<< 23-02-2019 >>

00:00:35*smitop joined #nim
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00:16:23FromGitter<Varriount> @iffy I'm curious - what are you trying to achieve?
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00:50:04smitophow do i convert a `seq[byte]` to a pointer to a carray?
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01:08:37FromDiscord<demotomohiro> @smitop, var s = @[1]; addr s[0]
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01:18:37FromDiscord<demotomohiro> vccexe is a program to Nim can call cl.exe even if it is not running on Visual Studio Command Prompt.
01:18:37FromDiscord<demotomohiro> But it doesn't support msvc 2017.
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10:09:22krux02dom96, are you there?
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10:24:18bashbjorndumb question of the day: how do I get a seq[int] from a range?
10:24:33bashbjorn`cast[seq[int]](0..10) doesn't seem to work
10:25:23narimiranbashbjorn: import sequtils; toSeq(0..10)
10:27:52bashbjornthanks 🍰
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11:40:13dom96krux02: I am now
11:40:47krux02do wrote most of nimble didn't you?
11:41:01krux02I was hoping you might be able to help me with my problem with nimble
11:41:17dom96I did yes
11:43:30dom96Related to #615?
11:43:56dom96I do need to go in a second, but I will be back later on
11:59:23krux02dom96, des exactly that issue
12:01:25dom96krux02: tried with `--debug` switch?
12:01:38dom96`nimble install fancygl --debug`
12:01:52krux02nono that is not what I mean with debug
12:02:10krux02I mean to run nimble with debug information
12:02:33krux02bin/nim c -o:bin/nimble --noNimblePath --nilseqs:on --debugger:native dist/nimble/src/nimble.nim
12:02:40krux02that is what I mean
12:02:50krux02so that I can run nimble under gdb
12:02:54krux02I just did
12:03:00krux02it crashes in parseVersionRange
12:05:51krux02result.ver = parseVersionRange(req[i .. req.len-1])
12:06:09krux02"nim", ' ' <repeats 18 times>, ">= 0.19.9 "
12:15:38krux02"nim >= 0.19.9 "
12:15:57krux02that <repeats 18 times> is gdb logic
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13:02:47Araqdom96: please review https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/10715
13:05:32dom96krux02: is dist/nimble/ Nimble HEAD?
13:06:55krux02dom96, yes it is
13:12:48dom96I believe the crash happens thanks to the wonderful breaking change that means s[s.len] fails with an exception instead of returning '\0'
13:14:12dom96and in release mode that behaviour remains :/
13:22:13Araqthat was a year ago and something and you could have tested your version parser by now
13:22:53Araqi < s.len should be i+1 < s.len
13:23:37Zevvhehe, that one bit me more then once :)
13:24:03Araqwith Zevv's help we can check array indexing at compile-time
13:24:08Zevvyeah sure
13:24:30Zevvfunny how a double positive can make a negative :)
13:25:08ZevvI'll get back to you as soon as I find out how to prove unbounded loops
13:25:54Araqyou wrapped Z3 for Nim
13:26:54Zevvthat's like saying "you built a bike" and assuming I'm winning the tour the france
13:27:28AraqI can make the compiler output the formulas that Z3 needs to prove for us
13:28:00Zevvwell, drop me an example snippet if you find some time, that'd be interesting
13:28:00Araqbut you need to tell me the output format
13:28:19AraqI can give you:
13:28:26Araqprecondition: i >= 0
13:28:36Araqprecondition: i <= len(a)
13:29:03Araqplease prove: i <= len(a) + 4
13:29:09Zevvone sec
13:30:19dom96Araq: Seems my test suite just didn't catch this
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13:30:51ZevvAraq: that one is easy
13:30:52dom96I don't really want to spend time looking at my old indexing code closely
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13:32:57AraqZevv: take your time, I gotta go anyway.
13:32:59Araqsee you later.
13:33:32ZevvAraq: ok, cool. This one is trivial with Z3, so if you have anything more concrete, let me know
13:33:48Araqhuh? more concrete?
13:33:55AraqI'm asking about the Z3 syntax
13:34:16ZevvIt's just Nim syntax
13:34:20Araqthe only thing that will change in production is that I will give the tool many more preconditions
13:35:10Zevvthis snippet uses uint32 for i and len(a), and I'm assuming I can't know what a is
13:35:42Araqsweet, just 'import z3'
13:36:28ZevvI was trying to implement a {.prove.} pragma the other day, this will just convert the AST from a Nim function into Z3 ast
13:36:46Zevvthe problem is that I do not know how to "generate" the questions I should ask Z3 about the generated statements
13:36:59Araq s.assert i <= len_a + 4
13:36:59Araq s.check_model
13:37:09Araq^ this is a bit bad
13:37:22Araqis this the only way? one assert is unlike the others
13:37:37Araqsince it is the sentence we need to prove
13:37:38ZevvNo its not the only way, it is just a close mapping to the Z3 nomenclature
13:37:51ZevvPythin uses the 'add()' method on a solver instead, which feels nicer
13:38:00Araqnot my point
13:38:06Zevvsorry, again
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13:38:31AraqI prefer something like s.check(i <= len_a + 4)
13:38:52Araqbut it shouldn't matter really.
13:39:18Zevvyeah, so it *is* the naming you mean. Basically, you feed a solver a bunch of 'assertions', and in the end you ask "will this hold"
13:39:38Zevvthe respons being, "Yes, under these constraints:", and a set of values which make all statements true
13:39:43Zevvor "no can do"
13:40:06Araq"under these constraints" should be 'true'
13:40:13ZevvIt is true
13:40:28Zevvbut it also tells you *which values make* it true
13:40:41Araqyeah, don't care about that
13:40:48Araqarray indexing is very simple
13:40:51Zevvthen the answer is simply "yes" or "no"
13:41:02Zevvand you throw away the rest of the info
13:41:28Araqit also supports separation logic, right?
13:42:04ZevvI'd have to look into that, sorry
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14:04:33krux02dom96, and there is already a pull request to fix that bug: https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/pull/613/files
14:04:38krux02last change
14:10:43ZevvAraq: if you find some time, drop me a real snippet together with the things youd like to see proved, syntax does not matter, but would be nice if it was a practical example with "real" types and context
14:10:48*Zevv afk
14:11:28krux02dom96: I also reported that issue 4 months ago: https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/issues/563
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14:30:51dom96Yeah... if only I got a separate PR for each of those issues, most of them would be fixed already :/
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14:45:08krux02if you ask me, you can just merge the pr
14:45:35dom96Sure, I can. But I don't want some of these changes
14:45:41krux02better than keeping it around unmerged
14:46:09krux02Then merge it manually.
14:46:40dom96That's as much, if not more effort than just fixing the issues myself
14:47:11krux02then fix the issues
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15:11:56ZevvAraq: z3 might support speration logic, but after reading some papers I decided that I don't - it hurts my brain
15:12:41Zevvit feels like reading "GΓΆdel Escher Bach", which took me over a decade I think
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15:35:36narimiranfinally! tuple unpacking in for loops is here: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/10152
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17:16:07federico3for (a, b, c) in s: echo a, b, c \o/
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17:45:04FromGitter<deech> @Araq: why does it warn when more than 3 identifiers are assigned to a `let`/`var` with a tuple constructor (https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/compiler/semstmts.nim#L499), for example in this case: ⏎ ⏎ ```let a,b,c,d = (1,2,3)``` ⏎ ⏎ Is there something special about going over 3? [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5c7186a01f146304210b3647]
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18:00:24FromGitter<deech> Also is there a runtime memory allocation cost to doing `let (x,y,z) = (1,"hello world",@[])` vs doing it individually like: ⏎ ⏎ ```let x = 1 ⏎ let y = "hello world" ⏎ let z = @[]``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5c718a38e5eeec0d9bb446f1]
18:10:27*nc-x joined #nim
18:11:41nc-xno runtime cost iirc
18:11:41nc-xthe compiler unpacks the tuple and the code is generated as normal variable assignments
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18:21:41nc-xAnd regarding the first question, the warning is given for `let a, b = (1,2)` as well. I assume the warning may be so that people do not mistakenly consider it to be doing tuple unpacking.
18:21:55nc-x@deech ^^^
18:23:26FromGitter<deech> @nc-x Thanks!
18:23:31nc-xBTW if the warning is for the reason I said, then the warning message isn't really great IMO and should be improved
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18:23:53FromGitter<deech> I'm working on that bit of the compiler now and suggestions are welcome.
18:23:53nc-x@Araq ^^^
18:24:22nc-xwhat exactly are you working on?
18:25:06FromGitter<deech> Making https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/10642 less hacky.
18:36:59nc-xAraq's comment `evaluate the value of the sym later after we evaluated its pragmas?` doesn't seem much different to me than your patch. That would also prettify one part of the code and uglify some other part.
18:37:34nc-x(unless I am missing something, bcos I only gave the code a very brief look)
18:40:24FromGitter<dandevelo> How can I use a template parameter inside of a string?
18:40:45FromGitter<dandevelo> Escaping it with backtick doesn't seem to work
18:41:18*nc-x quit (Quit: Page closed)
18:46:11FromGitter<deech> @nc-x: The PR itself while, working on a subset of cases falls over when doing something like: ⏎ ⏎ ```let (x {.compileTime.}, y) = (1,2) ⏎ static: ⏎ echo x``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5c7194f3a378ef11f62aa532]
18:47:54FromGitter<deech> In the medium term the `compileTime` pragma really needs to go away as it can always be replaced by `static` AFAICT.
18:49:19FromGitter<deech> In fact if the plan is to phase out `compileTime` I don't see much reason to continue working on the PR as the problem doesn't happen if `static` blocks are used instead.
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18:55:21FromGitter<greenfork> @dandevelo you mean like this? ⏎ ⏎ ```template n(r: string): string = ⏎ "my string: " & r & ";" ⏎ ⏎ echo n("hello")``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5c719719a378ef11f62ab2b5]
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18:58:45FromGitter<dandevelo> @greenfork I need r to be untyped as I am using it to generate a proc name
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19:00:02FromGitter<greenfork> @dandevelo this still works with `r: untyped`
19:04:38FromGitter<dandevelo> @greenfork How would you use r for a proc name in that template?
19:07:22FromGitter<greenfork> @dandevelo I don't know this, maybe someone else could answer
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19:34:42Araqnc-x: you are right about the warning's purpose
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20:22:00FromGitter<alehander42> @Zevv @Araq
20:22:31FromGitter<alehander42> @zah was also very interested in ysing something like z3 for Nim guarantees
20:22:42FromGitter<alehander42> Have you exchanged ideas
20:22:59ryukopostingvideo 2 is out http://ryuk.ooo/videos.html
20:25:03ryukopostingI was able to get the text to look a lot nicer than in the last one, first vid had some weird artifacting around the text since OBS had to scale it to 1080p. Was able to fix that for video 2. Still working on general production quality stuff, and I'm not 100% happy with this video, but I think it's overall an improvement over video 1
20:25:21Araqalehander42, no, we only talked about memory safety without a GC (SOLVED! maybe)
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20:35:35Zevvalehander42: no, not me
20:38:54ldleworkryukoposting: what editor are you using in that video?
20:39:43ZevvFAQ :)
20:40:04Zevv2019/02/14 00:44 #nim: < ryukoposting> that's Kat
20:40:10ZevvKate, sorry :)
20:41:13ryukopostingsorry, yeah it's kate
20:41:57AraqI use Sawyer
20:44:00AraqKate, Sawyer, Jack, ... got it?
20:45:14ZevvI had to look that up :/
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20:52:35ryukopostingshould I make an FAQ for that kind of thing
20:53:11Zevv$ grep -ir ryukoposting irc/2019/ | grep -i editor | grep -i what | wc -l
20:53:17ZevvIf '3' is 'frequently', then yes
20:55:08FromGitter<Clyybber> @nc-x I'm getting "Error: illformed AST: (p) =" when trying to use tuple for vars
20:57:56FromGitter<Clyybber> I'll try to extract a test case
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22:23:00FromGitter<Clyybber> ```func test[n: static int](s: seq[(int, int)]) = ⏎ for (a, b) in s: ⏎ discard``` ⏎ ⏎ This is the most minimal I could come up with [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5c71c7c3ddaa310c89dd87e9]
22:23:19FromGitter<Clyybber> Removing the static parameter fixes the error
22:36:57FromGitter<Clyybber> nc-x: Opened issue #10727 for the above issue.
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22:53:58smitopIs there a difference between `uint(x)`and `cast[uint](x)`?
22:57:53FromGitter<Clyybber> I think uint(x) will error for a negative x, while `castuint (x)` will just reinterpret the bytes as a uint (so if x was negative, the result is probably gonna be a big number)
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