<< 29-05-2016 >>

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01:03:53onionhammerwhen will nim compile to web assembly?
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10:27:43Araq_onionhammer: I cannot een figure out how to allocate a struct on the stack in WebAssembly.
10:28:04Araq_This thing is just too immature for anything.
10:28:29Araq_would love to write a codegen for it though once it's more fleshed out, seems really sweet
10:29:02Araq_I see lots of good design in it.
10:29:48dom96Yeah, until its design is finalised I don't think there is a point to writing a code gen for it.
10:31:52Araq_ah no I'm wrong: https://github.com/WebAssembly/design/blob/master/Rationale.md
10:32:12Araq_explains the codegen is supposed to implement a stack on its own ... hmmm
10:32:14dom96This is pretty cool https://webassembly.github.io/demo/
10:32:21dom96The asm.js fallback works pretty well
10:33:11dom96Now that Araq_ is excited I bet this won't take long :P
10:38:04Araq_you know what's most exciting about it? that it's not fucking text, this means no dumb string munging in the compiler which got tiresome
10:40:01TheLemonManis the webassembly bitcode re-processed and optimized ?
10:45:55Araq_TheLemonMan: it's compressed in 2 or 3 layers
10:46:11Araq_and yeah, it's re-processed and optimized
10:46:39Araq_but if the compiler needs to manage the stack pointer, how can there be interop between the languages?
10:47:23TheLemonManwhy do you need to manipulate the SP ?
10:47:40Araq_seems like a big oversight, I need to use the same compiler for every library
10:47:58Araq_the SP is required to pass structs to functions, for example.
10:48:19Araq_and the caller and callee better agree on what the SP *is*
10:48:34Araq_WebAssembly seems silent about it.
10:49:03TheLemonManeverything's heap allocated and everything's passed byref :D
10:49:07dom96Might be a good idea to go to w3's IRC and ask them about this
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13:21:49mccHello... I'm starting to look at nim... I will probably have some questions... my main question atm is I am trying to understand the difference between a line which ends with a colon and is followed by an indented line, and a line which just cuts off and is followed by an indented line...
13:22:24mccwhat is "var\n\tx\n\ty" equivalent to?
13:22:35mccoh wait i forgot tabs are banned. hopefully you get what i meant.
13:25:04kierI believe it's equivalent to "var x\nvar y" (though I could be wrong)
13:25:30flyxmcc: more indented blocks after colons are statement lists. i.e. after an if statement with a colon, the following more indented block is a child of that if statement
13:26:10flyxmcc: more indented blocks without a colon are special constructs. e.g. `var` starts a block where only variables can be declared, and `type` starts a block where only types can be declared
13:26:16mcckier: okay. can i do that with any statement or are "var" and "const" special? Like if the function "listAdd" has side effects, could I say "listAdd\n\t3\n\t4" ?
13:26:28flyxthese do not introduce statement lists and therefore are not started with a colon
13:27:10mccflyx: okay. can user-created constructs ever take advantage of either the "indent, no colon" or "indent, with colon" syntax?
13:27:28mccflyx: and would you say then my heuristic for "do i need a colon?" is "is the thing inside the indented block ordinary code"?
13:27:32kiermcc: you can only do this behaviour with the language constructs like 'var', 'let', 'const', 'type', not user created methods
13:28:06flyxmcc: no. you can create user-defined macros which can be called with a more indented statement block, but this is not possible for blocks without colon
13:28:43mccthis helps a lot, thanks
13:33:08mccone unrelated question. if i filed a github issue on the nim project suggesting the main site should use HTTPS, do you think this would come off as a jerky thing to do? :) it is just a little alarming to be downloading binaries from an HTTP site, there is no way to tell if they are getting modified in transit.
13:34:07mccor would there be a better way to send in comments on the *website* than the github issues page?
13:34:27flyxmcc: I believe the right place to discuss something like this would be the forum, not the github issue tracker
13:35:36kieris the site backed by a github repo?
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13:40:18mcchopefully it's not backed by a github repo since github pages doesn't do ssl :(
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13:49:58flyxmcc: they don't? https://flyx.github.io/NimYAML
13:50:41mccoh! sorry. you can't use a custom URL on github pages with HTTPS.
13:51:11mccbut https directly to github.io like that works, yeah, i'd forgotten
13:51:21flyxwell you can still have your page's source on github, but host it yourself
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13:51:54flyxbut afaik nim-lang.org is not no github
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13:57:35mccis nimble distributed with nim or is it separate
13:58:46mcclooks like separate sorry
13:59:29mccweird why does nimble need its own checkout of nim
14:07:41federico3mcc: yep, that's unfortunate
14:08:02mccdoes it install its custom-built nim into .nimble or something?
14:12:18mccwill nimble freak out if nim is not in PATH? its build script complained that it was not
14:19:50mcceh, i added it anyway
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15:08:45mccdon't suppose you'd know-- the sdl2 nimble package when run on mac seems to want to load dylibs, but sdl2 is distributed as a bunch of frameworks last i checked. any idea where to get the dylibs from?
15:18:31flyxmcc: homebrew or nix
15:19:08flyxpossibly also fink or macports if you prefer those
15:19:20flyx(and they're still alive, I haven't checked for a long time)
15:37:25dom96hello mcc! Regarding SSL for the website: it's on our todo list :)
15:38:31mccdom96: ah ok, good to hear
15:39:21mccdom96: if you run your own server the letsencrypt tools make it really easy, it took me like one evening to set it up on mine
15:40:42J3RNI can also vouch for the ease of using the Letsencrypt tools, FWIW
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15:42:31dom96Yep. I plan to use that.
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15:47:50mccI mean I had to fight with bizarre error messages for three hours or so, but
15:47:56mccI only had to do it once ^_^
15:59:51dom96"really easy" might be a bit of an exaggeration then? :P
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16:17:51mcc"easy by linux standards"
16:18:14mcc"when i googled the error messages i found results"
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16:27:46tautologicothere's a letsencrypt client by the EFF that's supposed to be good
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18:23:31*flyx uses acmetool, a go letsencrypt client that's really painless to use.
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18:55:01mccokay. so i have the line: render.setDrawColor( frame mod 256, 0, 0, 255 ) , using the sdl2 nimble
18:55:19mccand i get the error: main.nim(29, 9) Error: type mismatch: got (RendererPtr, range -255..255(int), int literal(0), int literal(0), int literal(255)) … but expected one of: … sdl2.setDrawColor(renderer: RendererPtr, r: uint8, g: uint8, b: uint8, a: uint8) … sdl2.setDrawColor(renderer: RendererPtr, c: Color)
18:55:35mcchow do i interpret this?
18:56:50mccn/m i added a uint8() and it got less unhappy
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19:02:22mccokay, here is a question though
19:02:26mcci have the line: needDelay = targetTpf - (tick-lastFrameAt)
19:06:14dom96mcc: what's the question? :
19:06:56*dom96 wonders why there are so many letsencrypt clients out there
19:07:24mccso tick and lastFrameAt are both uint32s
19:07:30mccand targetTpf is an int
19:07:37mccWhat if I *want* targetTpf to be an int?
19:07:43mccLike, what if I want the difference between two unsigned ints
19:07:58mccand then i want to change it to an int?
19:08:13mccbasically, if you say int (someUnsignedInt), how does it do the conversion?
19:08:23mccdom96: also part of the problem is that the most popular letsencrypt client changed its name, i think
19:09:19dom96after you do the conversion I think it just interprets the data differently
19:09:57dom96I don't think it costs much
19:09:59mccAlso, if I do the casting it wants, i later say : if need_delay > 0:
19:10:18mccand it says: lib/system.nim(357, 5) Error: type mismatch: got (int literal(0), uint) but expected one of...
19:10:27mccwait, what, you can't do > on an unsigned integer? D:
19:11:41dom96I think you need to do: if need_delay > 0'u:
19:13:06dom96I do think that this shouldn't be necessary though. I don't think Araq_ agrees though.
19:13:25mccokay, one more question
19:13:31mccso i wind up doing: needDelay:uint32 = uint32(targetTpf - (tick-lastFrameAt))
19:13:46dom96You don't need the ':uint32'
19:14:25dom96it might be easier for you to just use ints everywhere
19:17:23mccwell, i'm using a library which uses uints
19:17:30mccso i don't necessarily have that choice
19:17:43mccit would be nice if there were just a auto-cast operator or something
19:18:03mcclike the type solver already knows uint32 is needed in a particualr place, say !ticks to automatically cast to whatever the type solver figures is needed there
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19:30:51filwitmcc: you can define your own auto-cast operators using 'converter'
19:31:54mccok, cool
19:32:18filwitmcc: reference: http://nim-lang.org/docs/intern.html#frontend-issues-methods-and-type-converters
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19:51:54tautologicohow can I allocate an unsigned char array and pass the pointer to a C function?
19:53:37filwittautologico: var x = newSeq[char](someSize); someCFunc(addr x[0])
19:54:54tautologicofilwit: thanks
20:10:21tautologicowhere is the documentation about interfacing with C? the backend integration doc has too little information
20:11:49mccLet's say my program has the line "var evt = sdl2.defaultEvent". How can I find out what type evt is?
20:12:49fowlimport typetraits; echo evt.type.name
20:14:37filwittautologico: http://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#foreign-function-interface
20:14:44mcci wonder how hard it would be to add that to nimlime or whatever this sublime text plugin is called...
20:15:41tautologicoa bit scarce on details but ok
20:15:54tautologicoI think I'll install c2nim
20:18:16mccso i say: var onDraw : proc(); if onDraw != nil: onDraw()
20:18:24mccThis gives me the warning "Not GC safe [gcUnsafe]"
20:18:26mccwhat do I make of this?
20:20:19filwitmcc: a guess: You're passing a GC'ed seq to a C function? That's a potential memory bug, since the GC can't know if the C end of things maintains that pointer for longer than the object lives
20:20:42mccthose were the only uses of onDraw in the application
20:22:10filwitsorry, I'm confused about what your code looks like.. and I'm not entirely sure about the details of that warning either.. so just guessing
20:25:36mccso in module A i have "var onDraw : proc()"
20:26:18mccand "var onEvent : proc(evt:Event)"
20:26:26mccand in module B i import module A then say "onEvent = proc(evt) = [newline, indent] echo (evt)"
20:26:29mccit doesn't like that
20:27:24dom96I think that warning only matters when using threads http://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#threads-gc-safety
20:28:19mccwhat is the correct way to assign a procedure value to a variable?
20:29:24fowlproc(evt) is a generic function
20:29:46filwit^ you need to do: proc(evt:Event) = ...
20:30:18filwitor perhaps it's not 'needed'.. i'm not sure..
20:30:26mccit's now complaining about modules... if i put it in module A it works fine... in module B it says "onEvent cannot be assigned to"
20:30:27filwitbut could be :P
20:31:32filwithmm.. yeah i forgot.. i think there's a pragma you need.. like .procvar? or .threadlocal? anyone know?
20:33:00dom96mcc: can you gist your code?
20:34:10Araq_mcc: export the var via *
20:34:28Araq_and annotate the proc type with {.gcsafe.}
20:35:46mccThat did it thanks!
20:59:04tautologicohow can I get ptr cuchar from a seq[cuchar] ?
21:01:12Araq_tautologico: seq[cuchar] is already wrong, most of the time. just use a 'string'. 'ptr cuchar' is also wrong, it should be 'cstring'.
21:02:15tautologicook, I was using c2nim to help me interface with some C code
21:02:27tautologicoI have a function that expects a unsigned char *
21:05:02tautologicoI have a seq[Rgb] in the nim code, where Rgb is a tuple of floats representing a color
21:05:48tautologicoI have to convert the floats to a 0-255 value anyway (and add an alpha channel, expected by the C code), but I still don't know how to create the data to pass to the C function
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21:08:29Araq_that's widely know. :P
21:09:11tautologicoyeah, that's what filwit told me earlier, so I created a seq[cuchar]
21:09:30cheatfatewhat is best way to check if header available or function in headers present?
21:09:35cheatfatewith nim
21:10:06tautologiconow I get "expression has no address"
21:10:31Araq_tautologico: then use unsafeAddr
21:10:46Araq_but consider to change your code :P
21:11:29Araq_cheatfate: there is no way. Nim doesn't know. you can 'staticExec' GCC with small C programs like autoconf does.
21:11:51Araq_and staticExec even supports caching for this use case.
21:14:46cheatfatebecause solaris before version 10 has only "/dev/poll" but after 10 it received event ports...
21:17:29Araq_just let solaris die :P
21:17:58cheatfatei like name "solaris" :)
21:18:22tautologicoit works :)
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21:22:35dom96nah guys, we need to support everything. How's our RISC OS/Haiku/Plan 9 support? :P
21:23:05tautologicoI guess Haiku originated from BeOS?
21:23:21Araq_I ported it to Haiku once :P
21:24:01Araq_wasn't hard, just had to patch some configs and to add Haiku to the list of known OSes
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21:24:55tautologicoso, for random numbers, should I just use the mersenne module?
21:26:07dom96the random/math module
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21:27:56tautologicothere's math/mersenne, I don't see random
21:28:25tautologicoin the stdlib docs
21:30:47dom96it's not in 0.13.0
21:31:12tautologicodevel then?
21:31:36dom96just use math for now
21:32:21dom96the random procs were recently moved into a random module, but they are the same
21:32:30kieranyone know of any existing tools for writing structured parsers (along the lines of lex/yacc or parser combinators)?
21:33:53Araq_kier: I wrote 'lexim' to generate lexers but it's not tested well
21:34:23Araq_had no use for it for now
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21:37:10kierAraq_: looks interesting, might have a play around with it
21:37:44Araq_there is also the new undocumented strscans.scanp
21:40:31Araq_cheatfate: can you fix this please? https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/3059 I got no bsd to test on
21:41:25cheatfateAraq_, ok
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21:47:23Araq_we also need to talk about memory management
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21:48:03Araq_cause once async is multi-core ready we can replace the GC with --gc:stack, I think and gain further speed
21:59:12cheatfateAraq_, right now i can't invent test unit to test multithreading...
21:59:26cheatfateto test structures
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22:04:54cheatfateAraq_, about #3059 looks like FreeBSD and OpenBSD dont have "timezone" as integer... but they have function `char* timezone(int zone, int dst)`
22:05:25Araq_I don't remember why we need to mess with timezones
22:05:36cheatfateif i'm correct `timezone` is number of seconds from UTC
22:05:45*TheLemonMan quit (Quit: "It's now safe to turn off your computer.")
22:06:22Araq_just hack something together that works and/or leaves me alone with this non-standardized archaic bullshit
22:06:57Araq_even a 'when not defined(bsd)' is fine with me. :P
22:11:03cheatfateThe Single UNIX Specification carried this forward, but implementations were weak and defective. POSIX.1-2001/SUSv3 said that the contents of the timezone and dstflag fields are unspecified and should not be relied on. POSIX.1-2008/SUSv4 removed ftime(3) entirely. The archaic tzset(3) interface remains.
22:11:03cheatfateFinal warning: some BSD Unixes do not implement timezone at all!
22:11:09cheatfateI like unix :)
22:17:00Araq_as much as I like DOS ;-)
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22:32:04cheatfatedont blame on DOS it was the most hackable OS
22:33:03cheatfatei loved programming TSR programs
22:34:03tautologicoint 21h
22:34:19tautologicoTSR programs, now there's something I didn't hear in ages
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22:49:05filwitanyone know what the Nim equivalent of PHP's $_FILES[...] would be?
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22:58:41Araq_filwit: ? how come you know about PHP?
22:59:42dom96filwit: are you using Jester?
23:00:17filwitdom96: no, asynchttpserver
23:00:23filwitAraq: eh?
23:00:46*bjz quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
23:00:55dom96filwit: I would suggest using Jester if you can: https://github.com/dom96/jester/blob/master/tests/fileupload.nim
23:01:13filwittrying to see if I should serialize an JS image and pass that across myself, or if I should use the <input type="file" ...> way
23:01:45filwitdom96: okay I'll look into that more
23:02:28filwitokay, cool :) That looks very nice
23:02:45filwitwhat's the performance of Jester these days?
23:03:07dom96Good question :P
23:04:02filwitI was trying to avoid Jester as a database backend because I read somewhere it's performance wasn't as good as some others (not sure where, or how accurate that was, or even what kind of tests they where doing) but was thinking I'd try to avoid as much overhead as possible.
23:04:36dom96I don't think it adds much overhead
23:04:47dom96the problem is that asynchttpserver could use a speed up itself
23:04:48filwitHowever, getting this done fast is more a priority for me then getting it done perfect, so I guess go with Jester for this
23:04:55dom96but then again, I haven't done any proper benchmarks
23:05:16dom96and yes, premature optimisation is the root of all evil :)
23:06:05Araq_there have a couple of iterations on async http server's performance
23:06:19Araq_it's not something to concerned about, IMHO.
23:06:31dom96yeah, it should be good.
23:06:37Araq_benchmarks these days mostly test for "what if I were Google"
23:06:45filwityeah, it's just we have an existing product running on C#/MSSQL servers and I didn't want it to be _slower_ when I make my argument for going this rout to my partner
23:07:27filwitbut in general I'm in total agreement with you, and I doubt I'll loose much of any performance using Jester
23:07:42Araq_MSSQL is so slow, it's not hard to beat
23:07:50filwitgood to here :)
23:08:01Araq_but I guess you will stick to that?
23:08:35filwitnot if I can help it
23:09:03Araq_and it's spelt "hear". why did you make this mistake? because you use the *sound* of words in your head, esp as a native speaker.
23:09:11dom96filwit: feel free to ping me (or even email me) if you have any questions about jester/async
23:09:31Araq_and that's why case sensitivity is so very much against how human brains work.
23:09:43Araq_but that's a story for another time :P
23:09:50dom96Araq_: don't be rude
23:09:55filwitAraq: yes, i often try to type too quickly and just type the more commonly used word for the sound
23:10:06Araq_I am not rude, am I?
23:10:14dom96you are a bit :P
23:10:28filwitdom96: thanks, I'll will ping you when i have questions
23:10:45*Matthias247 quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
23:11:13filwitAraq: I don't find you rude, personally.. I don't mind direct questions like that
23:11:35Araq_I can see no rudeness. I just use your typo to make a point.
23:12:18dom96well then perhaps I am rude, apologies
23:12:44filwitgod dom.. so rude :P
23:13:59mccso i tried to echo() a C struct and I got "main.nim(5, 8) template/generic instantiation from here… lib/system.nim(2301, 19) Error: undeclared field: 'padding'" ... I don't think I necessarily *expect* that to have worked... but it seems *close* to working, is there a trick to this that would allow it to print out a c struct of my choice?
23:14:00filwitjester is on Nimble, or should I use Github/master?
23:14:07filwit^ dom96
23:14:20dom96you can grab master using nimble too
23:14:43dom96and Nimble will grab it automatically because I haven't tagged a version of Jester yet
23:14:45filwityeah i was mostly just asking which version i should be using with a devel compiler
23:14:51dom96(something which I really need to do)
23:14:59filwitoh, okay
23:15:34Araq_mcc: unfortunately not, but it has been requested, so please create a feature request
23:15:45Araq_I have an idea of how to make it work
23:15:59Araq_*has been requested a few times
23:16:25mccCool. Are feature requests filed on the github?
23:17:01*LowLifePerv joined #nim
23:17:07Araq_why do you think we have 750 open issues? :P
23:17:22Araq_Nim has no bugs, only feature requests. *cough*
23:17:56filwitdom96: does Jester support caching? or is that not something more relevent to nginx?
23:19:04dom96filwit: more to do with nginx, although I think there is some caching support
23:20:37mccone more very silly question... is there a good "noop" statement in nim, analagous to python "pass"? i'm currently using "discard 0"
23:20:50def-mcc: just discard
23:21:09def-(without a parameter)
23:21:12filwitoh, and how do I properly shutdown a running Jester/asyncHttpServer process? I've tried the close() method but doesn't seem to stop every stop the async dispatch event loop
23:21:20filwitdom96 ^^
23:21:49dom96filwit: why do you want to shut it down?
23:21:51filwiter.. *ever* stop the async..
23:22:03filwitto close the db connection?
23:22:19filwitI guess there could just be a rout for that..
23:22:26filwitor maybe it doesn't matter?
23:22:40filwitJust wanted to know if there was a better way then just killing the process
23:23:12*fastrom joined #nim
23:24:36Araq_use addQuitProc to ensure the db connection is closed at shutdown
23:24:42Araq_that's the best you can do.
23:24:55filwitah, okay thanks
23:28:41filwitAraq: question about that in general actually, how much overhead does a db open/close step take? Should I open the db once in the beginning and shutdown on quitMsg? or open/close per rout command?
23:32:05filwitguess I should just benchmark it to be sure..
23:32:17dom96open once
23:32:30dom96What benefit would opening/closing have?
23:33:17filwiti can't imagine any, but my experience managing SQL tables is limited.. so I want to know if there's any pitfalls with doing that is all
23:33:29filwitsounds like there isn't, which is good. thanks
23:34:19Araq_good question, I never benchmarked it. the overhead cannot be too high, the database runs all the time anyway
23:34:33Araq_and keeps its caches for other connectors
23:55:30*kseg joined #nim