<< 22-08-2016 >>

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08:52:05federico3gokr: very nice
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09:22:17CalinouI tried the libui binding, it works fine, both with C compiler and C++
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09:31:57*GustavoLapasta joined #nim
09:33:11GustavoLapastahow would you get the id of the current thread?
09:38:22cheatfate_GustavoLapasta, you mean os specific id?
09:38:40*cheatfate_ is now known as cheatfate
09:39:32GustavoLapastalike threadId in module thread, but for the current running thread
09:40:29GustavoLapastaWell, I wanna spawn a few procs and print the threadId from each proc, just the be clear I'm running different threads
09:46:22cheatfateGustavoLapasta, looks like its impossible... So you can use GetCurrentThreadId (windows) and pthread_self (unix)
09:51:08*Demon_Fox quit (Quit: Leaving)
10:02:19cheatfateAraq, looks like tlsEmulation is usage of os specific functions to allocate space in thread memory, am i right?
10:02:44AraqGustavoLapasta: I remember merging a PR that exposes this feature
10:03:29GustavoLapastaOk Araq I'll search the github repo
10:04:07cheatfateAraq, but why you called it tlsEmulation, what the reason to make everything via TlsAlloc/pthread_setspecific?
10:04:59cheatfatei mean why not tlsEmulate everything by default?
10:05:56*Matthias247 quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
10:07:31Calinouworking on Download page, here's how it looks so far: https://lut.im/B0XTLyfKX6/ceayR3TDFhpPnVl9.png
10:07:49Calinouthere should be a way to distinguish between sections, I thought of using colored tiles like https://www.blender.org/download/
10:08:15Calinoualso, bullet points like "Windows 64-bit" are normally in bold text, but wkhtmltoimage doesn't catch it for some reason
10:09:09euantorCould you possibly do user agent sniffing to point to recommended downloads?
10:09:22Calinoueuantor: yeah, that can be done either on server (with Nim code) or with JavaScript
10:09:28Calinouthis way we can highlight the recommended platform
10:09:30euantorEg: if the user agent is obviously windows, use a prominent button to download the windows version
10:09:41euantorYeah, just makes things super obvious
10:12:08*Learath2 quit (Quit: ZNC - 1.6.0 - http://znc.in)
10:16:36Calinoucommitted what I've done for now
10:24:17ArrrrIs there any work around for this? https://glot.io/snippets/ehqbt2hect
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10:37:10AraqArrrr: move the push/pop to an outer scope
10:37:33Araqor put unused code into a 'when false' section
10:42:40ArrrrThank you. But i have a macro that generates a new proc with a given body and i directly paste some procs, and sometimes i don't need them.
10:42:44ArrrrSo i think ill put them in global
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13:02:27yglukhovAraq, Arrrr: please note that we can apply {.hint[XDeclaredButNotUsed]: off.} to a template declaration, in which case it works as expected. if applied to a proc declaration, nim produces an Error: identifier expected, but found 'hint[XDeclaredButNotUsed]'
13:02:37yglukhovlooks like a bug to me.
13:03:35Mat4hello, simple question:
13:03:48*Arrrr quit (Quit: WeeChat 1.5)
13:03:51Mat4let niagaraBackendDispose =
13:03:51Mat4 proc (state: tupNiagaraBackend): tupNiagaraBackend =
13:03:51Mat4 assert state.fInit != false
13:03:51Mat4 discard munmap (state.pMachineCodeBuffer, state.iMachineCodeBuffer)
13:03:51Mat4 result = (pMachineCodeBuffer: state.pMachineCodeBuffer,
13:03:51Mat4 iMachineCodeBuffer: state.iMachineCodeBuffer,
13:03:51Mat4 fInit: false)
13:04:14Araqwhy not
13:04:33Araqproc niagaraBackendDispose(...): ... = ... instead?
13:04:52Mat4is the tuple is returned as pointer or copied-by-default
13:05:14Araqcopied. a tuple is not a pointer.
13:07:51Mat4I want to explore the implications of 'let' statements, so this form of function defination
13:12:13Mat4.. so no implied pointer conversation is done
13:17:48Araqthe 'let' you use is a function pointer
13:18:18Araqbut this has nothing to do with the proc's return type
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13:20:46*GustavoLapasta quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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13:35:09Mat4how about following notation: 'niagaraBeckendDispose := bufferSize: tiMachineCodeBuffer, .. , ..→ ref tupNiagaraBackend, .. , .. :' ?
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13:47:58AraqI cannot decode it.
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13:57:29Mat4I use a simple APL style symbolic parser for transforming the Nim syntax into symbolic expressions
14:00:36Mat4sorry, I mean expression sequences of course
14:02:03Araqjust use Lisp notation instead please
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14:07:32Mat4(defun niagaraBeckendDispose (bufferSize: tiMachineCodeBuffer ...) ...)
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14:10:57Mat4returned is a implied list reference
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14:37:17flyxis it possible to create a new object ref and directly initialize the object's fields?
14:38:06flyxI have the problem that one of the fields is a `not nil` type and the compiler makes funny things at new(), see https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/4642
14:44:46Araq(ref B)(impl: impl)
15:02:05*BratwurstMitSenf joined #nim
15:09:58PMunchHmm, how can I copy an object in Nim which was passed to me by reference?
15:13:22Araqassignment copies, if it's a ref/ptr use dereferencing aka []
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16:24:40GustavoLapastaIf I declare an sql database connection in the main thread, then use it in a proc launched with "spawn", will the query be executed in the main thread or the new thread?
16:25:09GustavoLapastaDo I need some locking or semaphores or something else to access the global db connection from a spawn proc?
16:31:00GustavoLapastamy concern is that e.g. in Qt I need to open the db connection in the same thread that will do the query
16:32:11PMunchWell, I haven't ever used it in Nim, but typically a connection to a SQL database would be asynchronous
16:32:21PMunchSo you should be fine with connecting from another thread
16:32:41PMunchBut it could be that each thread should have it's own connection
16:34:38*GustavoLapasta quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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16:39:11PMunchAraq, I have a type defined as "ref object" which I want to copy. So if I do a dereference how will I pass it as the same type afterwards?
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17:35:41AraqPMunch: var local: ref T; local[] = other[]; pass_ref(local)
17:36:03Araqnot that it happens often. in my own code it never comes up.
17:36:23Araqforgot the new(local) obviously
17:36:49PMunchWell, I needed it to get a hack of a hack working..
17:37:06*stisa quit (Quit: Hermes - Material IRC Client - https://numixproject.org/)
17:37:37PMunchSo it wouldn't normally appear for me either. At least not for this
17:37:52PMunchBut I feel like it should be easier none the less
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17:54:25Araqrare things don't have to be easy
17:54:57Araqbut it can be simplified to var local = new(T); local[] = other[]
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18:41:09gokrAraq: Managed to compile a ... libui app statically :)
18:41:34Araqhow so? added some generated bytecode to the app?
18:42:19gokrNo, I just mean... I am binding your ui package to Spry - and now I managed to also build statically so that it runs out of the box on a vanilla Ubuntu
18:46:08gokrOtherwise, unless you use dynlibOverride etc - it tries to load libui.so - and people don't have that lib usually :)
18:46:28gokrBut with some dynlibOverride and a bunch of -lblabla - it worked.
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18:47:08libmanlibui deps on gtk3 (on Unix), right?
18:47:39gokrI am about to commit this stuff - its kinda neat.
18:48:27libmanI'm supposed to whine about gnupendencies becoming part of the "official" Nim stack...
18:48:52gokrSo... I bound Araq's ui wrapper of libui into Spry. So that I can make UIs in Spry. Then I wrote this trivial little "IDE" in Spry.
18:49:17gokrEh, I don't think libui nor Araq's wrapper are "official Nim stack"
18:49:39gokrI would argue that Gtk however is more tied into Nim via Aporia.
18:50:27gokrI was contemplating going with Gtk/Aporia as base - or libui. But I really want native on all three platforms, so trying out libui. And so far, while... a bit anemic, it's very easy to use.
18:51:38libmanI don't really have any suggestions for a good Copyfree widget stack. IUP also depends on GTK (or Motif/LessTif, which are LGPL). Godot is really the first copyfree alternative.
18:52:18gokrMotif... that's a flash from the past indeed :)
18:52:59libmanSo is Tk (and it's pretty much tied to Tcl)...
18:53:02Araqisn't this point a bit moot? copyfree on *linux* which itself is GPL?
18:53:51*libman is in the early stages of planning for an all-copyfree BSD distro with much Nim userland.
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18:55:29libmanThere are some other options listed in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_widget_toolkits#Cross-platform but I'm not familiar.
18:56:28libman(Note that, Ultimate++ uses the UNcopyfree early BSD license.)
18:57:02*gokr wondering slightly about these... strong feelings on the subject
18:57:19dom96Calinou: Nice, but we definitely need to simplify the downloads page
18:57:57*endragor joined #nim
18:59:21Calinoudom96: how do we still present instructions for users on a simple page?
18:59:29CalinouBlender's download page has very little info for example
19:00:01Calinouwe can always refer to the documentation, like they do for the source code download
19:00:04dom96Might be a good idea to create different pages for each OS
19:00:26dom96Our situation is a bit strange right now
19:00:32dom96because we only have binaries for Windows
19:00:42dom96But that will change
19:00:47dom96so we may as well separate these now
19:00:54dom96even if Linux and Mac OS X will be similar
19:00:55libmanTabs (the UI concept) are your friends.
19:01:02*yglukhov joined #nim
19:01:35dom96I bet many people expect the downloads to contain instructions
19:01:53dom96and they just want to quickly download the installer/package
19:02:37dom96so maybe we could include a recommended download link for each platform and a "Instructions for Windows" etc.
19:02:42*endragor quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
19:02:58Calinouwe can have binary download page, source download page
19:03:26Calinoukind of like https://inkscape.org/en/download/
19:03:28AraqCalinou: release will hopefully be this week.
19:03:36Araqwill the website be ready for it?
19:03:39dom96A page for each platform makes more sense
19:03:47Calinoudom96: yeah, Inkscape does that
19:03:57Calinouyou land on a download page, it asks you your OS, then you click the OS logo
19:04:05dom96because on the OS X page we can have a Homebrew section
19:05:07dom96for example
19:05:25dom96Araq: I think that's unlikely, unless you don't mind using Jekyll.
19:05:30gokrFor the insatiably interested, the Spry "IDE" in Spry: https://github.com/gokr/spry/blob/master/src/ide.sy
19:05:37Araqwhat's Jekyll?
19:05:44CalinouAraq: the static site generator I use
19:05:50Calinou(probably the most popular one by now)
19:05:56gokrJekyll is the most known static site generator, but there are TOOOONS.
19:06:02dom96gokr: looks lovely
19:06:15Araqwhen I asked the community for a redesign
19:06:17dom96Araq: Kinda like ipsumgenera(TM)
19:06:24AraqI said tooling is not important
19:06:28gokrdom96: Thanks!
19:06:29Araqand I stand by it.
19:06:43dom96good, we can always convert to NimWeb later
19:06:51dom96but yeah, Jekyll is mature
19:07:01dom96and maybe it's time to stop eating our own dogfood
19:07:12dom96or at least some of it
19:07:32gokrdom96: The neat thing is that the "IDE" has two text areas - the top is for Spry code, the bottom is "stdout". Then you hit "Do it" and the spry code gets parsed and evaluated. And ... it can do UI stuff too of course.
19:07:53gokrAnd I am especially happy I managed to get the event handlers working with Spry blocks.
19:08:00gokrlibui is darn easy.
19:08:09gokrAraq: Thanks again for that wrapper.
19:08:40dom96Damn, I need to try libui.
19:08:49dom96(and a 1000 other things)
19:09:17dom96Still don't know if Rust people are okay with me using their survey results in our survey blog post
19:09:32flyxwhy shouldn't they?
19:11:17dom96Better to ask
19:12:33flyxah yes, they indeed have nothing like a license or anything on their blog
19:12:43flyxthen it's better to ask
19:13:45libmanhttp://nanapro.org/en-us/blog/2016/05/an-introduction-to-nana-c-library/ is very interesting (once it gets BSD support)
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19:16:10dom96well, we've got permission
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19:42:09Calinouhttps://lut.im/JsUFYAaaEe/LDDvpQaOtDpMNvv5.png - redesigned download page
19:42:10Calinoudom96: ^
19:42:53cheatfateCalinou, then add OpenBSD, NetBSD, FreeBSD, DragonflyBSD and all other BSD you can find on google
19:43:02Calinoucheatfate: I can make Linux into Linux/BSD
19:43:09Calinouwe can merge both, instructions should be quite similar
19:43:18dom96But yeah, remember about the BSDs
19:43:22*brechtm quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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19:43:44cheatfateCalinou, BSD people will hate us for MacOS has own button and they have one with linux
19:43:53dom96I think you should just add a little link underneath which says "Looking for other OS'? Click here"
19:43:53Calinouhttp://fontawesome.io/icons/ does not seem to have BSD icon, too :p
19:44:15cheatfateMacOS is BSD
19:44:32cheatfateyou need to find bsd demon :)
19:45:25Calinoualready requested
19:45:40CalinouI +1'd it :P
19:46:06dom96Should I pull out the analytics stats?
19:46:23Calinouwhat do you mean?
19:46:44dom96To see how popular BSD is and thus whether it deserves its own button? :P
19:49:50libman`pkg install nim` is all that BSD people should need.
19:50:31dom960.18% of our visitors are running FreeBSD
19:50:41Calinouok, here's a slightly remade page: https://lut.im/4HIAmB6pfD/XCZ0BDNPTh7yeL5i.png
19:50:48dom96that's vs. 23.49% Linux
19:50:56dom96and 18.5% OS X
19:51:37dom96looks awesome, but the text should read "See downloads for other platforms"
19:51:47dom96we won't have an All Downloads page
19:52:30libmanSome of those Linux people are cryptoBSDs, honest. ;)
19:52:32*cheatfate_ joined #nim
19:53:10cheatfate_dom96, you have analytics how many programmers using bsd?
19:54:10*cheatfate quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
19:54:26dom96cheatfate_: I have analytics of how many people using BSD visit nim-lang.org
19:54:55cheatfate_dom96, this is wrong analytics, just because you never target your site and text on your site to attract bsd users...
19:55:13dom96we don't target Linux or Windows either
19:55:43gokrdom96: Are you on Linux?
19:56:31gokrJust did a ... funny thing with this little "IDE" of mine. It modifies itself :)
19:56:41gokrWhile running of course.
19:57:00dom96gokr: why do you ask?
19:57:16gokrJust wanted to show it - I have a 135 kb binary you could download and run.
19:57:28gokrBut... I will just have to make one for OSX too ;)
19:57:56gokrBtw, I did contemplate reusing Aporia codebase for Spry but... I really wanted something fully native.
19:58:00Calinouis it possible to use osxcross to compile Nim for macOS from a Linux box? I forgot, I probably already asked…
19:58:15Calinouit should be possible because osxcross can be used to compile C or C++ code just fine
19:58:21gokrwell, but sounds messy.
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20:01:33dom96gokr: cool, would love to try it.
20:01:50dom96And yeah, I would like to rewrite Aporia natively.
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20:03:40gokrlibui still however lacks a good code editor component. That would need Scintilla or something.
20:04:08gokrdom96: Will get back to you if I get it to build on OSX here...
20:13:47Calinoucommitted new download page
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20:39:07*Ven quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
20:41:24Calinoudom96: also, what about redesigning the default styles of the nim doc tool? to use a new font (the one used on the design I'm doing) and to make it easier to read
20:41:43Calinouwith theme chooser perhaps, too
20:41:52euantorI was working on this: http://nim-docs.euant.webfactional.com
20:42:05euantorJust testing out GitBook to try writing some documentation in it
20:42:06*nairobi quit (Read error: Connection timed out)
20:42:10Calinoueuantor: looks good!
20:42:19euantorBasically the guide on the website, but split into chapters
20:42:30Calinouwould be great if that became the official guide
20:42:41euantorI'd need to finish it first ;)
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20:47:07dom96euantor: Would also love to see it become the official tutorial
20:47:25dom96Calinou: Dunno, I think the current docs are nice.
20:47:27gokrdom96: wget http://krampe.se/ideosx && chmod +x ideosx && ./ideosx
20:47:36euantorAnybody can feel free to contribute if they get a chance
20:47:37gokrTell me if it runs :)
20:47:45Calinoudom96: the current doc tool seems to default to tiny text, I usually zoom at 125% to read it
20:47:51Calinou(a simple pull request can solve that though)
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20:50:55Calinoudom96: what about porting the official guide/tutorial to euantor's gitbook? looks much better than the current one, definitely
20:50:57Calinouand has chapters and all
20:51:36euantorMy idea was to basically replace http://nim-lang.org/docs/tut1.html
20:51:42Calinouyes, exactly
20:51:56euantorBut with a bit more discussion about installing Nim (which is missing in that, oddly)
20:52:11euantorAnd using Nimble being a key focus to push adoption
20:52:15CalinouI think we can keep nimdoc around for technical documentation
20:52:23Calinouand write a new introduction with installation, Nimble, basic usage, with gitbook
20:52:33euantorYep, that was my thoughts too
20:52:44dom96Calinou: sounds good
20:53:07dom96The git book should include topics like Concurrency and Parallelism
20:53:16euantorYeah, and plenty of examples
20:53:21dom96and just be split up into sections more than the current tutorial
20:53:26euantorAnd touch on using the async netorking
20:53:43euantorIt can be split into proper chapters using folders
20:54:05euantorSo I was thinking the first chapter would be basically an intro to the language syntax, using proc, objects, etc.
20:54:16euantorThen move onto using the stdlib
20:54:33euantorAnd touch on FFI
20:55:21Calinougitbook should allow easier contribution, too, I believe
20:55:35euantorYeah, as it's all just markdown or ASCII doc
20:55:45euantorAnd most people know how at least one of those works
20:55:51Calinouis it print/PDF-friendly?
20:56:03Calinouthat's nice too
20:56:06euantorAnd you can generate an EPUB from it
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21:10:05gokrdom96: Did you try it?
21:11:36dom96just did
21:11:40dom96lots of errors
21:11:42dom96ideosx(51180,0x7fff72f46000) malloc: *** mach_vm_map(size=38080032768) failed (error code=4)
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21:23:52gokrdom96: weird error, google gives me... very little
21:27:32dom96there is also *** error: can't allocate region
21:27:33dom96*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
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21:33:02gokrdom96: Are you on latest OSX?
21:33:37dom96i'm on 10.11.5
21:35:48gokrCan you download and try again?
21:35:54gokrI compiled one without -d:release
21:36:07gokrI am on a slightly older OSX
21:51:45*Matthias247 quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
21:53:36GangstaCatwhat is nimweb?
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21:58:48dom96gokr: no change
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22:00:52gokrdom96: Annoying :)
22:02:27*brson quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
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22:08:18dom96indeed. I had similar "fun" with Aporia :)
22:08:20dom96Good night
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22:17:27AraqGangstaCat: the tool we use to build the website. not a general purpose tool.
22:20:47GangstaCatAraq, alright thanks :)
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