<< 21-08-2016 >>

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07:35:40Calinouinteresting, Nim's C++ back-end has a slight speed edge over C for me
07:36:42Calinouon my benchmark that is
07:45:08Calinouupdated https://gist.github.com/Calinou/5f69cf81c0f42d8ffd5ae64e17890a51
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09:10:46ftsfCalinou, seems quite a significant difference
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09:15:56dom96Calinou: Great to see Nim near the top. Would be nice if you put this in a dedicated repo together with the different implementations of Fib that you're using.
09:16:22ftsfindeed, then others can reproduce the results
09:16:36ftsfcurious what the output differences between c and c++ are
09:16:46dom96No doubt somebody will come along and say "if you change this in the Rust version it will run faster than C"
09:16:58dom96This is a prevalent problem with benchmarks.
09:18:42dom96I had this idea for a website, where people submit their own implementation of a certain benchmark. So that the speed of each language is determined not by how much time is spent optimising it to death, but by how a typical person would implement the algorithm.
09:19:33federico3pity it cannot be run on Alioth. However, running the bench routinely would help
09:19:54dom96Alioth has a FAQ entry that mentions Nim explicitly.
09:20:15dom96So I doubt you will change the admin's mind.
09:21:20Calinoudom96: I'll do that, yeah
09:21:55Calinouwill also benchmark on my ODROID C2 if I get some time
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09:32:47SalewskiSeems that gcc is much faster for this benchmark than all others. May it translate the recursive algorithm to a non recursive one? If so than this is very special.
09:33:48dom96gcc is awesome
09:34:02dom96Most C compilers are great at optimising
09:34:15dom96which is what makes targeting C brilliant
09:37:26SalewskiYes, but for most benchmarks all the fast languages like C, Rust, D, Nim are close, and clang and gcc are close. I think here something is very special for gcc.
09:39:12SalewskiFor example with -O3 gcc unrolls even larger loops, and here it may translate the recursion to non recursion.
09:39:52SalewskiBye, have to work on my editor...
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09:40:17ftsfnim <3 it's so productive
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09:51:07federico3yep ftsf
09:54:44Calinouftsf: yeah, I think Nim has a good productivity-performance ratio
09:55:28Calinouwill also add D when I get around to it
09:55:34Calinouand Haxe
09:55:45Calinouwriting build/run scripts in shell right now :P
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10:11:25Calinourepo is up
10:12:20dom96yay, awesome
10:12:30dom96Thanks for putting it up
10:13:05*ftsf didn't realise Py3 was so much slower than Py2 =o
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10:14:05Calinouyeah, it's a shame, I could reproduce that in another benchmark
10:14:10CalinouPyPy suffers from the same curse
10:14:15Calinou(but it's less problematic, since it's already quite fast)
10:18:46dom96hrm, I guess I should join #rust and ask them if they're fine with me comparing our survey to theirs
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10:34:44cheatfate_Calinou, do you good in shell scripting?
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10:57:38Calinoucheatfate_: not really as you can see ;)
10:58:02Calinouit works here… and should work on your system too provided you're on Linux/macOS and have all language implementations installed and in your PATH
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11:16:28ftsfwhat's everyone's most common nim mistake?
11:17:23ftsfmine is forgetting : after else in expressions. eg foo(if x: 0 else 1)
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15:57:26Calinoudom96: I'm working on the Examples page of the site now :)
15:57:38Calinouthe page that contains a few code samples and some additional explanations besides it
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16:10:15dom96Calinou: great, can't wait to see what you come up with :)
16:17:58Calinoudom96: am I right in saying that with Nim, you don't have to deal with pointers/memory management in most cases?
16:18:32dom96sure, unless you want to
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16:52:53Calinoudom96: home slightly changed: https://lut.im/bVDTdJFD35/ZX9IzUF3AjWdM9wD.png - and examples page: https://lut.im/hLFsybk8r6/pGNoVxIIhec24Ahm.png
16:52:57Calinoumight be renamed to "Features" actually…
16:53:33Calinounote that on the Examples page, I've put every code block to the right (or below, on smartphones)
16:53:48CalinouI know some sites like alternating between left/right for the image/code block but it's probably harder to read this way
16:54:29dom96hrm, that's what I was imagining
16:54:36dom96Like I said, a "Learn More" button
16:54:41dom96beside the "Download" button
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16:54:54dom96and it takes you to a page with alternating panels
16:54:55Calinouyeah, Documentation button can be replaced with Learn More
16:55:18dom96I think the panels should be using a dark background
16:55:58dom96btw I liked the old syntax highlighting better :P
16:56:24Calinouthe old syntax highlighting used purple too much to my taste… I can put it back if you want
16:57:26dom96Don't mind.
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17:01:58Calinoudom96: here's a try with alternating rows: https://lut.im/iTulbNoLZK/3Zt7iUlAwpjWnb76.png
17:02:28Calinouit looks less monotonous this way
17:02:44dom96good, I still think it should be on a dark background though
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17:03:43Calinoudom96: so you want the entire page to be on a dark background? or just the text blocks?
17:04:35dom96hrm, entire page I think
17:04:46dom96not entirely sure what you mean by text blocks
17:05:00dom96you mean everything except the "Ready to discover Nim?"
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17:07:35federico3how can I crosscompile from 64 to a 32 bit arch?
17:07:44Calinoudom96: yes
17:08:04dom96Calinou: perhaps, not sure if that would look good
17:08:12Calinouyeah I have doubts, maybe keep it light for now
17:08:18Calinoualso, light background is better for accessibility I heard
17:08:41dom96okay, but then maybe it would better if the code examples were on a light background too?
17:08:48dom96*look better
17:08:50CalinouI can try that
17:09:27dom96federico3: get a 32bit C compiler and specify --cpu:i386 (or something like that)
17:09:51dom96(you'll need to point the nim compiler's config onto your 32bit C compiler too)
17:10:34federico3I tried cpu:i386 first thing and got an error in nimbase "error: size of array ‘assert_numbits’ is negative"
17:11:04CalinouI think I got the same error as you, federico3 ;)
17:11:12Calinou(when trying to compile for 32-bit Windows from 64-bit Linux)
17:11:15federico3well, or I could use --compile_only --gen_script and compile remotely
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17:13:17dom96that suggests that it's calling the 64bit c compiler
17:14:23Calinouhere's a try with light background for syntax highlighting
17:14:35Calinoulooks good too
17:15:25dom96yeah, I think I prefer that
17:16:48Calinoudom96: ok, I'll commit the work done today :)
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17:29:48CalinouI think the text is not large enough: http://nativescript.org/
17:29:53Calinou(try on 1920x1080)
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17:42:38dom96lol that is a bit big
17:44:10Calinoudom96: how's the social media presence of Nim like? it probably should be mentioned on the website in footer
17:47:38dom96yep, we got FB, Twitter, Reddit
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17:52:52federico3btw dom96 there's a working demo out - http://nimble.directory/search?query=framework
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17:53:15Calinounice domain :P
17:53:21dom96federico3: cool, but please fix that header :)
17:53:32euantorI'm working on that ;)
17:53:38federico3Calinou: I'm using Skeleton from http://getskeleton.com/ for this thing - it's lightweight and does not require JS
17:53:41euantorI'm going to make it look like Calinou's design
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17:53:45Calinoufederico3: yeah, just like PureCSS
17:53:58Calinoueuantor: I use Titillium Web as main font, Inconsolata as fixed-width font
17:54:12euantorOk, thanks
17:54:17dom96yay, that's what I used for https://pokemongostatus.org
17:54:18federico3Calinou: oh are you using PureCSS? I was evaluating it as an alternative to Skeleton
17:54:26Calinouit's a pretty nice framework
17:54:31Calinoua bit more complete than Skeleton, still lightweight
17:54:39euantorI was going to base it off of the nom-lang/website repository
17:55:15federico3skeleton it's not maintained but I loved the minimalist style ;)
17:55:27Calinoueuantor: the code is pushed to nim-lang/website, but CSS is a bit messy (needs to be organized into files more)
17:55:44Calinouit's Sass (SCSS), so you want something like Gulp installed and configured
17:56:14dom96federico3: http://nimble.directory/search?query=jester doesn't show jester
17:57:10federico3ooh right, I'm using the tags and the contents of the description to search on - but not the package name (facepalm)
17:57:13euantorYep, I do a fair bit of front end dev stuff
17:57:40euantorI'll be starting a patch in a couple of minutes
17:57:40dom96oh, didn't realise it wasn't maintained.
17:57:59dom96federico3: hehe
17:58:05federico3dom96: skeleton? Yep, there are few unofficial forks
17:58:19Calinoueuantor: you'll submit a pull request?
17:58:39CalinouPure is slightly active: https://github.com/yahoo/pure/commits/master
17:58:51euantorYes, I will do
17:58:54Calinoubut well, it doesn't need tons of maintaining, I haven't stumbled upon any bugf
17:59:08dom96oh, it's a yahoo thing. Guess it won't be maintained for long *cough* :P
17:59:08euantorI've forked the repository, will be working on it locally and will submit a PR
17:59:19Calinouwhat will you change?
17:59:30euantorJust the HTML and CSS for now
17:59:36euantorJust styling and layout
17:59:38Calinouyeah but what exactly? :P
17:59:50euantorThe header first of all to match the new design
18:00:03dom96Calinou: I think he means he will fork euantor's repo :)
18:00:05Calinouah, right
18:00:10dom96federico3's heh
18:00:12CalinouI thought he wanted to fork nim-lang/website
18:00:18euantorOh, no
18:00:23euantorIt's frederico's
18:00:34euantorI'm going to make it look like you design :)
18:00:47Calinoualso make sure to make use of the media queries - to have a responsive site, that can be read well on small displays
18:00:57Calinou(the current design slightly decreases global font size below 1370px width)
18:01:02Calinouthe one I made, that is
18:01:04euantorAs I said, I do a fair bt of front end stuff
18:01:19CalinouI study web development, so me too :P
18:01:38euantorI'm mostly backend, but I'm the lead developer for the MyBB forum software
18:01:43Calinouah, nice
18:01:48euantorSo I dabble in all sorts from PHP to HTML/CSS
18:02:07Calinoutalking about forums, dom96, have you thought about using forum software like Discourse? from an user point of view, using a custom-made forum might not be the best solution
18:02:12Calinouthere has to be a way to migrate posts though
18:02:22CalinouRust uses Discourse, seems to go well for them at least
18:02:40Calinou"custom" forums tend to have usage quirks in my experience
18:03:02euantorDiscourse works well, but needs quite a big server to run as far as I know
18:03:23*stisa quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
18:03:30Calinouthere's Flarum which is PHP, still in beta
18:03:43dom96Yes, I did. I would prefer to evolve our forum.
18:03:56dom96It proves that we "eat our own dogfood"
18:03:59Calinouthat's also possible
18:04:09Calinouyeah, that's a selling point for the language too :)
18:04:13dom96It's a very good test of the language, the standard library and other libraries
18:04:36dom96It definitely needs a nicer design too
18:04:45dom96and some extra features
18:04:51dom96and bug fixes
18:04:52Calinouyeah, can be remade to look similar to the new site design I'm working on
18:05:02Calinouwith theme chooser, IMO that's important for a forum :P
18:05:08Calinou(for reading lengthy posts)
18:05:08dom96but I bet Discourse would have its disadvantages too :)
18:05:47dom96Personally I don't think I ever changed a Forum's theme
18:06:08dom96If you want to implement that, then feel free.
18:06:18Calinouyeah, possible using a bit of JS
18:06:31Calinouhopefully the new forum should look more moern/more readable than https://www.doomworld.com/vb/ :D
18:06:36*Calinou can't stand tiny text
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18:07:11Calinouthe worst part is that it takes all of the browser window's width, so lines become huge, and not easy to read as well
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18:07:51dom96of course
18:08:05dom96that forum reminds me of the good old 2005-era.
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18:23:33federico3my eyes!
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19:36:21deavmiis the original Nim compiler written in C?
19:36:43deavmiand the bootstrapped one obviously in Nim?
19:38:19dom96deavmi: nope, pascal
19:38:33deavmiOk then :)
19:38:43deavmiI tried out pascal for sometime
19:38:46deavmiFree Pascal
19:38:57deavmiBut got fed up with the documentation
19:39:03deavmiAnd lack of stuff
19:39:08deavmiIdk. very fragmented
19:39:30deavmiThe language is awesome. Not hating on it. Just saying.
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19:41:15libpersonVive le Pascal libre! :P
19:42:39Calinouhi deavmi!
19:42:53deavmiCalinou: Hey there n8
19:42:57*libperson wonders if there's a decent implementation of Pascal that fits a rational (not Richard Stallman's) definition of "free". http://paste.apotheon.net/pastes/copyfree_languages.txt
19:43:19deavmimust say fpc is fun for compiling
19:43:23deavmigreat error.messages
19:43:35deavmiand pascal has a great type system. such fun
19:44:16deavmialso. crt.textcolour(green) is sexy af
19:45:25Calinoudeavmi: have you looked at the site design I'm proposing for Nim website?
19:45:35deavmisend a link?
19:45:42Calinouhttps://lut.im/bVDTdJFD35/ZX9IzUF3AjWdM9wD.png - https://lut.im/ToS4YZxdjw/BqL7YS7ptOSsUDqn.png
19:45:57deavmithats way better
19:46:04Calinouit's a fully functional Jekyll prototype currently
19:46:06deavmiA programmijg language site should be clear
19:46:50deavmiI vote for this
19:46:59deavmiSo that I can come back to Nim in a years time
19:47:07deavmiand be like wow 1.0 with sexy website XD
19:47:33deavmiCalinou: I like the design. It's perfect.
19:48:40deavmiCalinou: are you on telegram?
19:49:10Calinoudeavmi: yes
19:49:20deavmiadd me if you want
19:57:52*fredrik92 quit (Quit: Shutting down . . .)
19:57:57federico3nice style layout Calinou. May I suggest using a bright background for text? Alternating light-on-dark and dark-on-light is very tiring for the eyesight
19:59:07Calinoufederico3: I can try, but I'm not sure if it'd look better
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20:53:08filwitCalinou: those designs look awesome. Nice work.
20:54:10Calinoufilwit: thanks :)
20:56:44filwitCalinou: a minor suggestion though, it might be a good idea to put some of those examples on the main page above or below the news sections.. then have the Examples page list more complex examples
20:57:01Calinoufilwit: yeah, I'm not sure if they should go above or below news section
20:58:10Calinoucreated an issue to remind myself of it :P
20:58:48Calinoufilwit: perhaps I can put the current Examples below news, but make the news display on home page more compact (only titles and date)
20:58:51Calinoulike http://godotengine.org does
21:00:16filwitIMO it would be as-is with just the examples below the news.. the news is relatively compact the way you have it.. perhaps just show the top 2 so it's only one row?
21:00:36Calinouthat can be done too, with a "More news…" button below
21:00:37filwiteither way, all this looks like a great improvement to current design
21:01:59dom96I disagree, I think we should focus on a small subset of important features on the front page with a "Learn More" button that leads to a more comprehensive page.
21:02:16dom96Other items on the front page should include panels which show things like our BountySource
21:02:23dom96My book (:P)
21:02:46dom96and list of our sponsors
21:02:53dom96*and a
21:02:58Calinoucurrent homepage looks a bit bland in terms of content, most sites have way more content on their home page
21:03:01Calinou(the one I did)
21:03:10dom96(The BountySource promises people who donate enough a place on the front page_
21:03:11Calinouif we merged current Examples page and home page, it'd be less "small"
21:03:34Calinouoh yeah, that can take some space on the home page
21:03:52filwitdom96: usually I like when a programming language at least lists it's strengths an orginized way like on https://www.haskell.org/
21:03:53dom96We can include a few more Nim features on the front page
21:04:11dom96I think what Rust's website includes should be our max limit: https://www.rust-lang.org/en-US/
21:04:30Calinouyeah, I can add 1 or 2 more bullet points
21:04:34Calinouperhaps 3
21:05:17dom96filwit: I'd rather keep the front page simple
21:05:36dom96You will only learn about what Nim is once
21:05:51dom96and people who want to learn about it can easily click the Learn More button
21:06:01dom96announcements such as bountysource are more important
21:06:07dom96and we will likely have more
21:06:09filwitwell either way with that clear "Examples" button disovery shouldn't be a problem
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21:06:22dom96like, for example when we launch another survey
21:06:32filwitbut yeah, those goals make sense
21:06:43dom96or when NimCon 2017 happens (one can dream...)
21:07:11Calinoudom96: I've been thinking about top-banner (such as for Bountysource)… should it be yellow (like Nim's yellow), white/light gray (to be more neutral and not too annoying on the eyes) or green (like the current one?)
21:07:32dom96Calinou: green
21:07:51Calinouguess it stands out the most as green, yeah
21:07:55dom96although I'm not sure whether we should include it
21:08:21dom96What I think would be cool is to have different variations of dark colours on the front page after the "News" panel
21:08:34dom96The first one showcasing our BountySource campaign
21:08:44dom96The next one my book
21:08:48dom96and so on
21:09:03Calinouthat's an alternative, we can have a few dark text boxes with images besides (like Examples, but dark) with Bountysource/book
21:09:07Calinoubelow news
21:09:17dom96Not sure if advertising the bountysource on every page won't add too much noise.
21:09:29dom96we can do both of course
21:09:29Calinouthe banner would be only on home page I guess
21:10:00dom96but if we have the panel then having it on the front page only wouldn't make sense
21:12:23dom96what might be cool is to have something like the "Ready to discover Nim?" panel on random pages with random announcements like "Have you seen our BountySource campaign?"
21:12:44Calinourandom isn't possible on a static site, at least not without JavaScript :P
21:12:58Calinoubut that can land in final site, since it has a dynamic back-end
21:13:08dom96it doesn't necessarily need to change with every reload
21:13:15dom96it can be a "static random"
21:13:27libpersonI vote that Nim Web-site should have HAIL TO THE KING audio on auto-play loop. :D
21:18:13*libperson is brainstorming the KING stack... Kore + Ipfs + Nim + Godot?
21:18:25Calinoudom96: thinking about Download page design too… guess it should be mostly classic
21:18:38CalinouI like https://www.blender.org/download/ for example
21:18:53Calinoueasily highlighted per-OS
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21:22:53Calinoudom96: also, you should see about HTTPS support for nim-lang.org, using Let's Encrypt maybe
21:23:05Calinou(or we can get Gandi to sponsor us and give us a free certificate, which is likely more compatible with older browsers)
21:23:39dom96It's on my todo
21:23:49dom96i'll set up cloudflare
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21:32:14libpersonI recommend avoiding BountySource nagging on pages where a lot of people are new to Nim (like main page, download page, and tutorials), but do include it in every page of the manual, library reference, nimble directory, etc.
21:36:41Calinoulibperson: hmm, I'm not sure. but you're right in some way
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21:36:53Calinouthat said, organizations like Mozilla (https://www.mozilla.org/) don't hesitate to ask for donations on their home page
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21:37:01Calinou(look at the top right; it's discreet but it's there)
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21:40:14libmanCalinou: most people who visit Mozilla.org already know what they do, and many appreciate it. We can't expect people to donate to Nim before they start using it.
21:41:50libmanThe n00b pages of the site (the landing page, download page, tutorials, etc) should be about making them fall in love with Nim enough to try it.
21:42:47dom96libman: A single banner is barely a nag
21:42:56dom96It's not as if we're showing pop-ups
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21:43:04dom96people can easily ignore it
21:43:04libmanWe need more "Nim vs your current favorite language" comparos.
21:44:00dom96sure, that would be nice
21:44:07libmanStill, people have VERY short attention spans these days. They probably just opened 20 new tabs from Reddit or whatever, and one of them is about this new language they don't know much about. Every pixel counts in grabbing their interest.
21:44:24dom96It would be nice to have a link on the "Learn More" page that says "See how your language compares to Nim"
21:44:56dom96libman: yes, and seeing that Nim is funded pretty well will inspire confidence
21:45:57libmanPeople are more likely to click on their favorite language, so right on the front page I would have links: "See how Nim compares with Java, C#, C/C++, Python, Ruby, Node..."
21:46:42dom96that can be one our panels on the front page
21:47:21dom96Once somebody takes the time to write it
21:47:44dom96Basically, I'm thinking that these panels could replace our current site's spinner
21:47:55dom96or slideshow or whatever you wanna call it
21:48:46Calinouhttps://www.ruby-lang.org/ has a section about other languages
21:49:05Calinouhttps://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/ruby-from-other-languages/ - quite detailed and well-made
21:49:48Calinoudom96: yes, especially since carousels/slideshows are not always a good design choice
21:49:58Calinouthey typically require JavaScript, but also aren't proven to increase conversion rates
21:50:06dom96they are also annoying
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21:51:15dom96well, that depends on their implementation
21:51:37dom96but it's usually not easy to predict when they will change to the next slide
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22:45:43gokrThat's Spry taking its very first stumbling steps in UI land. Using libui via Araq's neat little wrapper.
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