<< 26-08-2016 >>

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00:31:20vnchas anyone ever created a udp server socket on windows?
00:31:35vnci get an OSError
00:32:17vncimport net var server = newSocket(sockType = SOCK_DGRAM, protocol = IPPROTO_UDP) server.bindAddr(Port(6800)) server.listen()
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01:06:36mccHey, I've mentioned my TypeScript->Nim bridge tool in here before, it's now on NPM and I wrote a post on the Nim forum about it. http://forum.nim-lang.org/t/2491
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06:31:08euantorvnc: you shouldn't have to listen with a UDP socket, just use recvFrom
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08:32:25Arrrr"Warning: This really transforms the 'for' and unrolls the loop. The current implementation also has a bug that affects symbol binding in the loop body."
08:32:37ArrrrIs this still true for fieldPairs ? i see no issue open
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09:46:27vnceuantor: thank you that worked! but i have another question. why do i have to specify the length in recvFrom? udp is message oriented. i don't know the underlying structure. these messages could be below 1500 bytes or up to 2^16. the os buffers these and knows their length
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09:48:25euantorvnc: I'm not 100% sure to be honest. `recvFrom` just wraps the C `recvfrom` function: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/master/lib/pure/net.nim#L1034 - http://linux.die.net/man/2/recvfrom
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10:38:32yglukhovAraq: could you please help me undestand the gc_step behavior? My initial problem is that finalizers are not called for my objects of interest. If i use GC_fullCollect, then all finalizers are called properly.
10:39:35yglukhovAraq: here is the minimalistic demo that shows that GC_step does not call finalizers for all objects (even though it has plenty of time), but GC_fullCollect works good: http://goo.gl/u6D3k5
10:44:29AraqGC_step performs a little GC work, so eventually it will free stuff and call finalizers
10:44:46Araqthere is no logic that disables finalizers when stepping
10:51:09yglukhovAraq: ok, i found that setting cycleTheshold to 0 fixes the problem.
10:51:25yglukhovbut please have a look at my sample. there are no cycles there
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11:00:55yglukhovok, nevermind my last question
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12:51:43Learath2can you use asyncdispatch with unix sockets ?
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13:00:08AraqI think so
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14:40:19Gobai dont like how nim needs a GC
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14:41:48libmanGoba: >99% of users like GC. That's the priority. Nim makes it configurable.
14:42:11Araqdon't feed the troll
14:43:34libmanAlright, join #LibmanFeedsTheTrolls to take advantage. ;)
14:44:09GobaAraq I'm not a troll
14:44:23*libman feels bad for people labeled as "trolls". Some of them are just socially retarded. Like myself. ;)
14:44:28*nsf quit (Quit: WeeChat 1.5)
14:44:33GobaI just care a lot about getting a language that doesnt slow me down with a GC
14:44:44euantorUse Rust then
14:44:51Gobarust compiles too slowly
14:44:53Gobait's like c++
14:45:10libmanUse tcc. </discussion>
14:45:28Gobatcc doesnt compile c++
14:49:00libmanIn computers there is no such thing as "slow", only "expensive". If you pay IBM a billion dollars, they'll build you a cloudgodrig that rebuilds every package in Gentoo Linux in one second.
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14:50:52AraqGoba: so fork Nim, make it use destructors everywhere and convince us with benchmarks
14:51:05GobaAraq, isnt that ur job?
14:51:23euantorIt's an open source community driven project
14:51:34euantorIf you want it something, the least you can do is provide a PR
14:51:38AraqI like Nim's GC and it served me well
14:51:40Gobayeah but im not invested into nimlang at all at this point
14:51:51Araqit's not my job to listen to trolls
14:51:56Gobaim not a troll
14:52:16GobaNo GC will always be faster than a GC, this is undeniable
14:52:47Araqactually a GC improves throughput at the cost of responsiveness, roughly speaking.
14:53:04Araqso yes, it's completely deniable and you have no idea of what you're talking about.
14:53:07libmanOn a slightly more expensive computer Nim is just as fast as assembly handcrafted by the smartest MIT professor. By coding Nim, you'll be more productive (and/or spend less on your children's psychotherapy bills, etc), afford more CPUs, and profit. :P
14:53:56Gobaok but I'll still be using a GC and if there is even a single bug in there somehow, it will leak or slow down my program unbearably
14:54:52Gobai understand the convenience argument but it's hard to trust the GC of an evolving, new language like Nim over a GC like java or better yet: no gc like c++
14:55:39*mal`` quit (Quit: Leaving)
14:55:51libmanLikewise, the time you waste whining is time you could have spent being productive, make money (unless you're a tax resister zealot like me, but that's a long story), and hire someone (perhaps someone is this room) to add the Nim features you want. But if you fork it as closed source or under a more restrictive license, I will nag you to death.
14:56:14AraqI saved us some time.
14:57:13libmanI'll use this time to rewrite the uncopyfree `rename` command from Perl to Nim.
14:59:00libmanNah, I'll waste it whining (or brainstorming for more things to whine about) on IRC. ;)
14:59:28*gokr quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
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16:33:38SentreenThat "it could have bugs!" argument is so stupid.
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16:35:15Sentreen"I'm afraid this compiler will introduce bugs! I know, I'll do my own memory management, that never leads to bugs or memory leaks!:
16:45:45krux02I think the main problem with garbage collection is that most languages that support garbage collection also make it mandatory so people who might have reasons for not using garbage collection are forcet to not use the language at all.
16:48:03krux02In nim I am pretty free to not use garbage collection. Feels a bit like c++98 though without smart pointers, but for the things I did so far ownership and compicated lifetimes were never a concern at all.
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16:48:52SentreenI was actually just wondering how much of the stdlib uses refs. It would be interesting to see how much of the language actually relies on gc
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16:50:12krux02honestly I don't know, but the parts that I use from the stdlib, I doubt that they use refs at all, because often they are nothing more then wrappers from system functionality (memfile) and basic algorithms on seq
16:51:33krux02But it've heared that in the D programming language it was long time a problem that it wasn't clear weather a function from the standarrd library would allocated gc memory.
16:52:15krux02Afaik there is a macro that allows to keep a function gc free, and it cal also be inferred
16:52:23krux02can be inferred
16:53:33krux02as long as I can keep all my parts of the code with realtime restrictions free from gc I am very happy
16:54:18krux02and being able to write other parts without this restriction with gc support doesn't seem a disadvantage for me.
16:55:28krux02But I don't know how well everything works together, I mean the gc part and the non-gc part, because I did not yet have any code in nim that used ref types, except from the macro code.
16:56:03SentreenYeah, I'm really liking the way handles gc too (although it does not really matter for what I'm currently working on). It could be interesting to get a log of the gc.
16:56:42SentreenAlthough that's just to "learn".
16:57:22SentreenI guess I could hack the gc to find out, if I have a bit more time at some point :)
16:58:58SentreenI'm mainly curious if you can get a "memory leak" (for the lack of a better word) if you don't give the gc enough time to do its job.
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17:04:38SentreenThough I have to say that I work at a language lab, so the first thing I'm interested in when I hear about cool language features is how I can try to break them :p
17:07:33CalinouI heard one could write C++14 like a middle-level language
17:07:45Calinouthat is, not caring much about pointers/memory management and having "auto" keyword for variable declaration
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17:10:50SentreenIt's probably possible if you put everything on the stack. But that doesn't seem very efficient if you're creating large types
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22:54:15krux02I don't know who is still awake, but is there a collection type that own it's members (unlike seq[ptr ...]) that does not invalidate pointers to members? Something like c++ deq
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