<< 30-05-2016 >>

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00:33:08cheatfateAraq_, i have made proper getTimezone() but i think we need to cache calculations in global variable
00:34:20cheatfateAraq_, https://gist.github.com/cheatfate/57dac3305f65012d83e069eab75137a2
00:35:43Araq_I don't have enough "extended memory" to run a browser
00:36:30mccso one of the examples for the sdl2 nimble contains this line: var windowEvent = cast[WindowEventPtr](addr(evt)) ... when I run this i get "Error: expression has no address"
00:36:56cheatfateAraq_, you want me put source here? :)
00:36:58mccon the appearance of evt, The only obvious difference I see is that in the example evt is a global var and in my program it is a parameter to a function
00:37:03cheatfateor we can doo DCC
00:37:53Araq_plus I forgot my sound card's baud rate and IRQ
00:38:54Araq_mcc: try 'unsafeAddr'
00:38:55cheatfatesound card via com port :) i think its 115200 :)
00:39:02mccOkay actually if I say var evt = evt at the top of the function it does not complain anymore. I suppose this is not surprising?
00:40:01mccaraq_: Thank you, that fixed it. Is the reason that was required that I am violating a mutability guarantee?
00:41:21Araq_cheatfate: getTimezone() shouldn't cache anything and it needs to moved out of the critical path
00:41:45*Araq_ is now known as Araq
00:41:56mccCool. Are there any lifetime problems I should be aware of if I say var evt2 = cast[KeyboardEventPtr](unsafeAddr(evt1)) ? Like, will the garbage collector get confused or anything, or if evt2 outlives the function do I need to worry about it pointing to freed memory once evt's scope has ended?
00:42:08mccevt1's scope i mean
00:42:16Araqyup, all that.
00:42:21Araqit's on the stack
00:42:40Araqit will disappear when it's stack frame disappears, no checking done.
00:43:08Araqbut usually these things don't live longer.
00:44:21cheatfateAraq, dont really understand your "it needs to moved out of the critical path"
00:44:46AraqgetTime() etc should not call it.
00:44:53mccok. what should i do if i find myself in a situation where i *want* to create a "copy" of evt2, that is, i want to create a new data item that contains the same bytes as evt:Event but is typed as KeyboardEventObj instead of Event?
00:45:10mcc(In this situation KeyboardEventPtr* = ptr KeyboardEventObj … the api designer is trying to mimic what in C was a union)
00:46:15Araqvar evt2 = cast[KeyboardEventPtr](unsafeAddr(evt1))[] # [] to deref the pointer
00:46:42mccAh, I see. Thanks again.
00:56:43mcchm, it seems like whoever made the sdl2 nimble did not include constants for any of the keycodes…
01:00:43Araqthey are just in its own module, take a look
01:00:47Araqgood night
01:03:19mccI will look, thank you. Goodnight
01:13:45*PMunch quit (Quit: leaving)
01:20:55mccWhat is the scope of a "var" in nim? Like if I say if True: [newline, indent] var x = 3 , does x exist for the entire function or does it exist only for the lexical scope of the if: ?
01:21:35mccalso if var is scoped to the narrowest block, is there a sensible way to create a "bare block", like doing just { } by itself in C? I found "do:" in the manual and did this but it seemed to confuse the parser.
01:27:33filwitmcc: the 'x' will be scoped to the 'if' block. And yes, there is a 'block' keyword in Nim (similar to {} in C)
01:28:03filwitalso, Nim's block statement can be given a name.. then you can 'break' by name as well
01:29:44mccOh, good.
01:30:20tautologicoto use dynamic dispatch is it advisable to define ref objects, or value objects will work?
01:35:39mccsdl2 nimble contains a: proc drawRect*(renderer: RendererPtr; rect: var Rect): and a : Rect* = tuple[x, y: cint, w, h: cint] . My understanding is the way to make a tuple is to make a (parenthesis,containing,comma,separated,list). How do I call this function? Things that have not worked: render.drawRect( ( 1,2,3,4 ) ) ... render.drawRect( Rect( 1,2,3,4 ) )
01:35:39mcc... var rect = Rect(x,y,10,10); render.drawRect( rect )
01:35:53mccThe last one gives me "expression Rect cannot be called"
01:37:32filwittautologico: i don't expect it matters.. and fyi, by default 'object' is passed by invisible ptr if it's above a certain size (8 bytes on 64bit machines I think)
01:38:43filwitmcc: maybe because the Rect uses 'cint'? Try `Rect(x:1.cint, y:2.cint, w:3.cint, h:4.cint)`
01:38:46tautologicofilwit: ok thanks, I ask because the examples in tutorial and manual use ref objects, and in C++ to use dynamic dispatch you have to use a pointer or reference
01:40:03mccfilwit: "object constructor needs an object type". not sure what that means.
01:40:30filwitmcc: oh whoops sorry I gave you the object syntax for a tuple type :\
01:40:45filwitmcc: just remove the 'x:'/'y:'/etc parts
01:41:08filwitor do this: (1.cint, 2.cint, 3.cint, 4.cint).Rect
01:41:18mccoh… i'm sorry, i said "Rect(x:cint, y:cint, 10:cint, 10:cint)" and i got that error. x and y are variables
01:41:41filwitit's fine, i understand
01:41:43mccoh uh wow that worked flawlessly. what is .typename doing, formally? :O
01:43:10*LowLifePerv quit (Quit: thinking about getting a znc)
01:43:37filwitit's just the Universal Call Syntax in Nim.. In this case you're passing the tuple (1,2,3,4) to 'Rect' which is a type so invokes convert
01:43:56filwityou could do Rect((1.cint,2,3,4)) instead
01:44:17mcchm. ok. i may ask some more about that once i've had a moment to think about it :)
01:45:44filwitin Nim you can call functions in two ways.. the 'procedural' way (eg, `foo(x)`) or the 'oop' way (eg, `x.foo()`)
01:46:47filwitSo `(1.cint, 2, 3, 4).Rect` is seen as `(1.cint, 2, 3, 4).Rect()` is seen as `Rect((1.cint, 2, 3, 4))`
01:47:13mccokay... but if i say structname.varname ... what am i doing, am i calling a function or am i looking up an item?
01:47:28mcccould i say something like "map x [point1, point2, point3]" if "x" is a field of Point?
01:48:26filwityou're looking up an item if it exist, of you're calling a proc if it exist (and only has one parameter which matches 'structname')
01:49:34filwitif both exist you have to be more specific about which you're trying to call
01:49:37mccokay. so if in the current scope there is a proc x, and Point has a field x, and var point : Point, then saying x(point) will call the function but saying point.x will look up the field?
01:50:04filwityes.. and saying point.x() will also call the proc, not lookup the field
01:51:41mcciiiinteresting. okay. thanks :O
01:54:44mccat the end of my first day of nim coding i find myself setting the tab width in my editor to 4...
01:54:50mcchopefully this shall not leave me an outcast from nim society...
01:57:17mccHere is another question actually, I see when I declare things I can say like var x,y,z,w = 0 and it will 0-init all of them... i don't guess later on there's a way to just say "x,y,z,w = 0" on a line and initialize several variables at once?
02:07:32filwitthat would be nice, but I don't think so
02:08:17mccthx again
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06:55:07girvoHey all
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06:57:36girvodom96: I finally updated that Unix socket PR with the doc comments as requested
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08:30:11cheatfateAraq, could you please take a look on this code https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd/blob/af3e10e5a78d3af8cef6088748978c6c612757f0/libexec/bootpd/tzone.c
08:31:54Araqwhat about it?
08:33:27cheatfateits emulation of timezone in bsd
08:33:46cheatfatebut you dont like it
08:33:49cheatfatefor some reason
08:34:49cheatfateit uses localtime you wan't use for getTimezone()
08:35:09cheatfateone more way is to write tz zone file parser
08:35:24cheatfatebut ^^^ insane way
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08:38:18Araqby all means use it if it solves the issue
08:39:55cheatfateyesterday you want me just disable getTimezone for freebsd and netbsd
08:41:10*tankfeeder left #nim ("Leaving")
08:45:11Araqno, I want you to fix the issue, but within reasonable bounds of your time.
08:45:39Araqif at the end you say "ok, let's disable it, fixing it is way too complex" that's fine too.
08:46:02AraqI trust your judgement.
08:46:14*girvo joined #nim
08:46:46girvodom96: Thanks so much for merging the PR! Currently working on a client for the Docker remote API that needs to work with unix sockets :D
08:46:57dom96girvo: np :)
08:52:11*fastrom joined #nim
08:53:38AraqI love travis' emails. So convenient it tells me that I broke something.
08:55:06Araqand now that every test is green all the time, I don't need a diff mechanism either. But nimbuild was superior.
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09:03:11dom96yeah, too bad it doesn't support Windows :\
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09:19:50girvodom96: Interestingly, with the new Linux userland support that might not be the case for much longer
09:19:56girvo(in Windows 10, anyway)
09:20:01girvoQuestion: "Error: expression 'readLine(sock, result, -1, {SafeDisconn})' has no type (or is ambiguous)"
09:20:48dom96you're likely trying to assign its return value to something, but it has no return value
09:21:08girvoI'm `discard`-ing it though?
09:21:45Araqyou cannot discard the 'void' type
09:22:46girvoOh. I'm an idiot :)
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09:26:42cheatfateAraq, could you please explain me https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/lib/pure/times.nim#L420-L429
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09:27:02cheatfatewhy all members after `second` shifted right
09:27:25cheatfateand when i'm trying to bring them back i got invalid indentation error
09:27:43Araqthat's because of the commas
09:27:58cheatfatecan i remove them?
09:28:10Araqordinary indentation is here only allowed if they don't share the ': cint'
09:28:46Araqyou can remove the commas and add ': cint' everywhere
09:28:58cheatfateAraq, ahh ok nice hack :)
09:31:11*fastrom quit (Quit: Leaving.)
09:32:34ArrrrAraq, crystal added a feature to auto translate proc((int, int)) into proc(int, int) if necessary. Do you think it is a good idea?
09:33:59Araqwe need an 'unpack' macro, but I think it's better to be explicit about it
09:35:14Araqneedless to say 'unpack' is easy to do in Nim.
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09:50:17cheatfateIts so fun with this times.nim :) i've got how to get gmt offset in seconds but now i'm looking for how to get proper sign for this value
09:53:55Araqlib/pure/net.nim(610, 36) Error: undeclared identifier: 'Sockaddr_un'
09:54:10Araqer ... girvo broke mac OS X?
10:00:37Araqnever mind, my mistake, had an old version of nativesockets.nim
10:10:00cheatfateAraq, i know you hate solaris but https://gist.github.com/cheatfate/a2f3ff4758cca75cb6da28df634e8cf3
10:11:54girvoTa-da, that's nim communicating with Docker via a Unix socket on OS X :)
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10:25:40girvoQ: whats the best choice for parsing HTTP bodies?
10:26:28flyxgirvo: depends on the content type of the body, I guess
10:26:43girvoalways JSON :)
10:26:48cheatfategirvo, https://github.com/h2o/picohttpparser
10:27:38girvoI'm writing a client for the Docker remote API in Nim, now that I've got working Unix sockets happening
10:27:40cheatfateouch forget it you need to parse bodies
10:27:51cheatfatenot requests
10:27:54flyxwell, if you want to parse a JSON body, you can just use Nim's json module
10:29:14girvothats the plan flyx - gotta pull the body out first. was wondering whether the was an idiomatic way of pulling the body out of the string
10:30:06flyxwell if you *only* need the body. you can just read lines until you stumble upon an empty line
10:30:18flyxthe headers are terminated with an empty line.
10:30:46girvoAh right, yeah :) awesome. I've got a buffer for each readLine already, should be simple
10:30:46cheatfateflyx, but if body will be chunked-encoded?
10:30:59girvocheatfate: I don't think it will be, at least for this use-case
10:31:03cheatfateflyx, or gzipped?
10:31:08flyxyeah, it is not generally that easy
10:31:17flyxwhen in doubt, use a proper HTTP library
10:31:18girvoDocker API is working over a unix socket, so it's not so fancy. Not even really HTTP heh
10:32:37flyxif it's not HTTP, what is it? raw TCP?
10:33:18reactormonkflyx, TCP is the same layer as unix sockets IIRC, http is above that, you might be able to do http over unix sockets
10:33:38flyxreactormonk: yeah, I know
10:34:29flyxit is definitely possible to do HTTP over unix sockets, girvo just wrote that it's not really HTTP, so I wondered if it's some custom protocol on top on TCP
10:35:01girvoflyx: they do expose a raw TCP socket, yeah
10:35:16girvoI think the Unix socket works the same way, but I'm looking into the docs atm
10:35:51flyxit does.
10:36:04flyxunless they explicitly made it work differently
10:37:07flyxwell the Docker API is REST-based, so it *is* proper HTTP
10:37:22flyx(if we're talking about https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/api/docker_remote_api/ )
10:45:55cheatfateAraq, https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/4239
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11:22:29Araqcheatfate: I don't hate Solaris, I just think that more useful software runs on DOS than on Solaris.
11:23:26cheatfateAraq, i have answered your question on pr
11:25:32Araqbut I accept fixes for Solaris as much as I accept DOS ports ;-)
11:25:49Araq(seriously, port to DOS!)
11:26:46flyxwhich DOS?
11:27:57*flyx recently tried to compile Nim on a PowerPC Mac, but there weren't any 32bit C sources available
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11:40:51Araqflyx: you can cross-compile to that setup
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12:53:16cheatfateAraq, its better to port to minix or hurd :)
12:54:31cheatfateAraq, i have updated PR
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12:57:02Araqcan I play Indy 4 on Minix or Hurd without emulation? There you go then.
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13:08:08cheatfateI think you can easily write your own `Indy 4` with nim :)
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13:18:16cheatfateAraq, is there any problems with my PR?
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14:26:39mccHi... I am trying to make an SDL2 program in nim. I want to be able to do audio synthesis. I have written a small program which moves a box around and plays a repeating chime. If it matters, it is movable.nim here. https://bitbucket.org/runhello/nim-practice/src
14:27:12mccThe program works for about five to ten seconds. Then it crashes. I suspect this is because I am not following the thread rules correctly, and the five to ten seconds limit is when the first GC occurs.
14:27:39mccI suspect I need to be tagging my audio callback with the {.thread.}, and compiling with --threads:on .
14:28:29mccI have two machines at my disposal. One is a very, very old macintosh running a very old Mac OS. It has a very old GCC on it (4.2). This is lacking some atomics primitives that nim's threading mode cannot function without. So if I compile with --threads:on there I get only an error message.
14:30:11Araqyup, you also need to call GC_setupForeignThread in your audio thread if it's called from SDL
14:30:31Araqor setupForeignThreadGc cannot remember
14:31:32mccAh! That might answer my next question. Call it only once?
14:32:02mccBecause on windows it compiles but then when i boot the audio thread it crashes.
14:41:28mccHm. So here is what I am seeing: I am in msys2-shell on win10. I have installed Nim from the installer on the website and mingw-w64/x64_86 plus SDL from msys2's package manager. My audio callback begins with "if didAudioGcInit: [newline indent] setupForeignThreadGc() [newline] didAudioGcInit = true". I run with "nim compile --threads:on --run movable.nim". I
14:41:28mcccompile and run okay and then the instant it hits pauseAudio(0), it crashes. Actually, it does not crash, it quits. Bash says "Error: execution of an external program failed: 'c:\msys64\home\andi\work\h\nim-practice\movable.exe '" and $? is 1.
14:42:11mccIf I put `echo "HELLO"` at the start of the audio callback, I never see the echo.
14:48:07mccIn other words, it appears I am not getting far enough to invoke setupForeignThreadGc(). Again, this is only if I compile with --threads:on. Without --threads:on I run, I see the echo, I am allowed to setupForeignThreadGc() but I do still see the crash after seven seconds.
15:00:30mccOkay yeah it is a crash and if I run in GDB, the backtrace looks like this. https://gist.github.com/anonymous/8c3a5e47b8db28a1b4494d16b74874d1 any idea how to proceed? :O
15:01:33Araqmcc: that's broken thread local storage I think, you need to use 'nim devel' or compile with --stackTraces:off
15:04:29mccHm. What does that mean? "nim devel" and "nim --stackTraces:off" both give argument not recognized errors when I run them.
15:04:56mccoh. it accepted --stackTrace:off
15:05:00mccbut i still get the error
15:06:20mccsorry. i mean: i get no command line error with --stackTrace:off, but the crash is unabated
15:07:34mccI found the devel branch on github-- can i install this with nimble or should i just try to build it myself?
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15:10:14def-mcc: build yourself following the github instructions
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15:20:21mccOkay! If I build with --threads:on --tlsEmulation:off, and I run with the 0.13.1 in github devel, it works fine and I do not see the crash. (If I run without tlsEmulation:off, calling the setupForeignThreadGc is an error. If I run on the current stable version but --tlsEmulation:off, it limps a few more seconds than it did without the flag then crashes.)
15:20:45mccSo that solves my problem, thanks. What does --tlsEmulation:off do, exactly? Is it disabling a safety feature or a performance feature?
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15:42:26Araqneither, it disables a hack for old GCCs
15:42:56cheatfateAraq, i think TLS emulation is just a global variable? :)
15:43:32Araqlol no, it uses OS APIs to access thread local storage
15:47:18cheatfateAraq, but i think usage of OS API to access TLS its not an emulation?
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15:52:58Araqit needs to use segment registers for performance, everything else is a hack
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16:39:57mccHow does that work on OS X?
16:40:23mccEverybody says mach-o doesn't support the TLS area that __thread and such in C normally support
16:40:37mccbut i don't really know what that means in real implementation terms
16:47:11*Jesin quit (Quit: Leaving)
16:48:07cheatfatemcc, there not `kernel threads` in unixes...
16:48:26cheatfatemcc, only usermode threads
16:48:37cheatfateso its not a problem
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18:33:07cheatfateAraq, for new asyncdispatch we need `cancel` future
18:33:53cheatfatebecause operations like `or` on futures dont allow to free system resources
18:34:28cheatfateAnd `cancel` is also problem only on windows, because we need to cancel pending io operation
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19:10:05cheatfateAraq, i think we need to have some variables with compiler version
19:10:24cheatfatei mean defined variables
19:11:16cheatfateto have possibility to check compiler version, because "ATOMIC_RELAXED" not compiling on with gcc 4.2.1 but compiling with gcc 4.8.2
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19:27:27*Arrrr quit (Quit: WeeChat 1.4)
19:29:37Araqcheatfate: sure, go ahead
19:33:26cheatfateAraq, i can make part for parsing versions but i dont think i can integrate it to compiler
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20:23:51Araqcheatfate: just make some PR and I'll integrate it properly
20:27:31cheatfateAraq, is it will be ok if i make something like `proc getCompilerVersion(path: string): tuple[branch: float, version: int]` ?
20:28:15Araqbranch, version? why not major, minor, patch?
20:28:35cheatfateAraq, names are not a problem :)
20:30:19cheatfate`proc getCompilerVersion(path: string): tuple[major: int, minor: int, patch: int]` ?
20:37:58tautologicois there a way to dump the ast of a source file? (if not, I think this would be a useful command)
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