<< 24-08-2016 >>

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00:16:00girvoXe: I'm somewhat working on one, well, cleaning up the built-in httpclient anyway
00:16:21girvoXe: though that's only because I needed a decent HTTP message parser that doesn't care about transport ;)
00:18:05libmanI'm having a really bizarre bug... http://pastebin.com/JWkSNscB
00:18:38libmanNim's strfmt doesn't do thousandth separator for some reason, so I wrote an addCommas() from an example
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00:19:40libmanIt looked to be working, but now I observe that for some numbers it works and for some it doesn't...
00:20:24kulelu88girvo the messiah has arrived
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00:25:57libmanSomeone competent should write a well-tested addCommas for Nim stdlib...
00:26:22libman(or fix fmt)
00:29:18libmanBah, found it. I knew it was something stupid. Second replace argument should just be "$1,"
00:31:55libmanAnd it works, but only with nre
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05:44:15ftsf_hmm tried using the marshal module, it stores and loads stuff fine, but i noticed the tuple field names are not used, just "Field0", etc
05:44:20ftsf_is this intentional?
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05:54:05ftsf_"Different tuple-types are equivalent if they specify fields of the same type and of the same name in the same order" - from the manual, seems to suggest that the field name is important, but it seems not
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06:10:48veganskftsf_, seems that the tuples with named fields will be deprecated soon. Araq, am I right?
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06:20:40ftsf_aww i like them
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06:40:08ftsf_hmm repr(mytuple) has the same result with Field0, Field1, but $mytuple shows the field names
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07:03:31*hooo joined #nim
07:03:33hooofuck y'all
07:03:38hooowrong channel sorry
07:04:15hooook what i wanted to ask: why should i use nim if it uses a GC? obviously the nim GC wont be as good as a GC like java which ppl have worked on for 30 years
07:04:40hooodont say that nim's GC is optional, we all know that nobody writes all their nim code GC-less
07:05:18ftsf_I don't think about the GC, and i use nim because it's nice to write in nim, unlike java
07:05:45hoooyeah but nim has no IDE, no intellinse, much less libraries and support
07:05:53hooono debugger
07:06:22ftsf_I don't use an IDE anyway, much nicer working in a text editor
07:06:44hooowell ur wrong
07:07:27ldleworkaporia, nimedit, nimlime
07:07:37ftsf_no one forcing you to use nim
07:07:44ftsf_but i'm enjoying it more than any other language i've used
07:08:08ldleworkhooo, also you might know that Nim's GC is optional but did you also know that it is regulatable as well?
07:08:18ldleworkThat is, you can control how long it runs for?
07:08:27ftsf_that is a nice feature
07:08:50ldleworkIf you were making a game for example, you could compute how much frametime you have left over for your target FPS and allow the GC to run exactly for that duration
07:09:04hoooidlework, sounds like a GC that isnt good enough in general
07:09:07ldleworkThis seems to address most of the concerns I've heard over GC
07:09:20ldleworkhooo, well you've lost me because I don't know how you conclude that from what I said
07:09:33ldleworkWhich leads me to believe you might be unreasonable and here to just troll
07:09:35hoooyou said it's tuneable. Why would i need to tune a perfect GC
07:09:44ldleworkI just explained why.
07:09:47ftsf_hooo said it's perfect?
07:09:56ftsf_no GC is perfect for every case
07:09:58hoooyeah because the GC isnt good enough in games apparently, that's what you said
07:10:02girvohooo: I've written a heck of a lot of code in Nim without GC. Solid trolling though, that's some old-school IRC trolling behaviour lol
07:10:07girvoHaven't seen that in years
07:10:09ldleworkhooo, this avoids a problem that even java suffers.
07:10:18hooogirvo: please show me a project that is 100% gc-less
07:10:40ldleworkthe JVM is very configurable but to get the same benefit its much harder to tweak the JVM for this case
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07:10:57girvohooo: It's an internal project at my place of work for an embedded system
07:11:04ldleworkin other words, the API that exposes the Nim GC is pretty darn easy to use
07:11:08hoooi dont want to tweak a GC, that is the entire reason i would switch to a language like Nim
07:11:10hoooor rust
07:11:11girvoEffectivley used as a "nicer C" really
07:11:54girvoBtw: there's no such thing as a perfect GC, in any language
07:11:55ftsf_i'm making a realtime game in nim and using the GC with default settings, no issues no thought to it, runs super fast.
07:11:58ldleworkhooo, well no GC is "perfect" in the sense that you never have to think about it, if you're actually worried about the use cases wherein any GC at all would bear upon its performance
07:12:22hooook so ur telling me that if i write a program "gc-less" in Nim it will be just as great and easy to write as a gc'ed Nim?
07:12:33girvoIn the same way that there's no such thing as a "sufficiently smart compiler" (yet!)
07:12:35ftsf_and if it ever is an issue, then I can tweak it
07:12:48girvoOh cute, moving the goal-posts when trolling is one of my favourite hobbies :D
07:12:50ldleworkhooo, they literally just explained the specific use-case in which GC-less Nim works fine as a nicer C
07:13:00*ldlework pokes Xe
07:13:00hoooi dont use a compile-to-native language just so i can eventually be forced to tune stuff again
07:13:52ftsf_hooo, what are you hoping to achieve?
07:14:05girvoTrolling is a art, and hooo you're a artist for sure
07:14:22hoooso where are the nim sample programs? am i supposed to learn 2 languages now, where one of them is hidden and barely documented? where is this documentation for how to write gc-less Nim?
07:14:26ldleworkeh, pretty lame if you ask me
07:14:53ldleworkTrolling is an art of subtley. hooo's lures are pretty mundane.
07:15:06ldleworkAnd nothing we don't hear on a regular basis.
07:15:09hoooim not a troll, please answer the question instead of spamming the channel with accusations
07:15:23ldleworkhooo, you don't seem very amenable to the answers you seek
07:15:49hoooim not going to get into a discussion about my character, if you wanna help please answer my question
07:16:05ldleworkYour character has nothing to do with your behavior in the channel
07:16:17ldleworkWhich bears a lot on whether percieve your inquiries as genuine or not
07:16:28hooook i get it, you wont answer
07:16:32hooothen please stop responding
07:17:06ldleworkhooo, the difference is a lack of integration of the information you recieve once its offered
07:17:38ldleworknot an unwillingness to serve earnest curiosity. we're not idiots.
07:19:33girvoI'm done for today! catch you all tomorrow <3
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07:47:29hoooif i wanted to use a gc why wouldnt i just use java or c#
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07:51:24def-hooo: you can read about other Nim features on the website and also http://nim-lang.org/learn.html
07:52:30def-hooo: also, java and c# run in a vm
07:52:59Araqhe entered with "fuck y'all". if that's not a troll then I dunno who is.
07:53:13Araqwrong channel or not.
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07:53:46def-Oh, I guess I should read back in log before answering
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08:06:24veganskHow can I use asyncdispatch with unittest? In my test, it hangs on this line: https://gist.github.com/vegansk/2b3a652cdb64c32d0c35f67419b3a49d#file-test_http-nim-L12
08:09:46veganskAfter that line, not on it
08:09:55Araqwell test it without unittest first then please. I seriously don't know why unittest.nim is so popular.
08:10:40Araqit does all sort of crazy things
08:11:09flyxAraq: surely because people sooner or later search for a unit testing framework and only find unittest
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08:11:59Araqyeah good point.
08:12:00veganskIt's time to write asynctest module :-)
08:13:30ftsf_Araq, yeah that's why I used unittest
08:13:49ftsf_https://howistart.org/posts/nim/1 actually this is why
08:13:54ArrrrWhat crazy things does unittest do?
08:14:02ftsf_can blame this blog entry
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08:15:02AraqArrrr: just read its code and see for yourself
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08:15:43Araqfor me it's a stress test for nested templates, macros and system.compiles
08:16:07Araqand it shouldn't be a stress test on its own.
08:16:28ftsf_that said, the interface it exposes is quite pleasant to use
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08:18:50flyxyeah, the code was quite… interesting when I had a look at it yesterday. but users do not care how it is implemented as long as it works
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08:20:15euantorYeah, I use the unittest module because I come from other languages where unit tests are encouraged, and the core module is the first thing that comes up when searching Google
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08:20:46euantorThe interface it exposes is very nice too, as mentioned above
08:20:53ftsf_Araq, is there a better unit testing module around?
08:21:22AraqI don't discourage (unit) testing at all, it's just that I think no "framework" can do it justice
08:21:22ftsf_https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/wiki/Testing "Use unittest"
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08:22:12Araqfor simple tests I use 'when isMainModule' + doAssert
08:22:27Araqthough doAssert's output could be much better
08:22:53euantorYeah, I do like that approach too
08:23:09Araqfor complex tests I write a tester.
08:23:22euantorI tend to use unit tests to test single procs and types, then have a `when isMainModule` section that tests the overall logic together
08:23:35Araqlike testament for Nim or the unnamed tester for c2nim
08:24:01Araqok, you can argue these are "integration tests" then but who cares.
08:24:15euantorI just wish I had more time to work on Nim stuff. Unfortunately I'm still forced to use C# at work ;)
08:25:28AraqC# is an impressive language. I just wish they didn't start off with Java as the foundation.
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08:25:45Araqit still shows, no 'typedef' wtf
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08:29:56gokrSidenote: I was skimming the unit test library of Racket the other day, Racket seems to have lots of solid stuff to look at.
08:30:00veganskFound the problem :-) Method was "get", not "GET". unittest works well with asyncdispatch
08:31:52Araqdon't we an enum for this reason? shouldn't "get" work too?
08:32:33Araqalso unittest does work well these days but it took some effort to get there and when it fails it's hard to find the cause
08:32:53Araqplus knowing its implementation, I don't trust it :P
08:33:26Araqyou're an expert if you know enough about a system to be scared.
08:34:26veganskAraq, there is no enum, reqMethod field type is string
08:35:09Araqstill. your server should accept "get" too, http is case insensitive
08:36:01def-Araq: http header names are case-insensitive, but http methods are case sensitive
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08:36:23Araqreally? oh well.
08:36:41def-http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt 5.1.1
08:37:10Araqso ironic that you cannot give an anchor to this section
08:37:17def-haha, no html
08:38:30euantorThe HTTP specification is actually pretty well written, having read other specs
08:38:46euantorI was pleasantly surprised when I first looked at it
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08:41:33Araqha, I shall never respect ascii based protocols.
08:41:34cheatfateAraq, i want to ask you about https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/4645
08:42:27cheatfatethere type conversion has been made why this can cause recursion?
08:42:27euantorI deal with a lot of weird protocols, most sent over RS232
08:42:55euantorMy day job is writing systems to integrate with building management systems, fire alarms and healthcare systems. Some of the protocols we see can be truly bizarre
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08:45:55cheatfateAraq, this is just alias function which calls appropriate variant of proc in ioselectors.
08:48:10Araqcheatfate: that seems to be a bug in the overloading resolution, easily fixed with unknown consequences
08:48:26Araqcreate a test case for it
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09:08:15cheatfateAraq, `AsyncEvent` was declared as `AsyncEvent = SelectEvent` (without distinct) maybe i forgot to add `distinct` so why this overload not works?
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09:11:54Araqoh yeah, sure.
09:12:11AraqI talked about a different bug. which seems to cause no breakage
09:14:10*ftsf_ quit (Quit: :q!)
09:16:20cheatfateso `objectA = objectB` do not cause overloading?
09:16:59Araqhow would that work?
09:17:03Araqthey are the same
09:18:20cheatfatebut they have different names
09:23:38chemist69How do I define multiple dependencies in the new nimble nimscript format?
09:23:48chemist69Using a comma separated list gives me an error:
09:23:52chemist69requires "nim >= 0.14.2, strfmt >= 0.8.0"
09:24:08euantor`requires "nim >= 0.14.2", "strfmt >= 0.8.0"`
09:24:11euantorI believe
09:24:25Araqor multiple 'requires' calls.
09:24:28euantorOr you can use multiple lines of `requires "nim >= 0.14.2"`
09:24:56Araq"the new format" is Nim code. ;-)
09:25:05*Demon_Fox quit (Quit: Leaving)
09:25:17chemist69Thanks, multiple lines work.
09:26:08chemist69Using requires as a block like in const or var does not work.
09:30:10Araqwhere in the Nim manual do I find this "requires" block? Nimscript is 100% Nim syntax, it uses the same frontend.
09:32:13chemist69I just thought that maybe two consecutive calls to `requires` could be replaced by a block, like it is possible for `const` or `var`
09:33:50chemist69I am not claiming that it is stated anywhere that this should work, sorry for not being clear.
09:34:25Araqno, my point is: the idea is that you would not have these thoughts since there is no new syntax at all
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09:37:16chemist69Okay, I understand.
09:42:00Araqmaybe the docs mislead you?
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09:55:24chemist69No, I now saw that requires is just a procedure defined in the nimscript module, not a keyword like const or var. Please just forget what I wrote before... :)
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09:58:56cheatfateAraq, its funny because compiler don't allow overloading of `not distinct` types... overload.nim(21, 18) Error: ambiguous call; both overload.overloadProc(bt: BaseType) and overload.overloadProc(osbt: OverloadSimpleType) match for: (BaseType)
10:00:39cheatfateso upcoming/asyncdispatch.nim must not be compiled
10:01:03Araqthe compiler allows it if you use different modules
10:01:24Araqand then uses scoping rules
10:01:50Araqthis needs to be documented. or perhaps even removed.
10:02:18Araqwhat do you mean? "must not be compiled"? I merged the PR
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10:02:25Araqit's fine now.
10:04:41cheatfateAraq, "must not be compiled" is said before "the compiler allows it if you use different modules"...
10:05:35Araqhow could it disallow it? module A does this, module B does that. where is the connection?
10:05:55cheatfateAraq, and the better way for this PR was `type AsyncEvent = distinct SelectEvent` but i will make new PR sooner
10:09:00cheatfate`OverloadType = OtherType` overloading cant be compiled when all happens in one module... i thought upcoming async must be failed with same error, but you said compiler allow it when declaration made in different modules
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10:49:33veganskIs there any reason why there is no recv function in asyncnet, that uses external buffer to receive data and returns Future[void]?
10:50:18veganskOops, it must return Future[int], not Future[void]
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11:54:43euantor@Araq I just watched your video from PolyConf 16 about async voodoo. Great talk, really helped understand how the async stuff works. I don't recall seeing it on the site at any point though, was this intentional? is it because the video is on a channel not controlled by Nim?
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12:51:56SentreenIs there a way to extract a filename from a given File "object"?
12:53:53def-It's not really an object, just a pointer to a C FILE file handle
12:54:05def-so I would not expect a way
12:55:04def-And even if you could, it might not even be a valid filename anymore. Maybe the file was moved to another location and in the old place there is a totally different file, but the handle is still open
12:56:03SentreenTrue, though the latter is a non-issue in my case
12:56:23def-I guess you'll have to keep track of the name manually
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12:57:06SentreenI was hoping to avoid that, but I don't really see another way. Thanks
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12:58:24ftsfSentreen, yeah, file handles are detached from their names, a file can have many names, or none anyway.
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15:23:38gokrdaft question: Can I call a varargs proc with... a seq somehow?
15:24:20hendi__json.nim(836) [] --> tables.nim(110) [] --> tableimpl.nim(43) rawGet
15:24:21hendi__SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)
15:24:25hendi__Any idea what might cause this?
15:27:57Araqgokr: yes via p(a) where a is the seq and p takes a varargs
15:28:13Araqthe basetype must fit of course
15:29:26Araqhendi__: not without a test snippet
15:33:23hendi__Araq, trying to build a minimal test case
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15:53:02gokrAraq: Thanks
15:53:32hendi__let foo = "502 Bad Gateway"
15:53:37hendi__let data = parseJson(foo)
15:53:46hendi__let bar = data["msg"].getStr()
15:54:09Araqdo I look like an issue tracker?
15:54:37hendi__nvm, I'll file issue+PR
15:54:47Araqthat's the spirit, ty
15:55:14gokrAraq: And... the libui wrapper - do you have scripts to run it or? I think he did a lot of work after you generated it.
15:55:49Araqyup, in fact I'm not sure I pushed my c2nim improvements
15:56:21Araqbut it was automated
15:56:56*GustavoLapasta quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
15:56:59Araqcan push it later, it also needs to become a nimble package
15:57:08gokrDid you ever try out the "test" binary in libui? It's ... smack full of stuff
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15:57:22gokrYou build it with "make tester" in the build dir.
15:58:00Araqdon't remember
15:58:40gokrIt's not the controllgallery that you ported.
15:58:46gokrThis one has TONS more.
15:59:36gokrIt has cairo samples and ... lots.
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16:09:42kierI assume you can't import C preprocessor macros or C enum members with the Nim FFI?
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16:11:05Araqyou can, via .header
16:12:36gokrHe... nim.community - never heard of that site
16:13:33gokr(and its down now, but... google had some cached stuff)
16:14:02kieroh right
16:14:07kierthey have to be declared as var though, correct?
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17:34:25hendi__Araq, turns out the issue was in front of the computer, not within Nim
17:35:00hendi__I'll try to come up with some documentation to help other nim noobs avoid this gotcha
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18:10:04SubspiceNot sure if this is the right place to ask this but is Nim in Action appropriate for someone who has only worked through K&R and done a few small games in C (pong, tetris, etc)?
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18:11:01CalinouI think the book does cover the basics
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18:11:19AraqNim in Action is appropriate and Nim is the right language for you. :-)
18:12:23SubspiceAlright, excellent :) I asked because I read this on the Manning website: "About the reader: This book assumes you’re a working developer proficient with another language like Java, Ruby, Python, C#, or C++."
18:13:10Calinouwell, Python is not hard for example :P
18:13:50Araqwell you found this IRC channel. we'll help you get your new improved Pokemon Go App implemented.
18:14:11SubspiceHaha! ^_^
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18:17:00dom96Subspice: Hey!
18:17:09Subspicehello author! :)
18:17:21dom96That should really say "This book assumes you know/have experience with at least one other programming language"
18:17:37SubspiceOh alright well in that case I can definitely use the book
18:17:56dom96The book simply isn't a complete beginner's book
18:18:12SubspiceWhich makes me suer excited because I _really_ am not psyched at all about C
18:19:46dom96Great :)
18:20:01dom96Like Araq said, feel free to ask questions here.
18:20:49kulelu88there was talk of Araq promising an amazing, Go-beating HTTP lib yesterday
18:20:59kulelu88not sure how true this is :D
18:21:16SubspiceThank you
18:21:36AraqGo doesn't win these benchmarks.
18:21:53Subspicedom96: Do you think the book will be out before 2017?
18:22:05AraqI dunno where you got these ideas from, it never was 1st on any benchmark that I can remember.
18:22:16dom96Subspice: Depends what you mean by "out" :)
18:22:31dom96There is no chance of it being printed before 2017
18:22:38dom96But the ebook should be complete way before
18:22:46kulelu88we don't want Nim to be number 1, we just Nim to be good enough to not need Go :)
18:22:53dom96(I'm editing Chapter 9 right now)
18:22:59AraqI mean ok, libman from time to time post some links here and apparently never even looks at them and claims Go the winner
18:23:10Araqbut seriously.
18:23:41SubspiceAh ok, I was asking about the printed version. Although I may be able to get in on the action sooner, assuming I can get that iPad I may be given relatively soon...
18:23:46Calinouhi dom96
18:23:52dom96hello Calinou!
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18:23:57Calinoudom96: I'm not sure what's left exactly to do for the website… a community page, a documentation page, and then?
18:24:07Calinouneeds download instructions for each platform too
18:24:49kulelu88Araq: if raw power was what was needed, assembly would be the language of choice
18:25:02Calinouforum theming is needed too
18:25:29dom96Calinou: news article pages (should be simple, but styling things like the article title and date will need to be done)
18:26:07Calinouyes, news need to be ported too
18:26:19Araqas far as I was told Nim's "wanted" beats Go's performance. and yes, it uses all your cores.
18:26:31dom96Araq: Should we just move to Jekyll fully?
18:26:45krux02kulelu88: I wrote not that long ago a few macros that gave Nim to power of Go's interface type, so one more step in the direction to not need go anymore ;)
18:27:06dom96Calinou: I still would like some sort of style for "showcase panels" on the front page.
18:27:31dom96Calinou: But I feel like that would require some extensive design work
18:28:05dom96Calinou: A panel showing our sponsors is a must, with a link to our sponsors page (which is another page you need to create :))
18:28:11Araqkulelu88: "good enough" for me means async event loop + multiple processes and we have that since quite some time
18:28:24dom96Calinou: Basically the equivalent of the ugly yellow thing we have on the front page right now
18:28:30Araqbut benchmarks wouldn't allow multi processing or something.
18:28:55kulelu88I'm looking into it right now
18:29:20kulelu88Does that mean the Nim standard HTTP lib is decent/usable for production? Araq
18:29:21Calinoudom96: if it's only visible by scrolling, is that a problem?
18:29:27dom96Calinou: nope
18:29:27CalinouI'd rather not add a carousel
18:29:34dom96Calinou: yeah, no carousel
18:29:54dom96just differently coloured panels down the page
18:30:24Araqkulelu88: your forum runs with it with no known problems since months. (right, dom96?)
18:30:33Araq*our forum
18:30:43Calinoudoes Nim's HTTP stack have gzip compression support?
18:31:06dom96I haven't had to fix anything in the forum for years
18:31:21dom96well, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration
18:31:24dom96but many months at least :)
18:31:28dom96Calinou: nope
18:31:42Calinouno HTTP 2.0, I believe, too?
18:31:47dom96Why would that be necessary?
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18:31:52dom96Just rever proxy with nginx
18:32:05CalinouI wasn't aware you could gzip-compress using reverse proxy
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18:32:18Araqwhy wouldn't you?
18:32:19dom96I'm sure you can
18:32:29dom96of course Nim<->nginx won't be gzipped
18:32:39CalinouAraq: I thought the process that was proxied to had to do the gzip compression
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18:32:43dom96but nginx<->user can be trivially gzipped
18:32:50federico3same for SSL,.you don't implement this stuff in the webapp
18:33:11Araqwell actually you do. because benchmarks.
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18:35:14dom96federico3: how's the package site going?
18:36:01euantorI'm working on the design, will be trying to finish that tonight
18:42:49dom96euantor: awesome
18:45:40federico3dom96: http://nimble.directory/pkg/nimyaml tale a look ;)
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18:46:15dom96nice nice
18:46:38dom96still no style insensitive search though ;)
18:48:19Araqyeah, we need to remove this feature from Nim. nobody can implement x.replace("_","").tolower() in his favourite editor. that's just technology from the future which doesn't exist. yadda yadda yadda
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18:49:47Araqspeaking of which ... does nimble search support it? :P
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18:50:47euantorIdeally it'd use full text search on a database really, which would probably be better once the package index grows to much larger sizes
18:51:13dom96Araq: damn, I guess not.
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18:52:13Araq"full text search"? you mean with stemming and stuff?
18:52:25Araqthat too hasn't been invented yet, unfortunately.
18:52:46euantorAs in proper search, not just string comparison
18:53:26Araqbut but but but, 'grep' doesn't know about it
18:54:05euantorGrep does regex instead, which I guess the site could also do
18:54:32euantorBut then how do you handle when a single user uses a stupidly complex pattern with backtracks all over that takes up CPU time?
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18:55:17Araquse a non-backtracking regex implementation?
18:55:44euantorIs the one in the stdlib non-backtracking?
18:56:00Araqno, it's pcre
18:56:11euantorDidn't think so
18:56:46Araqwe need a native nim regex implementation.
18:56:46euantorYou could easily cheat for search by putting the package list into a MySQL or Postgres database and using their full text search capabilities
18:57:24Araqthat's what I wanted to do from the beginning but instead we got json on github
18:58:02euantorThat's probably how I would have designed it, and still provide a JSON interface so the package list can be cached locally
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18:58:28euantorDeveloping the web interface would also be trivial then
18:59:08Araqwell reading the json is not exactly harder than reading from a database
18:59:34Araqin fact, most web apps use json for data exchange. I fail to see your point.
18:59:41euantorYeah, but caching a JSON file locally in case the web service goes offline is easy
19:00:04euantorOh, you mean for the web service. True
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19:41:09krux02I am currently using c2nim, and it skipps forward declarations of structs, how do I do that in Nim?
19:44:33kierwhy do I get an error "value of type 'GateKind' has to be discarded on line 11"?
19:46:36krux02kier: probably it works better when you do a var and then assign it instead of using an expression
19:47:17kierthat does work, but it doesn't feel as clean :p
19:48:07Araqraise ...; gateNot
19:49:14kierAraq: "statement not allowed after 'return', 'break', 'raise' or 'continue'"
19:49:33Araqah the compiler is smart and stupid at the same time
19:49:50Araqkrux02: use .noforward: on or rearrange things
19:50:16Araqand don't complain if noforward blows up
19:50:26krux02ok I am warned ;)
19:52:53krux02is there any documentation about noforward, because right now I don't even know what it is supposed to do
19:53:53Araqlook at my wxWidgets wrapper
19:55:12*libman quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
19:56:34chemist69kier: you could also use a table: {"NOT": gateNot, "AND": gateAnd}.toTable
19:56:49chemist69kind = kindstr["NOT"]
19:57:05Araq'case' statement is faster though
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20:02:27kierproc raiseValue[T](e: ref Exception) = raise e
20:03:01kier(should be a ": T" return type in the first line)
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