<< 22-06-2016 >>

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00:29:47fvshi, howto write object to file: this fails to give correct structure: http://pastebin.com/AzEp7zcE
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00:45:29Araqfvs: use the marshal module
01:00:48Araqdeterministic C code generation has arrived :-)
01:01:16Araqnow minor changes to a module shouldn't trigger a whole lot of C code recompilations anymore
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01:33:05freezerburnVgirvo: Evening/morning!
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01:57:29fvsis it possible to get the length of a tuple?
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02:00:21Araqfvs: via macros.getType
02:01:25fvshow about iterating thru a tuple?
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02:06:59fvsthx Araq
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02:18:29girvoAraq: Would the marshal module work for writing out TAR headers then? They're a 512 byte struct in C, and I've got an object representation of it, but I was using writeBytes on the array[len, char] values by hand lol
02:21:22FreezerburnV_Hey girvo!
02:24:27girvohey FreezerburnV_ :)
02:24:54FreezerburnV_How's it going?
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02:29:06girvoexhausted, huge week at work, but good because my Docker deployment daemon is coming along beautifully
02:29:31FreezerburnV_Oooh, good to hear! Sorry work was so difficult though
02:32:21FreezerburnV_I'm guessing because things were so intense you haven't had a chance to take a look at my email yet?
02:37:20girvoI had a very quick look and let my boss know, but until later this week everything is a bit crazy right now! :)
02:37:29girvoThanks so much for sending it over!
02:38:06girvoQuestion: is there any other examples of the "pegs" module usage aside from the documentation itself?
02:38:47FreezerburnV_girvo: no problem! Looking forward to hearing back when things are less crazy :D
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02:44:11girvoAlso, what language are people finding the easier to port from to nim?
02:45:29FreezerburnV_I would think Python personally, due to the similarity
02:45:34girvoAnd lastly, I update the Rosetta Code entry, First-class functions, for Nim -- I ported the ES6 version basically, but I wonder if there's not a cleaner way of doing this: http://rosettacode.org/wiki/First-class_functions#Nim
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02:54:37FreezerburnV_girvo: You can get better function definitions via "import future". You can do "(X: int) -> int" instead
02:54:58girvoYeah I left that out because I didn't want to rely on it for the example, hehe :)
02:55:10girvoAnd it wasn't _that_ much cleaner (though, a little bit)
02:55:22FreezerburnV_It's part of the standard library so I don't see why not to use it
02:55:31girvoThe main annoying bit is having to wrap the math functions to use them as {.procvar.}
02:55:45girvoWell, "annoying". It's not really that big a deal lol
02:56:54FreezerburnV_I'm not familiar with procvar yet, what's the necessity of it?
02:57:04*lazypenguin quit (Quit: Leaving)
02:57:55FreezerburnV_Can't you just pass a proc to something and it would work? I think I've done that?
02:58:31FreezerburnV_Or at least assigned a defined proc to a callback property and it compiled and ran fine
03:01:18FreezerburnV_But for now I need to get to sleep. Night!
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03:02:24girvoNight :)
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03:44:57zdsIs nim pretty a thing?
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06:36:06cheatfategirvo, and why you are using array[char] for TAR?
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07:09:27akamaushi all. Is the following code supposed to typecheck? http://pastebin.com/EbKnqJqc
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07:12:01akamausit's listed as a negative example in https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/4084 which is marked fixed.
07:12:35akamausbut it is happily accepted by nim-0.14.2
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07:37:32mjanssenakamaus: also accpeted by nim master
07:38:16akamausmjanssen, is it a regression or what?
07:38:30mjanssenlet me check on the devel branch
07:38:49akamausi've already tried, the same behavior
07:39:59mjanssenyeah, devel is master
07:40:19mjanssenI would say re-open the issue
07:42:10akamausmjanssen, can you do it?
07:45:47mjanssenakamaus: no I cant, apparently you can only do this if you are a contributor
07:47:08akamausmjanssen, well, hope someone with sufficient privileges notice our talk then :)
07:49:10akamauspatch which closed this issue apparently broke other things, astar package for example.
07:50:34mjanssenyou could @mention the dev who fixed it on github (Araq)
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07:58:28mjanssenI do know Araq is a regular here so patience should go a long way
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08:47:11Araqakamaus: meh, this looks so hard to fix -.-
08:59:10cheatfateAraq, is it possible to search in macro for function with particular arguments and result?
08:59:30cheatfateor maybe just by name, so i can check arguments by myself
09:00:43Araqsure, pass a 'typed' thing to the macro and then the macro can inspect the symbols (rather than the identifiers)
09:00:58*trusion quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
09:02:16PMunchIs the guy who created this: github.com/zah/nim.vim around?
09:09:27PMunchHmm, when Nimble doesn't find a package in the local package.json it asks if you want to check online. If you don't you get an unhandled exception "Package not found. [NimbleError]"
09:09:45cheatfateAraq, but i'm already in macro... i need to call another macro?
09:09:49PMunchIt looks a bit ugly and IMO should be handled as a print and quit
09:12:39cheatfateI just want to check if object passed to my macro has appropriate method len()
09:13:25cheatfateand if not show error()
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09:16:53Araqcheatfate: use a concept instead
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09:24:35veganskAraq, hi. Is it a bug or feature? I can't call generic proc for inherited object: https://gist.github.com/vegansk/f0f44132426b0de4106e19e1d3aed6d8
09:26:12Araqoldest open bug iirc
09:27:16*xet7_ quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
09:28:08vegansk#88 :-(
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09:29:29*desophos quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
09:32:12Araqseems to be hard to fix, people tried and failed.
09:33:20vegansksadly :-(
09:34:33Araqwhat's up with the typedesc issue?
09:35:53veganskCan't beat it :-(
09:36:24Araqwhat's the problem?
09:37:34veganskAfter creation of tyCompositeTypeclass I changed typeRel so it can compare typeclasses: https://gist.github.com/vegansk/56ea52960d3586bc0c5b65244bb06852#file-test-nim-L12-L13
09:38:20veganskBut after that I get an error "generics.nim(5, 16) Error: cannot instantiate: 'Data'"
09:38:29AraqI don't think you can return isEqual here
09:38:46Araqtried isGeneric?
09:39:15veganskYes. Same error
09:39:46Araqok, well you don't bind anything
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09:40:04Araqresult = isGeneric
09:40:09Araqif result != isNone:
09:40:09Araq put(c.bindings, f, a)
09:40:16Araq^ is then used
09:40:27Araqbinding 'Data', hopefully
09:40:36Araqand then it can be instantiated
09:41:09veganskWow!!! That's it!!! Thanks!
09:41:17Araqit's like saying that the T in proc foo[T](a: T; b: array[T]) matches
09:41:46Araqbut that's not enough. you need to bind it so the compiler can build the array[T] part
09:42:38Araqcheck if it needs to be isGeneric or isEqual please, I'm not sure
09:43:13Araqbindings are isGeneric, a binding match is isEqual iirc
09:44:35*Ven_ quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
09:46:08veganskI restored isEqual and commented this line: https://gist.github.com/vegansk/56ea52960d3586bc0c5b65244bb06852#file-test-nim-L18. Works in both cases
09:48:53Araqno, that's wrong
09:49:07Araqdon't comment out this line, it's important
09:49:36Araquse 'result = isGeneric' instead
09:50:14veganskSo, there is no difference :-) Because of ``if result != isNone: result = isGeneric
09:53:27veganskI can create new PR or I can force the update of the old PR's branch. how is better?
09:55:37Araqold PR
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10:11:48veganskAraq, one more thing, this variant is not working with implicit system.new invoke. Please look: https://gist.github.com/vegansk/56ea52960d3586bc0c5b65244bb06852#file-test-nim-L7-L14
10:13:10Araqdid that work with your original patch?
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10:24:03Araqbummer -.-
10:35:10veganskAraq, moreover, new variant broke one of my libraries that heavily uses generics ;-(
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13:48:48dom96yglukhov: cheatfate: http://www.nerds2nerds.com/?p=519, I'm curious, what is this about? :)
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14:05:47edub4rtzielmicha: is reactor kinda of "finished" or is inactive? I am considering using it, as async core API is not satisfying all my needs
14:07:41cheatfatedom96, hi :) this is Bulgarian, not russian or ukrainian, but i can transfer you first sentence :)
14:08:36dom96edub4rt: What needs is the async core API not satisfying?
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14:10:59cheatfatedom96, Discussion with Zahary Karadjov - one of the main maintainers of Nim language
14:12:20dom96huh, how old is it?
14:12:29dom96I haven't seen zahary in here in a very long time
14:12:50cheatfatedom96, looks like April 2015
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14:14:34AraqI pinged him, not sure if he will join us here
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14:17:30edub4rtdom96: issues with await which I've created bugs, some API does not feel good for my taste, like all sendTo/connect in net.nim only take an address as a string meaning it will parse the string every connection made/packet sent, the lack better UDP support I'm having to work with SockAddr and ifdefs about platform which is too low level
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14:18:57edub4rtdom96: I saw that the common practice in net/async core is to use address as string everywhere, which just feels wrong for me, it should have been an IpAddress struct
14:19:50dom96edub4rt: Fair enough. We can add an overload so that passing IpAddress works.
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14:21:26Araqzahary says
14:21:48Araq„it's a small local podcast, I actually got more exposure when I did a talk a local conference
14:21:48Araqit's online, but also in Bulgarian“
14:22:46Araqand he is too busy to join us.
14:25:20endragordom96: would be nice if asyncnet operations supported timeouts
14:27:37edub4rtendragor, I'll also need this too, but I think I can achieve that using sleepAsync, but I feel skeptic because there are rumors that sleepAsync downgrades performance
14:29:10dom96We need a way to cancel futures too for proper timeouts
14:31:37cheatfateedub4rt, this is not rumors, its a fact!
14:32:19edub4rtdom96: net/async also needs another struct or easier wait to deal with UDP sockets, this is how I currently send udps https://gist.github.com/edubart/5c85087b2a948c1baf3b6fd37575281a
14:33:22edub4rtwith is just now right, I've to use platform's whens
14:34:13dom96I know.
14:34:18edub4rtrecvFrom is not easier either
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14:40:06edub4rtso I was thinking into using some libuv wrapper until this issues are resolved, while I can contribute with some small patchs or create workaround's in my codes, I cannot rework internals, as it would takes down my productivity, even if I did dom96 and core members would be skeptic about accepting it, like cheatfate's async rework
14:40:40edub4rtbut currently I do not know if there is a libuv's wrapper is in better shape, it could be worse
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15:03:49edub4rtdom96: just hit another barrier with await "'yield' cannot be used within 'try' in a non-inlined iterator" seems like issue #2528
15:03:50edub4rttry and await combination is sure with lot of issues
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15:12:49edub4rtI think #2528 should be market as showstopper, it's for who works with combinations of exceptions and async
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16:21:04dom96edub4rt: you don't need ``try`` to handle exceptions with async
16:21:21dom96The reason `try` is so unstable is because it's a hack to work around a limitation in the compiler.
16:21:36dom96My plan is to limit it and offer the alternative
16:21:38dom96which boils down to:
16:21:44dom96var fut = asyncCall()
16:21:49dom96yield fut
16:21:56dom96if fut.failed: handleError(fut.error)
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16:23:35cheatfatedom96, but we already has this technique? people just like exceptions :(
16:24:23cheatfateand for some reason we rereverting this semantics...
16:25:23dom96cheatfate: huh?
16:25:32dom96I'm not sure what you mean
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16:25:53dom96The revert will mean that you cannot use 'await' instead of 'yield' in my above example
16:34:07cheatfateawait is mostly equal to yield
16:36:05cheatfateand why `try` `except` is a hack?
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16:53:16dom96cheatfate: the transformation that the 'async' macro does in order to support is hacky
16:53:20dom96*support it
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17:53:26yglukhovAraq: what do you think of https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/4385 ? Is it needed?
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19:17:50cheatfatei want to talk about warnings in --verbosity:2
19:18:05cheatfatethere some [Uninit] warnings generated for array declarations
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19:18:20cheatfateso just want to ask is there proper way to initialize this arrays?
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19:28:23Araqcheatfate: var foo = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
19:28:35Araqfor long arrays it's wise to do that with a macro
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19:29:21cheatfatebut what i can do if i declare array like `var a: array[100, string]`
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19:37:06Araqcheatfate: what about it? in the future this needs to be var a: array[100, nil string]
19:37:20cheatfateaah ok, thank you
19:41:48Araqdom96: sooo ... given that you'll never be able to review cheatfate's PR :P
19:41:52Araqcan we merge it?
19:43:59cheatfateAraq, but pr can't be merged automatically it needs to be updated again...
19:44:39AraqI'm usually smart enough to do the merge. Or you update it.
19:45:02cheatfateand i think i will remove `bad named` procs from my variant of asyncdispatch and there will be only `addXXXXX` functions
19:45:51cheatfatebut i'm still vote for `upcoming` folder :)
19:46:46cheatfateI think its better to review only ioselectors.nim
19:48:47Araqyes, upcoming folder is good.
19:50:32cheatfateAraq, but i remember you wants to review it too :)
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19:53:09AraqI will, but I'd rather give you write access ;-)
19:54:08cheatfateBut i really want your review
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21:30:32gokrfowl: Hey, you are on HN :)
21:31:21gokr(wasn't me)
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21:42:39PMunchHmm, who of you was it that mentioned L.B. Stanza the other day?
21:44:30def-PMunch: gokr
21:44:48PMunchwuehlmaus, and me are trying it out
21:45:00gokrCool, let us know what you find
21:45:10PMunchSomething strange going on with binary sizes
21:45:17gokrI noticed it mentioned deep in some thread about "interesting languages"
21:45:33PMunchThe 22 byte hello world program compiles "down" to 3.7mb
21:45:41PMunchAnd it takes surprisingly long
21:46:42fredrik92just A little bit overkill
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21:50:52cheatfatePMunch, looks like statically linked
21:50:55*lazypenguin quit (Remote host closed the connection)
21:52:59PMunchYeah, I'd wager that it has some kind of runtime/library
21:53:24PMunchAnd that it either just bundles the runtime with every program or does not eliminate dead code when including the library
21:54:44PMunchAnd a solid four seconds as measured by time to compile
21:57:48PMunchHmm, seems to take about 4 seconds regardless
21:58:56PMunchAnd all programs seem to take about 3.7mb as well
21:59:28PMunchI'm guessing that it might be quite easy for him to improve both aspects, and then it would be a very interesting language :)
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23:13:16sp33der89So I send a private message to one of the mods of the subreddit too but just in case this is quicker; The 3 documentation links are broken in the subredditbar
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23:24:51dom96sp33der89: thanks, will fix
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23:25:46cheatfatedom96, it looks like asyncdispatch eating stack space very fast
23:26:00*Matthias247 quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
23:27:28cheatfatedom96, my code inside {.async.} failed due to stack smash if i make more then 3 iterations
23:27:53cheatfateunder windows
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23:53:25sp33der89np just glad I could help hehe
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