<< 27-11-2024 >>

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04:44:52FromDiscord<.bobbbob> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=NwsombJe
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06:20:31madpropsi want to refresh myself on nim once again
06:20:40madpropsany new online documentation i should be aware of?
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06:39:02FromDiscord<angelsdust> I'd say just start writing and see where you end
06:39:30FromDiscord<demotomohiro> Almost all of Nim language features are explained in https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html
06:39:55FromDiscord<demotomohiro> Or read change log: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/tree/devel/changelogs
07:26:35FromDiscord<angelsdust> https://nim-lang.org/docs/asynchttpserver.html says it is not meant as a prod server, but is it fine to use as prod server when proxied by nginx or not?
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08:09:59madpropsdoes the tutorial get updated constantly?
08:10:04madpropsor should i expect it to be a bit outdated?
08:37:27FromDiscord<demotomohiro> `tut1.md` has been updated last month. https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/tree/devel/doc
08:58:35PMunchIt should generally be up-to date. But it can of course drift a little
09:37:50FromDiscord<enthus1ast.> In reply to @angelsdust "https://nim-lang.org/docs/asynchttpserver.html says": I've done so, but I would also have a look at mummy (threads) and prologue
09:38:28FromDiscord<enthus1ast.> I personally enjoy threads more it makes most tasks much simpler
09:38:53FromDiscord<angelsdust> So, does that mean when proxied it is fine?
09:39:02FromDiscord<enthus1ast.> https://github.com/enthus1ast/nimMatchingMummyRouter
09:39:20FromDiscord<enthus1ast.> In reply to @angelsdust "So, does that mean": i think yes.
09:41:20FromDiscord<enthus1ast.> however you should create extra routes in nginx for (big) static files
09:42:01FromDiscord<enthus1ast.> most of nim web server libs does not handle streaming (or byte ranges) well or at all 🙂
09:42:43FromDiscord<angelsdust> Nor should it
09:44:02FromDiscord<enthus1ast.> idk at least streaming would come in handy some times
09:44:57FromDiscord<angelsdust> But doesn't nginx handle that?
09:45:04FromDiscord<angelsdust> or whatever WSGI server you got
09:45:11FromDiscord<angelsdust> WGSI? I forgor
09:45:29FromDiscord<enthus1ast.> sure, but thats for static file, but what if you want to stream large dynamically created content
09:45:46FromDiscord<enthus1ast.> had this issue, worked around it
09:47:28FromDiscord<angelsdust> Hmm, that thanksfully wont ever be my case but can't you write to tmp file and have your proxy stream that?
09:48:37FromDiscord<enthus1ast.> yes
09:49:05FromDiscord<angelsdust> Else you'd have to cache a huge file in mem?
09:49:29FromDiscord<enthus1ast.> but this has other issues, if put on temp you also have the file in mem, if put on disk you have this stuff on disk 😉
09:49:48FromDiscord<angelsdust> Storage cheaper than mem
09:49:52FromDiscord<enthus1ast.> In reply to @angelsdust "Else you'd have to": yes, but most of the time the current situation is good enough for me
09:50:02FromDiscord<enthus1ast.> it think guildenstern can stream however
09:50:18FromDiscord<enthus1ast.> but i wish mummy would add it 😛
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10:49:59FromDiscord<gogolxdong666> Is there any production ready redis library?
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11:08:54FromDiscord<k0ts> Aptly named
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21:04:37FromDiscord<user2m> Does anyone know if the dev of this package is in here? https://github.com/navid-m/fox
21:04:55FromDiscord<user2m> I'm trying to figure out how to use it for hot reloading with my prologue app, but having some issues
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21:18:06FromDiscord<djazz> Made a nim module to parse public google photo albums. Basically scraping the html to get the images and metadata. <https://github.com/daniel-j/nim_googlephotos>
21:19:10FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Your `newGooglePhotos` proc is pointless
21:19:29FromDiscord<djazz> took some code i had already written and tossed into a reusable module, from my embedded project
21:19:54FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=TonNyDYl
21:20:25FromDiscord<djazz> I know
21:20:41FromDiscord<djazz> my mind hasnt grasped all new nim 2.0 features yet
21:21:01FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Sorry I just seen the constructor without arguments and cried about the breaking of generics
21:21:44FromDiscord<djazz> this code probably works on nim 1.0 or 1.6
21:22:00FromDiscord<djazz> but i set required 2.0.0 since thats what im sure it works on
21:22:13FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> "probably" is always reassuring 😄
21:23:35FromDiscord<djazz> i put the album.html for the test so now github shows HTML 99.4% Nim 0.6% LOL
21:23:58FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> I think you can write a file inside of .github to ignore non source files or something like that if you care
21:26:31FromDiscord<djazz> yay added the right .gitattributes to hide it
21:26:42FromDiscord<djazz> Nim 100%
21:26:54FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Those are rookie numbers
21:27:14FromDiscord<djazz> i've seen your nim code and thats atleast Nim 200%
21:27:51FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> It's certainly around 200% unreadable
21:28:47FromDiscord<djazz> writing the parser and trying to break it with different chunk sizes was fun
21:28:54FromDiscord<djazz> im sure it can be optimized haha
21:29:02FromDiscord<djazz> lots of str.find()
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21:31:17FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> You also have a lot of slicing, shame there is no `parseJson` that takes an `openArray[char]`
21:34:49FromDiscord<djazz> yeah or a json parser that parses in chunks
21:35:06FromDiscord<djazz> albuminfo is about 2000 bytes of json
21:35:56FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Well `std/parsejson` could be used with a stream
21:36:29FromDiscord<djazz> a StringStream still keeps data already read
21:36:58FromDiscord<djazz> unless i make a custom Stream
21:37:04FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> I more mean one could make an `CStringStream`
21:38:03FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> It's a much smaller heap allocation than a string slice so if you care it would be worthwhile
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22:06:22FromDiscord<thearthurm> I asked in langdev but I don't think anyone's in there. Do you guys know if there's a parser combinator library for nim? If not I'm gonna build one
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23:56:27FromDiscord<.bobbbob> is there a declarative text ui library? For nim or any language I guess. I think that would be pretty cool