<< 23-05-2016 >>

00:18:20*fredrik92 quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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05:22:11rkeeneHow do I get nim to give me the C source it generated ?
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05:31:02fowlrkeene: look in the folder that is created, i think its called nimbuild
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09:29:47veganskrkeene, the folder is called ``nimcache``. And you can use ``--nimcache:PATH`` switch to change it
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09:37:44yglukhovAraq_: hi, looks like there are some problems with recent gc commits. are you aware of any?
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09:38:41Araq_I tested it extensively before merging on 3 OSes
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09:57:59yglukhovAraq_: so the issue is likely introduced in dcf830bba9f69676c9cb66f5b3654f1817ad68d1. It seems like GC_ref doent keep ref from collection.
09:59:24Araq_ah yeah good catch. that's easy to fix.
09:59:29yglukhovwhat i do is create a ref to MyCtx, GC_ref it, pass it to another thread as pointer, and after some time it gets back to the main thread, and i get SIGSEGV when trying to access a string inside MyCtx
09:59:41yglukhovoh ok cool
10:01:00yglukhovalso there's some problem with gc:v2. it doesnt compile
10:01:58yglukhovAraq_: lib/system/gc_common.nim(26, 14) Error: undeclared field: 'toDispose'
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10:04:32Araq_so fix it but I never announced v2 anywhere
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10:57:11Araq_yglukhov: fixed, but untested, please add a test case
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11:09:10yglukhovAraq_: it works, thanks. will try to come up with a test.
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11:31:26ArrrrI'd like to give nim a string like "Name:{0}, Age{1}" and parse another string, extracting 0 and 1 by using the first string as a template
11:31:38ArrrrDoes nim handle this with any lib?
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11:37:19derkaHello people of Nim
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11:39:54Araq_Arrrr: strscans module, new in devel
11:40:13ArrrrWelcome earthling
11:40:24ArrrrThank you Araq_, i'll have a look at it
11:42:38ArrrrIt does exactly what i needed
11:53:35yglukhovAraq_: i can't reproduce the gc bug easily. the one that reproduced is bueried deep in our project, and i can't do an isolated test out of it.
11:54:15yglukhovi'm trying to alloc an obj in a proc and return it casting to pointer and then fullCollect and cast back, but it doesn't crash.
11:56:09yglukhovit looks like the stack has to be a bit more complex than that to make it happen.
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13:02:08nivdom96: *sadface*
13:02:49nivdom96: plz2befixink try await except
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13:15:43arnetheduckAraq_, when an iterator takes an openarray, the magic invoked for length is still mLengthOpenarray even though the actual type is an array (like here: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/tests/iter/titervaropenarray.nim)... is that a bug or a feature?
13:18:30dom96niv: which issue #?
13:18:36arnetheduckin the c gen, all the length magics call the same function that looks at the actual type, not what the magic is intended for
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13:19:45arnetheduckdom96, did you manage to get nlvm to run on osx?
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13:20:20dom96arnetheduck: Haven't tried in a long time.
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13:23:32Salewskihttp://nim-lang.org/docs/tut1.html#modules # write(stdout, x(3)) # ambiguous: which `x` is to call? ### So I can write in module C C.x(3) . Problem is when I later rename module names. Is there something like self.x(3) or this.x(3) ?
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13:29:46nivdom96: not sure if there's an issue open for it. its the good old "Error: 'yield' cannot be used within 'try' in a non-inlined iterator". I tried reworking the websockets package to have a distinct type and i wanted for the server websocket helper to return a new socket or throw an exception otherwise, so i ran into try: sock-await(..); except: and then got reminded that there's still a thing about it
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13:34:13dom96niv: well, unfortunately there isn't much I can do.
13:34:43dom96The 'async' macro attempts to transform the code as best as it can, but ultimately the limitation is with Nim's closure iterators which don't support 'yield' in a 'try'
13:35:05dom96The 'async' macro tries to move the 'yield' out of the 'try' but sometimes fails to do so.
13:35:15nivah, right. that sounds complicated
13:35:30dom96The code to do it is already way too complex, and doesn't achieve the right semantics
13:35:46dom96Best way is to check the future's failed state automatically.
13:35:55dom96do something like:
13:35:58dom96yield myFut
13:36:03dom96if myFut.failed: ...
13:36:05Araq_Salewski: there is no such feature, I'm afraid. bbl
13:36:34SalewskiThanks Araq.
13:36:52nivdom96: yeah, the problem is, i want the api for my package to look clean and what you propose works, but isnt really what i think an api consumer should go do. right now i cant really throw exceptions from an async proc unless i expect the user to work around what you say
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13:38:32dom96niv: yes, but it's not really a workaround
13:38:35dom96it's simply how it works :P
13:39:00dom96I will likely change the 'async' macro to give a better error when it can't transform a try
13:39:13dom96and suggest doing it like I showed above
13:39:43nivfair enough :) thanks.
13:40:05dom96there is another issue which I need to fix around it though
13:40:12dom96still haven't decided what to do
13:41:20dom96currently you can't use 'await' instead of 'yield' there, because of https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/4170
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15:46:29redalastorI'm trying to write a GC-safe function that makes http calls and it's not working because postContent is not GC-safe.
15:46:47redalastorWhat would be the best way to have my HTTP calls in a different thread?
15:49:48Araq_redalastor: postContent should be GC-safe. file a bug report for that
15:50:26redalastorAraq_: Ok, will do. Thanks.
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15:56:21redalastorAraq_: I merged in https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/4033 to be able to compile code that relies on -d:ssl on Arch Linux (otherwise it's plain 0.13.0), I wonder if that could have an effect.
15:58:08dom96redalastor: you may want to just grab devel. It might just work.
15:58:57redalastorSure, I'll try that.
16:07:20redalastordom96: devel doesn't complain that postContent isn't GC-safe and compiles correctly.
16:09:41endragorIs there a way to wrap C++ template method that doesn't use its template parameter(s) in the signature? From what I can see in the manual, the pattern language only allows referring to types of arguments or return value.
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16:14:09dom96redalastor: awesome :D
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19:15:29flyxI use templates to yield values for an iterator from within the template (which gets called by the iterator). I cannot transform this template into a proc, because a proc cannot yield values. I tried to transform it into an iterator, but this seems to lead to poorer performance of the code.
19:15:41flyxI wonder why this is the case. isn't the iterator, by default, inlined?
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19:56:05Araq_flyx: .closure iterators are not inlined and inlining doesn't equal performance
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21:40:05cheatfatedom96, i have made PR about #4200, but it turned out much larger than I expected, just because macosx and openbsd dont want to support sigtimedwait()...
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21:56:36dom96cheatfate: might be better to just remove that flag.
21:56:54dom96and create an 'asyncproc' module
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22:02:41ratiotilehello, how do I catch ctrl+c in nim?
22:05:51ldleworkera bigger net
22:08:22dom96ldleworker: that's not very helpful
22:09:04dom96ratiotile: http://nim-lang.org/docs/system.html#setControlCHook,_2
22:09:43ldleworkerdom96: a little levity can be
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22:17:42ratiotileI tried to make my program exit gracefully on ctrl+c, but why does it still print out a traceback? I call system.quit(0) in the handler.
22:20:45ratiotileok, I fixed it - looks like system.quit should be passed nothing to exit normally
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22:32:39cheatfatedom96, linux dont have code to watch for process like BSD, there 2 ways - sigtimedwait and more async way is to use signalfd and watch with epoll...
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22:53:19dom96cheatfate: so there is a way?
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22:55:57cheatfatedom96, its a good way, until i complete async library, then we can change it. But i think would be better to build new async osproc and leave old osproc to sync adepts
22:56:44dom96cheatfate: I think you misunderstood me.
22:56:52dom96That is precisely what I suggeste
22:57:09dom96The 'asyncproc' module would be an async osproc
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23:00:40cheatfatedom96, yeah i will try to adopt it after selectors :)
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