<< 25-03-2016 >>

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05:09:00veganskHi! Can anyone help me to find the workaround for this bug: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/3995. The problem is wha I need the function with the signature ``proc flatMap[A,B](f: Rand[A], g: A -> Rand[B]): Rand[B]``
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09:48:58cheatfatevegansk, are you here?
09:49:18veganskcheatfate,hi! I'm here
09:50:13cheatfatevegansk, got this https://gist.github.com/cheatfate/2c161d2d9277cd27292e when using locks on linux, i think you forgot to add [*] to functions
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09:56:45cheatfatevegansk, ping?
09:58:30veganskcheatfate, the problem is that it's an internal file and it's included to another modules and not imported
09:58:52cheatfatei'm using locks.nim
10:00:37veganskcheatfate, I found the solution. doing the PR now...
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10:31:17veganskcheatfate, do you know why ``{.push hints: off.}`` works and {.push hint[XDeclaredButNotUsed]: off.} doesn't?
10:32:08reactormonkAraq, tabs.
10:32:08cheatfatevegansk, this is not very good solution but {.hint[]: off.} must be used
10:33:48vegansk``syslocks`` used partially in ``locks`` and partially in ``rlocks``. so, this solution must be fine
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10:40:29veganskwow, {.hint[]: off.} kills the compiler with segfault
10:42:45reactormonkvegansk, now that's bad. Time for a bug report.
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10:47:33veganskPR #4000 :-) https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/4000
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10:51:18veganskreactormonk, https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/4001
10:59:45lokienvegansk: how good is your fp library?
11:00:03reactormonkvegansk, more like issue #4000, the PRs share ids with them.
11:02:32reactormonkvegansk, no zero/point in your FP library? I'm dissapointed.
11:04:14vegansklokien, it's an experiment, but we use it in production :-)
11:08:11veganskreactormonk, it's only the beginning. Here is the new showstopper for this library: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/3995
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11:13:49lokienhow to append things to a sequence? it's not in the official tutorial, darn
11:16:16lokienoh, it's .add.
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11:19:55reactormonkvegansk, meh
11:20:40reactormonkWanna dig around in the lambda lifting code? :-)
11:22:39veganskwell, I'm just starting to dig ito the nim's compiler code, so ll is a hardcore theme for me :-)
11:23:48reactormonkthe variables names are a bit on the short side, but otherwise it's not too bad.
11:30:28lokienvegansk: wait, you're using nim in production?
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11:32:41vegansklokien, there are two ``not that big`` projects that are used by our clients. And they don't even know that they are written in Nim :-)
11:34:19veganskfirst was a small tool that imports some information from external sources to one of our product's database
11:36:22lokienwhat's the second one?
11:38:59veganskThe second was more cool :-) The online activation system for some of our prodcts. And it contains the library that is used from C++ and Haskell applications and the server with REST API :-)
11:42:37lokienoh, neat :)
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12:36:27lokienhey, how do I open a text file? like pythonish "with open("path") as text:"
12:44:59GangstaCatlokien, http://nim-lang.org/docs/system.html#readFile,string ?
12:50:20lokienGangstaCat: works perfectly, thanks
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12:56:53flyxlokien: here's what you can do if you actually want something like Python's `with`: https://gist.github.com/flyx/c1f7dd6afbbe6bbf1e9c
12:59:00lokienflyx: aw, that's useful too. but for now readFile will do :)
13:02:16def-flyx: could also use defer
13:03:44flyxdef-: nice, I didn't use that yet
13:03:59flyxthere are still so many features I don't know about
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13:11:32lokiendo you guys add main proc to every program you write?
13:12:21*flyx does not
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13:56:20lokienhow do I check if all letters from first string appear in the other string?
13:57:07lokienf("aaa", "asd") -> true, f("bbb", "asd") -> false
13:59:45def-lokien: iterate over string and check if each char is in. or use strutils.allCharsInSet after making a set of chars
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14:04:30def-lokien: for example: https://gist.github.com/def-/d15148ea575371204890
14:06:03lokiendef-: thanks! I was trying to do the naive solution, but I'm too illiterate atm :D
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15:44:56cheatfatewhat is the best method to avoid [XDeclaredButNotUsed]
15:48:09dom96cheatfate: use the identifier :P
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15:50:05cheatfatedom96, its not so easy when this is function
15:53:29cheatfatedom96, you know selectors.nim cannot be compiled, if "-d:useStdlibThreading"
15:54:49dom96I'm not surprised, that is still experimental
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16:42:34dom96cheatfate: Think you could look into this? https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/3726
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16:45:03cheatfatedom96, ok
16:50:30cheatfatedom96, i even can't install nimble from source in freebsd...
16:51:05cheatfatesysio.nim(90, 12) Error: IOFBF not ported to your platform.
16:51:18dom96cheatfate: Don't use the nims file
16:51:26dom96follow the instructions in Nimble's repo
16:52:13cheatfatethis instructions? it was failed on last step "nim -d:release c -r src/nimble install"
16:52:50dom96with the above message?
16:53:05dom96oh, Nimble uses nimscript now too D:
16:53:35dom96Guess the first step is to make nimscript work on freebsd
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17:14:02cheatfatei think i had old devel base let me check
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17:20:48cheatfatemy nimble error was because of old version
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17:26:18cheatfatedom96, i can't reproduce errors... i think it was patched with https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/3947
17:27:05dom96even #3726?
17:28:05cheatfatei have successfully installed gtk2 and cairo with nim on my freebsd
17:28:12cheatfatewith nimble*
17:34:37cheatfatedom96, do we finished? or you want me to do more tests?
17:35:29dom96cheatfate: can you see if Aporia works?
17:35:42cheatfatedom96, i dont have X11s...
17:35:52dom96oh, okay
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19:57:41Guest22743Hello, I've just installed Nim on Windows XP 2002 SP3
19:57:52Guest22743And now I have problem with nimble
19:58:17fredrik92people out there still use XP?!?!? :P
19:58:38Guest22743It is not my main computer :D
19:58:50Guest22743"could not import: inet_ntop", that is the problem
20:00:03Guest22743I found some issues on github and they are solved
20:01:26Guest22743But in fact, I can't use nimble. Maybe building this from sources will help?
20:03:13dom96hey Guest22743
20:03:25dom96are you using Nim 0.13.0 or the latest from Github?
20:03:50Guest22743I have installed nim via installer from site
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20:12:49dom96Guest22743: can you try the latest from Github?
20:13:00dom96make sure to remove the installed version first
20:13:25Guest22743ok, I try, thank you
20:14:21Guest22743How can I remove installed nimble?
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20:16:26ArrrrUps, that wont work.
20:16:33ArrrrJust rm -rf nimble
20:17:19dom96Guest22743: just navigate to where Nim was installed, there should be a uninstall.exe or similar file
20:17:27cheatfatedom96, inet_ntop problem it doesn't help
20:17:49cheatfatedom96, latest development version is affected too i think
20:18:00Guest22743Should I reinstall Nim or Nimble?
20:18:00ArrrrIt was fixed on february
20:18:18dom96Guest22743: both, you need to recompile Nimble as well
20:18:21ArrrrGuest, do you know how to clone a repository?
20:18:33Guest22743I will try
20:18:48ArrrrThen https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim#compiling
20:20:18cheatfateArrrr, ws2_32.dll (windows xp) doesnt have export symbol "inet_ntop"
20:21:00dom96cheatfate: yes, but its usage was fixed (I think?)
20:21:12ArrrrThe issue with windows xp was that you could not execute any nim application using sockets.
20:21:23ArrrrNow it works, but i think it doesn't support ipv6
20:22:23cheatfatehttps://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/lib/windows/winlean.nim (lines 836-838)
20:23:58ArrrrThere was an annoying warrning there, but it got fixed recently too
20:26:29cheatfatemaybe "symAddr" can produce this "could not import: inet_ntop"
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20:29:26ArrrrI dont think so, i believe the issue was fixed here https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/3787, i have not used winlean directly but a lot of code relays on it
20:31:27cheatfateArrrr, you are right
20:31:58cheatfateit was fixed 26 Jan 2016
20:32:11cheatfatei dont know when 0.13.0 was released
20:34:51Arrrrthe web says Jan 18
20:48:28*Arrrr quit (Quit: WeeChat 1.4)
20:50:05Guest22743Yes, guys
20:50:23Guest22743I finished, latest sources solved my problem
20:50:29Guest22743Thank you
20:51:39Guest22743Have you ever thought about creating chat in Telegram?
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21:36:29Araqwho's up for a challenge?
21:36:58Araqchances are high it's in compiler/sigmatch.nim
21:37:38Araqwhere we allow for type conversions in the unification process that resolves generics.
21:37:45Araqwhich we shouldn't.
21:41:15Araqnur nicht alle auf einmal...
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22:00:05VarriountAraq: I could try.
22:00:49AraqVarriount: go ahead. I'm here to help you.
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22:04:38VarriountAraq: Are arrays handled by the generics matching code?
22:05:24VarriountI ask because I figure the best way to find the faulty piece of code is to figure out where an error is *supposed* to happen, and figure out why it isn't.
22:05:43VarriountSo I need a test case that actually works.
22:08:21AraqVarriount: it works properly (aka doesn't compile) when it uses arrays directly
22:08:31Araqbut fails when the array is wrapped in a generic
22:11:44VarriountAraq: Wouldn't that be part of semAsgn?
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22:15:53AraqVarriount: good point, first thing you need to check is whether only assignment is affected or parameter passing in general
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22:16:44VarriountAraq: Also, you'll be interested to know Nimsuggest is getting a nice workout navigating through compiler code.
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22:37:34fredrik92The Visual Studio Code plugin actually automagically uses Nimsuggest for IntelliSense!
22:37:48fredrik92That's really awesome! :-)
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22:48:46cheatfatefredrik92, you mean this one https://github.com/Gravityzwell/NimStudio?
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22:51:07fredrik92this one: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=kosz78.nim
22:52:12cheatfateah, sorry
22:52:34cheatfatei dont like this javascript based editors
22:53:29Varriountcheatfate: Yay! Another compatriot!
22:53:32fredrik92Hmm... Could be nice to write VSIX for Visual Studio to make Nim projects! ;-)
22:54:33fredrik92actually you could probably speed up compile time this way, since Visual Studio automagically uses incremental build and so on...
22:55:34cheatfatefredrik92, but this depends on compiler, not editor
22:56:04fredrik92You, could also write a Makefile! ;-)
22:56:56fredrik92I'm just (obviously) a Microsoft/Visual Studio kind of guy! :P
22:57:32fredrik92Btw, can we get Nim to generate C# code?
22:57:51VarriountAraq: As a side note, is Nimsuggest supposed to spit out "template/generic instantiation from here" for correct files?
22:58:03Varriountfredrik92: You can build a backend. :D
22:58:20cheatfatethe best visual studio was Visual Studio 6.0, all vs after it just made it slower and slower
22:58:35cheatfatebut ms made vs2015 a little faster than 2013
22:59:42fredrik92Well, I mainly do C# nowadays, so VS is still the most awesome IDE for that (that I know of)
23:03:48fredrik92But yes, VS does require a LOT of resources! :-/
23:05:09cheatfatei though c# programmers hate c programmers so will never join nim society :)
23:06:04fredrik92Well at the UiT in Tromsø, Norway, we actually teach C, since I am a TA there I kind of have to embrace it! :P
23:07:05fredrik92No, C can be quite fun! And if you really, really want to, you can do magic P/Invokes in C#->C! :D
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23:11:25cheatfatefredrik92, http://lurkmore.so/images/5/52/Program-weapon.jpg
23:12:10fredrik92cheatfate, yeah, I know! :d
23:12:20cheatfateand i'm totally agree :)
23:13:20fredrik92Well, I kind of do as well, or I do not disagree! :-)
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23:21:44fredrik92cheatfate, though with .NET Core and the cross-platform capabilities MS are developing right now, I think C# is going in the right direction...
23:23:21cheatfatemicrosoft is working in alternative reality, i think .net will die as ActiveX
23:26:22*pregressive quit (Remote host closed the connection)
23:27:48nsfC# is very popular in gamedev these days due to unity
23:28:33nsfso it probably won't die any time soon
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