<< 25-09-2016 >>

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08:20:35gokrHowdy all
08:21:30*gokr contemplating concurrency models...
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09:00:26dom96hello gokr
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09:06:26cheatfatedom96, just to remember, i'm still waiting for your checks of tasynceverror.nim
09:07:31dom96cheatfate: oh yeah, why do you want to remove it again?
09:09:04cheatfateif you see in comments there EPIPE must be generated, but current version of asyncdispatch generates EBADF
09:10:03cheatfateon BSD/MacOS this test not working properly because BSD network allow to send() to closed socket because of timeouts...
09:10:21cheatfateso its impossible to generate EPIPE
09:10:58cheatfatecurrent version asyncdispatch not properly handles it and tries to add to kqueue empty handle so generates EBADF
09:11:27dom96alright, remove it then. We have another test that tests the PR this is related to at least partially, tasyncconnect.
09:11:41dom96This is the PR in case you're interested https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/2529
09:12:44cheatfateThis PR is also bad idea because kqueue can generate only EvError without EvRead and/or EvWrite
09:13:24cheatfateand we can't handle it
09:17:17dom96I'm not sure I understand
09:17:22dom96Why can't we handle it?
09:18:17dom96I think it makes sense to handle errors in the underlying async procs
09:24:29cheatfatedom96, now we can handle errors only if {EvRead, EvError} or {EvWrite, EvError} received, what poll() can handle if {EvError} generated only?
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09:26:52dom96okay, I get it now.
09:27:05dom96What should happen if {EvError} is generated only?
09:27:21dom96Whatever it is, I'm sure we can add logic to do it only for that case.
09:28:09cheatfatedom96, i think it must check if there readCB or writeCB and call all of cbs found... if there no cbs at all then generate error
09:28:39dom96sure, sounds good.
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10:23:27dom96hrm, so I'm benchmarking lwan (as it seems to be one of the fastest HTTP servers out there) on my MacBook, and I only get 31k req/s
10:23:43dom96Which in comparison to this guy is significantly lower https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12274255
10:27:48Calinougotta like how people benchmark number of requests/s on their web servers
10:27:53Calinouyet they get like 100 hits a day :^)
10:28:43dom96asynchttpserver gets 19k req/s on my machine
10:28:54Calinoudid you try Caddy?
10:29:02dom96no, what is it?
10:29:11cheatfatedom96, how many cores your mac have?
10:29:11CalinouHTTP/2 server written in Go
10:29:15Calinoulooks like it's great for static hosting
10:29:32dom96cheatfate: I forced it to use a single thread
10:29:51dom96According to this: https://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/#section=data-r12&hw=peak&test=json
10:29:55dom96lwan is fastest for json
10:30:53cheatfatedom96, i think our json is not very fast
10:31:22dom96I'm not testing json
10:31:26dom96just plain text
10:32:05dom96jester isn't in any of the techempower benchmarks anymore :\
10:34:30dom96this seems silly
10:34:55dom96oh well
10:35:07dom96Calinou: Made any new progress on the website?
10:59:08FromGitter<gogolxdong> what is correct way to express `if 1<sigfigs or sigfigs>5:echo "sigfigs must be [1,5] was"$sigfigs`
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11:03:11dom96if 1<sigfigs or sigfigs>5:echo "sigfigs must be [1,5] was ", $sigfigs
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11:14:36hohlerdeis there a way in nim to print the abstract syntax tree in human readable form?
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11:18:07dom96hohlerde: toStrLit(node)
11:18:16dom96or treeRepr(node)
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11:26:41hohlerdethx dom96, works
11:29:43hohlerdewow, this is pretty cool, haven't worked much with macros, only templates so far
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11:42:41dom96yep, macros are awesome :)
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11:52:02Calinoudom96: nope :( had to work on university stuff instead
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11:57:10*miqlas-H joined #nim
11:57:14miqlas-HHi Guys!
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11:57:41miqlas-HI'm trying to get Nim first-class citizen on Haiku.
11:58:18miqlas-HI built the last 3 revision on Haiku sucessfully, but no recipe made for automatic build
12:03:24reactormonkmiqlas-H, with the linux compat layer, or native?
12:03:51miqlas-HI think we don't have linux compat layer. Do you mean POSIX?
12:04:09reactormonkyeah, sorry.
12:04:35miqlas-HWe have freebsd compat layer, and yes, i use it. But it is nothing else, just some extra header files, activated with -D_BSD_SOURCE
12:04:47miqlas-HIf i'm wrong, please, fixme. :)
12:05:36miqlas-HLast time i tried it worked really well, i has able to compile and run some sample codes.
12:05:40dom96pretty sure that Nim has some support for Haiku natively.
12:07:29miqlas-Hdom96, what "native" is? Ofc, there is some preliminary supporting code for building on Haiku, but it is just in the supporting codes (scripts and so on). For building on Haiku i use the vanilla sources
12:07:31dom96cheatfate: your tupcoming_async test is very unreliable, still getting false negatives on it.
12:08:03dom96By "native" I mean that it doesn't use any compatibility layers
12:13:05miqlas-Hnim tries to link koch with -ldl on Haiku, but we don't have -ldl. Where is it defined? I just grepped the whole source tree, no occurences.
12:20:26miqlas-Hit compiled sucessfully without -ldl, but i don't see, where it gets the -ldl
12:21:32miqlas-HAny idea?
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12:24:20cheatfatedom96, problems with time measuring?
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12:24:32dom96cheatfate: looks like it
12:24:43cheatfatei will disable timecheck then
12:26:53miqlas-Hok, it comes from nim.cfg
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12:52:35miqlas-HOk, i sent my pull requests for Haiku support.
12:52:41miqlas-HI hope it is okay.
12:53:00dom96miqlas-H: Thanks! :)
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13:06:16cheatfatemiqlas-H, if you dont have ldl then maybe you can't run 50% of nim's stuff
13:07:01miqlas-Hcheatfate: we have dl function, but not in -ldl.
13:07:30miqlas-HIt is in -lroot, and it is implicitly linked to everything.
13:07:47cheatfatemiqlas-H, what type of executables uses haiku?
13:09:25miqlas-His it an answer for your question?
13:10:27miqlas-Hi sent a PR for csources too. It is also required to get it compiled on Haiku.
13:10:58miqlas-Hkoch buit without problems on Haiku with this patches. I think it is a good proof.
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13:12:07miqlas-HIt is a screenshot
13:13:14miqlas-HYeeee, haiku screenshot, frickin awesome, you just got the feeling, that you should download ad install it.
13:13:24miqlas-HHave no fear, it is normal.
13:13:49miqlas-HEverybody feels the same as looking at a Haiku screenshot at first time.
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13:21:25cheatfatemiqlas-H, i have seen BeOS :)
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13:26:31miqlas-HGuys, is there any GUI toolkit, what we can use with Nim?
13:27:38gokrmiqlas-H: There are several. Aporia uses Gtk2, there is also a Gtk3 wrapper, and a wx wrapper that I am not sure anyone uses. And then there is also a libui wrapper which I actually use a teeny bit.
13:27:51gokrAnd there is also ... Qt stuff.
13:28:20miqlas-HQt is okay, because we don't have any GTK.
13:28:34gokrIMHO the libui wrapper is nice, since it maps to native on all supported backends.
13:29:02miqlas-HI need to go Guys, i talk to you later
13:29:12*miqlas-H quit (Quit: Vision[0.9.7-H-20140108]: i've been blurred!)
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17:42:33dom96Araq_: Is there a blacklist to prevent the tester from compiling certain modules in lib/pure/?
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18:38:08Araq_dom96: no but you can move modules into lib/upcoming or something
18:41:20dom96or implement a blacklist ;)
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18:47:17cheatfateis Nim has construction which follows semantic of C's 'switch()` but with access to more then one case?
18:47:47cheatfatei mean in switch() i must `break` after case
18:47:55cheatfateor all cases will be performed
18:48:09Araq_yeah, there is no such concept in Nim
18:48:34Araq_it's just a fancy if-elif-elif with a full coverage check
18:54:03cheatfateok thanks
18:54:23dom96So it looks like the C source tarballs will only include the install_nimble script instead of actual Nimble sources.
18:54:27dom96What do you guys think of this?
18:56:24Araq_I think the "official source based way to install" Nim needs to be "run these instructions and add dir to PATH"
18:56:38Araq_because then nimsuggest, nimble, nim work out of the box
18:57:09Araq_and the non-source based installation is "use your OS'es package manager"
18:59:02federico3dom96: install_nimble is runnig git clone from GH. A source tarball should contain everything needed to build and be able to build without network access.
18:59:12libmanThere's always the Super Secret Secret Goto Pragma. ;)
19:00:47dom96federico3: Agreed. But can you give a practical reason why that is important?
19:02:08Araq_ah I didn't seee the obvious solution
19:02:24Araq_ship Nimble as *Nim* source code in the tarball, not as generated C
19:02:36dom96omg lol
19:02:54dom96So you're happy with that?
19:03:03federico3dom96: without that, there would be no way to guarantee that the same sources can build the same application (on different architectures, at different times)
19:03:20dom96Glad I suggested we discuss this here instead of over PM :P
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19:09:21federico3dom96: and apart from the pratical and security problems, various licenses require people that provide binary packages to make sources available. If a build script downloads even only a little script that is not part of the source packages, the distribution might end up in violation of the license (especially when the upstream repo disappears)
19:11:32dom96Thanks, those are very good reasons.
19:14:01Calinougokr: libui maps to GTK+3 on Linux, not Xlib
19:14:41Araq_dom96: yeah sure
19:18:53dom96okay, great.
19:26:36dom96Araq_: Have you seen this? https://www.reddit.com/r/nim/comments/547inw/why_wasnt_nim_optimized_for_code_reading/
19:28:49Araq_skimmed it
19:29:24*desophos quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
19:31:15cheatfateAraq_, could we mark realloc bug as `showstopper`?
19:31:38euantorThe whole `result` argument makes little sense to me
19:32:01euantorYou'd be assigning the array to a variable anyway, Nom just has a convention to make that more obvious
19:32:41euantorOtherwise he'd be doing `var foo = bar` and `return foot`
19:32:56Araq_cheatfate: no because we don't want to delay the release any further
19:33:07Araq_but yeah, it's a pretty weird bug
19:40:39cheatfateits a very weird bug
19:41:10cheatfateand i think fixing this bug can fix many issues about leaks
19:44:00Araq_I doubt it
19:44:26Araq_at the end of the day it's just a stupid snippet allocating ever bigger blocks of memory
19:44:43Araq_so yeah, it fails too early with out of mem
19:44:58Araq_but the allocation pattern is just absurd
19:49:10cheatfateAraq_, but for what reason this memory manager allocates 20GB of ram?
20:03:05Araq_cheatfate: address fragmentation
20:03:12Araq_still my bet.
20:03:28Araq_it works better when you disable the "return mem back to OS" feature
20:03:39Araq_but as I said, I'm still investigating
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20:12:15cheatfateAraq_, one more question about arrays, with --verbosity:2 i got every time warnings about uninitialized arrays, is it possible to initialize array properly?
20:18:23krux02I get weired error messages in my code
20:18:27krux02tensormath.nim(222, 13) Error: cannot instantiate Tensor
20:18:27krux02got: (Dimensions)
20:18:27krux02but expected: (Dimensions)
20:19:40krux02the type tensor has a static value Dimensions that must be set on declaration so the tensor size is statically known
20:23:29krux02ok thanks I did some rubber duck debugging with you ;D
20:29:44dom96krux02: that deserves a bug report, the error message needs to improve.
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20:34:20Araq_hi planhths welcome
20:34:35planhthshello Araq_!!
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20:44:58krux02dom96: yes but it is kind of hard to isolate the bug, I have a macro that creates a macro call that creates a type expression
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20:46:29krux02I realized that static doesn't work stable with any dynamically sized value type, so I faked a dynamically sized array but making everything the same constant length plus a length value in an object
20:47:19krux02object( N: int, dimensions: array[16, int])
20:47:52krux02but that thing is not nice to construct as type parameter, so I have a macro that does that
20:48:00krux02but aparently there is something not nice in there
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21:18:40krux02I have a question, I have a case where the ast passed to a typed macro still has some macro calls in the argument ast. Could this be intentional or is it a bug?
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21:34:18krux02ok, thanks
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