<< 27-09-2016 >>

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01:50:02FromGitter<gogolxdong> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=57e9d04a857ab70f7d441b84]
01:53:10*chemist69 joined #nim
02:24:05*Snircle quit (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
02:48:14FromGitter<gogolxdong> `h: ptr Histogram` works
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03:25:05FromGitter<gogolxdong> ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ `Error: '(' expected` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=57e9e691ca69aeb745b2f979]
03:35:07FromGitter<gogolxdong> What occurred here? Will it mix Iterator object up with its constructor?
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04:26:05FromGitter<nigredo-tori> You need parenthesis around cast argument (`cast[ptr Iterator](alloc0(sizeof(Iterator)))`)
04:28:25FromGitter<gogolxdong> I should keep it in mind.:)
04:28:42FromGitter<gogolxdong> thanks
04:41:15*sp33der89 quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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04:59:48FromGitter<nigredo-tori> As for your previous question: is `Histogram` an `object`? If yes, you can't change an argument of this type inside a proc, since it is passed by value. To pass it by reference, use either one of `var Histogram`, `ref Histogram`, or, indeed, `ptr Histogram`.
05:33:00*ludocode quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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06:35:55FromGitter<gogolxdong> Histogram is an object, now I have an Iterator object and its constructor Iterator(h:Histogram):ptr Iterator, prompt `redefinition of 'Iterator'`
06:38:09flyxyou shouldn't name the constructor proc like the object
06:38:15flyxtry newIterator
06:38:39FromGitter<gogolxdong> :)
06:43:59*Arrrr joined #nim
06:46:26FromGitter<gogolxdong> Is this a program structure problem?If an object can't have the same name constructor, might it didn't mean to be like this and has more native and natural ways.
06:48:23flyxif you have an object Iterator, you can initialize it with an empty object constructor `Iterator()` (regardless of whether it has any fields). the compiler needs to be able to differentiate whether this is an object constructor or a proc call, I guess
06:50:27flyxI think overloading a symbol with different types of values (procs, types, variables, …) is always a very bad idea
06:53:25flyxseems like the compiler just doesn't allow it. this also doesn't work: `var foo = 1 \\ proc foo(): int = 2`
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07:00:26FromGitter<gogolxdong> yeah,I know where the problem lies . We already have an Iterator object and its constructor, then comes another proc meant to be named iterator() but it's a reserved key word and I changed it to the same.
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07:04:12FromGitter<Araq> @gogolxdong read NEP-1 please
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07:13:42FromGitter<gogolxdong> what is NEP?
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07:16:54ArrrrThis my friend http://nim-lang.org/docs/nep1.html
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07:17:32ArrrrBut there are ugly stuff, like PascalCase for enums instead of going full uppercase like consts
07:17:53Arrrr(in my opinion)
07:20:47FromGitter<gogolxdong> @Arrrr long time no see
07:21:58flyxI would use full uppercase names only if my editor rendered them with small caps.
07:23:30*ARCADIVS quit (Quit: ARCADIVS)
07:25:40Araq_allcaps is still shouting to me
07:25:55Araq_hard to read, hard to write, just say no.
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07:26:41Araq_besides they have been introduced because C's preprocessor names clash with C names. Nim doesn't have a preprocessor, so it doesn't need this.
07:27:49Araq_if anything, global variables should be shouted since they immediately make your code almost unusable as a library
07:31:27FromGitter<gogolxdong> read before ,had no awareness it's NEP , abbreviation
07:31:33ArrrrI'm using to see enums as indexed consts, i like that a first glance you can tell if it is an enum/consts or a simple var.
07:35:41*planhths quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
07:41:40FromGitter<kteza1> Can I `select` on tcp client socket and a channel?
07:49:37ArrrrI think there is a module for that
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07:58:08Araq_Arrrr: channels don't support that though iirc.
07:58:43Araq_you can wrap the channel's send op to also emit an event
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08:05:56cheatfatekteza1: use pipe or fifo for channeling data and then you will be able to do `select`
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08:13:57FromGitter<kteza1> Thanks
08:15:09cheatfatekteza1: you can use https://github.com/cheatfate/asynctools/blob/master/asynctools/asyncipc.nim or this https://github.com/cheatfate/asynctools/blob/master/asynctools/asyncpipe.nim depends on what you need
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08:39:43FromGitter<gogolxdong> ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ `hdr.nim(130, 3) Error: invalid indentation` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=57ea304f35e0f31c6c4738af]
08:41:52FromGitter<kteza1> @cheatfate Thanks. I'll check
08:42:51Arrrrlxdong use 'inc' instead of '++'
08:45:58FromGitter<gogolxdong> yeah,incidentally lose my mind :)
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12:22:54krux02can I ask what the current construction sites of nim are?
12:25:50krux02is it possible to referece a part of a seq without copying the data?
12:26:19flyxkrux02: addr mySeq[index]
12:26:24flyxalso with mitems
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12:29:07krux02flyx, I mean something like mySeq[begin ..< end]
12:29:38krux02the problem is mySeq[1 .. 4] works, but it returns a seq type on it's own
12:30:18krux02a seq value is by design not able to be a portion of another seq value
12:30:31krux02faik openarry would be
12:30:32flyxkrux02: tuple[a: addr seq[T], begin, end: int]
12:30:56krux02you mean ptr seq
12:31:02flyxerr, yeah
12:31:10flyxan object type would also make more sense
12:31:24krux02yea not happy with that
12:31:31flyxthen you implement `[]`, len, items etc on it
12:31:40krux02because it means it is my own collection type then where I need to implement all methods
12:32:15flyxyou can shallowCopy a seq, but that will always copy the whole seq
12:32:32flyxor more like, reference the whole seq
12:33:01krux02I am looking into what the slice type for the go language is
12:33:34krux02the reason is, that I am porting a lot of scala code right now to nim
12:33:41krux02and scala has a lot of functional stuff
12:34:17krux02the nature of nim really makes it very grateful to all all the methods to seq that I am missing when migrating away from scala
12:34:35krux02but for the `tail` method I am really unhappy when I have to copy the entire sequence
12:34:58krux02and I also don't want it to create something completely new
12:35:22krux02I therer there was recently a duscussion here about that the openarray type might become what I am looking for
12:35:23flyxif you know the inner layout of the seq type, you can probably create a seq object that references a part of the original list
12:35:44krux02but right now I would not like to abuse it, becaues i am working with code that is executed at compile time
12:36:03flyxbut it would be a dirty hack
12:36:15krux02and the bytecode evaluation can be weired at times and doing crazy things really isn't nice at compiletime
12:36:32krux02flyx I know the inner layout of the seq tpye
12:37:20krux02it is [length, capacity: int; data: array[T]]
12:37:27krux02and data is not a pointer
12:37:28FromGitter<endragor> getting a part of a seq while keeping the seq ref itself means the GC has to keep the whole seq in memory even when the app may only need a small chunk of it. It’s not a decision stdlib would take, I think it makes sense you have to implement that yourself if you think it’s right for whatever reason.
12:37:42krux02the data comes directly after the length and capacity
12:38:32FromGitter<endragor> besides, seqs are mutable so there would be all kinds of side effects possible
12:39:00krux02endragor: why is the seq type garbage collected in the first place? it has value semantices everywhere. I don't like that using the seq type introduces garbage collector usage into my program
12:39:10krux02I really dislike this behavior of nim
12:39:33FromGitter<endragor> use `array` then
12:39:47krux02no array is only statically sized
12:40:44krux02seq behaves like std::vector from c++ in almost every aspect except that it introduces garbace collection for no reason
12:41:07krux02same goes with string
12:42:04krux02this is really something I simply do not understand
12:42:47FromGitter<endragor> Nim doesn’t support RAII, that’s the reason. you can’t implement std::vector in Nim
12:43:14FromGitter<endragor> there are no constructors/destructors that are always called for any object
12:43:59krux02yes, but seq is not implemented in nim
12:44:49krux02it's a language feature
12:44:58FromGitter<endragor> it still follows its idioms, as well as string. there is no object lifecycle involved
12:45:40krux02meaning that local seq and string values that run out of scope do not get freed?
12:46:46FromGitter<endragor> they are freed not because they get out of “scope”, but because they get out of stack that GC checks for references.
12:48:13krux02do you mean that the GC has to actively invoked before my stack local seq values get freed?
12:48:29krux02with actively I mean processor runs GC code
12:51:31FromGitter<endragor> only the reference is "stack local", the data itself is on GCed heap. Yes, GC has to free it.
12:53:25krux02and to say something about that the gc has to keep the whole seq in memory even when only a small chunk of it is still references. I was talking about a nonowning reference, like a pointer, this type of reference that is illegal to keep around when just the size of the seq changes
12:54:50Araq_I don't know what so hard about Nim's seqs. they simply don't support O(1) slicing. and they are GC'ed because it was easiest to implement this way, Nim lacking destructors and all that
12:58:26krux02Araq_: yea, but the fact that nim had these seq types that really behaved like std::vector types and the string type that is almost identical to std::string really gave me the impression that using these types would not introduce garbage collection to my program
12:59:37Araq_can't you just give us some numbers instead of GC fear mongering
13:00:05Araq_IME allocations are slow, GC on top of it or not hardly matters.
13:00:27Araq_and C++'s implementation is superior because it doesn't allocate for small seqs/strings.
13:03:04FromGitter<dom96> Araq_: how much work would polishing destructors take?
13:03:49FromGitter<dom96> It's something that I am really missing from Nim and I'm considering having a go at finishing this feature.
13:03:56FromGitter<dom96> But I bet you will soon tell me that it's hard.
13:04:28Araq_it's hard but what's worse we have no concept of how to do them.
13:05:01Araq_I cannot implement anything without a spec.
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13:06:48FromGitter<endragor> isn’t there already a half-finished implementation? what is it lacking, exactly?
13:06:58Araq_krux02 promised us a wiki page about how they should work, but whining instead seems easier. :P
13:10:12Araq_endragor: a spec is lacking.
13:10:23krux02I think the only thing that is really missing is the unique ptr
13:11:13krux02Araq_: you wanted me to read this article about visual basic and garbage collection
13:12:01krux02I think that the real issue this article had, was that it assumed the default of objects to be garbage collected
13:12:17krux02and it implicitly converted non gc pointers to gc pointers
13:14:39krux02it's really hard to know where to start explaining
13:16:08krux02but I think the core misconception this article had, was that share ownership is a good default or a good programming practice ot always use shared pointers for everything and convert ot shared pointers when necessary
13:16:19krux02but this is not only horribly slow, but also just wrong.
13:16:50Araq_krux02: assume that I agree with you. can we have this wiki page please? ;-)
13:17:31krux02ok, where should I write that wiki page, and how should the title be?
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13:17:39FromGitter<dom96> unique ptr? how does this relate to destructors?
13:17:55krux02dom96: a lot
13:18:19krux02using unique ptr in modern c++ pretty much eleminates all use cases to write a destructor
13:18:51FromGitter<dom96> so you're saying we shouldn't have destructors but instead have a unique ptr?
13:19:11FromGitter<dom96> All I want is for my file descriptors to not leak.
13:19:23flyxa unique ptr also uses a destructor to free its memory.
13:19:26krux02a destructor is nothing more that a portion of code to free resources owned by that object, having unique pointern in an object expressis ownership directly and the cleanup code can be generated completely automatically
13:19:53krux02dom96 yes
13:20:52FromGitter<dom96> My initial reaction is: I disagree. But write that wiki page, i'm probably just not understanding.
13:21:30krux02flyx: in c++ yes that's true, because in c++ a unique ptr is implemented in the language itself, but since nim already has ref and ptr as language features it would only make sense to put unique pointer at the same level
13:22:15flyxkrux02: then the language would still need to implement a destructor for the unique ptr, because *somehow* it needs to be called.
13:23:29FromGitter<Tarmean> Strings and seqs semantics are unsafe currently so I really would like unique pointers for them
13:23:56Araq_krux02: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/wiki/NEP-2-Catching-up-with-C---and-Rust:-Ownership,-destructors,-unique-pointers
13:24:09FromGitter<Tarmean> Like, pass a global seq into a proc and append to the global alias. The argument to the proc might point to freed memory
13:24:31FromGitter<dom96> Araq_: I like that, it's a good and catchy title.
13:25:08FromGitter<dom96> @Tarmean what? How can they be unsafe?
13:25:59krux02Tarmean: I think adding unique pointers doesn't prevent all abuses to address freed memory, nim still doesn't have rust like static code analysis, but it also doesn't have so much clutter in the code to describe ownership, and I think it also doesn't need it
13:26:37FromGitter<Tarmean> If you pass them to the proc you get a reference and if you manipulate the underlying data the reference can point to garbage data
13:27:06FromGitter<Tarmean> But yeah, don't think nim has to guarantee complete safety and this isn't going to happen in real code
13:27:29krux02nim won't become rust
13:28:51FromGitter<endragor> @Tarmean I’m not quite getting what you’re saying. unless you use stuff like `addr` or `cast`, you’re pretty safe with strings and seqs
13:33:24FromGitter<recoilme> Hi! I try upload file with Nim (multipart/form-data) and its look broken( May give some example?
13:34:17FromGitter<recoilme> I try like this: var data = newMultipartData() data["chat_id"] = "@rgonewild" data = data.addFiles({"photo": path2file}) postContent(sendphoto, multipart=data)
13:38:00FromGitter<dom96> @recoilme https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/tests/stdlib/thttpclient.nim#L37
13:38:22FromGitter<dom96> the only example I'm afraid
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14:20:09FromGitter<recoilme> @dom96 wow! it's work, but not very clear in doc (http://nim-lang.org/docs/httpclient.html#MultipartData): read and sent with the automatically determined MIME type BASED ON FILE EXTENSION
14:21:20FromGitter<dom96> @recoilme PRs always welcome :)
14:21:44FromGitter<recoilme> I am not good with english(
14:23:11FromGitter<recoilme> but i like Nim very mutch) ( i try c/rust/d for my project and winner is nim)
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14:58:57krux02for writing the wiki articly, I am playing a bit with `destroy=`, but I can't get it to be called at all. Has there been some recent changes?
14:59:32fvshi, howto doAssert(h in H[0..5])? I want to test the substring of H, not the first 6 elements thereof?
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15:01:57Araq_fvs: no idea what you mean
15:02:06Araq_krux02: it's called `=destroy`
15:04:15krux02but already found a problem of `=destroy` having a type in it doesn't trigger any warning, it just silently doesn't trigger the destructor
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15:06:34FromGitter<dom96> @recoilme please create an issue at least then :)
15:11:58fvsH: seq[string], then h in H[0][0..5], H[1][0..5], H[3][0..5], ...
15:13:44Araq_fvs: os use 'map' or a for loop
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15:58:17krux02Araq_: yea first section is written: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/wiki/NEP-2-Catching-up-with-C---and-Rust:-Ownership,-destructors,-unique-pointers
15:59:24krux02That's by far not complete, and didn't even start with unique pointers, but that's it for now
15:59:44krux02I will continue when I feel less tired
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16:07:53Araq_sure thing
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16:13:25cheatfateAraq_, i thought destructors are {.experimental.}
16:14:12Araq_yes that doesn't mean we cannot flesh out their design.
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16:15:02gokrIdiotic question #342: Is pointer same as ptr?
16:15:44Araq_no, pointer is 'void*', ptr X is X*
16:17:35gokrI don't think the manual explains that.
16:17:45Araq_krux02: your proposal fails for self-assignments, 'x = x'
16:17:46gokrI may be wrong, but can't recall seeing it.
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16:18:01Araq_destroy(x); `=`(x, x) # oops
16:18:40Araq_gokr: it's not the manual's job to explain the standard library
16:21:03gokrOh, ok. Didn't intuitively connect it with a library.
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16:23:19gokrAraq_: Hmmm, it's here: http://nim-lang.org/docs/system.html#pointer .... right along with ref, ptr etc. but those you do explain in the manual, right?
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16:37:16krux02Araq_: in what context whould a self assignment make sense?
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16:38:32PMunch_How do I echo without a newline?
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16:38:59PMunch_Thanks :)
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16:42:00krux02Araq_: Or better asked, where does self assignment actuallly occur in practice, becaues I simply didn't think of it, because I think I never encountered it.
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17:11:08Araq_krux02: I dunno. in C++ it's commonly talked about.
17:11:15Araq_so it seems to be important.
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17:11:45Araq_we can emit a check though for self assignments
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17:12:52krux02but I think we could also say that self assignment is illegal
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17:13:55krux02and then the check is like enabled by the compiler like bounds checking
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17:15:33krux02c++ has 10000 years of legacy code that could contain selft assignment, and this code may not be broken. But Nim does not have this legacy and could in fact declare selft assignment as undefined behavior
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17:19:17Araq_krux02: illegal or not, we can handle it internally, so yeah, it's not serious
17:19:30Araq_so far I like your ideas, go on.
17:21:06krux02Araq_: ok thanks for that last statement, because from only your first statement that was not so clear
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19:35:25baabelfishkrux02: unique_ptr is not part of the language, it's just part of the standard library (you can roll out your own implementation if you want), the point of unique_ptr is to have only one owner of the piece of data contained by it, you still want to define destructors (what happens immediately after that the object is not used anymore) and additionally you can specify destructor function as the second templated
19:35:25baabelfishparameter which is really useful when using c-libraries
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19:37:17krux02baabelfish: that's true, in c++ std::vector and std::string and std::shared_ptr are also not language features, the Nim counterpart is.
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19:39:48krux02I just think, that with careful design, and having unique_ptr as language feature in nim, used defined destructors could be unnecessary
19:39:56krux02but I am not there yet
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19:40:54baabelfishkrux02: you don't need to define them in c++ either, struct X {}; make_unique<X>(); is quite ok
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19:42:19baabelfishI only wish I could install nimsuggest with the latest stable release of nim and variadic generics of course
19:43:26krux02baabelfish: I think you don't need to explain me how smart pointers in c++ work
19:43:26baabelfishkrux02: sorry, I read last part of your sentence wrong
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19:46:12cheatfate_Araq, could you please take a look https://gist.github.com/cheatfate/ea659988a8b053294a8cad52f3f9e986#file-somebug-nim
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19:46:57baabelfishkrux02: It would indeed feel really nice to be sure that there was only one owner of some data at compile time
19:47:30baabelfishbut nim's destructors should be rock solid to avoid leaks
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19:53:26Araqcheatfate_: SIG1 returns 'void' implicitly
19:53:39cheatfate_Araq, yeah just found it thanks
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20:05:36krux02baabelfish: yes I think that should be the goal. I think exceptions can really make the situation complicated, because that's the situation that is alse the ugly situation in c++
20:06:15krux02and then it is also one of those features that I am not even using, becaues everything that can be solved with exceptions can be solved better by not using exceptions
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20:09:24baabelfishkrux02: good thing about c++ exceptions is that they are used for truly exceptional situations and have zero runtime cost when they are not risen, unlike in many other languages
20:09:58Araqkrux02: how can not using exceptions perform the stack unwinding that needs to happen in every non-toyish case
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20:13:59krux02Araq: I don't know which construct you have right now in your head, but I think that every case where you have a function that can raise an exception, you could also change the type of the function to return a union type that contains either the value or the error
20:14:14krux02then you just return the error value, instead of raising an exception
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20:16:34krux02and when you read the value that could also be an exception, but you don't want to deal with the case that the value could be an arror, you try to just unwrap the value, and when it fails then, it is obvious that you did not handled that error and the program exists right there.
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20:17:15krux02I am not sure if you need to do some unwinding when you call the quit method directly, because any system resources are then freed anyway
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20:53:28Araq_krux02: calling quit instead of performing a 'raise' is much worse
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21:04:26krux02Araq_: It's not quit instead of raise, it's quit, because there is no code that handles the exception yet. It's a bit like a failed assert. I wouldn't write any code that handles my failed asserts, I would write code that prevents the assert from failing. But honestly it was not so welll thought through, because eventually one might want to have code that deals with failed asserts. So exceptions are necessary, they are just not someth
21:04:26krux02ing that needs to be deald with in normal application code
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