<< 28-06-2015 >>

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00:31:28Varriount_Somebody said my name?
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02:54:31onionhammerVarriount_: stuff working?
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02:59:11reactormonkpigmej, you tested it, right?
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10:48:56pigmejreactormonk: thing-at-point ?
10:49:53pigmejor nimsuggest changes ? I tested both, and I'm using both if so
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12:20:07r-kuAraq: is it possible to hire you to write bnf grammar for nim for a reasonable price?
12:21:24Araqhrm, I guess that is the case
12:21:50Araqwhat is a BNF for you?
12:22:32r-kuthat https://paste2box.com/6B20sg/LrcaVeSImfw#/JMepUbd9HJ6GiMuRDssjjN6r1RLoS5AC5L0Af1UcSwI/HzzAAqGx.txt
12:22:49r-kudamn wrong file, sorry
12:23:06r-kuAraq: that https://paste2box.com/FaPKRg/_EXnnMlApM4#/VTDH7wJvLOjEKsos1thoPexPqHn4Toc-cDboksCKVR8/WfNLKTnk.txt
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12:24:54r-kuits input for this https://github.com/JetBrains/Grammar-Kit
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12:29:55r-kuanyhow should you agree ideally i think i arrange payment, after that whenever you are done send PR for https://github.com/r-ku/intelli-nim if thats ok
12:31:52Araqwell I don't have time for this, I'd prefer to just help you without payment ;-)
12:32:59Araqthe most interesting question is what to do with indentation based parsing. how does the Python parser handle it?
12:33:18r-kui fear it would be more time consuming and end result be of lesser quality. besides im lazy ;)
12:33:32r-kupython turns ident/dedent into tokens afaik
12:33:34r-kuat least intellij plugin for python does
12:33:55Araqhow does Haskell do it?
12:34:03r-kufor someone who never written a grammar in his life this is very confusing as you may have guessed hehe
12:34:13r-kuidk, dont even know what haskell looks like
12:34:44Araqdoc/grammar.txt already exists, you only need to adapt it
12:35:09Araqbut it uses my own extensions cause EBNF is stupid :P
12:35:24Araqthat said, these extensions are trivial sugar you can do without
12:35:44r-kuyeah.. i saw grammar in manual, thought maybe its incomplete, but even if 100% complete i could not understand it from the first line (ind/ded)
12:36:03Araqit's complete, it's generated from the parser
12:36:34r-kuoh wow, i would not have thought the reverse process was possible. well great
12:36:50Araqbut the IND{>} IND{=} DED tokens are problematic
12:38:22Araqand then of course we also use an attributed grammar (iirc that's the term)
12:38:27Araqsection(p) = COMMENT? p / (IND{>} (p / COMMENT)^+IND{=} DED)
12:38:43Araqwhere rules can take other rules
12:38:50Araqbut again, not hard to inline away
12:39:24r-kuyeah well for you ;) this is exactly why i rather pay you :D
12:39:44matkukiA little help please. What's the correct conversion from a Python C function 'PyObject* PyErr_Format(PyObject *exception, const char *format, ...)' to Nim?
12:39:45matkuki'proc PyErr_Format*(exception: PyObjectPtr, format: cstring, rest: varargs[expr]): PyObjectPtr' doesn't seem to be right, compiler gives: 'Error: internal error: getTypeDescAux(tyExpr)' !
12:40:03arnetheduckhi, is there a convention for constructors in a type hierarchy? it looks like the convention for constructors is newXxx, but that doesn't chain well for a deep hierarchy..
12:40:58Araqarnetheduck: I think the convention is proc init(x: var Foo) and proc newFoo(): Foo = init(result) for the reasons you outline
12:41:21Araqmatkuki: depends on whether you want to wrap or re-implement
12:41:52matkukiAraq: wrap
12:41:54arnetheduckoki, so plain init without type name, noted & thanks
12:42:09Araqr-ku: can you embed *actions* into the grammar?
12:42:22r-kuno idea
12:42:29r-kuno idea what action is in this context either
12:43:33Araqmatkuki: then the dots simply become the .varargs pragma
12:43:45Araqand c2nim would have told you too :-)
12:44:06matkukithanks, let me try it
12:45:00Araqr-ku: can you give me the haskell implementation?
12:45:34r-kuill look it up
12:46:40matkukiAraq: beautiful, it works. Thanks for reminding me of c2nim!
12:51:40r-kuAraq: seems all these plugins have parser implemented themselves, not through grammar-kit. two of them are incomplete abandonware. the seemingly complete parser here if its of any use https://github.com/carymrobbins/intellij-haskforce/blob/master/gen/com/haskforce/parser/HaskellParser.java
12:52:44r-kuerr actually comment says its generated but im yet to find Haskell.bnf :|
12:54:17Araqr-ku: well as a first version I think you can simply map IND{>}, IND{=} to newline followed by optional spaces
12:54:40Araqand DED to nothing or perhaps a lookahead non-consuming \n
12:57:47r-kui guess that could work. also see this: module = stmt ^* (';' / IND{=}) is ^ and / also non-standard stuff?
12:58:54r-kuah Araq here is haskell bnf grammar: https://github.com/carymrobbins/intellij-haskforce/blob/master/src/com/haskforce/Haskell.bnf
12:59:30Araqr-ku: / is ordered choice, ^* is explained in the manual
13:00:44r-kufound it
13:06:42*Ven quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
13:14:26matkukiUUUHHH, colored text during compilation in 0.11.3. Nice!
13:15:39Araqhttps://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/haskell2010/haskellch10.html#x17-17800010.3 -.-
13:15:55AraqNim's way is much cleaner, IMHO
13:16:31Araqso .. but how does this thing do the actions in the grammar
13:24:39Araq WHITESPACESEMITOK="Synthetic semicolon"
13:24:41Araq WHITESPACELBRACETOK="Synthetic leftbrace"
13:24:42Araq WHITESPACERBRACETOK="Synthetic rightbrace"
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13:28:45*vasher_ quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
13:30:22Araqso now we know... it uses a customized lexer. Meh.
13:32:18*yglukhov__ quit (Quit: Be back later ...)
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15:07:07arnetheduckbtw, are the any guidelines to choose between the "return x" and "result = x" styles?
15:12:47def-arnetheduck: prefer "result = x" as it doesn't change control flow, use "return x" when necessary
15:13:32def-for very short procs it can be clearer to return the result directly, e.g. "proc f(x: int) = x * 2"
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16:22:27ekarlsoarnetheduck: norsk ?
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16:39:32reactormonkpigmej, sweet. wanna create tests? :-@s9
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16:41:31reactormonkhow do I follow a symlink in nim?
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16:50:14Arrrrjust follow the money trail
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17:03:38antranigvwhen the Nim compiler compiles it self, does it get the same hash fingerprint? did anyone try that
17:07:56reactormonkantranigv, it should
17:08:34Xethe build id in gcc might fuck with that
17:08:37reactormonk... the compiler does the usual old -> new -> new
17:10:37antranigvXe, sure? I did try to check another compiler, which, again uses GCC, and it did work (I did get the same hash fingerprint)
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17:13:14avsejdom96, Araq: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/3013
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17:17:11reactormonkavsej, yeah yeah
17:22:45avsejreactormonk, do you know what does this comment means? https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/compiler/llstream.nim#L15 is libreadline support is going to be deprecated or something like that?
17:23:13Arrrrhttps://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/doc/readme.txt "Nim's documenation system"
17:23:24reactormonkavsej, it pretty much tells you that gnureadline is used by default unless by windows or if you wanna force it
17:23:54avsejit does not compiles with -d:useGnuReadline
17:24:05reactormonknow that's a problem
17:24:16reactormonkyou on windows?
17:24:33avsejHint: linenoise [Processing]
17:24:33avsejError: unhandled exception: invalid integer: -3 [ValueError]
17:24:38avsejfedora linux
17:25:11avsejlast three lines of `compiler/nim1 c -d:release -d:useGnuReadline compiler/nim.nim`
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17:33:17reactormonkhuh, lemme see if it still boots fine here
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17:34:04reactormonkcan confirm, someone fucked up
17:36:32reactormonkavsej, honestly, not sure if that's still relevant for booting, because nim i is dead. On another note, it should compile.
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17:37:41avsejthe error does not give me any clue where to search
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17:38:19avsej`nim i` dead because it technically not possible to continue its development, or just lack of maintainer?
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17:47:25*antranigv left #nim ("ISON vahe labelle Waithamai antranigv norayr noch noch^off sssilver")
17:47:57avsejI see it in GSOC ideas: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/wiki/GSoC-2015-Ideas#create-a-new-repl-for-nim-using-tinycc. Does anybody works on it?
17:51:24avsejnothing from nim project was accepted this year
18:07:46reactormonkwe know :-(
18:14:42ArrrrGoogle doesn't want competitors
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18:35:29elliot`Hi, I was wondering about sets in nim. I just read in the manual that sets are bitvectors. Does that mean a set of uint32's would take 4 gigabytes of memory? How would I represent such a set in nim?
18:36:27reactormonkelliot`, you probably want a hashset / table for that
18:37:47elliot`Hashing int's is kinda stupid ... is there a way to just sort the ints when I put them in the set so I can use binary search to find them?
18:45:46ArrrrAnd also http://nim-lang.org/docs/algorithm.html#sort,openArray[T],proc(T,T)
18:47:43elliot`The former is what I was looking for, thanks
18:47:53*milosn quit (Quit: Lost terminal)
18:48:36elliot`Another thing: in nim, how easy is it to write distributed computing software? Say I want to do a MAP operation over a hundred processors, would I have to do anything special?
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18:50:32elliot`Last, where can I find a tutorial on nim macros?
18:51:19irezvovelliot`: http://nim-lang.org/docs/macros.html
18:51:50irezvovit isn't toturial, but it contains a lot of usefull docs
18:53:01irezvovalso you can look at macro code in nim or external modules
18:53:46irezvovhttps://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/master/lib/pure/asyncdispatch.nim#L1403 for example
18:54:34irezvovor my network macros - https://github.com/SPY/nim-memcached/blob/master/netdef.nim
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19:28:25pigmejreactormonk: yeah yeah I remember about that tests ;P
19:28:57pigmejdom96: Maybe I have stupid question, BUT, how do I handle that sleepAsync with recv?
19:29:13pigmejI can't let x = socket.recv(size) or sleepAsync(15)
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19:39:12tmkuthere are no stupid question, pigmej
19:39:44pigmejtmku: there are :)
19:45:44dom96pigmej: var recvFut = socket.recv(size); var timeoutFut = sleepAsync(15); await recvFut or timeoutFut; if not recvFut.finished: echo("timed out")
19:46:00pigmejah, this way
19:46:59irezvovdom96: hi, have you seen my code with not working raise statement which i've posted on friday?
19:47:11dom96irezvov: nope
19:47:27irezvovdom96: https://gist.github.com/SPY/d4a34cc0771308753430
19:47:54irezvovfirst version works, second - no
19:48:06dom96irezvov: yeah, there are still bugs with 'await' in try catch statements.
19:48:46dom96use var fut = memcache.get(); if fut.failed: # error happened.
19:49:10dom96as a workaround for now
19:49:27irezvovmy "manual" version works anyway
19:49:43irezvovso it is not problem
19:50:30irezvovlooks like raise statement doesn't fail future, but just throws exception
19:51:08fowlHey irezvov my apologies
19:51:29fowlI said i would help the other night but i fell asleep
19:51:52irezvovfowl: sleeping is more important :)
19:57:34*kas quit (Remote host closed the connection)
19:59:27dom96irezvov: it does if you mark your proc "{.async.}"
19:59:27irezvovbtw, i've dived in asyncdispatcher code and understood how it works. it has helped me to write async freer
20:00:17irezvovdom96: does what?
20:00:45dom96irezvov: fails the future
20:00:59irezvovyeah, it should :)
20:03:07irezvovas i've understood this case handled there - https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/master/lib/pure/asyncdispatch.nim#L1211
20:03:43irezvovbut this catch case doesn't work properly
20:04:16irezvovmaybe because of iterator stuff
20:05:17dom96irezvov: yep, that's where it's done
20:05:26dom96irezvov: can you give me some code which shows that it doesn't work?
20:06:01irezvovofc, https://github.com/SPY/nim-memcached/blob/master/memcacheasync.nim this file
20:06:25irezvovbut you needed memcache server for test
20:07:45irezvovi will push test case with fail part now
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20:10:10Araqreactormonk: I tested the new linenoise on Linux. how come it doesn't work for you?
20:10:40irezvovdom96: done
20:11:54dom96irezvov: Well... I would like some shorter code...
20:12:35irezvovdom96: i'll try to write short snippet
20:12:46dom96thank you
20:19:25irezvovdom96: done, https://gist.github.com/SPY/5b35c1d9582e3f30c15f
20:20:58*woadwarrior quit (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
20:26:08dom96irezvov: that's really odd
20:26:14irezvovand i have another question: Does "result" treated special way in quote block?
20:26:43Araqno, but 'quote' uses a hygienic template under the hood
20:27:03Araqdon't use quote, use templates and getAst instead
20:27:11fowlYou have to do smthin like let res = ident"result"
20:28:03irezvovi workaround it with special symbol for result, but it looks odd
20:28:16irezvovthx for clarification
20:29:09pigmejhmm, dom96 is there any send / recv from / to buffer in asyncnet /
20:29:18irezvovAraq: maybe it deserve special notice in quote macro description?
20:29:28dom96irezvov: please report it on github in the meantime.
20:29:38pigmejI just see recvLineInto, but my data is not line based
20:30:11pigmejI wish I could make zero copy thingy there if possible
20:30:18dom96pigmej: asyncdispatch.recvInto
20:30:31dom96but the *Into procedures will change
20:30:45pigmejand what about sendFrom ?
20:30:54pigmej(most preferably buffer or asyncFile)
20:31:19dom96not spported
20:32:38pigmejany plans for that or not supported because not possible ?
20:32:54dom96haven't thought about it
20:33:07dom96so no plans
20:33:12dom96and not sure if it's possible
20:34:47pigmejI needed to write proxy like thingy, for one experiment, but I will check how nim performs even with that extra memory cop
20:35:12irezvovdom96: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/3014
20:35:29dom96irezvov: thanks!
20:39:00*Guest42514 quit (Quit: Leaving)
20:40:56dom96It's segfaulting in popCurrentException
20:41:02dom96looks like a Nim bug.
20:42:40dom96Araq: Mind taking a look? I left a comment with the gdb back trace.
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20:46:52Araqmeh, I'm drunk, but ok
20:48:15irezvovdom96: why is stacktrace switched off for callback wrapper? ( #{.push stackTrace: off.} )
20:49:53Araqoh ffs, can't you give 'cb' a decent name?
20:50:03Araqit always crashes in "cb"
20:50:23Araqand no, "decent name" doesn't mean "callback"
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20:52:42dom96Araq: what do you suggest?
20:52:59dom96irezvov: because 'cb' gets called a lot
20:53:18Araqjust append Cb to the thing you wrap
20:54:16irezvovbut it could be more then one cb for function
20:54:40irezvov*per function
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20:57:57dom96Araq: what?
20:58:07dom96'cb' is used for all async procedures
20:58:31Araqyes and the async procedure has a name
20:58:40Araqso use the name
20:58:49Araqand derive the callback's name from that
20:59:06Araqso we get meaningful stack traces
21:00:41irezvoveven JS has good stack trace for promise code :)
21:04:00dom96so you want me to generate a 'cb' for each async procedure?
21:04:32AraqI thought that's what you do already
21:05:32Araqtemplate createCb
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21:08:37dom96hrm, you're right.
21:09:21dom96I already pass a name in there.
21:09:31dom96Too bad I can't just convert it into an ident in the template from a string.
21:10:01Araqyeah so pass another thing to the template
21:10:14dom96ugh, it's confusing enough
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21:57:56reactormonkAraq, I have on idea. Which linux?
21:58:15Araqmint, 64bits
21:58:43dom96Araq: Any ideas what the cause of that crash may be?
21:58:59reactormonkAraq, got an Arch image somewhere?
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22:02:08Araqdom96: it calls popCurrentException twice
22:02:14Araqbut pushes only once
22:02:31Araqbecause it re-enters the callback
22:02:40Araqbut the details escape me
22:02:47dom96I see
22:02:57dom96Comment that on github please
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23:29:12Araqdom96: it works with this popCurrentException
23:29:22Araqproc popCurrentException {.compilerRtl, inl.} =
23:29:24Araq if currException != nil:
23:29:25Araq currException = currException.parent
23:30:07Araqbut by construction there is a pop for every push. No clue how can this ever happen.
23:30:26Araqtried a couple of convoluted control flow constructs
23:30:39Araqthey all produce the correct control flow.
23:31:11Araqthere is no way in hell I can dream up as convoluted control flow as async produces
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23:47:43reactormonkDunno, imo async needs to work with futures otherwise you're going to hell and back with exceptions
23:48:10Araqno idea what that means
23:48:36reactormonkIf you have an async call, you get a future back, which is an either between a result or an exception
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23:49:03Araqand what do you think we do?
23:49:10reactormonk... which would basically be a case object success: T fail: Exception (roughly)
23:49:29reactormonkYou don't have any exceptions anymore to handle.
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