom96Not really something I would ever use
22:20:23dom96But if it works I guess it's fine.
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22:21:01PMunchNothing wrong with that dom96
22:21:23PMunchA convenience typedef
22:22:25subsetparkYeah, interested whyyou wouldn't use it dom96
22:23:22PMunchHow are scores defined?
22:23:41PMunchAny particular range? If so it might be nice to define a subrange of float for it
22:24:20dom96Well, why is a 'ref' needed?
22:25:47dom96I would either pass 'var Deque' to procs
22:26:01dom96or make the object that contains a Deque as a field a 'ref'
22:26:20dom96That way you don't need to litter your code with `[]` to dereference :)
22:27:00PMunchWell, that's fair
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22:27:25PMunchI thought you just didn't like the idea of having a specific type of Deque :P
22:27:40dom96nope, that's fine.
22:27:51dom96and type aliases are awesome too
22:28:06dom96but I put this in the same boat as defining a 'ref int'
22:28:12dom96It's just weird.
22:29:12PMunchWell, complex data types can take up a bit more memory than a simple int.. Haven't looked at the implementation of a deque in Nim though
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