<< 24-03-2016 >>

00:07:32cheatfatecncl, [a %% b unsigned integer modulo operation] where you find information about signed? read the bible http://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html
00:17:26krux02thanks for the hint to exec, I think I will use it for now
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00:51:40cheatfateAraq, are you still here or sleeping?
00:55:30mirekhi all
00:55:47mireki want to write simple test that's failing in Nim (compiler project)
00:55:59mireki've got single line in test file `doAssert false`
00:56:16mirekbut running `./tests/testament/tester run stdlib/tjson` my test says PASS
00:56:20mireknot sure why
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02:14:21johnnovakhi there
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02:35:18cnclcheatfate: that only works on signed integers
02:35:23cnclit just treats them as unsigned
02:36:00cheatfatecncl, i dont understand what you trying to say
02:36:11cncl%% takes 2 signed integers
02:36:15cncland performs mod as if they were unsigned
02:38:01*BitPuffin|osx quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
02:40:12cheatfatethen use unsigned64var1.int %% unsigned64var2.int
02:40:41cncli can't, a uint64 cannot be turned into a int64 without data loss
02:40:48cnclyou lose half of the range for the signed bit
02:44:40cheatfatecncl, try to test it by yourself
02:44:59cncltest what?
02:45:10cheatfateecho(cast[uint](cast[int](0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'u)) == 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'u)
02:45:44cheatfatenothing lost...
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02:46:31cnclcan you explain why?
02:48:04cheatfateok 64bit int = 63 bits of data + 1 bit (0 - "+", 1 - "-")
02:48:15cheatfate64bit unsigned int = 64 bits of data
02:49:53cheatfateso if you have 64bits on one side and 64bits on other side, you can easily convert them without any loss
02:50:50cheatfatethe problem begins when you trying to making operation on signed with unsigned
02:50:50cncldoes cast[] reinterpret the memory?
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02:51:49cnclin c, casting from unsigned to signed out of range is undefined behavior
02:51:56cnclrather, implementation defined
02:52:08cheatfateyou are wrong
02:52:27cheatfatethis equation is also works for C
02:52:32cheatfateeven for C++
02:53:04cheatfateuntil you are in same size casting safe
02:53:05cnclthat doesn't mean i'm wrong
02:53:17cnclit just happens to work for you here
02:54:51cnclin c, if you cast from a uint64 to a int64 and it's out of the int64's range, the compiler is free to do whatever it defines in its own implementation
02:56:09cheatfatecompile just give you warning
02:56:40cheatfatebut if you are using implicit casting then compiler will think that you are know what you are doing
02:58:22cnclAraq: is there a way to get a mod for unsigned ints in nim?
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03:15:35cheatfatecncl, nim's [a.int %% b.int] converted to C's [((NI64) ((NI)((NU64)(((NI)(a))) % (NU64)(((NI)(b))))))], where var a:uint64 and var b:uint64
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05:28:37chrishellerI just posted a bounty if anyone is interested in ANTLR-Nim integration. http://forum.nim-lang.org/t/2154
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07:27:17cnclthat would be cool
07:27:34cncli usually roll my own parsers, though
07:27:57cnclbut it's definitely useful
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08:35:57Araqcncl: 'mod' should already work for uints, I think.
08:36:43cnclit wasn't working for me. maybe i was doing something wrong
08:36:56cnclit only listed signed ints as acceptable types
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09:40:38fredrik92I'm using Nim with the Visual Studio C/C++ compiler... Since I have Nim (x64) installed, I have to use the x64 VCC compiler, right?
09:48:34reactormonkActually, shouldn't matter. Nim can cross-compile
09:48:49fredrik92Hmm... let's try... :-P
09:51:23fredrik92Nope... Linking does not work then...
09:51:56fredrik92C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\lib\10.0.10586.0\um\x86\uuid.lib : warning LNK4272: library machine type 'X86' conflicts with target machine type 'x64'
09:54:51fredrik92Has anyone done performance benchmarks or something of the sorts? To see wheather MinGW or VCC compilation is faster on Windows?
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10:10:23cheatfatefredrik92, vcc compilation time is faster then mingw compilation time, but your benchmark proposal is not fair :)
10:11:15cheatfatebecause you want to test not compilers but compilers with stl
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10:16:58fredrik92I didn't really understand that, why would it be unfair... Shouldn't it be interesting to see if the same program runs equally fast with MinGW as it does with VCC?
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10:23:43cheatfatefredrik92, ok lets assume that WindowsSDK uses 'Bubble sort' and MinGW standart library uses 'quicksort', in such situation on big amounts of data vcc's variant will be always slower than mingw's variant. And this will not depends on compiler but on standart you are using
10:24:07cheatfate*standart library you are using
10:24:35fredrik92ah! Yes, of course...
10:26:29Araqnim doesn't use C's qsort
10:26:57Araqand neither does it use the malloc impleemntation etc
10:27:09Araqit's fairly fair to compare them.
10:29:28couven92Araq, so have you tried? :P
10:30:55Araqall I know is that vcc's optimizer is shitty when it comes to effect analysis
10:31:06Araqthough that might not be its priority
10:31:46couven92Well, we could set the vcc.release.flags to /Ox for example and see what happens...
10:32:23couven92But, then to be fair, we'd have to set the gcc optimization to max as well...
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10:37:00Araqcncl: seems to be an oversight, please add it to system.nim and see what happens
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12:07:22enthus1astit seems i can't overload a proc like this:
12:07:37enthus1astproc addFiles*(p: var MultipartData, xs: openarray[tuple[name, file, contentDisposition: string, contentTransferEncoding: string]])
12:07:43enthus1astproc addFiles*(p: var MultipartData, xs: openarray[tuple[name, file: string]])
12:08:12enthus1astthe way to go here should be 2 different types for xs right?
12:11:56dom96enthus1ast: in that case I think you need to do: proc addFiles*(p: var MultipartData, xs: openarray[tuple[name, file: string]] | openarray[tuple[name, file, contentDisposition: string, contentTransferEncoding: string]])
12:26:53enthus1astdom96: do you know where this is documented?
12:29:41enthus1astahh supercool thx dom96
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13:10:56couven92I'm trying to set up a MSBuild Template for Nim... are there any special environment variables to look out for?
13:11:10couven92I see the start.bat file defines NIMPATH
13:12:18couven92Also, is there any way to get a batch (on Windows) or bash (on Linux) script to detect the bitness of nim?
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13:54:40Araqcouven92: nim --version outputs something like [MacOSX: amd64]
13:54:51Araqwhich indicates the number of bits
13:55:52AraqI don't think any tool actually uses NIMPATH and it's not set on any of my machines
13:56:06Araqnim doesn't use environment vars.
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22:00:23dom96Really sucks to read this stuff: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11343371
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22:11:42reactormonkHow about a switch about a warning if you use different styles in the same file?
22:12:16ldleworkHow about the Israel and Palestine just share the land?
22:12:31reactormonkI think mine is a bit easier.
22:13:19ldleworkBut neither suggestion will have much bearing on either side in both cases.
22:29:04cheatfatedom96, and why you read this?
22:29:23cheatfatedom96, some people just dont like underscores :)
22:29:50dom96cheatfate: because it's interesting to read what people think of Nim, even if their opinion makes me sad.
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22:53:33cheatfatedom96, i think when work is not done yet, its very early to pay attention on people opinion
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23:04:33cheatfateit's like listening to a man who saw a masterpiece before the work on it was completed
23:07:00*couven92 quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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23:47:59Araqreactormonk: fwiw if I would design this feature again, I would simply disallow underscores and upper cased letters. everything-would-be-with-dashes
23:49:01Araqno style wars, no cries, no discussions. and we can keep pretending we live in the 60ies and Ascii is all we ever need.
23:49:42Araqand we could focus on whether indentation should be done with 2, 3, 4 or 8 spaces.
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