<< 26-06-2017 >>

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02:58:22girvoHey all
03:01:28girvoQ: for a generated header file for some Objects that are {.exportc.}-ed, are those structs opaque? I can't seem to access their properties from C, so I'm guessing that's the case
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03:31:55girvoAraq: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/1189 "The header switch will be removed" -- so will we need to write our own headers instead? Any good examples for it anywhere?
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07:52:13ArrrrWellcome pontus, we are glad you are back.
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07:57:37ArrrrIs it wise, in order to avoid cyclic import errors, to have a single gigantic module with dependant types? I'd like to know how people avoid this issue.
08:05:14pontusSorry Arrrr, I've never been here before. Someone probably got the same nick :P
08:06:20couven92Happy to oblige... pontus is sitting next to me in my office here... I am working hard in recruiting people around me to be part of Nim! :D
08:06:48couven92Now he only needs to be using Nim! :)
08:07:49ArrrrDo not worry, it was my generic response. Has more chances to success than to fail.
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10:13:17FromGitter<andreaferretti> @Arrrr you can either import a core module with types only or use include
10:13:24euantorI'll ask this again since there are usually more people here during the day. I asked on Saturday night but we never worked it out :)
10:14:26couven92euantor, isn't this becuase the fully qualified path for getTempDir is osproc.getTempDir ?
10:14:47couven92try that, does the error still persist? alternatively os.osproc.getTempDir?
10:14:53euantorShouldn't be: https://nim-lang.org/docs/os.html#getTempDir,
10:15:18euantorAnd it's a proper proc in `os`, not some magic export: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/master/lib/pure/ospaths.nim#L531
10:15:39euantorAnd since it doesn't fail in `doc` but does in `doc2`, I think there's something more odd at play
10:15:48couven92oh... right, I meant ospaths!
10:16:10euantoroh, hm. Yeah that might be the problem
10:16:26euantorThe code itself works, it only fails when running doc2 which is weird
10:16:31couven92euantor, yeah, I think nim doc2 gets maximum confused since it documents recursively by imports
10:16:52couven92what happens if you omit the full qualification and just write getTempDir?
10:16:59euantorGet the same error
10:17:10euantorThe full qualification was an attempt to get aorund the error
10:17:25couven92I supposed as much...
10:17:34euantorYou're not meant to import ospaths as far as i know, but I might have to in this case
10:17:48euantorPerhaps I can wrap the import in a `when defined(doc)`
10:18:02couven92What if you don't import ospaths, but write: `os.ospaths.getTempDir`?
10:18:11euantorI'll try that now
10:18:13couven92Yeah, very ugly, but hey...
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10:19:54couven92Hmm, I get undeclared identifier: 'ospaths'
10:20:30euantorYeah, my system is failing before that, looks like Git has done something odd to my working copy
10:21:31euantorBut yeah, now I get that same error
10:23:31Arrrrandreaferreti yes, but i wonder if people actually deal with this or not. My core module would take many lines. I is hard to avoid type dependencies
10:27:48FromGitter<andreaferretti> I do it sometimes, never had a problem https://github.com/unicredit/linear-algebra/blob/master/linalg/private/types.nim https://github.com/unicredit/neurotic/blob/master/neurotic/core.nim
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11:16:35Trioxinif given a choice to wrap a C library or a C implementation, I'm guessing I should choose the lib
11:17:53Trioxinso many .h files
11:20:39*rokups quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
11:25:52Trioxinblake2.h(131, 30) Error: ';' expected
11:37:14*Snircle joined #nim
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12:50:31*Arrrr quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
12:50:49FromGitter<Varriount> Trioxin: Are you using c2nim?
12:57:21couven92Guys, config question: I have the following in my config: https://github.com/couven92/Nim/blob/niminst-android/config/nim.cfg#L99 But $HOME does not expand to the path to the home directory. Any suggestions how to rewrite this?
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13:40:37tankfeederi'm looking library with multiple modules and files in it
13:40:45tankfeederwant to check nimble file for that
13:40:49tankfeederany hints ?
13:41:47tankfeedereverywhere is one file :)
13:45:05Vladarwhat do you mean by multiple modules and how nimble file would differ? E.g. does this counts? https://github.com/Vladar4/nimgame2
13:45:32tankfeederperfect, thanks
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14:52:54SentreenStupid question, but I can't seem to find any documentation on this. How does nimble interact with a `config.nims` file? e.g. if I define a version in `config.nims`, can nimble import this somehow?
14:53:19SentreenOr better put, can I import this in my `project.nimble` file?
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15:22:35subsetparkHow am I miswriting my test?
15:23:28subsetparkIt fails type checking on `let received` because it thinks that resp.body is a future... But I have it awaited https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/K6TI4mhA/
15:24:02subsetparkUnless - is that a future in a future?
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15:32:39euantorYes, `resp.body` needs to be awaited itself
15:32:57euantor`let received = parseFloat(await resp.body)
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16:03:27subsetparkthat's just because getting the body of a response is another IO op?
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16:06:32euantorYeah, it was patched into a recent version
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16:23:11shmupis sortByIt not in the docs?
16:23:34shmupsortedByIt, ok
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18:50:31FromGitter<ephja> shouldn't verbosity:3 show the stack trace?
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19:26:06FromGitter<moigagoo> Hi! I'm using Nim with JS backend to manipulate datetimes. Part of it is parsing a string like 2017-06-26T18:18:18+04:00 into Time objects. ⏎ ⏎ I'm facing a very weird error, hope someone could help me with it. ⏎ ⏎ Parsing of this string fails with `invalid integer: 2017 [ValueError]`. I've dug into `times` module to see what's happening. The trace points to times.nim L848: ...
19:26:06FromGitter... [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59515fcd76a757f808aaa96f]
19:29:06FromGitter<Varriount> @moigagoo Have you looked at the generated code? What character is is s[i]?
19:30:32FromGitter<Araq> @moigagoo seems to be a JS codegen bug then?
19:32:26FromGitter<moigagoo> @Varriount No, I haven't. I feel quite stupid now, seems like the most obvious starting point...
19:32:53FromGitter<moigagoo> @Araq I'll check he generated code and report back.
19:33:10Araqthank you
19:35:00yglukhovAraq: one more please: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/6015 =)
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19:36:54Araqyglukhov: why no fallback for windows?
19:37:46yglukhovAraq: there was no fallback initially. moveFileW does everything needed
19:38:21yglukhovoh no
19:38:30yglukhovjust went through msdn
19:38:34yglukhovgive me a sec
19:39:23yglukhovThe one caveat is that the MoveFile function will fail on directory moves when the destination is on a different volume.
19:39:28yglukhovso yeah, let me fix it
19:42:24Araqyeah I had something like this in the back of my head
19:43:25yglukhovAraq: can you help me find out the error code for this case? %)
19:43:48yglukhovcan anyone with windows here help?
19:46:03Araqand then you don't have to implement this logic
19:46:38yglukhovoh nice
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21:57:57subsetparkAraq: is there any objection to implementing a version of `getEnv` that takes a default value?
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22:00:07Araqsubsetpark: meh, getEnv returns "" if not exists, right? what's wrong with it
22:01:21subsetparkNothing at all - I just mean syntactic sugar over `if existsEnv: getEnv else: default`
22:01:51subsetparkVery often, environment variables will be used as runtime configuration, and it's good for such configs to have default values if the environment variable is not present
22:02:20subsetparkOne wouldn't have to change getEnv; just implement a version that takes two arguments
22:02:29yglukhovAraq: can you restart appveyor pls? https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/6015
22:03:59FromGitter<ephja> I'm thinking about how to allow access to variables at both compile time and run time, but I probably won't get anywhere with that lol
22:04:38Araqyglukhov: done
22:04:49yglukhovephja: https://github.com/yglukhov/nimx/blob/master/nimx/resource_cache.nim#L133
22:05:26Araqsubsetpark: why not patch getEnv then?
22:06:17subsetparkWhat do you mean?
22:06:51FromGitter<ephja> it's not quite the same thing, but yes I did consider file reading/writing as a workaround for certain things
22:07:37subsetparkephja - not sure if this is what you're talking about, but you can declare variables in a static block and then bind them to a constant in your runtime
22:08:55FromGitter<ephja> I see. I didn't bother to read it before
22:09:34subsetparkAraq: do you mean, "Override getEnv in your own application code" or "Submit a PR changing the signature of getEnv to accept an optional default value"? If it's the first: because I think it would be useful in the stdlib; if it's the second: because I thought it would be less invasive/more backwards compatible. But I'm happy to do that too
22:10:26Araqproc getEnv*(key: string; ifMissing = ""): string
22:10:32Araq^ patch for stdlib.
22:11:03Araqit's 100% backwards compatible except for proc pointer usages, the old story
22:11:35subsetparkyeah, definitely. I would be more than happy to submit that patch
22:12:38subsetparkI'll even call it ifMissing :)
22:14:09Araqok thanks
22:14:24FromGitter<ephja> subsetpark: doesn't work with compile time procs though
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22:27:21FromGitter<ephja> calling foo at run time while also registering the invocation (writing to a var) at compile time might be tricky
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22:29:01subsetparkjust out of curiosity, what are you trying to do?
22:29:15FromGitter<ephja> it would actually be better to use proc vars for opengl though, right? provided that we have mechanism that allows for this transition
22:40:21FromGitter<ephja> subsetpark: More flexible opengl extension loading. A library implementation of importc would be neat
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