<< 25-06-2017 >>

00:17:54shmuphey ftsf was wondering if you could try compiling this to js and see if it also infinitely logs "loading..."
00:18:08shmupftsf: https://github.com/shmup/cribslam
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12:07:23couven92Hmmm... it sure is quiet here today... What's up guys? :P
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13:57:12FromGitter<TiberiumN> Just playing games on my summer vacation (I'm a student in a high school)
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14:07:01FromGitter<zacharycarter> has anyone played w/ firebase and Nim?
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14:09:22couven92@zacharycarter, you Firebase as in the Google Cloud Messaging thing?
14:09:33FromGitter<zacharycarter> yup
14:09:57FromGitter<zacharycarter> I'm thinking of hooking up https://play.nim-lang.org to it
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14:10:07FromGitter<zacharycarter> or trying to anyway
14:10:18couven92@zacharycarter, this far, I have only set up a debug UI that works purely with HTML and JS
14:10:55FromGitter<zacharycarter> I'd like to make the playground more usable
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14:11:36couven92but doing it in Nim would be cool... especially with the upcoming Android support... Ideally we could write Android apps (also supporting Firebas) in Nim soon :)
14:12:52couven92@TiberiumN, I sort of envy you... I'm writing my M.Sc. this summer, so I decided to postpone my summer vacation to autumn instead... :/
14:13:07dom96couven92: I'm in London :)
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14:13:39couven92dom96, nice, on holiday?
14:13:47dom96zacharycarter: what features of firebase do you plan to use for the playground?
14:14:02dom96couven92: Starting an internship at Facebook
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14:14:13FromGitter<zacharycarter> I'm imagining another panel somewhere
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14:14:16couven92dom96, woah! Nice1!
14:14:23FromGitter<zacharycarter> congrats dom96!
14:14:41FromGitter<zacharycarter> like a live feed of the snippets people have created
14:14:55FromGitter<zacharycarter> so mostly just the realtime db stuff
14:15:31FromGitter<zacharycarter> maybe the gist integration would be more useful first though
14:16:00dom96I'd be wary of relying on third-party services like Firebase, who knows whether they will be around in 2 years time.
14:16:22FromGitter<zacharycarter> well google bought em
14:16:37FromGitter<zacharycarter> but I know what you mean
14:16:38couven92true... Wasn't GCM the predecessor to Firebase?
14:16:43FromGitter<zacharycarter> been bitten by that bug before
14:17:01dom96You can surely create a live feed with just Nim, it might be harder, but others will benefit. But that's just my opinion, feel free to ignore me :)
14:17:02dom96Also thanks for the congrats!
14:17:07FromGitter<TiberiumN> couven92: well, it's too far for me now :) in the next year I'm going to university. I live in Russia btw
14:17:31FromGitter<zacharycarter> I'd much rather just use Nim
14:17:34couven92@TiberiumN, where do you plan to enroll?
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14:18:53FromGitter<zacharycarter> dom96: I'm guessing where you're going with that train of thought is a library like socket.io or something for NIm.
14:18:58dom96But yeah, I'm in London for a week and then in Dublin for the next 3 months.
14:19:46FromGitter<TiberiumN> Probably in my town or in a nearby city - Kazan (it's a capital of republic where I live in)
14:19:57FromGitter<zacharycarter> also - dom96: I'm not sure if you and araq missed my question or it was too ridiculous to answer, but when is Nim going to start looking at reference capabilities ala Pony?
14:20:50dom96Damn, the internet in this hotel is really bad. Just got like 5 messages at once.
14:21:44dom96zacharycarter: sure, something like socket.io would be great. It's time to start taking advantage of Nim's JS backend.
14:21:55dom96zacharycarter: no idea what reference capabilities are.
14:23:05dom96btw 265 responses to the survey so far, nice!
14:23:21FromGitter<zacharycarter> reference capabilities + nim could put nim on another level
14:23:31couven92@TiberiumN, I see, that nice! :) Though I might suggest moving away from home. It's worth gathering new experience by forcing oneself to go into uncharted territory ;)
14:23:34FromGitter<zacharycarter> https://tutorial.ponylang.org/capabilities/reference-capabilities.html
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14:24:09couven92dom96, cool! Interesting responses? Generally positive?
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14:29:30FromGitter<zacharycarter> I love Pony's documentation
14:31:15dom96couven92: Many interesting things. But I try to avoid it all until the end so that I'm not bored when writing up the analysis :)
14:31:44couven92dom96, I see, smart choice, I look forward to reading the analysis! Nim FTW! :D
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16:20:54FromGitter<TiberiumN> Wait, I think godot bindings can be done easily now - https://godotengine.org/article/dlscript-here
16:20:59FromGitter<TiberiumN> https://github.com/GodotNativeTools/godot_headers
16:21:02FromGitter<TiberiumN> It now has a C API
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16:57:59subsetparkHey dom96 - I just opened a PR for nimble, but I wasn't able to get the (pre existing) tests to passon my machine. How do I have to set up nimble to run the test suite?
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17:16:45FromGitter<TiberiumN> Look, godot already has bindings for Dlang and Rust - https://github.com/GodotNativeTools
17:16:50FromGitter<TiberiumN> (and c++ too)
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20:01:06dom96subsetpark: You shouldn't need any set up. The tester should just work.
20:01:34subsetparkShe's-a no work :( See my message in #nimbuild. Tons of tests are failing even without any changes.
20:08:00dom96weird, what OS/Nim version?
20:08:37subsetparkArch Linux, Nim@da52ade86e9df306b03958c5525a0e6973fc1cb5 - but I don't think it's that
20:08:58dom96how are you running the tests?
20:09:52subsetparkWell maybe it's that. I'm just running `nimble test`
20:10:16dom96no, that's right
20:10:26dom96I just tried it on my MacBook
20:10:36dom96and one test fails, but I think that's due to my Nimble config.
20:10:37subsetparkI thought I was getting the same results as on Travis, but actually https://travis-ci.org/nim-lang/nimble/builds/246865037?utm_source=github_status&utm_medium=notification has one pretty reasonable failure whereas I get shitloads on my machine
20:11:07dom96subsetpark: add some echos into the tester, see what the output of the commands is
20:12:09subsetpark Error: cannot open '../doc/basicopt.txt'
20:12:29subsetparkWhich brought me here -https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/issues/293
20:12:41subsetparkBut the only answer was 'don't try to compile nimble yourself' :)
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20:16:28subsetparkIs it that `nim` can't be in /usr/bin ?
20:17:07dom96likely, yes
20:17:18subsetparkhm bother
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20:23:54subsetparkok, looks like a combination of that and removing my pre-existing nimble.ini has got the tests passing
20:36:09FromGitter<zacharycarter> How do I do this - https://play.nim-lang.org/?code=type%0D%0A%20%20Foo%20%3D%20object%0D%0A%20%20%0D%0Aecho%20%24Foo
20:39:27subsetparkzacharycarter - with typetraits?
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20:40:01FromGitter<zacharycarter> subsetpark: thanks
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21:38:17euantorIs anybody else using the Nim Docker images? It seems like `nimlang/nim:devel` is out of date - it reports version `0.15.3` for me
21:38:35euantorI also can't seem to fine a `level` version of the Alpine based image
21:42:17euantorThough it seems like the `devel` might be the development branch of the image, rather than of Nim
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