<< 29-06-2015 >>

00:11:03*askatasuna joined #nim
00:23:04Araqargh, I will kill you dom96
00:23:24Araqyou call setCurrentException
00:48:45*vasher_ quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
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00:58:15Araqreactormonk: nah.
01:07:45*thepreacher quit ()
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01:35:55VarriountAraq: O_O
01:37:54*vikaton joined #nim
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01:49:01onionhammerVarriount did u release prior to that number fix?
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02:38:07onionhammerdom96 it'd be cool to have a nimble build switch to ignore warnings in nimble modules
02:38:52Quoraor not have you reconfirm downloading deps every build
02:54:23*darkf joined #nim
03:11:17*Demon_Fox joined #nim
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04:18:34fiocoI'm writing a nim server with asyncnet.... what encoding should I use on the client?
04:19:03fiocoJava wants me to say what encoding for the transmission but I can't find anything related in the manual for nim
04:37:40Varriountonionhammer: before
04:38:58Varriountfioco: You generally have to decide encoding for yourself. Most sending procedures work on a byte level.
04:39:12*Demon_Fox quit (Quit: Leaving)
04:39:53fiocoOk Varriount
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06:09:59dtscodedoes nim have a good json lib?
06:11:52fowlGot a module called json it reads a subset of javascript
06:12:35fowlIt's yours for $12.99 modules are pay-as-you-go now
06:12:37dtscodehow well does it work?
06:13:08fowlQuite simply you can pay by PayPal or bank transfer through sketchy nigerian domain
06:13:30dtscodegive me a routing number
06:13:33fowlI get a cut of the second option so
06:13:53Xedtscode: mine is 4206942069
06:13:55fowlOh sure its 4922 wait
06:14:10dtscodeXe: I just h4xxed you
06:14:36XeWhy good sir, my ip address is
06:14:41XeI kindly invite you to do your worst
06:14:44Xeomg what
06:14:46Xeyou ahcked me
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06:26:00VarriountHm. What's the best way to determine if a parameter is static or not?
06:32:05*Jesin quit (Quit: Leaving)
06:37:28dtscodeare peg semantics pretty similar to pcre semantics?
06:45:11*vendethiel quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
06:50:12Varriountdtscode: Huh? What do you mean?
06:50:27dtscodeI answered my question
06:57:10*Ven joined #nim
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07:14:25dtscodehttps://bpaste.net/show/8da1be6176c7 can someone help me with this?
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07:30:29Varriountdtscode: There's an invalid token?
07:30:42dtscodeVarriount: I can't see which one it is though
07:32:07*milosn_ is now known as milosn
07:32:53Varriountdtscode: I think it's your peg matcher.
07:33:01dtscodewhat do you mean?
07:34:44Varriountdtscode: ',' is not a valid part of the peg expression "I choose you, ({\ident})\!"
07:35:08dtscodeso I need to escape it
07:35:26Varriountdtscode: I don't know, probably?
07:35:55VarriountHave you tested the peg by itself?
07:36:58*Trustable joined #nim
07:39:27VarriountHello Trustable
07:39:50TrustableHi Varriount
07:39:55dtscodeVarriount: no. I should do that
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09:44:11*irezvov joined #nim
09:44:27irezvovhi there
09:45:00irezvovi have tests module only with one testcase, but then i compile it i got Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "_main", referenced from: implicit entry/start for main executable ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
09:45:43irezvovshould i define main proc by hand?
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09:47:18irezvovi could provide more code, if it is needed
09:50:08*Ven quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
09:55:03irezvovi've renamed file with test(it was named same as tested module) and all compiles fine, odds behaviour
09:57:53irezvovwhat about testing of async code?
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10:02:44Araqirezvov: sounds like a GCC installation problem
10:02:53Araqnim does generate a 'main' for you
10:03:19Araqand when you define a proc main, Nim names it main_8999 and it has nothing to do with the C side of things
10:03:48*arnetheduck joined #nim
10:04:18arnetheduckekarlso, svensk
10:04:46irezvovAraq: compilre wrote: memcache.nim(77, 6) Hint: 'memcache.main()' is declared but not used [XDeclaredButNotUsed]
10:05:05irezvovso it defined it, but didn't use
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10:05:30Araqirezvov: yes that's what I just said
10:05:46Araqin Nim top level statements are run at startup
10:05:57Araqproc main() = ...
10:06:01Araqmain() # call it!
10:06:14r-kuAraq: mind explaining "ordered select" from ast?
10:06:46AraqI don't mind but no have no idea what you're talking about
10:07:05*boopsiesisaway is now known as boopsies
10:07:33r-kuturned out grammar kit doesnt know what it is and i could not find any info on internets somehow. oh and i mean "/" in module = stmt ^* (';' / IND{=})
10:07:41irezvovAraq: you are right, this message left in terminal log after i tried to fix compilation fail. my blame
10:08:13irezvovi will try to write short example, which doesn't compile
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10:10:27Araqr-ku: ordered choice is from PEGs, it means "try this first, then that, no ambiguities here"
10:10:57r-kuAraq: isnt regex (a|b) same? doesnt it try a first and b later?
10:11:12Araqno, it is not
10:12:00r-kuso how could i expand it in stupid bnf?
10:13:18Araqyou can try |
10:13:43r-kuokie, thats what i did anyway hehe
10:13:47Araqbut I wouldn't mess with BNFs, I found no way to embed actions properly
10:14:00AraqI'd translate the parser to java instead
10:14:41Araqit's not *that* big and I can automate it, "nim2java" is not hard, you only need to patch the renderer.nim
10:17:52r-kui guess, might be easiest way after all
10:18:19Araqif you ignore indentation the AST will be too weird for refactorings
10:23:30arnetheduckany convenient way of calling a proc for a base class? ie if B inherits from A, and we have both init(x: A) and init(x: B), is there a generic way to call init(x: A) - something like java's super? or is explicit cast to A the way to go?
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10:24:08Araqarnetheduck: fowl implemented 'super' as a macro, we really need an oohelper.nim module
10:25:45*vendethiel joined #nim
10:29:59arnetheduckif it can be macro-implemented, that's nice. if it can be supplied in the std lib, that's even nicer :)
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10:37:48gokrarnetheduck: Its out there, one sec
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10:41:49arnetheduckgokr, great, thanks
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10:42:23gokrarnetheduck: Svensk?
10:42:36gokrBtw, I wrote a whole series of articles on OO in Nim.
10:46:15arnetheduckSvensk = Swede (in Swedish, which a Norwegian would understand - he was asking yesterday)
10:46:41arnetheduckgokr, cool, url?
10:48:10gokrSo where in Sweden, or was it Norway? :)
10:48:47gokrArne kinda gave you away as Swedish though, but perhaps Arne exists in Norway too.
10:50:25AraqArne is a german name too
10:50:51gokrBut you don't have a comic called Arne the Duck? :)
10:50:55arnetheduckSingapore, ex-Stockholm :) nick's derived from Arne Anka though
10:51:08Araqright, we don't
10:51:09gokrSingapore, cool. Was there once.
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10:51:36arnetheduckthat's the one
10:51:41gokrTranslated "To think before you talk is like wiping your ass before you crap"
10:52:09gokrI am 30 km north of Stockholm.
10:52:13Araqlooks like a donald duck rip-off
10:52:29gokrHehe, well, Disney sued him IIRC
10:52:42gokrThe comic is brilliant. Not for kids :)
10:53:13arnetheduckthat's what... knivsta?
10:56:45gokrNo, Åkersberga
10:58:56gokrArne being Arne: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~mosh/arne/arne15.gif
10:59:05gokrSorry for the offtopic ;)
11:04:53*woadwarrior quit (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
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11:12:18arnetheduckgokr, nice blog posts
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11:44:35arnetheduckis it just me, or is there no bitwise and / or for uint32?
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11:50:38Araqarnetheduck: import unsigned
11:50:46arnetheduckah, thanks
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12:00:58irezvovAraq: i've posted issue with my previous trouble https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/3017
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12:52:18Araqirezvov: that is not supported. that only works when you're in different nimble packages
12:52:30Araqerror message could be much bettter ofc
13:01:15irezvovAraq: thx, i got it already, cache has flat structure
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14:28:34drewsremam I correct under the assumption that the functionality of nimsuggest is "shaky" at best?
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15:05:23pigmejdrewsrem: what do you mean by 'shaky' ?
15:06:54drewsrempigmej, e.g. no suggest within "when isMainModule" blocks, it suggests me procs for the wrong types when I suggest on a var of another type etc.
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15:08:30Araqit falls back to "suggest everything" which we considered more useful than "suggest nothing"
15:08:47Araqthat's not a bug, if you already know what to write you don't need nimsuggest
15:08:50*boopsiesisaway is now known as boopsies
15:09:39Araquse --debug to see why the compiler cannot determine the type
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15:17:43drewsremI've done fine without auto-completion/suggest so far, but I consider it a very very nice thing to have, but I wasn't complaining or anything, just trying to figure out if the suggest-wrapper I use is buggy
15:18:22Araqcomplaining it fine but I prefer proper bug reports
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15:26:46drewsremright, but was trying/am trying to figure out what's nimsuggests expected behavior, so I'm far from being able to do that :)
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15:27:21drewsrembut I'll set up the latest Aporia and check if it works better there
15:27:29drewsremI'm not on devel version atm
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16:36:34r-kunimsuggest.nim(338, 5) Error: undeclared identifier: 'gPrefixDir' when running nimble build. compiler is on PATH, not installed. what did i do wrong?
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16:44:56dtscodecan someone tell me why this regex won't match "I choose you, Pikachu!" with the re module, but works fine when I use a regex tester?
16:47:20onri don't get the Pokemon joke
16:48:31dtscodeits not a joke
16:49:12boopsiesdtscode: can we see your code?
16:49:29dtscodegod damn it I forgot to paste the code again
16:49:30dtscodemy bad
16:52:00boopsieshave you verified that event.params[event.params.high] is what you're looking for?
16:53:25dtscodeboth from long term usage of this module and printing out that elem
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17:00:26Araqdtscode: re defaults to reExtended which means you can use whitespace to improve readability. the cost is that you need to use \s to match against whitespace.
17:01:07dtscodeso just wrap the whole regex in \s ... \s?
17:01:21Araq"Note: The 're' proc defaults to the extended regular expression syntax which lets you use whitespace freely to make your regexes readable. However, this means to match whitespace \s or something similar has to be used."
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17:02:28Araqand yeah, in retrospect I think we should have created re"foo bar" and rex"foo bar"
17:02:51Araqwill talk with flaviu about this. we can do this for nre
17:03:44dtscodeoh goody :D It will be much appreciated
17:03:48*Jesin quit (Quit: Leaving)
17:06:07apenseI think the error that necessitated the "false" at https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/lib/pure/math.nim#L222 is that there needs to be a "#define _CRT_RAND_S" before "rand_s" becomes available. Is there a way to do that other than the emit pragma?
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17:08:27apenseextern "C"{
17:08:27apense#define _CRT_RAND_S
17:08:27apense#include <stdlib.h>
17:08:27apense int main(void) {
17:08:27apense unsigned int m;
17:08:28apense rand_s(&m);
17:08:32apense }
17:08:34apense} works fine in VS2013
17:08:38r-kuAraq: should proc new(_: typedesc[Foo]) be preferred instead of system.new(T: typedesc)? Because its not when custom new is imported from another module. If custom new is in same module it is preferred than system.new. Im unsure if this is bug or not.
17:08:45r-kuapense: i want to say mean things to you now.
17:09:51r-kuand answer to your question is passC pragma
17:10:11r-ku{.passC: "-D_CRT_RAND_S".}
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17:22:22Araqapense: but I cannot emit #define _CRT_RAND_S that easily
17:22:30Araqok I can, but it's too ugly
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18:00:06*Ven quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
18:01:23VarriountAraq: If you're against Option monads, then why does the new regex library have them?
18:02:43Araqcause it makes sense in this case
18:03:16Araqpersonally I would have used 'nil' strings though
18:04:00VarriountAraq: I agree. :/
18:06:59ArrrrWhat do you have against options
18:08:16Araqthey make me use 'if' when I know better
18:08:27VarriountArrrr: Cumbersome, rarely useful when you have actual exceptions.
18:08:30Araqor alternatively a "nice" monad for easy chaining
18:08:45Xenim has monad support?
18:09:02VarriountI guess they're alright for a language without exceptions.
18:09:28Araqthat works so well that even Haskell doesn't use it for everything. So Haskell has exceptions too.
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18:11:15AraqXe: monads don't require much, you can write monads in Nim too.
18:13:17dtscodejust fyi: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/wiki/Editor-Support the gedit one is a dead link
18:14:54VarriountAraq: You could still edit nre to use nil strings/objects - It's not like it's been in an official release yet, has it?
18:15:27VarriountOr rather, let me change it. :D
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18:17:32reactormonkVarriount, option is nothing but nil, except the typesystem knows about the nillable type
18:17:58dtscodenmd fixed the link
18:18:07Varriountreactormonk: I don't follow.
18:19:17reactormonkVarriount, instead of returning a magic value (nil), you return a None. so instead of the value only you now about, you return something that the compiler knows about.
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18:20:05Varriountreactormonk: And this is useful how...?
18:20:25ArrrrIt forces you to check against none
18:20:54reactormonkand if you don't care, you can always use `get`, which gives you a fail early advantage instead of the code failing somewhere else because you have a nil
18:21:25Varriountreactormonk: Then why not an exception?
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18:22:35reactormonkVarriount, because an Option gives you the choice to handle it however you want it - which is possible without exceptions too, except options are faster because no stack unrolling.
18:22:59VarriountArrrr: And you don't normally check against 'nil
18:23:48ArrrrYes, but if i miss one, the compiler will not blame. On the other hand, with options, i have one problem less
18:24:16reactormonkVarriount, also, checked exceptions are horrible.
18:24:49ArrrrLike the difference between safe/unsafe casting
18:25:11VarriountArrrr: Then why not wrap it up in an option yourself?
18:25:30ArrrrHumm, what do you mean
18:25:57reactormonkArrrr, that we need a proc toOption[T] which basically checks via if isNil
18:26:05*onr left #nim ("Leaving")
18:26:43Arrrrso, instead of if isSome bla(), i have to do if isSome bla().toOption ?
18:26:53reactormonkbasically >:)
18:26:57VarriountArrrr: Yep. Using the procedure reactormonk just mentioned.
18:27:20reactormonkBut this is not perl, imo nim should hint you in the correct direction - via option instead of nil-checks
18:28:09Varriountreactormonk: My two main gripes are A: It's cumbersome, and B: It's so different from the rest of the stdlib.
18:28:09ArrrrWell, because 1) Is uglier, 2) : Option[T] is self documented and 3) i can forget to write it.
18:28:33VarriountArrrr: And the get() isn't ugly?
18:28:34reactormonkVarriount, time to break stuff >:)
18:29:07ArrrrYes, but also obvious
18:29:08dom96Options[T] with proper pattern matching are superior to nilable types.
18:29:20Araqyes but the disadvantages are never mentioned: instead of error value (nil, -1) and exceptions you have yet another way to model things
18:29:21dom96Try Haskell and you will be enlightened.
18:29:23reactormonkHonestly, if there were some way to auto-unpack options via get, I'd be totally in
18:29:29reactormonkdom96, haskell is slow.
18:29:50reactormonkAnd I don't expect nim to become haskell, just picking up a few good ideas along the road.
18:30:07ArrrrOption module needs more love, for example "getOr(paramInCaseIsNull)"
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18:30:22Arrrror "do(procInCaseOptionIsSome)"
18:30:33dom96Arrrr: I'm not sure I agree.
18:31:04dom96At a certain point people just don't use these additional procedures.
18:31:32VarriountArrrr: Or just add it as a default value to the current 'get' procedure?
18:31:48reactormonkWhich reminds me to punch some concepts s into the stdlib
18:31:53ArrrrYeah, it could be a default value
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18:36:06reactormonkI like the default value idea.
18:36:41Varriountreactormonk: Fine, I concede against superior numbers.
18:36:56VarriountI don't have to like it though. :?
18:37:21reactormonkVarriount, just call .get on it and be done
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18:46:38Varriountreactormonk: Or make a converter to do it for me >:D
18:47:11*Varriount waits for Araq's enraged cries
18:47:29reactormonkVarriount, that's what I mentioned for bringing Option to all of stdlib - backwards compability with a converter :-)
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18:49:27VarriountDemos: Working for tripadvisor?
18:50:08VarriountDemos: I know, I know, it's no surprise that I'm psychic.
18:50:23dom96Varriount: You stalking Demos?
18:50:37AraqVarriount: didn't take it seriously
18:50:59Varriountdom96: .... Maybe.
18:51:16DemosI mean I don't have a cloak sooo
18:53:02dom96I see.
18:53:23dom96Shouldn't be IRC'ing from work.
18:53:29*dom96 shakes head
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18:56:41Varriount|RoadOh yay, colors.
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19:04:50dtscodehey guys... I'm serializing JSON, whats the proper way to read/write to JSON files?
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19:05:45fowldtscode the json module
19:06:13dtscodefowl: I didn't see anything in there for writing/reading to a json file, just serializing
19:06:35Varriount|Mobiledtscode: Read a file into a string, then parse it wil the json module?
19:06:36Xefowl: the filesystem handling functions?
19:06:45Xedtscode: *
19:06:56fowlParsefile and $
19:06:57dtscodeVarriount|Mobile: eh fair enough
19:06:57Varriount|Mobiledtscode: Stringify a json object, then write it out?
19:07:01dtscodethanks guys
19:07:21Varriount|Mobiledtscode: If you want to create helper procedures for the json module, it would be appreciated.
19:12:15Varriount|MobileAraq: I just noticed the 'nep1' option in c2nim. I feel so appreciated. :)
19:14:37AraqVarriount|Mobile: you're welcome. actually nep1 should be the default I never use anything else
19:14:51Araqdtscode: pretty sure there a stream based procs
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20:10:25flaviudtscode, Araq: How about re"\xfoo bar"?
20:13:05Araqflaviu: good enough for me
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20:36:14Araqbtw flaviu I think you should have changed .crc to .sha1 as file extension: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/3018
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20:54:55flaviuThat's an interesting bug.
20:55:52flaviuPR sent. Mind if I rename all the variables that reference "CRC"? I probably should have done that in the initial PR.
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20:58:50AraqI don't mind
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21:03:26miglois there something like a "const reference" in nim?
21:05:57Araqlet foo = addr(x) means the pointer is const, not its contents
21:05:58miglolike "const MyObj& obj" in c++ that is typically used to pass objects to functions/methods and to indicate that is isn't allowed to modify the object?
21:06:38Araqoh you don't need that. Nim always passes by const reference under the hood if that's the most efficient way to do it
21:07:08Araqconst MyObj& obj is just obj: MyObj in Nim
21:07:47migloand if I use "var" for the object then there is no "const"
21:08:50miglorecently I've also studied a little bit the documentation of Rust and it seems to be very similar to what I've leared about nim
21:12:27migloafter reading the last days only python and nim code I found all the curly braces of the Rust syntax quite ugly
21:14:16Araqhe he he
21:15:51Araqflaviu: that "parseSecureHash" doesn't do any bounds checking is amusing ;-)
21:18:51migloAraq, only one additional question. You've mentioned that the chat server example might not work properly or at least async with threads. Could you please explain this a little bit where threading is used in this example?
21:19:48miglois it somewhere within the library used, by one of the async source files?
21:20:38Araqno, it's not using threads yet. I assumed you compiled with --threads:on
21:20:48Araqand hence got these errors
21:21:11dtscodewho made the compiler output pretty?
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21:22:56miglono I haven't used this switch
21:23:24Araqnot sure. dom96 ? what's teh chat server example?
21:23:44dom96the one in the asyncnet module's docs?
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21:26:00Araqwell the example should compile
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21:26:07dtscodedoes it not?
21:26:27miglothe original example from the docs compiles and works fine
21:26:45miglobut my slightly modified version doesn't
21:27:38migloI've moved the source line where the clients are added into the sequence from proc serve to proc processClient
21:28:11migloand whenever a client gets added the program crashes
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21:29:46dom96miglo: gist it
21:31:42miglook, here it is..... https://gist.github.com/anonymous/e4f882ebaa0420d939ec
21:32:51dom96where does it crash?
21:32:54migloline 16 triggers the crash
21:33:13dtscodewhats the syntax for pass by ref to a function again? like proc foo(bar: var int) right?
21:34:13dom96miglo: you're not initialising 'clients'
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21:37:00fowldtscode to be mutable ye
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22:14:15miglothe documentation mentions "var glock: TLock" but the compiler doesn't know the type "TLock". do I have to import something?
22:16:51Araqimport locks
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22:27:19dtscodethanks fold
22:28:14miglodo I need an additional lib if the linker cannot find `pthread_mutex_trylock'? I've on my system already "libpthread-stubs0-dev"
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