<< 25-08-2016 >>

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00:25:58mccCan I get `nim c` to export a .c file without trying to compile it?
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01:26:38kiermcc: "nim c -c file.nim" will create just the C files in nimcache/, without compiling or linking them
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10:01:57veganskAraq hi. I'm writing async streams module and I have one silly question. Can I store the pointer to the async proc? When I tried to do that, I got an error: "lib/pure/asyncdispatch.nim(1596, 8) Error: 'cb' is not GC-safe as it accesses 'nameIterVar' which is a global using GC'ed memory"
10:02:42veganskHere is the problem line: https://gist.github.com/vegansk/d141d5ce956b61c6d314aac881527250#file-async_pointer-nim-L18
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10:07:56Araqvegansk: all your callbacks need to be annotated with .gcsafe
10:09:05veganskAtaq, that's it! Thanks!
10:09:17vegansks/Ataq/Araq :-)
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12:11:32gouri'd like to try gokr's Spry language and have to install nimble, but after installing nim via apt-get (Debian sid), it fails: https://bpaste.net/show/e3f0886f5011
12:11:35gourany hint?
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12:20:00gokrMmm, that's something with paths I think. But... I wouldn't use apt-get - its so easy to bootstrap Nim I would just use the github dance. In fact...
12:20:15gokr...in spry there is a VagrantFile that installs Nim, nimble and Spry.
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12:21:02gokrgour: https://github.com/gokr/spry/blob/master/Vagrantfile
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12:22:14gourok, let me try with master...
12:22:21gokrI know that... you want to use apt-get etc - but Nim doesn't need installation, you just need to point your PATH to it. So it doesn't pollute your system.
12:23:33gourgokr: is it OK to just copy nim executable into ~/bin or it's not enough?
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12:23:55gokrMmmm, better to keep it where it is - but... a link works IIRC.
12:24:07gokrNim finds all the other stuff relative to its own location.
12:24:20gokrBut an ln -s should work.
12:24:52gokrIt works for me - that's how I have set mine up :)
12:24:59*kier quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
12:25:31gokrThen I have some bash scripts to switch between Nims. So I have both a devel and a master cloned out - and just switch by messing with that softlink in ~/bin
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12:27:14gourok, now it worked so i can proceed...
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12:31:39gourspry tests fail...
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13:28:59gokrNah, we solved the spry tests failing - it was due to a missing dependency :)
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15:07:26gokrdom96: Ok, so... where do I buy the book? :)
15:07:41gokrSomeone said it was the last day for a rebate
15:17:55gokrdom96: Just bought your book :)
15:19:04kierare there any functions to count the number of bits set in an integer value other than math.countBits32?
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15:54:31dom96gokr: yay, thanks! Let me know what you think.
15:54:46dom96So yeah, in case anybody else wants to buy my book at 50% off. Today is your last chance!
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16:46:35kierconsidering making a feature request for more efficient popcnt (i.e. use the C compiler intrinsic that can generate a single assembly instruction instead of a 4-line algorithm), does this sound like something that might be feasible?
16:46:56kier(after 1.0 is all sorted of course)
16:50:51Araqis it really more work to create a PR for this right away?
16:54:23kierI'll give it a shot
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17:16:44gokrRead this fascinating article about "Nostradamus distributor" - how to make wicked fast interpreters. That was interesting.
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17:29:52Araqalready know it, couldn't reproduce its results. just use Nim's {.computedGoto.}
17:30:24Araqit does all these kind of tricks.
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18:46:49libmanWhat easy binary marshalling solutions are currently available for Nim? The C protobuf binding doesn't look easy.
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18:49:18libmanor serialization (us Python kiddies think they're the same)
18:49:37Araqmarshal.nim uses json
18:52:35libmanYeah, I need something faster...
18:53:28Araqfor Nim's symbol files I rolled my own format ... so don't ask me.
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19:01:27libmanIn goland, https://github.com/alecthomas/go_serialization_benchmarks seems to suggest https://github.com/gogo/protobuf approach is best.
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19:27:51euantorFlatBuffers are meant to be faster than protocol buffers too
19:27:56euantorOr cap'n proto
19:28:11euantorBut these things come and go as the wind changes it seems
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19:58:09emerythere is bencode, from bittorrent
19:59:03emerybut again you'll probably have to write your own encoder
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20:21:48dom96Calinou: one example of an annoying sticky header: https://blog.lookout.com/blog/2016/08/25/trident-pegasus/
20:22:13Calinouhi dom96 :)
20:22:20Calinouoh yeah, that's way too huge
20:22:32Calinoueven on mobile devices it's huge
20:22:57dom96Calinou: so how are things going? :)
20:23:36Calinoudom96: didn't have time to work on it today, I am tired :/
20:24:01Araqhmm these words. can actually connect them in this way?
20:24:11Araq*can you
20:24:21Araqget some coffee or coke
20:24:28dom96Calinou: No worries. I'm tired too.
20:24:29CalinouI don't like coffee, and don't have coke :(
20:24:37dom96hah, same!
20:24:48Araqdrink some beer instead.
20:24:51dom96I also saw this site today: http://parallel.princeton.edu/openpiton/
20:24:58dom96The panels are similar to what I had in mind
20:24:58*alexsystemf__ quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
20:25:08Araqlook at me. I just had 5 beers. and do I look tired? hell no.
20:25:44Calinouyeah, looks clean
20:26:01Calinouuniversity starts in exactly 7 days for me
20:26:26dom96Araq is about to hit ballmer's peak.
20:26:42euantorI can never remember at which point it peaks
20:26:44dom96Calinou: Wish I was going back to Uni :\
20:26:44euantorIs it 7?
20:26:57euantorI'm glad I'm not going back to university
20:27:04euantor4 years was more than enough for me
20:27:09dom96euantor: Depends how fast you get drunk :P
20:27:10Araqnah, 7 beers are a replacement for a meal.
20:27:22Araqand then you had nothing to drink with it.
20:27:33Araqdunno if this joke works in english...
20:27:47euantorI suppose it depends on the beer.
20:27:56Calinoudom96: well, uni is easy for me… but I don't have *that* much spare time
20:28:01euantorA lot of the common beers here are pretty nasty
20:28:18dom96Calinou: Guess you won't get to work on the site after the 7 days? :\
20:28:23*space-wizard quit (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
20:28:24Calinouoh, I sure can
20:28:29dom96oh good
20:29:01Calinouwe have some homework to do sometimes, but usually I can dedicate an hour or two to open source :P
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20:29:18Calinouunlike other students I'm not that much of a gamer
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20:33:33dom96Awesome. An hour or two seems a bit low, but I shouldn't complain :)
20:35:59Calinoumaybe three at times, depends how late I can go to sleep :p
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20:36:08Calinousometimes I start at 8h and end at 18h30
20:36:13Calinourare, but can happen
20:37:04Araqsleep is so overrated
20:37:46cheatfateAraq, only for vampires :)
20:38:55gokrlibman: msgpack?
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20:40:25dom96Calinou: wow, you must have a lot of practicals.
20:40:46euantor* We only got like 3-4 hours a day at university
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20:40:55Calinoudom96: yeah, we do, sadly they're not always very useful… for example we'll have a Blender class next semester
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20:41:07Calinouand, that class seems to be based on the official French tutorial on Blender's docs…
20:41:10euantorWe'd have a lecture at 9AM, then maybe some practicals around 1PM, some at maybe 5PM and that was it
20:41:25*fastrom quit (Quit: Leaving.)
20:41:27dom96we have practicals too, they're usually booked for 3 hours but you can finish them in 30 minutes
20:41:35Calinouthey're 1h30 each here
20:41:45Calinousometimes I finish in 30 minutes, and wander on GitHub/IRC for the rest :p
20:41:53dom96Calinou: can't you leave?
20:42:07euantorOurs were 2 hours, but were super easy and were finished after 30 minutes or an hour at the most
20:42:08Calinouwe can only leave after evaluations/exams
20:42:26euantorI can't think of a single practical that actually lasted for the whole 2 hours
20:42:30Calinouusually I finish networking exam in 25-30 minutes, while we have 1 hour
20:42:48dom96That's so strange
20:42:49Calinou(I still get a pretty good grade, last semester I got 17.5/20)
20:42:53dom96I would protest this.
20:43:04CalinouI feel like I'm at high school sometimes :/
20:43:22euantorI take it you pay for University there?
20:43:29dom96It does seem rather high schooly to me.
20:43:31gokrOh, wow: http://blog.qt.io/blog/2016/08/25/qt-creator-4-1-0-released/
20:43:37gokr(search for Nim there)
20:43:45euantorI was lucky and got into University before the fees here in the UK went up
20:44:06dom96euantor: oh, how much were they before?
20:44:31Calinoueuantor: no, I'm paid to go to it :]
20:44:32euantorThey were capped at £3500 a year I think
20:44:35dom96Thankfully because i've been living in Northern Ireland I only had to pay like £3600
20:44:44euantorNow they're £9000 a year
20:44:46dom96So I guess they are still behind the changes
20:44:49Calinouit's public university
20:44:54euantorSo my total fees were about the same as for one year
20:45:04dom96Calinou: oh, that's different then
20:45:17euantorThat's pretty good
20:45:32Calinouwow, great, Qt Creator got more syntax themes and Nim support :D
20:45:33euantorIn Scotland it's completely free, so long as you've lived there for 3 years
20:46:01dom96gokr: oooh awesome
20:46:07dom96Time for a tweet about this!
20:46:32euantorI've never actually used Qt Creator. Cool to see Nim support though!
20:46:32Calinouit's already on reddit
20:46:35*Calinou wanted to post it there
20:46:45Calinoueuantor: apparently, Qt Creator is one of the better open source IDEs out there for C++
20:46:46gokrdom96: It spreads "Nim" all over, like say here: http://blog.qt.io/blog/2016/08/25/qt-creator-4-1-0-released/
20:46:52gokrOops, wrong url
20:46:59gokrI meant: https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Qt-Creator-4.1
20:47:23dom96gokr: indeed, nice. Too bad they didn't link to our site...
20:48:13Araqbtw 'nimble publish' shoudl work again
20:48:19dom96Araq: ooh yay
20:48:28Araqsince json now uses OrderedTables
20:49:07euantorNice one
20:49:17euantorThe last package I published with it caused a massive diff
20:51:33dom96Anybody tested the Nim support yet?
20:51:44dom96Love how the reddit post include Nim in the title
20:52:14gokrThis is filcuc's stuff, right?
20:52:14dom96wouldn't it be cool if Qt adopted Nim :P
20:52:21dom96I think so
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20:53:51gokrIt is, he got it into official Qt repo. I am just looking at it - massive stuff.
20:55:08ldleworkgokr: he means, writing Qt in Nim
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20:55:30gokrldlework: ehm?
20:55:45ldleworkI thought you were responding to dom96 question.
20:56:02gokrNo, I was more responding to that yes, it's filcuc's stuff.
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21:00:05gokrAnd no, it doesn't have gdb pretty printers in it - but otherwise sure, debugging stepping breakpoints etc works - but I knew that from testing QtCreator myself a while back.
21:00:35gokrA pic from when I played with it: http://files.krampe.se/nim/qtcreator/qtcreator.png
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22:27:31gokrconfused about this... Method lock level warnings and "benign" pragma which ... I don't know, doesn't work?
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22:59:03krux02is it forseeable futute to support this syntax for a procedure with generic arguments: file.memptr[int](128)?
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