<< 23-05-2015 >>

00:04:15*lll joined #nim
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00:25:49reactormonkAraq, btw, kick the JS backend and go for emscripten?
00:26:11*boydgreenfield quit (Quit: boydgreenfield)
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00:29:18fowljust make it emit typescript or something
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01:04:15federico3is there a mailing list and/or is the forum delivered as a mailing list?
01:08:24federico3is there a mailing list and/or is the forum delivered as a mailing list?
01:14:04*vendethiel joined #nim
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01:25:14*wb quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
01:34:41flaviufederico3: there is a mailing list, the forum is not delivered as a mailing list.
01:35:10flaviuThere were plans to do make the forum work like a mailing list, but I guess no one got around to it.
01:35:34flaviuThe volume on the mailing list is extremely low, I don't think I've gotten anything this month.
01:38:08flaviuVarriount: Are you an admin on the forum? http://forum.nim-lang.org/t/1254 is spam.
01:54:34*adu quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
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02:34:17tripleplushow do i echo() without a trailing newline?
02:34:53tripleplusi've tried stdout.write, but the behavior there was not exactly what i was looking for.
02:35:19tripleplusi'm on osx 10.10, fwiw
02:35:28*havenwood left #nim (#nim)
02:35:47tripleplusnim v0.11.2
02:39:44reactormonknope, echo includes the trailing newline. that's kinda the definition.
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02:57:16tripleplusreactormonk: fair enough. how do i output text without an implied newline?
02:58:02tripleplusbtw, where is that definition (i assume you mean nim's since that's definitely not definitive behavior in all contexts for, say, bash)?
02:58:11fowlWrite a function that calls stdout.write then stdout.flush
02:58:17tripleplusi looked wround for echo and write documentation, but wasn't able to find it.
02:58:33tripleplusi'm sure i'm being braindead.
02:58:41tripleplusfowl: thanks, will try that now.
03:00:19fowltripleplus: http://nim-lang.org/docs/theindex.html covers the stdlib and manual
03:00:44Varriountflaviu: Unfortunately, no, I am not an admin on the forum.
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03:04:29Varriountfowl: You need, like, a 'Macro Master' award.
03:09:03*saml_ quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
03:09:54tripleplusfowl: i'm having a difficult time getting stdout.flush to work (Error: undeclared identifier: 'flush')
03:10:12fowlVarriount: macros are definitely my favorite feature
03:10:29fowltripleplus: sorry its called flushFile maybe, let me look
03:10:54fowlYea that's it
03:11:06tripleplusah, k, ty sir
03:11:20tripleplusor ma'am, sorry, showing my bias
03:14:37tripleplusfowl: yep, sure enough, that did it
03:31:57*banister quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
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09:21:20ggVGcwhat nim type maps to const char*?
09:21:52ggVGcI need to implement a function taking const char* as an argument in Nim and use it from C
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09:23:58dom96ggVGc: cstring
09:27:47ggVGcdom96: thats char* though. how do i make it immutable
09:29:44dom96it'll be immutable in Nim by default
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09:33:37AraqggVGc: doesn't matter for ABI compatibility
09:34:12ggVGcAraq: yeah, but it makes other code error. Do I have to wrap the nim function?
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09:37:41AraqI have not enough context to answer that question
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09:39:27ggVGcAraq: all I wonder is if there's any datatype in nim that maps to const char*. otherwise I'll just wrap the generated function from nim in one that takes const char* so it doesn't break with already existing code
09:39:47*boop is now known as boopisaway
09:41:37Araqno idea. "const char* " is 'cstring', "char*" is 'cstring' too. Nim has no notion of C's const
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14:53:21*stefantalpalaru joined #nim
14:55:59stefantalpalaruHi. What's the simplest way of getting an identifier from a string in regular code? i.e. go from "foo" to foo where foo is a variable. Do I have to write a macro or there's something similar already?
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14:58:21dom96stefantalpalaru: Macro is the way to go I think
14:59:48*gsingh93 joined #nim
15:00:39*tripleplus quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
15:01:55stefantalpalaruOK, thanks
15:02:11*kumul quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
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16:01:45*tripleplus quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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16:23:05stefantalpalaruHow can I use typedesc as table values?
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16:40:16flaviustefantalpalaru: You can make them strings.
16:40:38flaviuI'm pretty sure that the actual typedesc value is only available at compile time.
16:40:44*boopisaway is now known as boop
16:41:21stefantalpalaruOK, and how do I go from string to typedesc afterwards?
16:41:50flaviuAt runtime? You can't.
16:42:14flaviuYou might be able to serialize the interesting parts of the typedesc at compile time and access those at run time.
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16:57:03Varriountstefantalpalaru: You might be more interested in the typeinfo module
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16:58:06onionhammerVarriount u figure out the doc comment stuff?
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17:03:23flaviuWhat's the status of the rodwrite/rodread?
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17:13:47flaviuIt hasn't been touched since 2013-05-04, so I guess I'll draw my own conclusions.
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17:33:52flaviuSo rodfiles use their own custom serialization format? :O
17:36:25flaviuAnd there's a YAML backend?
17:38:13flaviuThe AST is manually serialized to YAML :/
17:41:26sepisoad_how to immediately get notified when a thread calls send on a channel without having to check the channle using tryRecv function
17:42:33sepisoad_like defining a callback function and get it called when the thread is done
17:43:20sepisoad_do we have a native event loop in nim?
17:43:43sepisoad_so the we can poll for events without wasting cpu time
17:46:55Araqsepisoad_: yes, we have async io
17:47:11Araqbut theads don't work with it yet :P
17:47:13sepisoad_but it's deprecated as stated in the documents
17:47:22sepisoad_oh, noo
17:47:25Araqnah, it's not
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17:48:00sepisoad_yes, it is
17:48:01Araqasyncio is deprecated, asyncdispatch is not
17:51:58flaviuAraq: How does rodwrite/rodread work with the rest of the compiler? I thought it just did rodfiles, but it looks like lots of other things depend on it.
17:54:33lllin C wrappers i can just push {.raises: [].} i guess? since c has no exceptions?
17:55:16Araqflaviu: not sure I understand the question but incremental builds require more than just serialization of the AST
17:55:29Araqlll: iirc you cannot push .raises due to a bug
17:55:49Araqbut you can declare your own pragma that's a shortcut for that
17:56:04llland push my own pragma?
17:56:16Araqhe, nah
17:56:24lllwould have been too easy lol
17:58:01*Jesin quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
17:59:17flaviuAraq: https://github.com/Araq/Nim/wiki/Compiler-module-reference says 'Reader of rod files, the symbol file mechanism', but it seems to do much more than that.
18:00:51Araqit also does module dependency tracking to decide whether a rod file can be used
18:01:01Araqor whether the module needs to be recompiled
18:01:20*kumul joined #nim
18:01:23flaviuOk, thanks!
18:01:27*Jesin joined #nim
18:07:02lllthe manual says: Every call to a proc q which has an unknown body (due to a forward declaration or an importc pragma) is assumed to raise system.Exception unless q has an explicit raises list.
18:07:15lllbut it doesnt seem to be true at all, unless i missunderstood
18:10:47bassadoes nim have an equivalent to #define in c?
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18:11:40llli know it has a defined(), and you can define with a compiler param
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18:12:09lllthe exact mechanism, i dont know
18:12:10sepisoad_is there a code sample to show how to create an event loop with multiple threads running in a program?
18:12:26bassathanks I'll check those out, its not necessary for my purposes but would be cleaner
18:12:44llli know a lot of library use it
18:12:49llllike opengl, sdl etc
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18:14:47bassagood idea I checked the opengl wrapper and it uses the same thing I was doing before
18:15:30bassafor defining type alias like type GLint = int32
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18:16:54sepisoad_please check this code on github gist: https://gist.github.com/sepisoad/f61e4127f6ca5d0b14da
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18:17:21sepisoad_I want to turn the busy loop into something more elegant
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18:18:24sepisoad_istead of sleeping and checking the condition in a busy loop I want to wait for an event to be signaled
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18:20:58bassaabout to do something very similar sepi, perhaps using await? http://nim-lang.org/docs/threadpool.html
18:21:35bassaor sync if you need results from all
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18:29:39lllI think i should PR the opengl wrapper someday, theres some type that i think are wrong
18:30:28lllsome of the gl ptr types are int32 instead of int (or something machine dependant) as per opengl spec
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21:47:37federico3is any of you in San Francisco?
21:47:51XeI'm in mountain view
21:51:29*Mat4 quit (Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
21:56:48lllis there a better way to stop float from infecting my float32s than this? proc `+`(x: float, y: float32): float = raise newException(OSError, "get off my lawn mister float64")
21:57:15lllrepeated on all operation between float / float32
21:59:10lllotherwise i have to make sure to qualify all my identifiers with : float32 + 'f32, and it get tedious fast + error prone
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22:07:49boopso let's say i have loads of procs with this signature..
22:07:51boopproc ndmInit(argc: cint, argv: ptr cstring): cstring {.cdecl, exportc, dynlib.} =
22:07:57boop(args, return type and pragmas)
22:08:13boopis it possible/easy to write a template/macro to clean that up?
22:10:42lllfor the pragmas you can .push
22:11:25lllfor the macro part you might ask mister macroman
22:11:28lllaka fowl
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22:27:04Araqlll: you can use the .error pragma to catch it compile time
22:27:18Araqproc `+`(x: float, y: float32): float {.error.}
22:27:30lllo nice
22:28:04lllis there a way to just forbid any transformation from float32 to float?
22:28:14lllinstead of overriding all the operations like that
22:28:15flaviulll: Nice error message :)
22:28:27lllflaviu: thx ^^
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22:35:25Araqwhy are conversions from float32 to float a problem for you?
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23:42:38lllAraq: i know its early optimization, but im working with opengl, and i will always be sending float32 to it, so i dont really see the point of working with float64
23:43:37llli dont know the performance cost of all those conversions, plus it will double the memory used if i use float
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23:47:57llli might just end up using float64 after all, its just to much of a pain to write 'f32 everyyyyyywhere
23:48:58llland let whatever conversion that needs to happen happen
23:49:42flaviulll: I'm pretty sure that intel CPUs at least do all FLOPs with 80 bit precision.
23:52:40lllflaviu: sure, but it still takes twice as much memory, and it get truncated anyway when it store it in some float32 array anyway, I guess ill have to setup some benchmark to compared 100% float32 operation, to mixed operations.
23:53:11flaviulll: Yep, the memory savings are not minor.
23:53:31flaviuAlthough as long as it stays on the stack (local variables), it makes no difference.
23:54:03lllfor sure ill convert them before sending them to opengl, twice the bandwith used if not, and float64 arent even supported on many cards, and most are 2 to 24 times slower with float64
23:55:22flaviuunrelated to the current conversation, I'm looking at astalgo, and there appear to be at least 3 different table implementations. I don't think that's an ideal situation to be in.
23:57:06ekarlsoflaviu: what ya working on ? :p
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23:58:50flaviuekarlso: I'm looking into modernizing the compiler.
23:59:30flaviuSee https://github.com/flaviut/Nim/commit/4ad2c33e144b008eed677ba77943ebf28a53f621 for example
23:59:34*Ven quit (Client Quit)