<< 24-06-2016 >>

00:00:33dom96In case anybody missed it: http://nim-lang.org/news/2016_06_23_launching_the_2016_nim_community_survey.html
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00:03:26vktecdef-: Thanks, but my regex uses a _lot_ of double quotes, so """ is easier. I'll use raw strings for my other regexes though
00:06:07vktecdef-: Also, does the `re"foo""bar"` rather than `re(r"foo""bar")` syntax work with nre?
00:14:24def-vktec: yes
00:14:35edub4rtI know that manually canceling futures is not supported yet, however if I close an async socket, will it cancel all IO futures related to the socket?
00:18:47dom96edub4rt: I don't think so. For example, if you've got a pending recv() you might get an empty string back.
00:22:05edub4rtdom96: I'm dealing with a case where the pending recv() never returns, even after I close the socket
00:22:16vktecdef-: Thanks
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00:23:16edub4rtdom96: for the current implementation is this behavior correct or is something wrong?
00:24:57dom96edub4rt: good question, i'm not sure.
00:27:10dom96I think it's fair to assume that any pending socket operation should finish eventually with either an exception or a result.
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00:34:58edub4rtdom96: I've create a simple async UDP server, call an await recvFrom in an async routine, then closed the socket, the await never finished, waited more than 300 seconds, I'll investigate further
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02:00:06zdsIs there a way to echo the type of a value?
02:03:18kiertype(x) gives you a typedesc representing the type of the value x
02:03:36kieri think i've seen somewhere you can do type(x).name, can't see it in the docs though
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02:10:09zdsI know about the typedescs, but I can't echo the damn things.
02:12:26zdsah - `name` comes from typetraits.
02:12:45zdsthen you can echo it.
02:18:14edub4rtdom96: I could not find the root cause of the problem, I've created issue #4405 regarding that, pending recv/accept futures don't fail after closing a socket
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07:22:07veganskAraq, hi! Can you look at this PR please: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/4398.
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07:45:16veganskAraq, thanks. Updated the comments. Also I have a question. Why compareTypes uses sameTypeAux and not typeRel? I think that's why it can't find matching in the issue 88
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07:58:04AraqtypeRel deals with type variables
07:58:10AraqcompareTypes doesn't.
08:01:04veganskAraq, so can I add custom logic for generics to compareTypes?
08:01:26veganskusing isGenericSubtype
08:01:50Araqwhy is that required? compareTypes should deal with concrete types
08:03:19veganskBecause now test from issue 88 fails with "Error: conversion from ref TGen[system.string] to Ty is invalid"
08:03:56Araqtype conversions already call typeRel
08:06:25*desophos quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
08:07:03veganskI can't find it in proc semConv(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode :-( Ok, need to dig deeper. And what do you think about PR. Can it be merged?
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08:17:41AraqsemConv needs to call typeRel then, but don't touch compareTypes
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08:54:41Araqvegansk: I will merge the PR tonight, ok? need to do some tests on my own
08:56:15veganskAraq, Ok! Thanks. Meanwhile I'll try to resolve the rest of issue 88 in another PR because it's another problem
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09:20:11euantorAraq, I finally got round to making that PR with the modified strutils isNilorEMpty and strutils.isNilOrWhitespace methods. I also edited strutils.isSpace slightly, hopefully that's acceptable. I wasn't 100% sure on how you do tests in the stdlib, so I added a couple of asserts in strutils and some in tstrutil.nim. Hopefully that's correct
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09:52:46chemist69Hi, I am still getting started with Nim (coming mainly from Python) and liking it more and more.
09:52:57chemist69I am using it only on Linux, but want to write some programs that slso my Windows-using colleagues should be able to run. So I used the cross-compilation example from def- in his excellent blog post on Writing a 2D Platform Game in Nim to compile one of my scripts on Linux for Windows and it worked flawlessly. I was even able to cross-compile the controllgallery libui example from Araq. I am duely impressed and
09:52:59chemist69just wanted to share my excitement.
09:53:16dom96chemist69: awesome :D
09:54:22cheatfatedom96, i think https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/4405 this will be hard bug...
10:00:58chemist69dom96: yes, I am really impressed. It looks like Nim is really one of nicest options for cross-platform devlopment. I love Python, but using it would mean to install the interpreter on every machine where a script should be run, and this is often difficult (for us, it at least requires a call to IT). I even looked into Kotlin, which is a nicer alternative to Java and the JVM is installed on all Windows machines
10:01:00chemist69here, but I really would rather avoid using it (The syntax is quite nice, though and very Swift-like).
10:01:48PMunchchemist69, that's great! Another great thing is that if you even have something you want to package to a source-based distro you can compile to C so your package won't even depend on Nim :)
10:02:19chemist69Yes, that's true!
10:02:51dom96cheatfate: indeed.
10:03:15dom96chemist69: That's precisely why I stopped using Python and started using Nim in the first place :)
10:03:37dom96236 responses for the Nim community survey so far!
10:03:44chemist69dom96: I am starting to understand... :-)
10:03:49PMunchchemist69, I wrote a Gtk program in Python once by accident (didn't really think it through) and when it came to deploy time I ended up creating a portable python install with a portable Gtk install and drop my script in a folder.. The program was a couple kilobytes, the end-product was a couple megabytes because of all the portable dependencies..
10:03:52dom96For anyone that missed it: http://nim-lang.org/news/2016_06_23_launching_the_2016_nim_community_survey.html
10:04:02PMunchdom96, oh nice!
10:04:17PMunchIt seems like Nim has gained some interest lately
10:04:47PMunchMy post on TinyWM got ~1500 page visits after I posted it on r/programming
10:05:53chemist69PMunch: Yeah, this is another thing. For Python cross-platform GUI apps, I have used Tk so far, because it is the easiest option on Windows, but man, it is ugly on Linux (even with the new Ttk).
10:06:41PMunchGtk is actually pretty nice cross platform, but it does require the end user to install Gtj
10:07:38PMunchWhich isn't a problem in the Linux world (package managers for the win) but on Windows this means that you need to bundle an installer or write a script that goes and downloads the latest version requiring an internet connection..
10:07:45chemist69Therefore I really see the potential in libui. It looks native on every platform, because it Is native.
10:08:00veganskchemist69. Did you try IUP. It's nice, small, crossplatform and native. See: https://github.com/vegansk/nimtests/blob/master/stdlib/iup/tutorial/ex3_4.nim
10:09:09chemist69vegansk: no, but I definitely will have a look. Thanks.
10:09:18PMunchOh wow, didn't know of libui. It looks great!
10:09:52chemist69PMunch: and Araq already wrote a Nim wrapper!
10:10:06PMunchYeah I saw it listed in the wrapper section :)
10:10:20PMunchvegansk, what's the benefit of iup?
10:11:42veganskPMunch. Native controls, small - 900Kb overhead on windows.
10:12:08veganskWhere is libui wrapper?
10:12:11PMunchGot this on reddit: "As an aside: any idea on how Nim metaprogramming features fare when compared against D lang?" Anyone has anything to pitch in or a good article?
10:12:46chemist69vegansk: https://github.com/nim-lang/ui
10:13:30chemist69I was faster, yes! ((fistpump))
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10:13:56PMunchDamn it!
10:14:00veganskPMunch. Look at the benefits of Nim metaprogramming for java connection :-) https://github.com/vegansk/jbridge/blob/master/src/javaapi/containers.nim. and https://github.com/vegansk/jbridge/blob/master/tests/test_javaapi_containers.nim#L11-L25
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10:15:25PMunchvegansk, what kind of sorcery is that!
10:15:26dom96PMunch: Awesome to see two Nim-related submissions on r/programming at the same time :D
10:16:15PMunchAnd so far up as well :)
10:16:23veganskPMunch, very dark magic :-) I wish i saw something like that in D
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10:17:04PMunchvegansk, but how does it work? Does it run a JVM and interface with it?
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10:17:29veganskPMunch, it uses JNI to connect to JVM
10:18:13veganskHere is the low level: https://github.com/vegansk/jbridge/blob/master/tests/test_jni_api.nim
10:19:20veganskBtw, don't use it until Araq merges https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/4398
10:23:21veganskdom96, how many peoples already participated in survey? :-)
10:23:45dom96Trying to submit to HN again
10:24:02dom96*hint hint* :P
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13:11:21dom96Araq: Ever heard of this? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gCsFxXamW8RRvOe5hECz98Ftk-tcRRJcDFANj2VwCB0/edit
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13:46:31Sembeidom96: still no solution for this? https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/issues/203
13:47:32dom96Sembei: sorry, will reopen the issue
13:48:09dom96Sembei: I suggest you try to work around it by not installing Nim via brew
13:48:31Sembeigit cloning and so?
13:49:23Sembeior maybe homebrew team can fix it?
13:57:41dom96Sembei: I don't think so
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14:01:25edub4rtcheatfate: I commented on issue #4405 an example with recvFromInto
14:02:53edub4rtI am currently stuck with the problem on that issue, I need some kind of workaround, I could not find any yet
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14:04:51euantor@Sembei I somehow managed to get Nim + Nimble installed on my mac using Homebrew. It was a while back though (pre-0.13.0 if I remember correctly)
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14:06:31Sembeieuantor: if you remember how or if you can with current version let me know it
14:06:55euantorI'll try installing it on my other mac tonight and write up some details
14:07:05Sembeiok tyvm
14:11:03dom96edub4rt: I gave a possible solution in the comments, don't have time right now to attempt it sorry.
14:16:42edub4rtdom96: okay, thanks I will try to implement it
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14:56:36OlixirHi guys! What does Nim have for parallelism computing?
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14:59:54PMunchOlixir ^
15:00:02PMunchThere's some example threading in Nim for you
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15:10:46cheatfateedub4rt, check github...
15:10:51cheatfatei have found your problem
15:12:25cheatfatebut this is mostly selectors.nim problem not yours
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15:14:34PMunchHmm, it says in the docs that channels are slow. How slow are they?
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15:35:11edub4rtcheatfate: regarding that issue did you get the message "got exception" or "received"?
15:35:46edub4rton windows
15:40:59cheatfateError: unhandled exception: No handles or timers registered in dispatcher. [ValueError]
15:43:29euantorRegarding my earlier comment about Nim/Nimble on Homebrew, it's also now broken for me when installing
15:43:39euantorMy already installed version works, a fresh install does not
15:44:47euantorThough making a symbolic link works
15:49:31euantorsudo ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/nim/0.14.2/nim/lib /usr/local/lib/nim
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16:11:22cheatfatedom96, you need to clear "High Priority" for https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/4405
16:12:10cheatfatebecause with current limits of asyncdispatch.nim for supplied sources, it works as expected...
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18:19:48Sembeieuantor: that worked for me as well
18:20:59euantorIt's a little bit hacky, but it works
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19:10:28mieresup, people, quick question: is stuff like this valid in Nim?
19:10:30miereseq[tuple[genre: string, match: range[1..100]]]
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19:19:00Araqmiere: why wouldn't it?
19:20:05mieregetting weird error when trying to add tuple to sequence
19:21:16miereAraq: about type mismatch
19:21:38Araqpass the seq by 'var'
19:24:00miereAraq: please take a look: https://gist.github.com/miere43/70a785331130224bf57516ff400f3f77
19:25:16mierefor some reason value of '50' is not in range of 1..100
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19:28:22miereAraq: works if manually cast to range[1..100] --- result.add((genre: "abcd", match: cast[range[1..100]](50)))
19:28:50Araqoh yeah, the type conversion relation doesn't list to tuples in general
19:29:08Araqbtw use a type conversion, not a cast
19:29:19mierehow? ._.
19:29:33miererange[1..100](50) ?
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19:33:09michael_campbellHave you tried it and it failed, or haven't tried it?
19:34:12mieremichael_campbell: failed
19:34:36michael_campbell=\ Seems like it should be valid. I assume the tuple by itself is ok?
19:35:00mieregetting invalid indentation error, lol
19:35:23michael_campbellin that one line?
19:35:32miereoh no, everything works, thats just me being stupid
19:35:41miereforget about some bracket
19:36:10michael_campbellI love, and hate, those types of errors.
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21:31:51disconnectedhello, does nimdoc support html entities somehow?
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21:45:32cheatfateAraq, hi, how about my brand new ioselectors.nim pr?
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22:01:16dom96disconnected: possibly, try `.. html::` then put the HTML below indented by two spaces.
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23:06:14PMunchHmm, I've got a *char which I've passed to a c function to get something back. How can I print the contents knowing the length?
23:19:28*Demos joined #nim
23:24:47AraqPMunch: good question, I don't think it gets simpler than:
23:24:56Araqvar x = newString(len)
23:25:15AraqcopyMem(addr(x[0]), thecstring, len)
23:25:18Araqecho x
23:26:39PMunchHmm, that's fair
23:27:31AraqPRs welcome
23:27:53*pregressive quit (Remote host closed the connection)
23:28:47PMunchAraq, by the way. I have other kinds of data as well. Right now an array of clong
23:28:54PMunchI'm passing in a double pointer
23:29:24PMunchWhich points to unknown data. This data is defined by another field passed in as a pointer
23:29:38PMunchAlong with a length that's passed in as a pointer
23:30:11PMunchSo using the length, the type (inferred from the return of the argument), and the pointer to some kind of data. How would you access that?
23:30:40PMuncharrays can't be created on runtime, so they are ruled out
23:31:25PMunchI guess some pointer magic is possible by creating a seq and in a loop over the length do some pointer magic (how?) to access the fields and adding it to the seq
23:36:03PMunchHmm, I tried this:
23:36:15PMunchfor i in 0..<cast[int](len):
23:36:16PMunch echo cast[ptr int](cast[int](list.addr)+i*4)[]
23:36:27PMunchBut it seems to give me bogus data..
23:37:29PMunch(It's an array of c longs by the way, that's why I do i*4)
23:45:40Araqarrays are possible: ptr array[10_000_000, clong]
23:45:44*Trustable quit (Remote host closed the connection)
23:45:57Araqthat's what I use. you can also use .unchecked arrays but meh
23:48:51Demosit seems {.push cdecl.} does not work on procedural types
23:49:04Demosis {.callconv: cdecl.} still a thing?
23:50:00PMunchAraq, allocating room for 10,000,000 clong on the heap isn't a bad idea?
23:50:33Araqit's a pointer to an array
23:50:40Araqit doesn't allocate anything
23:50:53Araqthe array size is a lie to make the bounds checking shut up
23:51:03Araq.unchecked does something similar
23:51:27AraqDemos: that's actually a feature, push only affects routines
23:51:44Araq{.callconv: cdecl.} is indeed what should be used instead
23:52:20Demossqlite3ext.nim(47, 11) Error: invalid pragma: callconv: cdecl
23:57:41PMunchThat makes sense :P