<< 24-02-2019 >>

00:15:37smitopWhy is this happening? https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/guwrNmzK/image.png
00:15:50*narimiran quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
00:18:42smitopWhat use does nimforum have for my physical location?
00:22:04smitopI've never seen that before
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03:02:33*banc quit (Quit: Bye)
03:11:03FromGitter<deech> `fieldPairs` has the type signature `iterator fieldPairs*T: tuple|object (x: T): RootObj` and is used as `for name, value in fieldPairs(...): ...`. What is the type of `name` in this case? Is it some kind of symbol or it just coerced into a `string` by the iterator?
03:16:42FromGitter<Varriount> @deech It's an expression type
03:18:25FromGitter<deech> @Varriount Thanks! Where should I look for it in the compiler source? Looking at the def. of `RootObj` wasn't helpful.
03:18:55FromGitter<Varriount> Unfortunately I don't really know. Perhaps where the magic procedures are handled?
03:25:16*banc joined #nim
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03:58:02*smitop quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
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08:04:57salewskinarimiran, from https://nim-lang.org/documentation.html we now get the 0.19.9 github docs
08:05:11narimiransalewski: yes, on purpose, until 0.20 is out
08:05:19salewskilike https://nim-lang.github.io/Nim/manual.html and https://nim-lang.github.io/Nim/lib.html
08:05:37salewskiOK, fine for me. Bye.
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09:18:57Araqdoes anybody know when we introduced pragmas for enum fields?
09:22:00Araqok, it was added in December...
09:25:23Araqyay 0.19.4 lacks it, I am free to change it
09:27:28FromGitter<matrixbot> `Juan Carlos` pragmas deserve vacations too :P
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10:36:49Araqwould my saturated sticky integer semantics have prevented this? the answer is: Yes.
10:37:39Araqwe are building castles on quicksand with these terrible "wrap around integers".
10:48:30Zevvwhat would you propose then, with modern hardware still lacking proper saturated arithmetic?
10:51:39dom96> <smitop> Why is this happening? https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/guwrNmzK/image.png
10:51:44dom96Now that is super strange.
10:52:09dom96My best guess is it's one of your browser extensions asking for the location. The forum doesn't do that.
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11:07:06FromGitter<kayabaNerve> I know Google is saying f-it, SPECTRE can't be solved in software, but now I'm questioning how many of these critical bugs could be solved, without 50% performance loss, if you built the OS around it.
11:07:26FromGitter<kayabaNerve> (around making sure these bugs can't be abused)
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11:13:34AraqZevv: emulate it in software until the hardware gets there.
11:14:39FromGitter<matrixbot> `Juan Carlos` Having AMD I scaped some of those, ARM just launched smaller (Nm) CPU too.
11:15:57FromGitter<matrixbot> `Juan Carlos` The stuff inside is smaller I mean, probably frees more room for more cores.
11:20:54AraqZevv: in fact, we could embrace the FP math to give us +-Infinity values
11:21:19AraqI don't think atomicInc works on floats though :-/
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11:27:54Araqwell a CAS loop can do it
11:35:47Zevvyour Z3 question from yesterday changes of course with taking overflows in account
11:36:15Zevvhttp://paste.debian.net/1069918/. The answer from Z3 is that this does not hold when len(a) == #x7ffffffc
11:42:32Araqoverflows trap in Nim though so it's still correct
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11:54:16Zevvthat makes sense. so, what would be next then, proving-wise?
11:55:01Zevvif you say "I can give you precondition this and that", where do those come from?
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12:52:55*Vladar quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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13:06:24AraqZevv: well they come from the Nim compiler, what it knows about Nim's semantics, our 'range' type
13:06:33Araqand about the control flow
13:06:47Araqand the compiler understands what 'countup' and 'countdown' mean
13:21:08dom96does rand(0.0 .. 1.0) ever give 1.0? It should since HSlice is inclusive, right?
13:25:52Araqit's technically hard to do
13:26:02Araqso I don't think it can produce 1.0
13:26:14dom96I see. Fair enough.
13:27:21Araqbetter work with 1..100 and div by 100 to get a fraction
13:28:42dom96I'm writing my own simpler RNG so I was actually wondering how to solve it
13:28:47dom96but it's not that big of a problem
13:33:15Zevvghehe, let u = (0x3FFu64 shl 52u64) or (x shr 12u64)
13:35:36Araqcan we get a readLn for 0.20?
13:36:26Araqor something with a better name
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13:49:43Zevvlike 'readline', but then native Nim?
13:55:27Araqwith a \n at the end to be able to say "EOF"
14:09:08FromGitter<alehander42> Araq aren't countdown etc just stdlib
14:10:11FromGitter<alehander42> It's better if the compiler can understand the math effect of those functions purely based on their signature / something like that
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14:27:29FromGitter<Varriount> Araq: why not just add an optional argument to readline?
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14:43:03Araqalehander42: too hard so I special cased it
14:44:41AraqVarriount: bah, optional arguments everywhere, that's why
14:45:41Araqbecause the old version should be deprecated, otherwise we need the optional argument in the 'lines' iterator too, for "consistency"
14:46:20Araqand now that 'import io' becomes a thing, it's the right time to get the API right
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16:15:33federico3how can i create a File object from an fd?
16:24:37federico3aha: open(..) Creates a File from a filehandle with given mode.
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17:23:24FromGitter<Varriount> Araq: Well, for API ideas, I would suggest looking at other languages (Go might be the first place to look)
17:23:47*ldlework stares.
17:25:07*FromGitter * Varriount stares
17:39:16*nsf quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.4)
17:42:07FromGitter<Varriount> Anyone know of a way to disable the standard sigsev fault handler?
17:48:42*vlad1777d quit (Remote host closed the connection)
17:49:31AraqVarriount: I don't need API ideas really, all we need to do is to deprecate 'endOfFile' as it's the wrong idea for streams
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17:49:54Araqand an old leftover from Nim's Pascal roots.
17:52:47FromGitter<Varriount> Araq: What do I do if I want to have Nim call a different C compiler ('afl-clang') but treat it the same as Clang?
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18:15:20Araqyou edit the nim.cfg to use some other 'clang.exe = ...'
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18:55:07*dddddd quit (Remote host closed the connection)
19:04:42dom96Just profiled a game I'm working on (JS backend). Cycle collection can take 500ms+ in Firefox :(
19:07:25dom96Huh, seems to be a Firefox bug actually. Restarting Firefox helped
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20:35:27V-XQuestion regarding macro compilation order, I'm making an RPC library and I allow the server to mark certain functions as remote ex: `proc ping(self: client): string {.remote.} =` `remote` is a simple pass-through macro that adds the methods name, parameter types, etc. to a compile-time array that I later use to generate the code required to handle
20:35:27V-X incoming messages to invoke the related function and return the result. The issue I'm having is that the message handling code is inside a package called server, and is being generated before any of the actual functions (such as `ping`) are added to the array. Logically it makes sense that the package is compiled first, but I can't think of a way
20:35:28V-Xto get around this issue. Any thoughts?
20:39:20Araqone way to do it is to emit the code explicitly with a call like emitRemotes()
20:48:26V-XWhat would emitRemotes() look like?
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22:03:48V-X@Araq I can't seem to find any references to how you would go about emitting the code like that. Would you mind explaining a bit more?
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23:15:05AraqV-X: well it iterates over your .compileTime array/seq and produces the dispatcher that you need
23:24:40V-XThat makes sense, how would I go about producing that dispatcher though? As I currently have it implemented when a message comes over the line it contains a string of the proc name and a string seq for the arguments, I then have a macro that uses the compileTime seq to generate switch cases that know how to deserialize the args into their respectiv
23:24:41V-Xe types and invoke the proc. With that in mind, I'm unsure of how to do what you're suggesting with how I'm currently implementing it
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23:57:03FromGitter<Varriount> dom96: Doesn't Nim use JavaScript's GC?