<< 31-03-2024 >>

00:07:20*lucasta joined #nim
00:08:27NimEventerNew thread by Zumi: NailIt — a literate programming tool, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/11327
00:12:23FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> In reply to @anddam "I am allured but": yeah, some of jester's features is underdocumented and is hidden under test cases or something...
00:22:05*Batzy joined #nim
01:00:02*nazgulsenpai quit (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in)
01:02:57*nazgulsenpai joined #nim
01:23:26*SchweinDeBurg quit (Quit: WeeChat 4.3.0-dev)
01:23:52*SchweinDeBurg joined #nim
01:26:03*lucasta quit (Remote host closed the connection)
02:14:33*Lord_Nightmare joined #nim
02:16:21*rockcavera quit (Remote host closed the connection)
02:30:18*pmp-p quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
02:33:05*pmp-p joined #nim
02:50:23FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Hmph I'm at the fun part of the data base wrangling... relating a roomid with a sequence of messages that can grow both directions
03:27:15FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Is there a word for Nim's style of OOP?
03:28:20FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Yea OOP
03:28:23FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> 😄
03:31:27FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Fair :p
03:31:36FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Meant the style specifically but oh well
03:32:27FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> What style?
03:32:48FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> It's just normal OOP without class encapsulation so you can say "classless OOP"
03:34:57FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Not to be confused with classless protocol based OOP
03:36:53FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Classless is a horrid word but it's not wrong lol
04:07:30*blackbeard420 joined #nim
04:08:39FromDiscord<_nenc> JS has classless OOP \:D
04:09:14FromDiscord<_nenc> and in some situations Nim also has what JS has (prototype system), I think Enu implements one
04:10:39FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @_nenc "JS has classless OOP": JavaScript is a plague of humanity :D
04:10:48FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> (edit) "of" => "on"
04:11:01FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> (I'm biased, I hate JS)
04:11:20FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @_nenc "and in some situations": What is the prototype system? Idk how it works tbh
04:11:54FromDiscord<_nenc> https://xn--hea.nu/docs/coding/concepts.html
04:12:35FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prototype-based_programming
04:13:06FromDiscord<_nenc> but idk whether it is really like JS
04:13:25FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @_nenc "https://xn--hea.nu/docs/coding/concepts.html": Hm, weird
04:13:29FromDiscord<_nenc> or really a prototype system
04:14:32FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> I dislike prototypes from what I'm reading about them
04:16:19FromDiscord<_nenc> but idk what OOP in Nim is called
04:16:39FromDiscord<_nenc> even Rust claims to have some OOP
04:16:54FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @Elegantbeef "It's just normal OOP": Beef said classless OOP so 🤷‍♀️
04:16:59FromDiscord<_nenc> so now we have many non-typical OOP ways I think
04:18:00FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Well you can implement any in Nim
04:18:26FromDiscord<_nenc> https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Classless-objects↵I think yes, Nim have classless OOP
04:18:51FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> It's single parent inheritance and methods
04:18:58FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Whatever you want to call that 😄
04:54:16*nisstyre quit (Quit: WeeChat 3.7.1)
04:56:36FromDiscord<zectbumo> anyone else noticing forum entries not working?↵https://forum.nim-lang.org/search?q=6630↵try clicking on that entry
04:57:52FromDiscord<zectbumo> https://forum.nim-lang.org/search?q=11230↵if you click on an entry it gets 404 not found, but if you middle click it works fine
04:59:50FromDiscord<zectbumo> In reply to @Elegantbeef "Whatever you want to": Uniform Function Call Syntax?
05:00:10FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> No that is not OOP
05:00:18FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> That's just a syntax sugar for procedure invocation
05:00:48FromDiscord<zectbumo> you can edit wikipedia then↵"that allows any function to be called using the syntax for method calls (as in object-oriented programming)"↵https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Function_Call_Syntax
05:01:02FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Where does it say that UFCS is OOP?
05:01:11FromDiscord<zectbumo> as in object-oriented programming
05:01:39FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Right it does not say that UFCS is OOP
05:01:47FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> UFCS is syntax it cannot be OOP
05:01:57FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> ufcs is "pretending to be OOP" :p
05:02:08FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> OOP is pretending to be UFCS 😛
05:02:15FromDiscord<zectbumo> avisynth seemed to be on board calling it "OOP notation"
05:02:36FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Cool, but that does not change what we were talking about
05:02:51FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> We were talking about runtime polymorphic and dynamic dispatch
05:02:58FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> UFCS in of itself does not enable either of those
05:03:11FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> sidenote TIL avisynth has UFCS
05:03:14FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> It just gives you some glucose in writing
05:06:31FromDiscord<zectbumo> okay. would you call it an alternative?
05:06:49FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> I would say it's unrelated to the conversation at hand
05:07:17FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Method call syntax is afterall just sugar over C style procedure calls
05:07:52FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> You can have Nim style OOP forcing `methodName(obj, ...)` without any difference to the runtime logic
05:08:48FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> does Go have "UFCS"?↵`func (s MyStruct) doSomething ()`
05:08:53FromDiscord<zectbumo> oh I forgot, you can't see my reactions. or beef, did you have that feature now?
05:09:36FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Nope reactions are still one way
05:09:55FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> 😔
05:09:59FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Maybe when I get the matrix client API wrapped sufficiently someone can make a good bridge
05:11:46FromDiscord<zectbumo> In reply to @zumi.dxy "does Go have "UFCS"?": I would say not (not that I know) since it wasn't mentioned on the wikipedia page. there was a "see also" mentioning Go that noted "another language with a more open philosophy to methods"
05:12:05FromDiscord<zectbumo> (edit) "know)" => "know Go)"
05:13:56FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> though I do say that UFCS did "change the way I look at programming", if that's a virtue needed for a language to "make it" :p↵particularly in argument order, putting the object it's operating on first seems to be a good habit anyway
05:14:15FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> I mean that's what OOP does anyway
05:14:25FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> OOP hides an implicit `this: T` 😛
05:14:56FromDiscord<zectbumo> which is why you were saying OOP pretends to be UFCS 😄
05:15:05FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Correct
05:15:20FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> OOP is a LFCS
05:16:07FromDiscord<zectbumo> Lie?
05:16:08FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> limited function calling syntax 😛
05:16:49FromDiscord<zectbumo> okay, not lying function call syntax
05:21:30FromDiscord<zectbumo> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=JsjhMZPRNnFT
05:24:21FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Don't see it in 1.2.16 https://nim-lang.org/1.2.16/theindex.html#%60%26lt%3B%60
05:25:09FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> if I had to guess, you have to use `..<` not `.. <`
05:25:17FromDiscord<zectbumo> me too
05:25:30FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> so `for i in 0 ..< usernames.len`
05:25:40FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> i just checked with `nim check`
05:25:51FromDiscord<zectbumo> but if you look around the `<` is used everywhere, and in if checks
05:26:26FromDiscord<zectbumo> see line 84
05:27:28FromDiscord<zectbumo> In reply to @Elegantbeef "Don't see it in": maybe defined in `import times, db_sqlite, strutils`
05:27:33FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> In reply to @Elegantbeef "Don't see it in": seems to be an issue there too
05:28:43FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Yea it's incorrect Nim code
05:29:06FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> oh right, there's an advisory there telling you to use nim 1.0.6
05:29:25FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> also this https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1223866720930889788/image.png?ex=661b69b4&is=6608f4b4&hm=29811323692288088287d7af4032d159d3506a272cdfa2f90a0dee16487cc209&
05:29:26FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> `a .. <b` would imply an `<` operator that returned `SmallerThan[T](b)` which is silly
05:30:26FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=ySCwnNDQUkPV
05:30:26FromDiscord<zectbumo> I mean, you can say the same thing about ..<
05:30:33FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Wait did the parser just parse that as `..<`
05:30:38FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Jeez
05:30:43FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> yes: https://github.com/dom96/nim-in-action-code/wiki/FAQ#compilation-errors-when--is-used
05:30:50FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> No cause `..<` is a single operator and needs no intermediate type
05:31:36FromDiscord<zectbumo> okay, so it is old. really old
05:32:22FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> yeah
05:32:41FromDiscord<zectbumo> beef, when did you start nim?
05:32:54FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> I guess I'm dumb cause you do not need an intermediate type 😄
05:32:59FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> You just subtract 1
05:33:17FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> 2020 or so
05:33:51FromDiscord<zectbumo> In reply to @zectbumo "okay, so back to": like this?
05:34:14FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Hey I'm blind
05:34:55FromDiscord<zectbumo> just blame the bridge
05:35:28FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Nah cause then the conspiracy nuts might pop up
05:35:52FromDiscord<zectbumo> so no dom96 anymore? the last message he wrote was 2022 and it was about closing a file descriptor. maybe he closed his fd and can't speak to us
05:36:05FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> yeah, I heard he left nim some time ago
05:36:05FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Yea he went on to different pastures
05:36:20FromDiscord<zectbumo> but where? nim is life
05:36:29FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> which brings up questions on maintenance of jester, choosenim, etc. etc.
05:37:54FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> ...yeah, choosenim is still under dom96's account whereas nimble is in nim-lang
05:38:14FromDiscord<zectbumo> covid nuked my relationships. maybe he went through a similar experience.
05:38:24FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> but it still works okay at the moment, save for that one bug causing the LSP to freak out (or something like that)
05:39:39FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> In reply to @zectbumo "covid nuked my relationships.": you could probably sleuth out the details yourself :p
05:40:53FromDiscord<zectbumo> I tried asking him, but he said it was personal issues he didn't want to discuss in an open forum and was very vague. which I can respect
05:41:40FromDiscord<zectbumo> https://discord.com/channels/371759389889003530/371759607934353448/1031508866464235552
05:42:44FromDiscord<zectbumo> called it! (not really)↵covid and 1 month later, offline.
05:43:14FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> it's probably not covid though
05:43:39FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> lmao
05:47:07FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> i've been thinking about language adoption; it looks as if people want killer features but I might want to ask the opposite: "what am I losing by not using $LANGUAGE?"↵can I name things I'm losing by not using nim? being able to use let, if, etc. inside expressions I think…
05:49:47FromDiscord<zectbumo> not that special, but I was proud of nim for this that I wrote today ↵https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=dmDBUcWifuZS
05:50:36FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> oh yeah, painless FFI
05:51:10FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> the one thing that makes me comfortable using it at my job (even unofficially)
05:52:39FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> my use-case was parsing test cases in the form of a text file and running a C function through it↵Cgo exists and we do use it, but this is more comfy to me
06:55:08*nisstyre joined #nim
06:59:40FromDiscord<that_dude.> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=AWhKCzhXkZpX
07:01:30FromDiscord<zectbumo> very cool
08:22:09*junaid_ joined #nim
08:30:33NimEventerNew thread by MauroG: Problem to understand an exception, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/11329
09:20:08FromDiscord<norax.2> idk why
09:20:15FromDiscord<norax.2> but im finding soo good whti nim
09:20:20FromDiscord<norax.2> i might actually start using it
09:21:38FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> i feel the same way, nim is easy to get into for some reason
09:22:09FromDiscord<norax.2> yeah
09:22:23FromDiscord<norax.2> like i just dint know nothing and maked a 200 line code
09:22:29FromDiscord<norax.2> wtff
09:22:36FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> perhaps it's the rich stdlib, relatively low "noise", etc.
09:26:03FromDiscord<norax.2> i still dont understand thing like ''
09:26:13FromDiscord<norax.2> why are they different from ""
09:26:25FromDiscord<norax.2> it took me age to fix
09:26:30FromDiscord<norax.2> (edit) "age" => "ages"
09:29:18FromDiscord<norax.2> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1223927088692592751/image.png?ex=661ba1ed&is=66092ced&hm=11320b26b7d1eacbdf52fc1e0cc25e0a55795eee2216f9acabc60f1c3c15cba4&
09:29:19FromDiscord<norax.2> my god
09:29:22FromDiscord<norax.2> what did i just create
09:29:49FromDiscord<norax.2> just missing a few features
09:29:51FromDiscord<norax.2> and then is done
09:30:15FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> sent a long message, see https://pasty.ee/iqNbvRhblCDS
09:30:30FromDiscord<norax.2> well
09:30:46FromDiscord<norax.2> i used ' to print a [ and it gave me an error
09:30:48FromDiscord<norax.2> '['
09:30:53FromDiscord<norax.2> gives an error
09:31:08FromDiscord<norax.2> (atleast in stdout.styledwriteline)
09:33:15FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> what was the code?
09:33:28FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> `echo '['` seems to work fine for me?
09:36:54FromDiscord<norax.2> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=NTSaPEVCdiUs
09:36:57FromDiscord<norax.2> this exact ne
09:37:02FromDiscord<norax.2> but i used ' instead
09:37:07FromDiscord<norax.2> and no spaces
09:37:13FromDiscord<norax.2> in between them
09:45:10FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> ah
09:45:29FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> well, you can use `,` in echo (because it's actually a function)
09:45:37FromDiscord<norax.2> WOOOO
09:45:41FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> but here you're assigning whole strings
09:45:47FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> you use `&` to concatenate
09:46:00FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> `fgGreen & "[" & exercise & "]"`
09:46:16FromDiscord<norax.2> yeah ik
09:46:32FromDiscord<norax.2> but whyy
09:46:39FromDiscord<norax.2> why '' , doesnt like
09:46:46FromDiscord<norax.2> (edit) "," => "" | "doesnt like ... " added ","
09:51:09FromDiscord<norax.2> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1223932587207295016/image.png?ex=661ba70c&is=6609320c&hm=01078bd38160adbee99700fe21e1fba568862fd578cb02d4e00b86e90c42f276&
09:51:10FromDiscord<norax.2> YESSSSSS
09:51:13FromDiscord<norax.2> WOOOOO
09:51:35FromDiscord<norax.2> later i will fix the ascii
12:44:35*junaid_ quit (Remote host closed the connection)
14:25:20FromDiscord<_nenc> here you can think one thing: `'a'` is a char and `"a"` is a string. chars are only used where strings are not used. for example, `stdout.write()` takes a string, so you can't use a char in `stdout.write()`.
14:26:58FromDiscord<_nenc> this is because char and string are types and Nim is a strong typed and static typed language, in the low level, a char is just a number and a string is a pointer to multiple numbers with a length, so they are not the same in the low level binary data in memory
14:27:16FromDiscord<_nenc> so if a function is written to take a string it cant take a char, vv
14:41:43FromDiscord<norax.2> a thing i dont like about nim is that the default lenguage command arent typed in the same way you call a functio
14:41:49FromDiscord<norax.2> lik 'echo'
14:41:55FromDiscord<norax.2> should be echo()
14:42:52FromDiscord<norax.2> and also it would be better to not just use = for proc. /func. but instead {} or []
14:46:09FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> you can actually just do echo()
14:47:04FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> same with other functions, for styledWriteLine you can do `styledWriteLine stdout fgRed`
14:47:12FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> (edit) "stdout" => "stdout,"
14:47:55FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> In reply to @norax.2 "and also it would": hey, at least it's not `begin` and `end` :p
14:50:04FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> `something(a, b)` is `something a, b` is `a.something(b)` is `a.something b`
14:50:24FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> they all refer to `proc something(a, b)`
14:52:13FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> the implications are interesting too, like if a and b are ints you would have something like `5.something 4`
14:52:27FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> equivalent to `something(5, 4)`
14:55:09FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=DlXmpIRHaKDy
14:56:56FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> beats `3 time.Minute` tbh
14:57:36FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> (actually `(3 time.Minute) / time.Second` i think, but whatever)
15:01:48FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> by the way, what the heck is going on with the code-to-playground thing? https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1224010766340853831/image.png?ex=661befdb&is=66097adb&hm=a74646c9236e97a10a9360bfa542348a3081c32daa1a38a83a041313044827e4&
15:09:37FromDiscord<odexine> In reply to @zumi.dxy "hey, at least it's": unironically i would prefer begin end to {}
15:11:53FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> lemme guess, brace wars?
15:12:15FromDiscord<odexine> i mean technically you started it 😛
15:12:22FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> lmao
15:15:41FromDiscord<odexine> In reply to @zumi.dxy "by the way, what": ? whats the problem exactly
15:16:28FromDiscord<odexine> it makes sense that it's not working since you accidentally (?) use some strange unicode instead
15:16:40FromDiscord<odexine> (a 60 vs a 60)
15:20:30*junaid_ joined #nim
15:21:54FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> yeah it changed the into something else
15:33:47FromDiscord<odexine> huh why
15:34:03FromDiscord<odexine> can you reproduce it?
15:53:23*ntat joined #nim
16:05:27FromDiscord<solitudesf> In reply to @_nenc "here you can think": !eval stdout.write 'a'
16:05:57FromDiscord<solitudesf> no more bot, i guess
16:21:38FromDiscord<norax.2> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1224030856935379045/image.png?ex=661c0291&is=66098d91&hm=b1c44def2632a249909002fba9ebff801ff517e2303c36b0400bf4eefced3ccb&
16:21:39FromDiscord<norax.2> lol
16:21:45FromDiscord<norax.2> i use way too much python
16:21:57FromDiscord<norax.2> X
16:21:59FromDiscord<norax.2> (edit) "X" => "XD"
16:29:54FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @_nenc "here you can think": I thought that took anything with a `$` proc
16:31:41FromDiscord<odexine> write takes a whole host of types
16:32:02FromDiscord<odexine> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1224033472998539316/image.png?ex=661c0501&is=66099001&hm=29d15f73364ff0511b1ab23b85c8ab82ad6795c245f96c022109e0d3a61f8a2b&
16:35:03FromDiscord<norax.2> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1224034232771543120/image.png?ex=661c05b6&is=660990b6&hm=516dc23b39bda471df24b898e1ab11d8fa6ef8fde841d18be4c3254ee9a64147&
16:35:11FromDiscord<norax.2> lol 75 updates found
16:35:28FromDiscord<norax.2> im adding more exercises
16:35:31FromDiscord<odexine> you should commit more often
16:35:37FromDiscord<norax.2> shhhh
16:35:45FromDiscord<norax.2> in reality
16:35:51FromDiscord<norax.2> is just copy and pasted empity files
16:35:57FromDiscord<norax.2> (edit) "pasted" => "paste"
16:36:07FromDiscord<norax.2> cause they are 'placeholder'
16:36:13FromDiscord<norax.2> that im slowly making exercises of
16:36:19FromDiscord<norax.2> following the df nim guide
16:36:46FromDiscord<norax.2> https://narimiran.github.io/nim-basics/
16:36:51FromDiscord<norax.2> literally the basic one
16:38:05FromDiscord<norax.2> ~~and im not absolutely getting stuck in some part of the guide~~
16:45:56FromDiscord<norax.2> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1224036968262799490/image.png?ex=661c0842&is=66099342&hm=cb6e02a12340c89e4d8f89d3556045db9d543a842282cf519f7902a5bd0b0660&
16:46:10FromDiscord<norax.2> BRUH
16:46:20FromDiscord<norax.2> why
16:46:22FromDiscord<norax.2> 😢
16:55:55FromDiscord<nomad0529> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=ldkzDPoRWsLO
17:01:15FromDiscord<treeform> ^ you need to use threads or selectors to do what you want. acceptAddr blocks its just how it works.
17:03:31FromDiscord<treeform> If you are going to do webapps I recommend using some thing like mummy which does WebSockets. If you are doing some thing like games or game like a UDP system might be better. Maybe try my Netty library.
17:10:26FromDiscord<nomad0529> In reply to @treeform "^ you need to": maaan ive been dodging threads for as long as possible :((
17:10:52FromDiscord<nomad0529> i feared it would be the only solution
17:11:00FromDiscord<treeform> Netty does not require threads, as its uses UDP. It just reads packets when they come in.
17:11:28FromDiscord<treeform> Mummy also largely shields you from threads as it does all of that.
17:11:51FromDiscord<nomad0529> well id rather stick to tcp
17:12:00FromDiscord<nomad0529> its for a school assignment
17:12:08FromDiscord<nomad0529> and i decided to do it nim
17:12:35FromDiscord<nomad0529> i have to make the server be able to manage several incoming client connections and then be able to interact with specific ones
17:13:04FromDiscord<treeform> if you require tcp for school, and you want to do it in nim, and you want to support multiple clients, then doing it with threads and net modules is probably the way to go.
17:13:15FromDiscord<nomad0529> fck
17:13:19FromDiscord<nomad0529> alright ill look into threads
17:13:31FromDiscord<treeform> its not that hard...
17:13:41FromDiscord<nomad0529> i tried but since im accessing the clients list in a un gc safe way it wont work
17:13:52FromDiscord<treeform> have your main thread (the one you start with) just block on server.acceptAddr
17:14:10FromDiscord<treeform> then hand it off off to another thread
17:14:23FromDiscord<treeform> gcsafe is confusing in nim
17:14:28FromDiscord<nomad0529> it really is
17:14:31FromDiscord<treeform> you need locks to access global structure
17:14:53FromDiscord<treeform> you can just add {.gcsafe.}: blocks around the code it complains about.
17:15:01FromDiscord<treeform> it would probably be ok for a school assignemtn
17:15:01FromDiscord<nomad0529> oh
17:15:24FromDiscord<nomad0529> In reply to @treeform "it would probably be": yeah my prof doesnt know nim
17:15:44FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @treeform "if you require tcp": I mean, there is asyncnet
17:15:46FromDiscord<nomad0529> everyone else is using c# or python except for me and homie
17:16:15FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Asyncnet uses asyncdispatch if you're already familiar with asynchronous programming in Nim
17:16:16FromDiscord<treeform> In reply to @chronos.vitaqua "I mean, there is": True there is async. Its another option.
17:32:19FromDiscord<nomad0529> @treeform made threading, worked, thank you 💋
17:32:47FromDiscord<nomad0529> i just made a {.cast(gcsafe).}: block where i did unsafe access
17:38:49FromDiscord<fosster> gotta admit it's pretty easy to work with async in nim↵(@Robyn [She/Her])
17:39:30FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @fosster "gotta admit it's pretty": It is! But I'm looking into using cps now and using that with threads heh
17:46:21*lucasta joined #nim
18:08:11FromDiscord<treeform> Async is basically cos
18:08:43FromDiscord<treeform> (edit) "cos" => "cps (continuation passing style)"
18:13:51FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Not really? You can implement async with cps, but you can't do that the other way arounx
18:13:54FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> (edit) "arounx" => "around"
18:24:57FromDiscord<treeform> Yes
18:26:09FromDiscord<takko_the_boss> Word up yo.
18:26:12FromDiscord<sOkam! 🫐> is there a way to detect, programatically from the code, if the compiler is building in 32 or 64 bit? 🤔
18:27:43FromDiscord<solitudesf> In reply to @heysokam "is there a way": sizeof(int)?
18:30:31FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @solitudesf "sizeof(int)?": Yeah this is a good way to check
18:36:12FromDiscord<whisperecean> What config file format do you guys typically use with your Nim programs?
18:36:18FromDiscord<whisperecean> @treeform How's Nim at Reddit?
18:36:32FromDiscord<whisperecean> I hope @treeform convinces Reddit to back Nim!
18:36:42FromDiscord<whisperecean> That would be so awesome.
19:34:58FromDiscord<norax.2> so
19:35:03FromDiscord<norax.2> i just discovered
19:35:16FromDiscord<norax.2> that a `e` flag in the nim compiler exists
19:35:36FromDiscord<norax.2> its so damn useful
19:35:43Amun-Rae command?
19:35:45FromDiscord<norax.2> you can just `nim e script.nim`
19:35:49FromDiscord<norax.2> In reply to @Amun-Ra "e command?": yeah
19:35:53FromDiscord<norax.2> it executes the code
19:35:59FromDiscord<norax.2> whitout generating a compiled file
19:36:03FromDiscord<norax.2> just runs it
19:36:06Amun-Rawait until you discover "secret" command :>
19:36:11FromDiscord<norax.2> ?
19:36:15Amun-Ranim secret
19:36:41FromDiscord<norax.2> it opens a console
19:36:51FromDiscord<odexine> its supposed to be a secret smh
19:36:59Amun-Raah, sorry :/
19:37:09FromDiscord<zectbumo> wow, spoilers
19:37:17FromDiscord<norax.2> lol
19:37:22FromDiscord<norax.2> like
19:37:26FromDiscord<norax.2> why did you get banned?
19:37:34FromDiscord<norax.2> "i spoilered a nim secret"
19:37:59FromDiscord<norax.2> im wondering how much compiler flag exist
19:38:01FromDiscord<norax.2> (edit) "exist" => "exists"
19:38:01Amun-Ranorax.2: https://dpaste.com/B6EZURXJG
19:38:17FromDiscord<norax.2> so secret
19:38:26Amun-Rasecret repl :>
19:38:58FromDiscord<norax.2> im just wondering
19:39:02FromDiscord<norax.2> why not nim console
19:39:31FromDiscord<norax.2> if programmers keep naming stuff in this way imma go crazy
19:39:42FromDiscord<norax.2> each time you need to read the docs to do the same exact thing
19:39:44FromDiscord<norax.2> but is named
19:39:57FromDiscord<norax.2> proceed instead of simply next
19:40:00FromDiscord<norax.2> WHY
19:40:06FromDiscord<zectbumo> it's not named
19:40:15Amun-RaI guess it's not official (yet?)
19:40:42FromDiscord<norax.2> yeah
19:40:45FromDiscord<norax.2> could be
19:41:17FromDiscord<Phil> Nim secret is named the way it is because it actively is not well supported.↵As in, it is intentional there are no docs about it.↵If you use it, you use it with the knowledge that it isn't going to be fast, nor should be the centerpiece of your usage of nim.↵At leasat that's what I took away from what I read about it over the years
19:41:37FromDiscord<Phil> By "well supported" I mean that not a ton of resources flow into e.g. making it faster
19:41:49FromDiscord<norax.2> so basically is just there
19:41:52FromDiscord<norax.2> abbandoware?
19:42:00FromDiscord<norax.2> (edit) "abbandoware?" => "abbandonware?"
19:42:27FromDiscord<Phil> Kinda but also no?↵The logic it uses to execute stuff is core compiler logic and since both use the same it'll work the same.↵I guess it's just mostly intended for testing one-liners on the fly
19:42:45FromDiscord<Phil> (edit) "Kinda but also no?↵The logic it uses to execute stuff is core compiler logic and since both use the same ... it'll" added "code"
19:42:49FromDiscord<norax.2> well cause having a console is not that bad
19:42:53FromDiscord<norax.2> is kinda useful actually
19:43:12FromDiscord<Phil> Oh I agree, having a fully functioning propper repl is just not easy
19:43:26FromDiscord<Phil> There is one out there, nlvm with its -e mode if you want to look into it
19:43:39FromDiscord<norax.2> In reply to @norax.2 "that a `e` flag": .
19:43:43FromDiscord<zectbumo> In reply to @norax.2 "abbandonware?": more like not-ready-ware
19:43:55FromDiscord<norax.2> (edit) "." => "lmao"
19:43:55FromDiscord<Phil> e is something very different to a repl
19:44:04FromDiscord<Phil> nim e
19:44:13FromDiscord<Phil> nlvm is something that can actually be called one
19:44:21FromDiscord<norax.2> okay
19:44:24FromDiscord<norax.2> gonna try it ou
19:44:26FromDiscord<norax.2> (edit) "ou" => "out"
19:44:53FromDiscord<Phil> Even then, nlvm has quirks. Your data stays around, but somehow `let x = 5` can be reassigned in the next statement after
19:46:22FromDiscord<Phil> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=IWrBwUfSrjtn
19:48:03FromDiscord<zectbumo> XD I have several times gone to the documentation page and have trouble finding the docs for the nim executable and I always skip the "other" section and can't find it, because why would it be there?
19:48:35FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> To be fair that's pretty good behaviour if you like Results↵(@Phil)
19:49:01FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=xfhyjPnBRPwO
19:54:30*ntat quit (Quit: Leaving)
19:55:11FromDiscord<rhythslibby2838> Hot Teen & Onlyfans Leaks :underage: :peach: https://discord.gg/esexx @everyone
19:55:52FromDiscord<norax.2> yo
19:55:58FromDiscord<norax.2> <@&371760044473319454>
19:56:12FromDiscord<Phil> Look, even I need a hot second to find that ban buton
19:56:14FromDiscord<Phil> (edit) "buton" => "button"
19:56:21FromDiscord<norax.2> lol
19:56:39FromDiscord<nomad0529> any limit to how much data i can transfer over a socket?
19:56:48FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Given discords resources I really imagine that is just a honeypot
19:57:18FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> What do you mean nomad, limit the rate or the size?
19:57:24FromDiscord<nomad0529> The size
19:57:34FromDiscord<nomad0529> Any byte limit? My strings are being cut off
19:57:55FromDiscord<norax.2> In reply to @isofruit "Look, even I need": btw i wonder why this server is SO filled whit spam
19:58:02FromDiscord<norax.2> i never seen anything like this
19:58:05FromDiscord<norax.2> every damn day
19:58:21FromDiscord<Phil> You get both discord and matrix spam
19:58:30FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Sockets do have a size parameter
19:58:34FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Send for string retries automatically and is done in a way to ensure it sends all
19:58:40FromDiscord<Phil> Anyway, this discussion should continue in #offtopic
19:58:45FromDiscord<norax.2> k
19:58:53*def- quit (Quit: -)
19:58:56FromDiscord<nomad0529> In reply to @Elegantbeef "Send for string retries": Alr alr
19:59:07*def- joined #nim
20:00:29FromDiscord<Phil> (edit) "#offtopic" => "#offtopic, if at all"
20:06:17FromDiscord<tixonochek> sent a long message, see https://pasty.ee/JMJQedncWbxt
20:08:21FromDiscord<Phil> sent a long message, see https://pasty.ee/NxrskOgHGJFp
20:08:37FromDiscord<Phil> (edit) "https://pasty.ee/hmRuolqTLOQb" => "https://pasty.ee/VuohlSAjJOOb"
20:09:21FromDiscord<tixonochek> So technically it is worth to learn Nim
20:09:34FromDiscord<tixonochek> (i need a motivation booster)
20:11:40FromDiscord<norax.2> In reply to @tixonochek "So technically it is": it is
20:11:46FromDiscord<norax.2> im finding really good whit it
20:11:55FromDiscord<norax.2> that i might actually substitute python to it
20:12:17FromDiscord<norax.2> i love the way nim df libs can acces so easily to the terminal
20:12:25FromDiscord<norax.2> and even if the community is small it is very dedicated
20:12:50FromDiscord<norax.2> (edit) "and even if the community is small ... it" added "but"
20:13:02FromDiscord<norax.2> (edit) "really" => "soo"
20:13:17FromDiscord<norax.2> (edit) "but" => ""
20:13:28FromDiscord<tixonochek> Aha
20:13:42FromDiscord<tixonochek> I've already found the library to create discord bots with it as wel
20:13:43FromDiscord<tixonochek> (edit) "wel" => "well"
20:13:49FromDiscord<tixonochek> And i love making discord bot as a first project
20:13:53FromDiscord<norax.2> i would send you nimlings if it would be ended lol
20:14:17FromDiscord<tixonochek> In reply to @norax.2 "i would send you": What is nimlings
20:14:17FromDiscord<norax.2> (edit) "be ended" => "have more exercises"
20:14:24FromDiscord<norax.2> uhh
20:14:26FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> I've found a way to make programs for old consoles in Nim lol
20:14:28FromDiscord<norax.2> a thing im making
20:14:35FromDiscord<norax.2> to lear nim
20:14:36FromDiscord<tixonochek> found it on github already
20:14:45FromDiscord<norax.2> yeah there are 2
20:14:51FromDiscord<norax.2> one is really old(and not mine)
20:14:55FromDiscord<norax.2> the other is maked by me
20:14:58FromDiscord<tixonochek> Anyways the chances are I'll install nim right now.
20:15:06FromDiscord<norax.2> lol
20:15:08FromDiscord<norax.2> do it
20:15:19FromDiscord<tixonochek> I think i cant go wrong with it considering it can be translated to other languages anyways
20:15:35FromDiscord<norax.2> have fun
20:15:38FromDiscord<tixonochek> In reply to @norax.2 "do it": i mean for several months i tried a lot of programming languages
20:15:44FromDiscord<tixonochek> because i'm trying to find one that will suit me
20:15:46FromDiscord<norax.2> sucg as?
20:15:50FromDiscord<norax.2> (edit) "sucg" => "such"
20:16:43*def- quit (Quit: -)
20:16:43FromDiscord<norax.2> @tixonochek
20:16:48FromDiscord<tixonochek> i am typing
20:16:53FromDiscord<norax.2> how
20:16:59FromDiscord<norax.2> betterdiscord?
20:17:07FromDiscord<tixonochek> i don't have betterdiscord
20:17:09FromDiscord<takko_the_boss> I too struggled with this. Still do sometimes.↵(@tixonochek)
20:17:11*def- joined #nim
20:17:25FromDiscord<norax.2> why i dont see the like typinh...
20:17:29FromDiscord<norax.2> now i see it
20:17:39FromDiscord<norax.2> black magic
20:17:43FromDiscord<tixonochek> idk lol
20:17:46FromDiscord<tixonochek> discord is probably drunk again
20:17:47FromDiscord<arnetheduck> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=cnUxhfOgQujR
20:17:55FromDiscord<norax.2> In reply to @tixonochek "discord is probably drunk": anyway
20:17:58FromDiscord<norax.2> nim is good
20:18:03FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @tixonochek "So technically it is": Even if you do none of this it's imo worth it because it touches so many concepts at once while forcing you into none of them that you can branch out as you want.
20:18:26FromDiscord<tixonochek> ok i've lost my original message↵but I tried lisp,apl,php,elixir and others
20:18:31FromDiscord<tixonochek> some of them for fun
20:18:34FromDiscord<norax.2> elixir
20:18:37FromDiscord<norax.2> bruh
20:18:56FromDiscord<norax.2> you should try stuff as go,python,nim
20:18:59FromDiscord<takko_the_boss> PHP, think of all those Lamborghini s!!
20:19:20FromDiscord<tixonochek> welp I do know python and js to some degree
20:19:58FromDiscord<norax.2> then nim will be really easy to learn
20:20:03FromDiscord<norax.2> is very similar to python
20:20:18FromDiscord<norax.2> just that it is statically typed
20:20:29FromDiscord<norax.2> so you will need to get used to specify all the variables
20:20:35FromDiscord<norax.2> (edit) "so you will need to get used to specify all the ... variables" added "return"
20:20:39FromDiscord<tixonochek> alright i'm definitely trying nim once i finish my current project
20:20:39FromDiscord<Phil> sent a long message, see https://pasty.ee/XRJfbOoDcTZE
20:20:48FromDiscord<Phil> You don't need those to get going
20:20:56FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> "it's like python but it's decidedly not python"
20:20:57FromDiscord<norax.2> In reply to @tixonochek "alright i'm definitely trying": yeee
20:21:02FromDiscord<norax.2> that
20:21:05FromDiscord<Phil> But you can expand into them as they become relevant for you or after you have the actual language down
20:21:13FromDiscord<norax.2> In reply to @zumi.dxy ""it's like python but": nim "feels" like python
20:21:15FromDiscord<tixonochek> In reply to @isofruit "If you want you": Aha
20:21:19FromDiscord<norax.2> but it is in fact noooo
20:21:19FromDiscord<Phil> And all of these concepts are useful in other languages as well
20:21:23FromDiscord<norax.2> (edit) "but it is in fact noooo ... " added "is so weeeird"
20:21:37FromDiscord<norax.2> (edit) "noooo" => "noooot"
20:21:59FromDiscord<Phil> You don't even need memory management, you can just use orc/refc and you're fine
20:22:05FromDiscord<norax.2> sadly nim doesnt have a deep learning framework :(
20:22:13FromDiscord<norax.2> thats why i also use python
20:22:14FromDiscord<zectbumo> nice list, phil
20:23:32FromDiscord<Phil> Beyond that just learning how it looks like to handle problems in a purely procedural manner as opposed to with OO mixed in like in java or python was really illuminating for me.
20:23:35FromDiscord<odexine> In reply to @norax.2 "sadly nim doesnt have": arraymancer is as close as you can get now
20:24:11FromDiscord<odexine> In reply to @norax.2 "elixir": Elixir is great
20:24:15FromDiscord<odexine> Phil don’t out me
20:24:17FromDiscord<takko_the_boss> Time for a Nim -\@norax.2)
20:24:33FromDiscord<norax.2> In reply to @odexine "Elixir is great": for meth
20:24:37FromDiscord<norax.2> me no like meth
20:24:38*def- quit (Quit: -)
20:24:43FromDiscord<norax.2> (edit) "meth" => "~~meth~~"
20:24:46FromDiscord<odexine> What?
20:24:48FromDiscord<norax.2> (edit) "meth" => "~~meth~~"
20:24:48FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> "We got DL at home"↵"DL at home\: Just python wrapped with procedure calls"
20:25:00FromDiscord<norax.2> (edit) "me no like ~~meth~~ ... " added "(meth = math)"
20:25:14FromDiscord<odexine> What?
20:25:14FromDiscord<takko_the_boss> "I write all my python in Nim"↵Chuck Norris.
20:25:20FromDiscord<norax.2> lol
20:25:20*def- joined #nim
20:25:21FromDiscord<odexine> Are you mistaking elixir for Haskell
20:25:31FromDiscord<norax.2> wait no
20:25:34FromDiscord<norax.2> thats julia
20:25:36FromDiscord<norax.2> sorry
20:25:37FromDiscord<odexine> lol
20:25:42FromDiscord<norax.2> lol
20:25:50FromDiscord<takko_the_boss> Lol
20:25:53FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> How does one mess up that badly
20:26:02FromDiscord<norax.2> shut up :(
20:26:05FromDiscord<takko_the_boss> Wait no, its Lobster.
20:26:05FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> That's worse than people mistaking Nim for Zig
20:26:18FromDiscord<norax.2> lol
20:26:28FromDiscord<norax.2> this derailed so much
20:26:30FromDiscord<zectbumo> I would add to the list: reference counting, universal function call syntax, and style insensitivity
20:27:40FromDiscord<norax.2> at the end
20:27:43FromDiscord<norax.2> nim is wort a try
20:27:51FromDiscord<norax.2> (edit) "wort" => "worth"
20:28:10FromDiscord<takko_the_boss> I always misspell Zig as Giz. Seems to only happen while at work.
20:28:10FromDiscord<takko_the_boss> Like Palestine Ohio.↵(@norax.2)
20:28:27FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> If it's worth a try why is there no money in Nim, checkmate libtard.
20:29:04FromDiscord<takko_the_boss> Wort wort wort↵(@norax.2)
20:29:13FromDiscord<takko_the_boss> 1000001636.jpg https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1224093164567265422/1000001636.jpg?ex=661c3c98&is=6609c798&hm=351201606ad7d1c701d8e7c6949c9ddc1a83b4a6584944c767fe5d9598969b8b&
20:29:32FromDiscord<norax.2> i feel like mods are gonna kill all of us very soon
20:29:43FromDiscord<norax.2> (edit) "i" => "~~i" | "soon" => "soon~~"
20:29:59FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> I cannot be stopped
20:30:16FromDiscord<takko_the_boss> I've been radio silent in this room for about a year. I'm just enjoying myself. Looooolz↵(@norax.2)
20:30:34FromDiscord<norax.2> aniway
20:30:42FromDiscord<norax.2> i go back to slave claude3 to do my job
20:30:45FromDiscord<norax.2> bye.
20:31:04FromDiscord<takko_the_boss> Lulz bruh, so lit.In a serious-ish note, why is that? NIMS cool AF. Just curious as to thoughts on this.
20:32:42FromDiscord<norax.2> woah
20:32:47FromDiscord<norax.2> i just got a error on line 700
20:32:48FromDiscord<norax.2> amazing
20:34:54FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @odexine "Phil don’t out me": FP nerd
20:35:33FromDiscord<odexine> In reply to @isofruit "FP nerd": It’s been great from when I last used it lol
20:35:48FromDiscord<odexine> I haven’t been programming recently, probably a severe burn out
20:36:13FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @odexine "I haven’t been programming": I'm looking forward to eventually the same for a couple weeks
20:36:30FromDiscord<Phil> Produt should be launching within 4 weeks, that after that some recovery
20:36:53FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Funding, compiler issues, did I say funding?
20:36:53FromDiscord<takko_the_boss> Fair
20:36:57FromDiscord<takko_the_boss> How long has Nim been around for, 2014 or something? I may be off AF lit FAM.
20:36:58FromDiscord<takko_the_boss> 2005, nvm. Lol I was way off.
20:36:59FromDiscord<takko_the_boss> FP = Foot Pee?↵(@Phil)
20:36:59FromDiscord<takko_the_boss> Idk.
20:37:00FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> takko\_the\_boss Nim has been around since 2008 iirc
20:37:06FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @takko_the_boss "FP = Foot Pee?": Functional programming
20:37:23FromDiscord<Phil (he/him)> I'm jumping over, we got some bad delays going on
20:38:09FromDiscord<norax.2> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1224095408993730673/image.png?ex=661c3eb0&is=6609c9b0&hm=b617b1c5c2688c755b22d88c13f62781eed0c53a57e5b4faa5beae4ead76c084&
20:38:10FromDiscord<norax.2> what
20:38:52*junaid_ quit (Remote host closed the connection)
20:38:54FromDiscord<Phil (he/him)> Show the code where you use an optional
20:39:09FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Phil I did ask a follow up in #offtopic 😄
20:39:10FromDiscord<norax.2> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1224095664917708931/image.png?ex=661c3eed&is=6609c9ed&hm=5de63c10044119cbd1fb06f4279fad11640b10866f016537e19901c49ee1ff6e&
20:39:40FromDiscord<Phil (he/him)> You did? errrr on it
20:40:52FromDiscord<Phil (he/him)> sent a long message, see https://pasty.ee/XEmFxwuhOLel
20:41:07FromDiscord<norax.2> ok
20:41:18FromDiscord<norax.2> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=cRwjJEVyuHSX
20:41:34FromDiscord<Phil (he/him)> Almost, missing some bits and bobs
20:41:34FromDiscord<tixonochek> Does \`\`\`nim even do anything
20:41:43FromDiscord<Phil (he/him)> Oh wait, no
20:41:44FromDiscord<Phil (he/him)> nevermind
20:41:52FromDiscord<tixonochek> In reply to @tixonochek "Does \`\`\`nim even do": I meant, is it recognized by the formatting in discord?
20:41:56FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Yes discord has nim highlighting due to whatever library it uses
20:42:00FromDiscord<Phil (he/him)> Matrix can expand that, huh
20:42:02FromDiscord<tixonochek> Aha
20:42:59FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> You're using `execprocess` wrong anyway
20:43:10FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> You're passing args inside the `command` 😄
20:43:24FromDiscord<norax.2> so?
20:43:58FromDiscord<Phil> Pretty sure your error is in test2.nim, so also post the contents of that one 😛
20:44:08FromDiscord<norax.2> echo "hello"
20:44:12FromDiscord<norax.2> thats all
20:44:14FromDiscord<norax.2> literally
20:44:27FromDiscord<norax.2> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1224096993773617272/image.png?ex=661c4029&is=6609cb29&hm=1843a8b16035d19eeb9ae6a8a3b1819c31a1b281d8a9ba8cfad537c89b8c58dd&
20:44:43FromDiscord<norax.2> it runs and after just spits out that weird error
20:45:09FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> you're doing `nim e -r`
20:45:14FromDiscord<norax.2> yeah
20:45:15FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> `e` evaluates
20:45:18FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> `-r` is redundant
20:45:27FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> As such you hit a bug in the compiler
20:45:28FromDiscord<norax.2> conflict?
20:45:46FromDiscord<norax.2> so just `e`
20:45:50FromDiscord<norax.2> lemme try
20:46:06FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> I also don't think you should be using `e` if you're teaching Nim it's too easy to hit edge cases of the VM
20:46:22FromDiscord<norax.2> ?
20:46:28FromDiscord<norax.2> thats used ONLY for running stuff such as
20:46:31FromDiscord<norax.2> explanations code
20:46:35FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Ok
20:48:25FromDiscord<norax.2> In reply to @Elegantbeef "Ok": cause basically
20:48:50FromDiscord<norax.2> instead of creating a code for specific exercises
20:48:55FromDiscord<norax.2> i transformed it in to a api
20:49:03FromDiscord<norax.2> you give only a folder to the api
20:49:09FromDiscord<norax.2> and boom its an exercise
20:49:15FromDiscord<norax.2> it has 3 files
20:49:18FromDiscord<norax.2> main.nim
20:49:21FromDiscord<norax.2> explantion.nim
20:49:24FromDiscord<norax.2> and hint.nimt
20:49:36FromDiscord<norax.2> all get runned in specific cases
20:49:52FromDiscord<norax.2> eg. explain commands run the explanation
20:50:11FromDiscord<norax.2> but im trying to reduce the compiling delay more as possible
20:50:22FromDiscord<norax.2> and `e` seems way better than c
20:50:26FromDiscord<norax.2> (edit) "c" => "`c`"
20:51:09Amun-Rae is not an equivalent of c
20:51:15FromDiscord<norax.2> ik
20:51:17FromDiscord<norax.2> e just runs
20:51:20FromDiscord<norax.2> c compiles
20:52:15Amun-Ranot exactly, c compiles nim code, r compiles and runs nim code, e evaluates nim script
21:03:34FromDiscord<norax.2> In reply to @Elegantbeef "Ok": https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1224101807652077578/image.png?ex=661c44a5&is=6609cfa5&hm=b24f7b22b74a94cd2f594b8cae624ab6b01e045ac22a612d01e2ed72d4a54bd2&
21:03:39FromDiscord<norax.2> elegantbeef you keep saving me each time
21:03:45FromDiscord<norax.2> thxx
21:04:41FromDiscord<zectbumo> https://nim-lang.org/nimconf2022/↵has broken links:↵2020 [https://nim-lang.org/nimconf2022/2020/]↵2021 [https://nim-lang.org/nimconf2022/2021/]
21:06:43*def- quit (Quit: -)
21:06:54*def- joined #nim
21:19:40FromDiscord<tixonochek> In reply to @tixonochek "alright i'm definitely trying": Alright i'm done.
21:19:45FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> those links should be↵<https://conf.nim-lang.org/2020/> and↵<https://conf.nim-lang.org/> (/2021)?
21:19:47FromDiscord<tixonochek> Time for Nim :nimGlow:
21:23:55FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> man, nim's old web page looked so cool http://web.archive.org/web/20160215021537im_/http://nim-lang.org/ https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1224106928381104239/image.png?ex=661c496a&is=6609d46a&hm=e296b50a73d08d9a7f6fc42f37dfa35fafff18035e93da463db6a6881a528787&
21:24:38FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> then again this was the late 00s/early 10s where everything was stupidly detailed
21:25:17FromDiscord<tixonochek> In reply to @zumi.dxy "man, nim's old web": that does look better than this https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1224107274885271592/image.png?ex=661c49bd&is=6609d4bd&hm=16aca69d5857a4b7311542f81744b19927ba57e7f99469fe28dffbf8db7e3de0&
21:25:34FromDiscord<norax.2> In reply to @zumi.dxy "man, nim's old web": woah
21:25:39FromDiscord<norax.2> beatiful
21:25:46FromDiscord<norax.2> maybe whit abit of less glow would be better
21:25:48FromDiscord<tixonochek> oversimplification at it's max
21:26:14FromDiscord<tixonochek> (edit) "max" => "peak"
21:26:39FromDiscord<norax.2> on the old one i would make it more modern
21:26:44FromDiscord<norax.2> like adding a real dark theme
21:27:01FromDiscord<norax.2> and a better obfuscated background
21:27:09FromDiscord<norax.2> but for the rest 🐐
21:27:09FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> In reply to @norax.2 "maybe whit abit of": I know what else had tons of glow↵Android Honeycomb and KDE's Oxygen theme
21:27:16FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> I kinda want more of that
21:27:45FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> In reply to @tixonochek "that does look better": i mean, design sensibilities and trends…
21:28:23FromDiscord<tixonochek> Sheesh lol why can't i download the zip to install nim
21:28:27FromDiscord<norax.2> lol
21:28:37FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> antivirus problems?
21:28:48FromDiscord<norax.2> https://nim-lang.org/install.html
21:28:49FromDiscord<tixonochek> no, it's what the browser says. Failed to download.
21:28:50FromDiscord<norax.2> here?
21:29:07FromDiscord<tixonochek> In reply to @norax.2 "https://nim-lang.org/install.html": welp yeah, in the windows part
21:29:15FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> In reply to @tixonochek "no, it's what the": lemme guess, does it say "not commonly downloaded file" or something
21:29:33FromDiscord<tixonochek> nope, I use Arc, and considering it's beta, I cant do anything about those errors
21:29:36FromDiscord<tixonochek> lemme try via firefox
21:29:50FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> hmm
21:30:10FromDiscord<norax.2> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1224108499651395624/image.png?ex=661c4ae1&is=6609d5e1&hm=24654c1f44496af2744daf971fec32ed9cd10c52cf389079de993758cf5c00c8&
21:30:15FromDiscord<norax.2> dowloads fine for me
21:30:18FromDiscord<tixonochek> Welp firefox downloaded it in half a second
21:30:22FromDiscord<tixonochek> So it's an Arc Browser bug
21:30:24FromDiscord<norax.2> lol
21:31:34FromDiscord<tixonochek> bro
21:31:42FromDiscord<tixonochek> and now i dont have the "access" to the zip
21:31:47FromDiscord<tixonochek> what's going on with de zips today
21:31:47FromDiscord<norax.2> HAHAHAHAH
21:31:50FromDiscord<norax.2> windows be like
21:32:05FromDiscord<norax.2> In reply to @tixonochek "what's going on with": just windows doing windows
21:32:12FromDiscord<tixonochek> it literally deleted the file.
21:32:16FromDiscord<norax.2> lol
21:32:17FromDiscord<tixonochek> what is this.
21:32:24FromDiscord<norax.2> lmaoo
21:32:32NimEventerNew thread by dneumann: I'm starting to live stream my game project written in Nim, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/11330
21:33:47FromDiscord<tixonochek> It actually deletes the file
21:33:48FromDiscord<tixonochek> ???
21:33:51FromDiscord<tixonochek> It happend again
21:33:57FromDiscord<norax.2> okay
21:34:00FromDiscord<norax.2> wait a sec
21:34:01FromDiscord<norax.2> check dm
21:34:08FromDiscord<norax.2> lemme send the zip
21:39:42FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> In reply to @tixonochek "It actually deletes the": was that windows defender?
21:41:32FromDiscord<tixonochek> In reply to @zumi.dxy "was that windows defender?": still can't figure it out
21:52:21FromDiscord<norax.2> In reply to @zumi.dxy "was that windows defender?": i ended up explaining the whole unix system
21:52:24FromDiscord<norax.2> lol
21:52:35FromDiscord<norax.2> i think guy brain just melt
21:52:45FromDiscord<norax.2> cause is not responding anymore
21:53:04FromDiscord<norax.2> (edit) "unix" => "unix-like"
21:58:58FromDiscord<norax.2> yeah he is signed for life now.
22:22:45*oprypin quit (Quit: Bye)
22:22:59*oprypin joined #nim
22:26:48FromDiscord<treeform> In reply to @whisperecean "I hope <@107140179025735680> convinces": It’s awesome. I use it for internal big data and AI.
22:33:25FromDiscord<norax.2> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1224124417416761394/image.png?ex=661c59b4&is=6609e4b4&hm=0b1a2f56123ff5df627e3ba5a479c047ba9801053d6a4d605ddfc70621e25e93&
22:33:28FromDiscord<norax.2> so i scanned the windows zip
22:33:32FromDiscord<norax.2> of the nim relase
22:33:36FromDiscord<norax.2> what the fuck
22:34:15FromDiscord<norax.2> (edit) "so i scanned the windows ... zip" added "relase"
22:34:27FromDiscord<norax.2> 2.2
22:34:33FromDiscord<norax.2> (edit) "relase" => ""
22:35:19FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/23307#issuecomment-1970069977
22:35:23FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> That's my response
22:38:06Amun-RaElegantbeef: that source code looks like some serious malware
22:39:48FromDiscord<norax.2> In reply to @Amun-Ra "<@145405730571288577>: that source code": yeah
22:39:54FromDiscord<norax.2> cause if it was a false positive
22:40:05FromDiscord<norax.2> 1 windows woult have panicked THAT much
22:40:11FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Is this to do with the specific compiler, out of curiosity? Since it's compiled with gcc
22:40:47FromDiscord<norax.2> idk
22:40:52FromDiscord<norax.2> i will investigate abit
22:40:53FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Yea amun I really obfuscated the strings and used generated procedure names
22:40:55FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @norax.2 "1 windows woult have": If you're wondering if it's actually malware: It isn't, it's just that the C that Nim generates has roughly the same format, and since some people have been writing malware in Nim, it sets off the antiviruses unfortunately
22:41:12FromDiscord<norax.2> yeah but a trojan
22:41:22FromDiscord<norax.2> i expected it to be positive
22:41:26FromDiscord<norax.2> but not that badly
22:41:42FromDiscord<tixonochek> In reply to @norax.2 "i think guy brain": exactly
22:41:48FromDiscord<norax.2> lol
22:41:52FromDiscord<norax.2> anyway
22:42:02FromDiscord<norax.2> a trojanbot stoles data
22:42:12FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> > i expected it to be positive↵Hello world is so scary
22:42:16FromDiscord<norax.2> lol
22:42:21FromDiscord<norax.2> but always not a trojan
22:42:25FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> It's almost like anti viruses work on heuristics that are very shit
22:42:39FromDiscord<norax.2> yeah but they take it as a malware
22:42:44FromDiscord<tixonochek> anyways
22:42:54FromDiscord<tixonochek> @norax.2 scared me with all that sht from virustotal and etc.
22:42:58FromDiscord<norax.2> lol
22:43:01FromDiscord<tixonochek> + my windows defender was freaking out when i tried choosenim
22:43:06FromDiscord<tixonochek> but i have installed it after disabling it
22:43:14FromDiscord<norax.2> youre prb fine
22:43:16FromDiscord<tixonochek> i dont think any of this is a virus anyways
22:43:30FromDiscord<tixonochek> and im reinstalling the OS soon anyway
22:43:44FromDiscord<norax.2> well i think abit part of a spyware is present
22:43:57FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> You're free to audit the compiler and build it from source
22:44:07FromDiscord<norax.2> i also told him to do so
22:44:13FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> > part of a spyware↵.... how?
22:44:24FromDiscord<norax.2> ignected to the relase
22:44:49FromDiscord<norax.2> it happens alot
22:44:49FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Your evidence is?
22:44:52FromDiscord<norax.2> idk
22:44:55FromDiscord<norax.2> is just a tough
22:45:03FromDiscord<norax.2> thats why im searching
22:45:21FromDiscord<norax.2> or i wouldnt be here talking and just reported the github
22:45:50FromDiscord<norax.2> at the end isnt always good to check?
22:45:52FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> A statement like that without reason is pointless fear mongering
22:45:59FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> So then check?
22:46:08FromDiscord<norax.2> i will
22:46:39Amun-RaI've tested my image viewer compiled with mingw (both 32 and 64-bit exe) and I only hit 1/72 (SecureAge)
22:48:08FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Yea just don't printf with "hello world"
22:50:51FromDiscord<tixonochek> In reply to @Elegantbeef "A statement like that": i definetely have a pointless fear mongering in my brain right now
23:00:01*marcus quit (Remote host closed the connection)
23:00:20FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> I mean it's not unwarranted to say it there might be malware in the release of the Nim binary, but it's unwarranted to jump straight to "It's malware"
23:00:20FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> sorry "it's spyware"
23:00:42*marcus joined #nim
23:10:27*cm quit (Quit: Bye.)
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23:18:46FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> Us dealing with the kneecapping for a while now:
23:19:00FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> it doesn't help that we don't quite have Go's reputation
23:29:52FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @norax.2 "well i think abit": Huh?-
23:29:53FromDiscord<albassort> is there an async commit for sql
23:30:04FromDiscord<albassort> i wanna just throw my commits into the wind and keep going
23:30:11FromDiscord<albassort> (edit) "sql" => "databases"
23:35:04FromDiscord<albassort> also is there a find in nim which takes an anonymous function
23:36:43FromDiscord<albassort> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=QfDkklSdvBWo
23:36:45FromDiscord<albassort> (edit) "https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=aPpBdGNdiWjl" => "https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=dpbHGURpKSFy"
23:38:18FromDiscord<albassort> but i feel like thats in the stdlib somewhere