<< 25-02-2019 >>

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00:48:16ldleworkdom96: is the game open source?
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01:13:32ryukopostingIf I'm making a non-cryptographic hash function package, how would you all suggest I go about implementing 128/256/512 bit hashes
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02:07:19FromGitter<slomp> Is there a pragma for specifying `--noMain` directly in the source?
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02:29:46ryukopostingslomp I'm pretty sure there isn't, is there a definition that it injects that you could check e.g. when(noMain)
02:35:51FromGitter<slomp> I am trying to use nim as an "ad-hoc" build system for mixed C/C++ files using a combination of `passC`, `passL`, `compile`, `link`, etc. ⏎ Since one of the source files already have `main` routine implemented, I have to explicitly remember to pass `--noMain` to nim. ⏎ I tried a hack with `{.passC: "-Dmain=mainmain".}` and `{.passC: "-Umain".}` when `{.compile.}`ing the source file that contains main, but it did not
02:35:51FromGitter... work.
02:36:24*Tyresc quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.5-dev)
02:47:05*V-X joined #nim
02:47:32*abm quit (Quit: Leaving)
02:59:40*arecaceae quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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03:02:33*banc quit (Quit: Bye)
03:03:28*couven92 quit (Quit: Client Disconnecting)
03:11:04FromGitter<matrixbot> `Juan Carlos` switch() ?
03:12:32*V-X quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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03:26:51ryukopostingslomp interesting, not exactly sure where to go with that
03:27:41ryukopostinghow big is the project? is a plain old makefile out of the question?
03:31:38*dddddd quit (Remote host closed the connection)
03:35:34FromGitter<slomp> @ryukoposting I am actually just working on a "proof-of-concept" to see how flexible managing builds like this can be. ⏎ For now, it is really just a toy project, compiling amalgamations of glfw, freeglut and imgui (I choose these 3 since they have different challenges when it comes to amalgamation).
03:38:22*vlad1777d quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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03:59:06FromGitter<slomp> I must admit that despite this `--noMain` issue (and some `importcpp` mangling issues when using the C back-end, which is expected), I am pleasantly surprised as to how elegant and flexible nim can be as an ad-hoc build system!
04:00:58ryukopostingI wrote a makefile generator at work in nim (sadly that won't be leaving the office anytime soon), but hey it's all C code so I guess I could just use nimble instead lol
04:09:53FromGitter<slomp> Btw, if I am using the C back-end (`nim c`) and I need to call something from C++ through an `importcpp`, is there any way to get around the name mangling issues? ⏎ I was wondering if there's a way to have nim help me generate the necessary trampoline routines by using `{.emit.}` and such.
04:11:01ryukopostingI really wouldn't be the person to ask for that, I haven't used nim's FFI a whole lot
04:11:47ryukopostingidk how much you can mess with the C++ code, but could you just wrap them in extern "C" {}?
04:11:47leorizeslomp: what do you mean?
04:12:56FromGitter<slomp> Yeah, I am sort of modifying the original C++ source and tagging the routines I want to import with `extern "C"`, but it would be nice to not have to modify those sources.
04:15:00ryukopostingit's gonna be really hard, if possible at all, to get around the extern "C" stuff
04:15:17ryukopostingthat's something that's out of nim's control AFAIK
04:15:40FromGitter<slomp> @leorize suppose I have some `test.nim` file as follows: ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ ⏎ and I use the c back-end: ... [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5c736beb85b7eb4569281dcd]
04:16:00leorizeoh, you can't do it like that
04:16:10leorize`importcpp` can only work in cpp mode
04:16:35ryukopostingyeah you'd need to do importc for functions declared as extern "C"
04:16:39FromGitter<slomp> Yeah, I think there's not much nim can do in that regard without extern C.
04:17:06ryukopostingimportcpp gets around name mangling, presumably
04:17:13ryukopostingotherwise it wouldn't have much of a purpose in life
04:17:43FromGitter<slomp> yes, but it will only get around name mangling when using the C++ backed ⏎ since nim cannot possibly know the mangling rules for each compiler
04:19:20ryukopostingthat's fair. iirc clang mimick's gcc's way of doing it, but I could be wrong
04:19:26ryukopostingeither way, not a safe assumption to make
04:21:17leorizeyea, clang aims to be gcc-compatible
04:22:18ryukopostingI think your best bet is just the extern "C" stuff slomp. There's really not a good, portable way to do it unless you wanted to use the C++ backend
04:23:56FromGitter<slomp> mangling rules could potentially change between compiler versions ⏎ I think the only way would be to "inject" some `extern "C"` stub that references the cpp symbol, but this would have to be done in the same translation unit as the cpp file being compiled.
04:24:44FromGitter<slomp> No worries, I was just curious to know if someone else had tried something similar, or knew a trick to achieve that goal.
04:25:03ryukopostingit's an interesting idea
04:25:36ryukopostingnim would be really good as a glue between C libraries, though it's certainly a lot more than that
04:25:49FromGitter<slomp> now, having a pragma to specify/override nim compiler flags would be awesome, though. ⏎ dangerous, sure, but handy
04:27:52ryukopostingI can't say I'd be in favor of that feature, but I suppose it could be helpful
04:28:43FromGitter<slomp> I think that one way to help nim be more widespread is to show how it can coexist with and host existing c/c++ codebases
04:29:41FromGitter<slomp> `{.nim: "--noMain".}` :-D
04:30:02leorizebefore nimble tasks there was `nake`, which is a build system written in Nim
04:38:55FromGitter<slomp> Well, something like this works: ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5c73715f1f1463042116f974]
04:39:46ryukopostingman, I just hope #10733 gets fixed
04:40:26ryukopostingmy plan is to write macros that will generate bindings to the AWS SDK from amazon's json-formatted spec
04:41:16FromGitter<slomp> Basically, use `emit` to create/inject an extern "C" trampoline. ⏎ Since my goal was to avoid modifying the c/cpp source files, I can deal with that. ⏎ So long the cpp routine being wrapped is compatible with a lean and mean C interface, of course.
04:42:52ryukopostingleorize I faintly remember trying nim back when nake was a thing
05:02:13*NimBot joined #nim
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08:02:02*napalu quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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08:27:28FromGitter<kayabaNerve> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5c73a6efa7d733509dc11fa0]
08:27:36FromGitter<kayabaNerve> I want to give this... something
08:27:40FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Not a medal. Not a tweet.
08:28:00FromGitter<kayabaNerve> :thinking: It's so amazing and horrifying.
08:28:07*oculux joined #nim
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08:36:04leorizemay I introduce you to this:
08:36:06leorize{.emit: "int mainmain(int, char**);".}
08:36:08leorizeproc main2*(argc: cint, argv: cstringArray): cint {.importcpp: "mainmain(@)", exportc.}
08:36:52leorizeactually that'll only work once some bug with exportc has been fixed :P
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09:13:51*JustASlacker joined #nim
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10:41:43narimiranryukoposting: you here?
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11:28:29PMunchWhy is this showing up on the forum front page for me? forum.nim-lang.org/t/642
11:28:45PMunchLast reply 4 years ago, says there was "activity" 20 hours ago
11:29:02narimiranPMunch: some spammer
11:30:13*smitop joined #nim
11:30:33PMunchBut what is the "activity"?
11:30:50narimiranthere was a post, which is now removed
11:30:56narimiranpost = comment
11:32:02smitopI'm trying to install choosenim on my windows CI build on Travis CI
11:32:03*smitop https://pastebin.com/raw/fVVaHLwh
11:32:19smitopbut this line is erroring
11:34:38PMunchnarimiran, aah
11:41:13FromDiscord<Zireael> coming back to nim after failed tries a couple months ago, and I can't figure out how to upgrade my Nim install from 0.18.0 to 0.19.4 - I'm on windows if it matters, and installed manually (from zip)
11:41:45Araqremove the 0.18.0 dir and unzip 0.19.4
11:42:37FromDiscord<Zireael> wow, it's that simple? thanks!
11:42:39*stefanos82 joined #nim
11:43:25FromDiscord<Zireael> I really don't understand why Nim doesn't have more projects on Github, it has easy syntax similar to popular dynamic languages (Python, Lua) and great speed
11:52:12FromGitter<matrixbot> `Juan Carlos` Github project lang algo is dumb, your Nim lib can end up as being C/C++/JS, because is so tiny code to wrap, and C/C++/JS, so verbose, that Github just flags your project as being JavaScript or C, same happens if you upload the HTML doc to the repo.
11:53:12FromGitter<matrixbot> `Juan Carlos` It should be a lang picker instead that you can choose instead of that algo.
12:05:58FromGitter<alehander42> hm what can lead to
12:06:10FromGitter<alehander42> undefined reference to NTI type
12:06:14FromGitter<alehander42> in linking
12:06:56smitopmatrixbot: You can tell github's language detection system to ignore certain files: https://hackernoon.com/how-to-change-repo-language-in-github-c3e07819c5bb
12:09:27FromGitter<alehander42> hm it had something to do with casting an empty seq in a macro gen code
12:09:38FromGitter<alehander42> thank Lord, i can workaround it
12:18:18PMunchsmitop, matrixbot is not an actual user. Well not on IRC at least. It's a user on Gitter that relay messages to Matrix from Juan Carlos..
12:18:26PMunchNot sure how you would highlight him tbh
12:21:18FromGitter<matrixbot> `Juan Carlos` Interestin' :)
12:29:57*lritter joined #nim
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13:05:09FromDiscord<++x;> @Zireael i made the best Nim project that will ever exist.
13:05:28FromDiscord<++x;> And i spammed it in Python & Nim reddit.
13:05:29JustASlackerbold claim
13:07:03FromDiscord<++x;> I am the first person to write a network sniffing tool in Nim.
13:07:09FromDiscord<++x;> Remember that.
13:09:27FromDiscord<++x;> All tools really are capable of being made from Nim, you shouldn't be focused on whether or not a lot of Nim related tools/programs/software are on github. You should be focused on using that advantage to write all the best programs you can from Nim.
13:10:25FromDiscord<++x;> You see unlike C++ & Python, Nim isn't crowded.
13:10:36FromDiscord<++x;> There's a pro and con to that.
13:11:42FromDiscord<++x;> The pro is that since it isn't crowded, you don't have to worry about anyone writing a program that will be similar to yours.
13:11:46FromDiscord<++x;> Most likely.
13:11:53*nimblepoultry joined #nim
13:11:59FromDiscord<++x;> The con is that.
13:12:18FromDiscord<++x;> Not many people will know about your program simply because it was written in Nim.
13:13:13FromDiscord<++x;> The pro is that since it isn't crowded, you don't have to worry about anyone already having a program out that you wanted to write.
13:13:37FromDiscord<++x;> Unless you decide to spam it in forums.
13:13:51FromDiscord<++x;> Or unless Nim happens to become more Popular.
13:14:32nimblepoultryI have a nimble that building two small binaries, but i need to change --out for one of the modules, how can I best go about that? I tried to do a after build: mvFile but it doesn't seem the hook is supported https://github.com/status-im/crvc/blob/master/crvc.nimble#L9
13:14:42AraqI don't see how the number of people who know about a program is related to the programming language it happens to be written in.
13:15:08FromDiscord<++x;> Lol it wouldn't matter on github, yes.
13:15:24FromDiscord<++x;> Unless someone decided to lookup a specific topic which your github project is using.
13:15:37FromDiscord<++x;> That is low on population.
13:15:41FromDiscord<++x;> For example.
13:15:53FromDiscord<++x;> If you were to write a C++ project.
13:15:58FromDiscord<++x;> On github.
13:16:31FromDiscord<++x;> If someone were to scroll randomly in the C++ labeled projects.
13:16:42FromDiscord<++x;> Most likely they wouldn't spot yours.
13:16:51FromDiscord<++x;> Simply because C++ is crowded.
13:17:12FromDiscord<++x;> Unless they either decide to check the recent updated projects.
13:17:24FromDiscord<++x;> Or if they were looking at a topic, that you labled on your project.
13:17:38FromDiscord<++x;> Which the topic also has to be low populated.
13:17:47Araq"Moorhuhnjagd" used to be a popular game (if you can even call it that) but I don't know what it is was written in
13:18:04FromDiscord<++x;> So your project would be maybe the first thing they see.
13:18:11FromDiscord<++x;> When they go to the certain topic.
13:18:28FromDiscord<++x;> And Nim isn't crowded on github that much.
13:18:43FromDiscord<++x;> It's topic isn't even that crowded.
13:19:08Araqdunno, just give your program a website and make it do something useful and it'll get used.
13:19:12FromDiscord<++x;> And by "topic" i am referring to the tags.
13:19:22FromDiscord<++x;> That a person can put on their github project.
13:19:47FromDiscord<++x;> I mean giving it a website..
13:20:10FromDiscord<++x;> Well.
13:20:23livcdwhat tool did you make ?
13:20:29FromDiscord<++x;> There's 2 options that will make the website successful.
13:20:47FromDiscord<++x;> Either if the website was also spammed in forums or whatever.
13:20:59FromDiscord<++x;> Or if the website just happened to be named something like.
13:21:08FromDiscord<++x;> "NimBlahblah.com"
13:21:20FromDiscord<++x;> So when someone look up "Nim"
13:21:25FromDiscord<++x;> Or "nim language"
13:21:43FromDiscord<++x;> Your website would possibly appear only if there isn't a more populated website that exists.
13:21:50FromDiscord<++x;> Like the offcial nim language website.
13:21:57livcdnot bashing (given the resources and people keeping the ecosystem alive) but things break way too "often"
13:23:15Araqwell right now I'm looking at RustFirefox and C++Chrome websites so you are right
13:23:46Araqalways name your software after an implementation detail to get more popularity :-)
13:24:08FromDiscord<++x;> I'm confused as to how you guys are texting in here from an irc.
13:24:14Calinouit's a bridge :)
13:24:22*Araq opens TypeScript-VSCode and continues to work
13:24:45FromDiscord<++x;> Never seen anyone text in a discord chat from an irc.
13:24:54FromGitter<Clyybber> The future is now
13:25:57Araqlivcd: we added popular Nimble packages to the testing process, what did break for you?
13:26:40narimiranCalinou: correction: it is a nimbridge! (connecting nimirc with nimdiscord and nimgitter) :D
13:28:09FromDiscord<++x;> Anyways.
13:30:04FromDiscord<++x;> Feels like I've been talking to myself every time that bot would say something. At first i thought it was relaying messages here that weren't sent live, but now apparently it sends live messages.
13:30:10FromDiscord<++x;> Like a live communication.
13:30:18FromDiscord<++x;> wait.
13:30:29FromDiscord<++x;> Real-time* communication.
13:30:36FromDiscord<++x;> Think that's a better way of saying it.
13:31:36FromGitter<Clyybber> Araq: Whats th reason `for` vars are handled differently when in a generic proc as deech pointed out here: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/10727#issuecomment-466721179
13:31:38FromGitter<Clyybber> ?
13:31:43FromDiscord<++x;> But i won't be connecting directly to the Nim irc for security reasons which i doubt myself of accomplishing. Last time i did a security measure on myself to join an irc.
13:31:54FromDiscord<++x;> I was able to still see my real IP from the whois.
13:32:24FromDiscord<++x;> Then like after a while.
13:32:47FromDiscord<++x;> It somehow decided to magically change into a VPN IP.
13:33:00FromDiscord<++x;> i fear ircs.
13:34:08*nc-x joined #nim
13:34:20narimiranwe fear you too
13:34:42FromDiscord<++x;> Lol.
13:34:44nc-x@Clybber might be due to the following comment at the top of the file
13:34:52nc-xThis implements the first pass over the generic body; it resolves some symbols. Thus for generics there is a two-phase symbol lookup just like in C++.
13:35:08FromGitter<matrixbot> `@juancarlospaco:matrix.org` To make Nim super popular just say its based on Blockchain. ;P
13:35:16FromDiscord<++x;> How does it look to you guys when i text?
13:35:18Araqnc-x: it is also covered in the manual
13:35:24FromDiscord<++x;> Like what appears.
13:35:31Araq++x: Like shit.
13:35:36FromDiscord<++x;> Lol.
13:35:40narimiranit looks like lots of noise and no ontopic discussion
13:36:39Araqback to topic, livcd, please elaborate. We test more than anything ever and have bugfix-only releases
13:37:20FromDiscord<++x;> i'm pretty sure narimiran lowkey has a stick up their butt.
13:39:13FromDiscord<++x;> What happens if i send an image in here? Will it appear for you guys?
13:39:38FromGitter<Clyybber> Probably not
13:39:41JustASlackerin irc you mean?
13:39:46JustASlackerI dare say nope
13:39:51FromGitter<alehander42> nope
13:40:00FromDiscord<++x;> I see.
13:40:03FromGitter<Clyybber> Maybe a discorduser content whatever link
13:40:21JustASlackera link to a picture
13:40:25JustASlackerby golly, that might work
13:40:25FromDiscord<++x;> Yeah.
13:40:46FromDiscord<++x;> Pretty sure ircs convert images to links by default.
13:41:13FromDiscord<++x;> Unless i'm mistaken.
13:41:20*nc-x quit (Quit: Page closed)
13:42:01FromGitter<Clyybber> irc doesn't do images
13:42:06FromGitter<Clyybber> IRC is just a protocol
13:42:19FromDiscord<++x;> And Jabber is just a protocol.
13:42:26FromDiscord<++x;> And i can send image on jabber.
13:42:40FromDiscord<++x;> And i can send images on jabber.
13:43:18FromDiscord<++x;> I'm also pretty sure jabber is more secure than an irc.
13:43:35FromGitter<Clyybber> In what sense?
13:44:20Araqit uses the MAC address directly, no IP, totally secure
13:44:55FromDiscord<++x;> Lol i'm not even going to dig myself deep in this topic.
13:45:32*vlad1777d quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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13:47:13FromDiscord<++x;> Anyways.
13:47:18*neceve quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
13:47:48FromDiscord<++x;> Off-topic but speaking of Jabber.
13:48:06FromDiscord<++x;> Fortnite and league of legends both uses xmpp.
13:48:11leorizewe have #nim-offtopic for that
13:48:13livcdAraq: jester broke the other day when i wanted to use it :D
13:48:21leorizebad thing is that it doesn't exists on discord
13:48:26leorizesomeone should bridge that as well
13:48:36FromDiscord<++x;> Oh. Yeah bridge it.
13:48:57FromDiscord<++x;> I LOVE YOU GUYS.
13:49:03FromDiscord<++x;> anyways I'll be back in like 5 mins.
13:49:29Araqlivcd: ah, we don't test jester (yet)
13:49:37Araqwhat was the error message?
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13:49:47livcdAraq: i do not know i gave up
13:50:00FromDiscord<++x;> Never give up.
13:50:04Araqdevel or 0.19.4?
13:50:52livcdi was on devel i think
13:51:00*neceve quit (Remote host closed the connection)
13:51:03livcdcould have also been dom96's fault :D
13:53:19Araqwell we'll have a look, thanks for telling us
13:54:11*neceve joined #nim
13:55:57FromDiscord<++x;> Also guys, i may write another program in Nim that hasn't been made yet(but you guys need to step up your game) so tomorrow i should be seeing tons of Nim related projects on github. But anyways me and a friend are planning on working on a botnet, which may be entirely written in Nim. And the machine-connecting functionality. He plans on doing something with JS or something to install rats into people devices. But there will be some other func
13:56:17FromDiscord<++x;> He wanted me to write those in Python but fuck Python.
13:56:23FromDiscord<++x;> Fuck the python fanboys.
13:56:31JustASlackerisnt any new program a program that "hasnt been made yet"
13:56:40FromDiscord<++x;> Lol.
13:56:40JustASlackerlanguage is hard
13:57:08FromDiscord<++x;> Lol a "new program" can be anything from already made to not already made.
13:57:26FromDiscord<++x;> Depends on how you see fit.
13:57:39JustASlackerI usually try to see things the right way
13:57:47FromDiscord<++x;> Good.
13:57:50*JustASlacker nods
13:58:56FromDiscord<++x;> What if there's a python fanboy in here that just happens to get butthurt over what i said LOOOOL.
13:59:37narimiran++x; that would mean that somebody took you seriously
13:59:37*Perkol joined #nim
14:00:06FromDiscord<++x;> Damn.
14:00:14FromDiscord<++x;> Lol i see what you did there.
14:00:43FromDiscord<++x;> Why wouldn't anyone not take me seriously?
14:00:57FromDiscord<++x;> I'm am a serious matter.
14:01:00FromGitter<Clyybber> Error: Too many negations. Does not compute
14:01:51FromDiscord<++x;> For example when i tell you guys to step up your game that is a serious matter.
14:02:53FromGitter<Clyybber> Ugh, what do you mean?
14:02:53FromDiscord<++x;> Let's go look at the nimble libs. All together. And let's decide if you guys stepped up your game. I better be seeing some creative libs.
14:03:13FromDiscord<++x;> And some creative github programs written in Nim.
14:03:22FromGitter<Clyybber> "github programs"
14:03:30FromDiscord<++x;> Github repos.
14:03:34FromDiscord<++x;> Github projects.
14:03:37FromDiscord<++x;> Github programs.
14:03:43FromDiscord<++x;> Is there is issue?
14:03:46FromDiscord<++x;> Don't think so.
14:03:51FromGitter<Clyybber> :P
14:04:18FromDiscord<++x;> Anyways this is an issue that I've had with a few other programmers before.
14:04:31FromDiscord<++x;> Their creativity is on a inferior level.
14:04:33FromDiscord<++x;> Like.
14:04:42FromDiscord<++x;> I don't know how to explain it.
14:04:42FromGitter<alehander42> `++x;` i suggest you to do something more useful to people than "botnets" and to calm down a bit
14:04:55FromDiscord<++x;> Lmao.
14:05:10FromDiscord<++x;> My guy, most of my projects are for penetesting purposes.
14:05:26FromDiscord<++x;> And i am calm.
14:05:41FromGitter<alehander42> this didn't really seem obvious from your earlier explanation, but I hope so
14:05:53FromGitter<Clyybber> ++x; Do you have a link to the project?
14:05:54FromDiscord<++x;> And 2 days ago i applied for a github job.
14:06:01FromGitter<Clyybber> If it is on github?
14:06:10FromGitter<Clyybber> or any git hoster
14:06:44FromDiscord<++x;> Don't worry about my github link. I may or may not show it. After i change the bio of it. Perhaps.
14:06:52FromGitter<alehander42> if i am mistaken, i am sorry ++x
14:06:55*vlad1777d quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
14:07:00JustASlackerI applied at github too!
14:07:02FromGitter<alehander42> but anyway, please try to not spam
14:07:05JustASlackerthey need a new janitor
14:07:14FromGitter<alehander42> what kind of positions are github looking for
14:07:32JustASlackersomebodx to clean the toilets
14:07:36narimiran@alehander42 why do you feed the trolls?
14:07:44FromDiscord<++x;> I seen some software engeerning positions that are open.
14:07:56FromDiscord<++x;> And a technical support.
14:08:05FromDiscord<++x;> And a director support.
14:08:32FromDiscord<++x;> And a database developer positions.
14:09:29FromGitter<alehander42> well I hope they're not trolls, but just a little bit of too excited users
14:09:33FromDiscord<++x;> I don't meet the requisites of some things in the software engineering jobs. Like the years of experience.
14:09:51FromDiscord<++x;> Or the languages that may be used.
14:10:19FromDiscord<++x;> But i do happen to meet the requisite of the technical support job.
14:10:45FromGitter<Clyybber> ++x; Btw you can do shift+enter to enter a line break without sending the message on discord
14:10:48FromGitter<alehander42> are they still using ruby for most of their stack
14:11:11*solitudesf quit (Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in)
14:11:17FromDiscord<++x;> Yeah i think ruby was a language requirement for one of the software jobs.
14:11:21FromDiscord<++x;> And i don't know ruby.
14:11:22FromDiscord<++x;> So.
14:11:35narimiranbut you have great communication skills
14:11:40FromDiscord<++x;> I do
14:11:58*theelous3 joined #nim
14:12:08FromDiscord<++x;> i like you narimiran.
14:12:30livcdAraq: sorry i dont have anything running in prod in Nim mainly because of the small community and small ecosystem. I appreciate all the hard work and all but cant justify the "investment" for now.
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14:12:53FromDiscord<++x;> I guarantee narimiran just blushed.
14:13:25Araqlivcd: ugh :-/
14:13:30FromDiscord<++x;> And btw i'm not a troll. I'm a person that likes to tell my opinions.
14:13:33FromDiscord<++x;> Is there a problem?
14:13:41FromDiscord<++x;> Don't think so.
14:13:50livcdAraq: my usage of Nim is mostly try something here and there if it's ok dont touch it if it does not work leave it like it is
14:14:28FromDiscord<++x;> Oh.
14:14:41FromDiscord<++x;> Yeah that's a smart move i suppose.
14:14:56livcdwhich also kinda explains why I do not report on things that do not work. I just wait it out as I dont need it and come back to later :/
14:15:38FromDiscord<++x;> If i see something that don't work i will 100% report on it.
14:15:47FromDiscord<++x;> That's the whole point of making Nim functional.
14:16:14FromDiscord<++x;> Feedback is required unless you want Nim to be a trash can.
14:16:51FromDiscord<++x;> So even if you may not need it.
14:16:58FromDiscord<++x;> Be sure to still report on it.
14:17:11FromDiscord<++x;> Because other Nim users exist.
14:17:15FromDiscord<++x;> And not just yourself.
14:17:23livcdI know I know. I am sorry for that I just never have the need to make it working again
14:17:51FromDiscord<++x;> No need to apologize, i understand.
14:18:09FromGitter<Clyybber> c ya
14:18:35FromDiscord<++x;> I'm just saying that like maybe if you still reported it, the devs may fix it for future use for other nim users.
14:20:35FromDiscord<++x;> So when a new Nim user joins, they won't be dissatisfied because of the bugs, etc.
14:20:45livcdbtw 2vg is doing another http server based on mofuw. yay!
14:23:39FromDiscord<++x;> And like.
14:23:55FromDiscord<++x;> I've seen programs where it's like the devs purposely added errors.
14:24:03FromDiscord<++x;> Not Nim programs but like.
14:24:09FromDiscord<++x;> Other programs.
14:24:16FromDiscord<++x;> And i just be like wtf is this shit.
14:25:00FromDiscord<++x;> They just be like "let me add a few errors so they can work for the success" and now that i think about it.
14:26:06FromDiscord<++x;> That may be a good way to actually teach a person, well not teach them but make them pretty much use their skills in a way that you can get better.
14:26:11FromDiscord<++x;> By correcting the mistakes.
14:27:04FromDiscord<++x;> And speaking of programs, there's this building system service i was using before.
14:27:18FromDiscord<++x;> Forgot the name of it but that shit was fucking trash.
14:27:29FromDiscord<++x;> Wait nvm.
14:27:39FromDiscord<++x;> Just remembered why i stopped using it.
14:27:51*FromDiscord joined #nim
14:28:06FromDiscord<++x;> hm.
14:28:22narimiran++x; stop spamming!!
14:28:55FromDiscord<++x;> Sorry.
14:29:37FromDiscord<++x;> Sorry master.
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15:11:31FromGitter<alehander42> ugh Araq, is there a raw node
15:11:34FromGitter<alehander42> in PNode
15:11:53FromGitter<alehander42> i want to just add some raw code kind without nodes
15:12:17Araqwhat is "raw" code?
15:12:36FromGitter<alehander42> verbaitm
15:12:56FromGitter<alehander42> no need in my case actually sorry
15:12:58FromGitter<alehander42> but in general
15:13:09FromGitter<alehander42> it might be still useful when generating code
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15:24:03AraqLaTeX article detected ;-)
15:25:04narimiranAraq: section 3.3 triggered you? :)
15:25:18narimiranwell, 2.1 too
15:26:16Araq3.2 too
15:27:48narimiranfor me, the funniest thing is that i've *never* seen stuff like that in the articles i read (and i've worked in academia :)), it is only in the articles you read and share :D
15:28:11Araqit's so terrible that it keeps fascinating me
15:28:35Araqit's like the tool's author never understood that paper doesn't have horizontal scrollbars
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15:32:12Araqand then they go on and drivel about Knuth's superior algorithm for layouting using dynamic programming and how much M$'s word sucks because it doesn't need a two phase compilation step nor a makefile
15:46:10Zevvhi araq, what would be the next step in this nim bounds proving experiment?
15:46:51Araqneed to find the time to re-activate my branch
15:48:54Zevvhehe, I read "to re-activate my brain" :)
15:52:35livcdis there an iocp http server for Nim ?
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16:22:44FromGitter<Varriount> What do you mean by IOCP?
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17:48:09FromGitter<slomp> What's the official way to post a "feature request" (to start a conversation, at least) for nim?
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17:51:18leorizenew issue in nim-lang/RFCs :)
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17:57:11Araqyeah, leorize is right
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18:03:09FromGitter<slomp> Thanks!
18:03:49Zevvam I the only one who has ever written a *proper* RFC by the rules :/
18:12:54Zevvand then it even was rejected, boohoo
18:14:12Araqwhat was it?
18:14:34Zevvdropping the Future[T] on async procs
18:18:27Araqah, sorry, but that still seems worse to me.
18:19:44*smitop quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
18:21:17ZevvFunny thing is: you were one of the three Yeas, against the Nays of dom and cheatfate :)
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18:43:41FromDiscord<sillibird> is there a standard way of writing formatted json to a file? system writeFile works but its not formatted nicely
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18:50:03FromGitter<matrixbot> `Juan Carlos` myjsonthing.pretty
18:50:44FromDiscord<sillibird> just found it as you said it, lol. thanks, pretty worked
18:55:28FromGitter<viell> hi guys
18:56:00FromGitter<viell> I have problem installing its compiler..who can help me?
18:58:06AraqZevv: well I like the idea, but Future[Future[T]] would be confusing and made me change my mind
18:58:21Araqviell: what's the problem
19:02:37FromDiscord<sillibird> is there a way to remove the newline delimit on echo like you can in python
19:03:47FromDiscord<sillibird> Thanks
19:15:08FromGitter<viell> @FromIRC I don't know how to compile it using a c compiler because it's written in nim and it's suffix is .nim and my c compiler doesn't recognize it.
19:15:11FromGitter<viell> @FromIRC I don't know how to compile it using a c compiler because it's written in nim and it's suffix is .nim and my c compiler doesn't recognize it.
19:16:07FromGitter<viell> :-(
19:23:25FromGitter<SolitudeSF> you can build it from https://github.com/nim-lang/csources first
19:23:55FromGitter<matrixbot> `Juan Carlos` *.nim files are compiled with nim, nim is written on nim. But for installing the best way is using Choosenim, depending whats your OS.
19:42:12FromGitter<viell> @SolitudeSF I already have...that's the problem.. Idk how to compile its compiler
19:43:04FromGitter<viell> @matrixbot yes but in case we are using Linux to develop codes...I'm a Windows user
19:44:58Zevvviell: on windows you'll need a C compiler first - Nim compiles to C, which then gets compiled to your native binaries by the C compiler
19:52:01FromGitter<viell> @FromIRC and how? cause my c compiler doesn't support its syntaxs
19:52:35ZevvI believe mingw is the way to go for Nim
19:53:01FromGitter<viell> @FromIRC yes already installed and added to my path ev
19:58:34FromGitter<matrixbot> `Juan Carlos` Docker for Windows is pretty cool too nowadays IMHO.
20:03:00FromGitter<SolitudeSF> there is a step by step instruction in the readme https://github.com/nim-lang/nim#compiling
20:08:46FromGitter<viell> @SolitudeSF already tried it.no help
20:09:48FromGitter<SolitudeSF> what does this mean? whats not working?
20:10:39narimiran@viell "FromIRC" is not an user, it is a bot which transfers messages between IRC and Gitter. try to reply to the name you see as a first part of the message
20:11:12narimiranand what exactly is the problem? what are you trying to do?
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20:23:19FromGitter<matrixbot> `Juan Carlos` http://rosettacode.org Ded :(
20:28:21FromGitter<viell> @SolitudeSF I can not build from its code!!!!!!
20:28:56FromGitter<SolitudeSF> that explains exactly nothing
20:29:45FromGitter<viell> @FromIRC what should I do from the step of the c compiler? how I build the nim compiler with it?
20:30:52FromGitter<viell> @SolitudeSF my c compiler doesn't recognize the syntax of nim...the nim compiler folder files are written in nim
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20:33:37FromGitter<SolitudeSF> first you need to build nim compiler with your c compiler from c sources https://github.com/nim-lang/csources. its all written in here https://github.com/nim-lang/nim#compiling
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20:37:56FromGitter<viell> @SolitudeSF that's the problem..I've already gone through the instructions in GitHub but no help...it can't be built..my c compiler is c lion. should I use another one?
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21:02:13FromDiscord<exelotl> isn’t clion an IDE?
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21:06:06FromDiscord<++x;> Yo guys.
21:06:09FromDiscord<++x;> Sup.
21:10:24Elronnd@exelotl yep
21:10:48FromGitter<viell> @FromIRC also a compiler
21:21:50*UxerUospr quit (Quit: Lost terminal)
21:25:46*narimiran_ quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
21:26:34FromGitter<SolitudeSF> no, clion is ide, it just bundles mingw
21:27:38FromGitter<viell> @SolitudeSF but I downloaded it under the title of a compiler!!!what should I use, now?
21:29:00FromGitter<SolitudeSF> https://nim-lang.org/install_windows.html
21:29:06FromGitter<SolitudeSF> have you read this?
21:29:21FromGitter<viell> @SolitudeSF yup
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21:45:04shashlickis gcc in your path
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21:55:42krux02viell: mybe clion is not the right tool to use with nim. It is neat and everything I like jetbrains software. But it won't help you with Nim development
21:55:49krux02at least not a lot
21:56:24krux02visual studio code is as far as I know currently the road of least resistence
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22:11:12ryukopostingviell: MinGW (installed by CLion) likely created a directory somewhere that contains the binaries for the compiler. If you add that to your PATH, nim should be able to find it hypothetically
22:11:41dom96Hey guys, what's new?
22:12:02ryukopostingiirc CLion uses a really, really old version of MinGW though, and you might be better served by installing GCC or clang
22:12:14ryukopostinghi dom, how goes it
22:15:16dom96Things are going well :)
22:15:33PMunchGood to hear :)
22:15:42ryukopostingnice, what you guys working on?
22:16:08ldleworkdom96: is your JS thing open source?
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22:16:47dom96ldlework: nope
22:17:16dom96soz, but no
22:17:30dom96I hope to actually make some money off of this game :P
22:17:45ldleworkanother greedy capitalist
22:18:18ldleworkdom96: can you at least refactor out a project boilerplate for doing JS gamedev ffs?
22:18:19ryukopostingmfw https://i.imgur.com/pcgNiIV.jpg
22:19:01dom96ldlework: There is literally a JS game written in Nim that's showcased on the Nim website that I wrote
22:19:05dom96And it is open source: https://github.com/dom96/snake
22:19:25ldleworkand does it use the same sauce as your new fancy secret implementation?
22:19:35dom96pretty much
22:19:39ldleworkand why should we take your word anyway
22:22:49dom96What I still find peculiar is how the game runs at 60fps in safari but in Firefox and Chrome it's more choppy (40fps and 30fps respectively)
22:23:14dom96Apple must do some black magic to accelerate their browser
22:23:25FromGitter<Varriount> dom96 : I'm using afl-fuzz on a Nim library
22:23:41FromGitter<Varriount> Eventually I want to use it on the compiler
22:24:06ryukopostingkrux02 hey, just want to make sure there's no hard feelings, I hope I didn't come off too heated on the issue threads
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22:29:25krux02ryukoposting, I am fine don't worry
22:29:37krux02I think you are right json parsing should work at compile time
22:29:58ryukopostingIf nothing else, I think it makes the stdlib more consistent
22:30:27krux02yes it does.
22:31:06krux02I did a lot of programming with macros, and I can tell you, you use a very different set of the standard library during macro development that you do in your normal program development.
22:31:16ryukopostingthanks, man. This AWS thing is one of the more ambitious things I've done, but I'm gonna have some help with it by the sound of it
22:31:37krux02mostly because you have to transfrom the AST a lot and here the general algorithms don't work or would be effective
22:31:48ryukopostingaaah, I see. That makes sense
22:32:28ryukopostingmacros are a lot easier said than done, that's for sure
22:33:22krux02yes, but they have a very short feedback loop
22:33:29krux02small macros are almost instant
22:33:57krux02dumpTree/treeRepr is really your friend
22:34:04ryukopostingyeah, I've never noticed any real differences in compile times where macros were the obvious cause
22:34:12ryukopostingdumpAstGen is my personal favorite
22:34:27krux02that one is cool indeed.
22:35:08krux02I tried to replace it with a better quoting system.
22:35:16krux02but it didn't work out as I expected
22:36:27krux02read the proposal as well
22:44:19ryukopostingI really like this
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22:49:05ryukopostinga clean 'quote' would be extremely helpful
22:49:36ryukopostingI don't use the current one since it seems kind of flakey
22:52:04krux02it is flakey
22:53:04krux02I still use it as I know what it can do and what it can't do.
22:53:58ryukopostingI'll probably end up using it a bit in this json thing, since there's going to be a ton of macros
22:54:46ryukopostingbut for small stuff, I just write some code, run it through dumpAstGen, copy the output into the macro, and go from there
22:54:51krux02yes double check that the quote body does not contain any local variables as that really screws things up
22:55:06*shpx quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
22:55:19krux02and when you do, use them in backticks (explicitly) and make they they are of type NimNode (newLit)
22:55:25ryukopostingyeah and in nim it's really difficult to do name mangling because of style insensitivity
22:55:37krux02with newLit you can create ast literals of any value
22:55:52ryukopostingoh neat
22:55:54krux02it is overloaded for most use cases
22:56:00ryukopostingthat could be very useful
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23:11:24FromDiscord<Skaruts> hi
23:11:24FromDiscord<Skaruts> I'm having a bit of trouble wrapping my head around why Nim keeps complaining about different kinds of ints in arithmetic, and how to deal with this properly. For example:
23:11:24FromDiscord<Skaruts> ```Python
23:11:24FromDiscord<Skaruts> var time_now:uint32 = 0
23:11:24FromDiscord<Skaruts> # (...)
23:11:25FromDiscord<Skaruts> proc main() =
23:11:27FromDiscord<Skaruts> time_now = get_ticks() / 1000 # type mismatch: got <uint32, int literal(1000)> but expected one of: (...)
23:11:28FromDiscord<Skaruts> ```
23:11:30FromDiscord<Skaruts> get_ticks() is the `sdl2.get_ticks` function, which returns a uint32
23:12:06FromDiscord<Skaruts> hi
23:12:06FromDiscord<Skaruts> I'm having a bit of trouble wrapping my head around why Nim keeps complaining about different kinds of ints in arithmetic, and how to deal with this properly. For example:
23:12:07FromDiscord<Skaruts> ```Python
23:12:07FromDiscord<Skaruts> var time_now:uint32 = 0
23:12:07FromDiscord<Skaruts> # (...)
23:12:07FromDiscord<Skaruts> proc main() =
23:12:09FromDiscord<Skaruts> time_now = get_ticks() / 1000 # type mismatch: got <uint32, int literal(1000)>
23:12:11FromDiscord<Skaruts> # but expected one of: (...)
23:12:13FromDiscord<Skaruts> ```
23:12:15FromDiscord<Skaruts> get_ticks() is the `sdl2.get_ticks` function, which returns a uint32
23:12:17FromDiscord<Skaruts> hi
23:12:20FromDiscord<Skaruts> I'm having a bit of trouble wrapping my head around why Nim keeps complaining about different kinds of ints in arithmetic, and how to deal with this properly. For example:
23:12:21FromDiscord<Skaruts> ```Python
23:12:22FromDiscord<Skaruts> var time_now:uint32 = 0
23:12:24FromDiscord<Skaruts> # (...)
23:12:25FromDiscord<Skaruts> proc main() =
23:12:27FromDiscord<Skaruts> time_now = get_ticks() / 1000 # type mismatch: got <uint32, int literal(1000)>
23:12:29FromDiscord<Skaruts> # but expected one of: (...)
23:12:30FromDiscord<Skaruts> ```
23:12:32FromDiscord<Skaruts> get_ticks() is the `sdl2.get_ticks` function, which returns a uint32
23:12:33FromDiscord<Skaruts> hi
23:12:36FromDiscord<Skaruts> I'm having a bit of trouble wrapping my head around why Nim keeps complaining about different kinds of ints in arithmetic, and how to deal with this properly. For example:
23:12:38FromDiscord<Skaruts> ```Python
23:12:39FromDiscord<Skaruts> var time_now:uint32 = 0
23:12:40FromDiscord<Skaruts> # (...)
23:12:42FromDiscord<Skaruts> proc main() =
23:12:44FromDiscord<Skaruts> time_now = get_ticks() / 1000 # type mismatch: got <uint32, int literal(1000)>
23:12:46FromDiscord<Skaruts> # but expected one of: (...)
23:12:47FromDiscord<Skaruts> ```
23:12:47ryukopostingok so once IRC stops exploding, I can help you
23:12:49FromDiscord<Skaruts> get_ticks() is the `sdl2.get_ticks` function, which returns a uint32
23:13:30*theelous3 quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
23:13:38ryukopostingwould you mind putting the full compiler output in a pastebin? I'm not very familiar with SDL so I'd like to see the full error
23:14:22ryukopostingoooh wait nvm
23:14:53ryukopostingyou gotta tell the compiler that '1000' is a uint32, it gets angry when you do math between signed and unsigned integers
23:15:28FromDiscord<Skaruts> like `1000'u32`?
23:15:33ryukopostingyou can say 1000u32, 1000'u32, 1000.uint32, uint32(1000) but the first two are cleanest imo
23:16:00FromDiscord<Skaruts> it still complains...
23:16:39ryukopostingmind sending me the file the code is in, and the compiler output? Just stick it in a pastebin or somethin
23:18:08FromDiscord<Skaruts> sure 1 sec
23:20:27*lritter quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
23:20:38FromDiscord<Skaruts> https://pastebin.com/VtXqXn7a
23:20:52FromDiscord<Skaruts> I'm still wrapping my head around Nim, so don't mind the mess
23:21:18FromDiscord<Skaruts> that's not the only file in the project though
23:21:49ryukopostingno worries, I'm relatively new to it compared to a lot of the people here too
23:22:44ryukopostingbtw most markdown implementations I've seen that have syntax highlighting have support for nim
23:23:58FromDiscord<Skaruts> hmm, pastebins nim support seems rather monochrome
23:24:01FromDiscord<Skaruts> 😃
23:24:35ryukopostingooooh yeah, guess idk about pastebin lol
23:26:23ryukopostingcan you send the error too? full compiler output preferably
23:26:46FromDiscord<Skaruts> well the same thing is happening in a test file that has nothing else but
23:26:46FromDiscord<Skaruts> ```Python
23:26:47FromDiscord<Skaruts> var x : uint32 = 0
23:26:47FromDiscord<Skaruts> echo x / 1000'u32
23:26:47FromDiscord<Skaruts> ```
23:27:02ryukopostingah cool
23:28:01ryukopostingoh, division is only implemented for int, float, and float32
23:28:14ryukopostinglike, I'm sure there's a reason for that, but wat
23:28:26FromDiscord<Skaruts> added the error to the pastebin file
23:28:50FromDiscord<Skaruts> I've had the same issue over and over with many types
23:28:53ryukopostingtry this `x div 1000'u32`
23:29:00ryukopostingthat'll do the job
23:29:25ryukopostingnim prefers to make the difference between integer division and floating-point division as clear as possible
23:30:27FromDiscord<Skaruts> ok yea that works
23:30:29ryukopostingI always forget about that for some reason lol
23:30:45FromDiscord<Skaruts> and btw you can drop the 'u32 part with div
23:31:09FromDiscord<Skaruts> thanks btw 😃
23:31:19ryukopostingno problem :)
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