<< 26-03-2016 >>

00:11:28*desophos quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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00:23:21onionhammer1C# is very popular in the corporate world as well
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01:05:51VarriountAraq: The ParamTypesMatch procedure in sigmatch... why doesn't it return a bool or something?
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01:35:52cnclclearly he hasn't used haskell with ghc extensions enabled
01:38:35VarriountI'm finding her twitter tagline... interesting, as well as her website.
01:40:27VarriountI haven't actually had strong spaces bite me yet... then again, I'm paranoid and use braces anyway.
01:40:46dom96Varriount: The thing is: strong spaces aren't enabled by default.
01:41:07Varriountdom96: They aren't? I could have sworn they were enabled in the latest release.
01:41:42dom96These people aren't very friendly :(
01:44:32cnclyeah, don't expect a lot of friendliness from programmers, haha
01:47:09dom96oh well
01:48:15cncllanguages tend to gain more acceptance once there are a couple of high-profile projects made with them
01:48:55cncladvocacy alone will only do so much
01:48:59cncl(in my experience)
01:51:42dom96yeah, makes sense.
02:13:52dom96good night guys
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03:38:10nicktickHint: [Link]
03:38:10nicktickd:\nim\sources\nimcache\system.o:system.c:(.text+0xdb3f): relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_PC32 against undefined symbol `_wfopen'
03:38:18nicktickwhat's it ?
03:39:06nickticknim c test_str.nim
03:39:31nicktickfs = newFileStream("dat",fmReadWrite)
03:40:20nicktickis there any library need be linked?
03:45:18cnclyou're using gcc?
04:01:31nicktickcncl , yes
04:02:40nicktickwith MSYS2
04:03:33cnclwhat's the output of gcc --version and nim --version
04:04:36nicktickgcc (GCC) 4.9.2 ,
04:04:36nicktickNim Compiler Version 0.12.0 (2015-10-27) [Windows: amd64]
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04:06:39cnclthe output of the gcc version should have many more lines
04:07:00nicktickgcc (GCC) 4.9.2
04:07:00nicktickCopyright (c) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
04:07:19cnclyou don't see the build information?
04:07:33cnclmost gcc builds look like
04:07:36cnclgcc.exe (x86_64-win32-seh-rev0, Built by MinGW-W64 project) 5.3.0
04:07:40cnclor something like that
04:08:02cnclmy first suggestion is to update to newer gcc/mingw
04:08:08cncland newer nim (0.13.0)
04:09:31cncli think i see
04:09:33cnclyou're using cygwin
04:09:44cnclnim for windows is not built for cygwin
04:09:50nicktickno, mingw
04:10:32cnclmsys2 uses cygwin
04:11:44cnclat least i think so
04:11:48cnclmaybe i'm wrong
04:11:52nicktick$ ./build.sh
04:11:52nicktickError: unknown operating system: mingw64_nt-10.0
04:12:23nicktickbut I did compile nim with this gcc ago.
04:12:47nickticknim(0.13.0) can't be installed on windows now?
04:12:53cnclit can, i'm using it right now
04:13:06cnclgcc.exe (x86_64-win32-seh-rev0, Built by MinGW-W64 project) 5.3.0
04:13:32cncli don't use msys2 or cygwin though
04:13:36cncli don't really know much about them
04:13:57cnclbut i do believe that the nim distribution for windows will not work with cygwin
04:16:03nicktickbuild64.bat work
04:16:19nicktickcompiling ...
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04:28:03cnclAraq: do i need to worry about the cost of reallocations for seq? in c++ (and elsewhere), for variable-sized arrays, i'm used to doing things like reserving a larger amount of space when creating the array to avoid multiple reallocations/resizes when filling it
04:28:46cncloften i will know roughly or exactly the maximum the number of entries that will be added to it
04:29:12cncli see that it's possible to use setLen or to call newSeq with a number, but that changes the actual number of entries in the seq and not just how much memory is allocated for it
04:29:24cnclbut i know nim has a managed runtime so maybe it's not something that has to be worried about?
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06:56:54darius93I have a question: nim has gc correct? if so how often does it run because i ran a small sample code i found and after stress testing it, it doesnt seems to free up memory. the code is http://hastebin.com/ponuzapufu.coffee
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08:16:12Araqdarius93: try --gc:v2 with async.
08:16:28Araqhopefully I can get it to become the default soon...
08:16:45Araqcncl: it's much like C++ in this respect
08:21:12*Demos joined #nim
08:24:15cnclAraq: ah, ok. so, for example, let's say i know that i will have about 1500 entries for something that i need to put into a seq, but i won't know exactly until i'm finished iterating some source data
08:25:12cnclis there some way to tell a seq to allocate enough space for 1500 entries, but not actually initialize the memory or have its len report as 1500?
08:25:37cncljust as a hint to avoid re-allocating/copying
08:25:45Araqadd newSeqOfCap to system.nim
08:25:52Araqthat's on my todo for a while now
08:26:01Araqbut you can do it. it's "easy".
08:26:23cnclah ok, thanks. i'll take a look
08:26:42cnclalso will add the uint `mod` :) i will change to a source build soon, and try that stuff
08:26:55cncli'm on the binary distribution but i'll change to building from source soon
08:35:24*yglukhov joined #nim
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09:00:07VarriountAraq: Any chance for 'setCap', analagous to setLen?
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09:34:12AraqVarriount: that would be less convienent to use wouldn't it?
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11:00:26cheatfateAraq, is it possible to access stack in runtime?
11:00:49cheatfatei mean get traceback
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11:07:01flyxcheatfate: in debug builds, you can use writeStackTrace and getStackTrace from system.nim
11:07:28cheatfateflyx, thanks
11:15:15*Arrrr quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
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12:13:17toaoMgeorgeJust out of curiosity, what are the worst showstoppers for Nim right now?
12:15:20toaoMgeorgeProbably in a month or two I will have some time to get my hands dirty with the compiler...
12:19:44dom96toaoMgeorge: Glad to hear that :)
12:20:25dom96toaoMgeorge: We've got a showstopper label on github: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3AShowstopper
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12:25:25AraqVarriount: why would it return 'bool'? type relations are way more complex than that ...
12:28:27toaoMgeorgedom96: thanks
12:28:48*fredrik92 joined #nim
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12:42:36fredrik92Hmm, for NimStudio you need sth. called a development build of Nim, how do I produce one? Build from source?
12:53:02dom96fredrik92: What's NimStudio?
12:54:35fredrik92dom96, Nim extension for Visual Studio (not the Nim plugin for VS Code) but the one for the big bloated IDE
12:55:04dom96fredrik92: ahh. I would guess that you do have to build Nim from source then.
12:56:54fredrik92Araq, I tried to compile Nim from source using VCC, that mainly failed because the nim source code uses ranged switch cases which is not supported by the MS Compiler
12:56:55*exebook quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
12:59:22Araqso build it properly
12:59:41Araquse a GGC based Nim first to compile a VCC based Nim.
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14:04:15fredrik92Araq, but isn't the nim source code generated? If yes, any chance to expand ranged switch cases in the future? Or can run Regex over the entire thing a do a VCC compileable PR?
14:06:35fredrik92I actually started with that, so I could probably get it running after Easter... As a proof of concept?
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14:16:56Varriountfredrik92: It's generated, but there are options for tailoring it to various compilers, IIRC
14:17:56Varriount--cc:vcc for example
14:23:54VarriountAraq: I don't suppose endb works wih the compiler?
14:27:50*macbeth quit (Quit: Page closed)
14:32:47darius93Araq, it seems to segfault when i add '--gc:v2'.
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15:18:20cheatfatedo we have something like ordered stack, i need to push values of any order but i want to pop always maximum value of stack?
15:23:21endragorin stdlib - no, as far as I know. there is https://github.com/bluenote10/nim-heap
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15:49:47fredrik92Hmm... I get a weird error when using nim and the target file are not in the same directory as my current working directory:
15:49:48fredrik92...\Source\GitHub\nim-lang>nim compile niminst
15:49:48fredrik92Hint: system [Processing]
15:49:48fredrik92Hint: niminst [Processing]
15:49:48fredrik92Error: cannot open '...\source\github\nim-lang\niminst.nim'
15:50:12fredrik92(On Windows in cmd)
15:50:52fredrik92But when I cd'ed into the niminst directory, nim compiled just fine!...
15:51:14fredrik92Backslash problems?
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15:56:14cheatfateendragor, thanks
16:06:19VarriountDemos: You around?
16:11:45fredrik92how do I generate csources for nim itself? instead of clong the nim-lang/csources repo? I have Nim installed and in my path
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16:13:22dom96fredrik92: ./koch csources -d:release
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16:35:47ArrrrWhy does sizeOf static variable display a different value than the one from a non static variable?
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16:36:29fredrik92koch csources -d:release --cc:vcc fails:nim compile -f --symbolfiles:off --compileonly --gen_mapping --cc:gcc --skipUserCfg --os:linux --cpu:i386 -d:release --cc:vcc compiler/nim.nimc:\nim\lib\pure\math.nim(135, 8) Error: implementation of 'math.randomize()' expected
16:37:15fredrik92Oh, sry..
16:37:17fredrik92$ koch csources -d:release --cc:vcc
16:37:26fredrik92$ nim compile -f --symbolfiles:off --compileonly --gen_mapping --cc:gcc --skipUserCfg --os:linux --cpu:i386 -d:release --cc:vcc compiler/nim.nim
16:37:37fredrik92> c:\nim\lib\pure\math.nim(135, 8) Error: implementation of 'math.randomize()' expected
16:38:12fredrik92and that's both in the devel branch and the v0.13.0 branch of the Nim repo
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16:52:42dom96fredrik92: hrm, is koch passing both 'cc:gcc' and 'cc:vcc', is that the issue?
16:53:32fredrik92seems so... because when I just take that one line and execute it without --os:linux and --cc:gcc then everything is fine
16:54:02fredrik92But I cannot really figure out where koch generates that command and inserts gcc and linux...
16:54:43fredrik92tried to change the GitHub/nim-lang/Nim/config/nim.cfg, but that did not work either
16:55:03fredrik92and I have cc = vcc in my C:\Nim\config\nim.cfg
16:55:24dom96I think it's just generated here: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/koch.nim#L101
16:55:51dom96Guessing whatever creates `args` is doing it incorrectly, think you could investigate? :)
16:58:08fredrik92Yeah... will do... do we have a clue where args is coming from?
16:59:08dom96fredrik92: not sure, look up where `csources` is being called
16:59:19fredrik92ah, https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/koch.nim#L377
17:06:50DemosVarriount, I am now
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17:29:48fredrik92dom96, the error actually happens in niminst which koch calls
17:42:25Varriountfredrik92: Do 'nim c --cc:vcc compiler/nim.nim'
17:42:53VarriountE.g, compile manually instead of using koch.
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17:43:22fredrik92yes, that works.. But i actually wanted koch to csource nim using vcc settings... But that may not be possible?
17:45:54dom96fredrik92: why do you need the csources for vcc?
17:46:54fredrik92wanted to compile nim with vcc instead of gcc... right now, more as a proof of concept...
17:59:52fredrik92Araq, the nimcache option in nim is interpreted relative to the location of the nim.file to compile, not relative to the current directory! the -o option however is relative to the current working directory. That is actually a big problem when the nim file is not in current dir, because the linking step fails
18:00:25fredrik92the only way is to use absolute paths whenever possible, that always works
18:03:05dom96fredrik92: can't you simply do: nim c --cc:vcc compiler/nim to do so?
18:04:02dom96regarding the problem with -o, likely already reported https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/labels/Path%20Handling
18:04:03fredrik92dom96 can I? I don't know... You guys here told me to do ./koch csource -d:release to generate Nim's C source code
18:04:37dom96fredrik92: Try it :)
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18:13:55fredrik92is there a way to get nim only to generate code, no compile, no linking, no anything?
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18:23:23Demosnim does compile wiht VCC
18:23:30DemosI do it regularly
18:23:43Demoskoch boot --cc:vcc I think will work
18:23:53Demosyou do need vcc actually on the path
18:27:09*ehmry left #nim ("Leaving")
18:27:09mogKeyError: Identifier('ehmry') (file "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/sopel/tools/target.py", line 65, in clear_user)
18:29:51dom96fredrik92: nim c --compileonly --cc:vcc file.nim
18:32:57fredrik92Demos, you're right, that worked like a charm... csource appearently does not work nice with vcc
18:33:24Demosoh yeah, that's super annoying
18:33:32DemosI tend to bootstrap with an official release\
18:33:41Demosor the buildbots when those were working
18:34:20fredrik92hmm... well enough playing around for today... I will have a look tomorrow... :-)
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19:40:18cheatfatei'm looking for fast concurrent hash map/table
19:49:18Varriountcheatfate: I think there's a lock free hash table in the stdlib.
19:52:49cheatfateVarriount, it looks a little bit strange
19:53:06cheatfateVarriount, maybe {.experimental.} staff
19:53:42cheatfateno header, no docs
19:55:26Varriountcheatfate: You can also use sharedtables.nim
19:56:07cheatfateVarriount, already tried to use sharedtables.nim it locking whole table...
19:56:14cheatfateand missed many functions
19:56:53Varriountcheatfate: What are you doing that you're running into such a large amount of lock contention?
19:58:11cheatfateVarriount, new variant of selectors.nim, with more feautures and multithreading
19:59:30Varriountcheatfate: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/tree/crazy_concurrency
19:59:55cheatfateVarriount, not working and forgotten i think
20:00:16Varriountcheatfate: Well, that branch is using shared tables.
20:00:37VarriountSo your choices are to use sharedtables, lockfree tables, or roll your own.
20:03:52cheatfatei think lockfree tables ready and tested only on 32bit
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20:14:12Varriountcheatfate: I'd use the sharedtables module, and not pre-optimize
20:14:28VarriountA truly lock-free backend can always be added.
20:16:07VarriountAraq: Why is it 'paramTypesMatch' and not just 'typesMatch'?
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20:28:51VarriountAraq: Also, what is considered to be "metaConvertible"?
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20:50:21VarriountAraq: I think I've found the bug with generic types - there's something wrong in typeRel
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21:30:05AraqVarriount: well? what's the bug?
21:30:29VarriountAraq: I don't know quite yet. I'm still trying to decipher the huge function.
21:30:46VarriounttypeRel is saying that the generics are convertible though, which isn't true.
21:35:11VarriountAraq: Well, I feel dumb.
21:35:24*fredrik92 quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
21:35:28VarriountIt took me manually tracing the assignment code to get to this point.
21:36:07VarriountOf course, now there's the 500+ line monster that is typeRel to debug.
21:37:26Araqhmm, didn't I tell you it's in sigmatch.nim ?
21:40:27VarriountYes, but not which procedure.
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21:52:28AraqVarriount: tyGenericInst
21:52:46Araqline 928
21:52:50Araqit's completely wrong.
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22:00:45VarriountI don't think I would have spotted that without quite a bit of effor.
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22:03:05cheatfateAraq, can i use seqs with threads? are seqs using shared memory?
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22:05:38Varriountcheatfate: Think about it: what happens if one thread adds to a sequence and the internal arrays needs to be re-sized/moved?
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22:08:23cheatfateVarriount, :) i understand this and bring my locks to it, problem is that all most of collection staff using "ref object" and not using allocShared... so other threads could not access this memory
22:08:45Varriountcheatfate: Use arrays?
22:09:23cheatfateinstack arrays?
22:09:40Varriountcheatfate: Arrays allocated from shared memory.
22:10:04*nicktick quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
22:10:16cheatfatebut arrays could not be extended...
22:10:28Varriountcheatfate: So copy and reallocated the arrays.
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22:11:26cheatfateVarriount, could you please point me on some examples
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22:14:55cheatfateVarriount, i even dont know how to declare such array...
22:15:34VarriountOne moment.
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22:31:10VarriountAraq: Has something changed with the {.unchecked.} pragma? I can't seem to use it on generic arrays.
22:33:57Varriountcheatfate: Use createShared, resizeShared, and freeShared to allocate blocks of memory.
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22:34:59VarriountAraq: "type UncheckedArray[T] {.unchecked.} = array[0..30, T]" gives "Error: implementation of 'UncheckedArray' expected"
22:36:02cheatfateVarriount, i know about functions :)
22:36:36*nicktick2 quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
22:36:37AraqVarriount: put the pragma before the [T]
22:40:18AraqVarriount: to make you feel better: I've no idea what that code section is supposed to do
22:41:22VarriountAraq: Well, I can see that the loop is meant to check the type relation of all the generic's subtypes. I don't quite understand why the first child node is skipped though.
22:42:25VarriountAraq: What's so special about the last child node of a parent node? I mean, why is skipTypes used so much in the compiler?
22:47:39Araqthe data structures are arranged so that the last child is most important
22:49:18VarriountAraq: So, in a PType that represents a generic type, the last node is..?
22:49:30Araqthe implementation/instantiation
22:50:01VarriountI would have thought the first node would be most important.
22:56:42Varriountcheatfate: https://gist.github.com/Varriount/a300ef3b3213eb1c79c7
22:59:39cheatfateVarriount, thanks
22:59:45cheatfatei will try to use it
23:00:43Varriountcheatfate: Note that ptr ptr is used - This means that when you want to resize the sequence, you won't get broken pointers.
23:01:18VarriountIt also means that the semantics for this particular data structure are the same as references - the data isn't copied on assignment.
23:01:32*vendethiel joined #nim
23:01:46VarriountThis is different from how Nim's sequences and strings behave. Nim strings and sequences are copy-on-assignment.
23:23:59*bjz quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
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23:41:04cheatfateVarriount, could you please test this? https://gist.github.com/cheatfate/e7de8594e22df63ae455
23:41:37cheatfatei dont understand why capacity has been changed
23:42:51Varriountcheatfate: Are you sure you want that structure layout?
23:43:27cheatfateyeah i want copy-on-assignment for it
23:44:34cheatfatethere will be push/pop and iterate nothing more
23:46:14Varriountcheatfate: That will only copy the capacity and length, not the data.
23:46:48cheatfatei think we are talking about different things
23:47:22cheatfatei dont understand why first repr gives 64 and second one 72
23:47:48cheatfateafter first repr result.capacity = 64 after second repr result.capacity = 72
23:48:30Varriountcheatfate: It might have something to do with the wierd casting stuff on line 39
23:48:38VarriountWhat are you even trying to do there?
23:49:28*vendethiel quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
23:49:41cheatfatei will try to set data = address of memory after structure
23:50:14cheatfate[structure][memory] i will try to point data to [memory]
23:50:26*Jesin quit (Quit: Leaving)
23:51:00Varriountcheatfate: You know that will break as soon as the object is assigned somewhere else, right?
23:51:59cheatfatewhat object?
23:52:56*Jesin joined #nim
23:53:12onionhammer1Araq how do you enable the new GC?
23:53:19onionhammer1or is it default yet in devel?
23:53:21Varriountonionhammer1: --gc:v2
23:54:14Varriountcheatfate: Ok, objects are value types. They usually lie on the stack, and their entire structure data is copied from one chunk of memory to another when assigned.
23:54:59*gokr quit (Quit: Leaving.)
23:55:18VarriountIf you set the data member to point to the end of the object, the data member will have a wierd pointer to another object when it is copied.
23:56:11cheatfatebut data member will be not accessible...
23:56:16onionhammer1Araq Varriount looks like my websocket memtest thing is working better (?)
23:56:26onionhammer1with default GC still, not testing v2 yet
23:56:47Varriountcheatfate: Not directly, but I'm assuming that the push and pop procedures will need to access the data
23:57:00Araqyour websocket memtest is a decade old and I fixed it years ago.
23:57:21Varriountcheatfate: Also, assignment will only copy the *pointer* to the data, not the data itself. I'm not quite sure you want that.
23:57:23onionhammer1it wont build with gc v2 though ARaq
23:57:37onionhammer1stdlib_posix.c:106:1: error: unknown type name 'FILE'
23:57:39onionhammer1FILE* dumpheapfile;
23:58:11onionhammer1has anyone made a websocket nimble package yet?
23:58:57Araqshouldn't your system have a FILE type?
23:59:08cheatfateVarriount, ok i will do it in 2 allocs
23:59:10*nicktick2 joined #nim
23:59:26dom96hello guys