<< 27-04-2020 >>

00:00:34FromDiscord<Skaruts> gonna give it a try
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00:14:05FromDiscord<Joshua S. Grant> Ah, the old 'public static void' (re: beef); I really can't believe the verbosity of Java / C# is tolerated to the extent it is -- guess mostly just due to legacy reasons, but still ... like no real reason beef had to adopt similar idioms
00:15:56FromDiscord<Rika> its directly competing with C#
00:16:49FromDiscord<Varriount> I prefer specifying "void" by omitting a return type, and having either private or public be default (preferably private).
00:17:09FromDiscord<Joshua S. Grant> @Rika I mean, I get that; But still -- I don't know, simplify the semantics when / where you can. You don't have to be 100% mappable and this is the time to reduce kludge :^P
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00:18:22FromDiscord<Varriount> for static... in most cases, static functions could just be regular functions. The reason Java uses them to the extent it does is because you can't have plain "functions", everything is a class/object
00:20:02FromDiscord<Rika> @Joshua S. Grant better adoption for people using C# with a syntax similar to it
00:20:57FromDiscord<Rika> can anyone explain to me what `ashr` is useful for
00:21:00FromDiscord<Rika> i fail to understand
00:21:18FromDiscord<Joshua S. Grant> @Rika it would still be similar though; Even if it was as Kotlin is to Java most of the semantics are the same, even if there is tweaking to the grammar -- but Idk, ultimately I guess it's preference
00:21:45FromDiscord<Rika> kotlin to java is a pretty massive difference imo
00:22:25*Hideki_ joined #nim
00:23:25FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> Well the verbosity of C# is because it's required to have classes obey protection levels whilst being able to control what's instanced and what's not
00:23:50FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> `public static void` for instance are all useful keywords in describing the function state
00:24:14FromDiscord<Rika> then how does nim do away with most of them?
00:24:26FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> Nim doesnt have objects in the same way C# does
00:24:41FromDiscord<Rika> even if it did, i bet it would still do away with most of them
00:25:08FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> Nim also handles imports differently to C#
00:25:24FromDiscord<Rika> i dont think that is relevant to its syntax
00:25:47FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> Well in nim you can only expose things upwards in C# you can expose them any direction
00:26:00FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> So public atleast becomes more useful
00:26:15FromDiscord<Joshua S. Grant> I mena, is the object model of C# similar to Java (I don't know, but would assume based on the use of syntax there ...)? I mean, Kotlin is able to get away without it
00:26:30FromDiscord<Joshua S. Grant> I mean, is the object model of C# similar to Java (I don't know, but would assume based on the use of syntax there ...)? I mean, Kotlin is able to get away without it
00:26:37FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> I imagine it's similar
00:26:42FromDiscord<Joshua S. Grant> Is the object model of C# similar to Java (I don't know, but would assume based on the use of syntax there ...)? I mean, Kotlin is able to get away without it
00:27:13FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> What does kotlin do for `public static void` and `private static void` or `protected static void`
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00:27:44FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> *The last of those i actually dont know if it's possbile to do in C#*
00:28:11FromDiscord<Rika> i assume its `protected fun name(): Unit` or so
00:28:32FromDiscord<Rika> im not well versed in kotlin
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00:28:51FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> I've never looked at kotlin, i'm relatively well versed in C# though
00:28:52FromDiscord<Rika> public is default
00:29:00FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> private is default in C#
00:29:12FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> Which considering it's an OOP language is sensible
00:29:34FromDiscord<Joshua S. Grant> Yeah, public is default; But I'm pretty sure you can use all the same visibility-monitors similar to Java? could be wrong
00:29:58FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> The big thing is i dont get what the issue is with `public static`
00:30:12FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> That's literally what an exposed proc is in nim as i understand it
00:30:18FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> methods would be just public
00:32:43FromDiscord<Rika> man i really do need to look through whole stdlib, TIL rationals module
00:33:22FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> **Read it all** https://nim-lang.org/docs/theindex.html
00:33:22FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> πŸ˜„
00:34:08FromDiscord<Joshua S. Grant> @Elegant Beef I mean, I guess my 'issue' but more-so a syntatical prefence, that makes Java & C# feel a lot more kludgy than it should for me -- I'll fully admit it's probably a personal-fault lo ... but tbh would rather it be hidden away... heck I'm even talking going as-far as a \@main annotation or something lol
00:34:22FromDiscord<Joshua S. Grant> @Elegant Beef I mean, I guess my 'issue' but more-so a syntatical prefence, that makes Java & C# feel a lot more kludgy than it should for me -- I'll fully admit it's probably a personal-fault lol ... but tbh would rather it be hidden away... heck I'm even talking going as-far as a \@main annotation or something lol
00:35:10FromDiscord<Joshua S. Grant> @Elegant Beef I mean, I guess my 'issue' is more-so a syntatical prefence, that makes Java & C# feel a lot more kludgy than it should for me -- I'll fully admit it's probably a personal-fault lol ... but tbh would rather it be hidden away... heck I'm even talking going as-far as a \@main annotation or something lol
00:35:23FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> Yea idk that feels like the same thing
00:36:11FromDiscord<Joshua S. Grant> I mean, it is; Ultimately 'what does it matter' ... like it shouldn't, but for whatever reason I can't shake that feeling. :^P
00:36:41FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> Static functions sometime reside in instancable classes so having it is a requirement that the language supports πŸ˜„
00:38:02leorize@Joshua please don't edit on discord
00:38:05FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> This is where the meme *OOP was wrong and needs to die* fits in nicely
00:38:05leorizeit spams irc
00:38:16FromDiscord<Joshua S. Grant> Oh, sorry; Didn't even think about that.
00:38:25FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> More accurately dont edit, it causes irc users to spam discord πŸ˜›
00:38:27*ptdel quit (Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
00:38:28*FromDiscord <Joshua S. Grant> will try to be more careful not to be sooo sloppy
00:40:29FromDiscord<Joshua S. Grant> I mean, I'm sure the default decleration syntax with the visiblity levels and the like is probably the most efficent / powerful way to express that ; But again, sure it just comes down to personal preference and I think there has to be similar ways to express such things to that level over the course of a few lines.
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00:42:24FromDiscord<Joshua S. Grant> But like, Idk, one of my favorite languages is Scala; And they don't have that problem but certainly have issues with being short and/or too the point -- so maybe I shouldn't judge too harshly. lol
00:43:11FromGitter<JorySchossau> Does anyone remember what the tool is that generates the complete set of cross compiled c sources and the build script to choose among them? For example, this was used to create the csources repo contents. I've used it before but I can't remember what/where it is.
00:43:15FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> I tend to prefer explcitity over implicity
00:44:28*FromDiscord <Joshua S. Grant> finds that untentionally really funny; As-per Scala's arguably most hated / loved feature are called implicits.
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00:46:06FromDiscord<Joshua S. Grant> @Elegant Beef Also, yeah, think that's fair; As-said it comes down to preference -- probably almost entirely; I can see a lot of value with being more than-less explicit; tbh but 'language feel' matters to be a lot. Maybe too much. Actually almost certainly too much.
00:46:55*FromDiscord <Joshua S. Grant> sweats as he resists urge to edit that "to be a lot" ... lol
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00:52:29FromDiscord<Rika> either way it is eternalized in the form of nim irc logs
00:53:05PrestigeWe should give this irc bot some color for names
00:59:14FromGitter<JorySchossau> Another way to ask it: What is the nim tool that reads `project.ini` that can automatically build c sources for all architectures listed in the file?
01:00:41FromGitter<JorySchossau> Ahhh! It was in the git commit logs of an old repo of mine: `niminst` is the tool I was looking for.
01:01:14FromDiscord<Rika> what's the best library i can use for a uint128? stint?
01:05:42FromGitter<zetashift> Yes I'd use stint
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01:43:15zacharycarterI'm looking at http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/mmap.2.html and https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/1bdc30bdb13422bd5eff830327582a938e7b76ac/lib/posix/posix.nim#L628 - shouldn't the second parameter be a `uint` and not an `int`?
01:45:26leorizeshould be a csize_t
01:45:35zacharycarterwhich the manual says = uint
01:45:51leorizedon't trust the manual, trust the generated c
01:46:02leorizecsize_t will generates size_t
01:46:26zacharycartergotcha - thanks
01:46:44leorizei doubt it would make a difference though
01:46:55leorizethe posix module imports the procs directly from the headers
01:50:19FromDiscord<Cerberus|The Enby> Can nim build something like cheat engine but for linux >.<? Was curious πŸ˜…
01:51:02FromDiscord<Cerberus|The Enby> Interesting, thank you friend!
01:55:45*chemist69_ quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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01:59:43FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> Source code of scanmem/game conquerer you could use as reference
01:59:43FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> https://github.com/scanmem/scanmem
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02:14:24FromDiscord<Sophie> cheat engine is open source
02:15:15FromDiscord<Sophie> if you’re curious how certain things are done, but there’ll be a lot of windows specific code
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02:19:39FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> gameconquerer is a cheatengine clone that runs on linux so i mean it has more useful information πŸ˜„
02:30:42*krux02_ quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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02:41:12FromDiscord<Varriount> I wish I had something like cheatengine on Mac. I would use it primarily for program inspection.
02:41:24FromDiscord<Varriount> objdump will have to do for now.
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03:21:42*waleee-cl quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
03:32:05FromDiscord<Cerberus|The Enby> Cheat engine is on mac though
03:38:43voltistWhoever decided that Dracula was going to be "the Nim theme" is my favorite person. After having discovered it on Nim Playground and the standard library documentation, I'm using it everywhere :)
03:42:23FromDiscord<KingDarBoja> Hi guys
03:42:25FromDiscord<KingDarBoja> Quick question
03:42:44FromDiscord<KingDarBoja> How I can print a Rune codepoint as string
03:43:04FromDiscord<KingDarBoja> But in the unicode format
03:43:11FromDiscord<KingDarBoja> \uXXXX
03:43:21leorizeturn it into an int?
03:43:28FromDiscord<KingDarBoja> Gonna try
03:44:15FromDiscord<KingDarBoja> Ok I don't know how
03:44:51leorizethen you can use formatInt in strutils to pad it into XXXX form
03:45:01leorizeprepend \u and you're done
03:47:11FromDiscord<KingDarBoja> Woah
03:47:42FromDiscord<Rika> Lol
03:48:16leorizeuse toHexStr on the int if XXXX is hex
03:48:41FromDiscord<Rika> \u uses hex afaik
03:49:35FromDiscord<KingDarBoja> I am using phone data
03:49:51FromDiscord<KingDarBoja> Looking by strutils, i can't find formatInt
03:51:14leorizeit's intToStr
03:52:08FromDiscord<KingDarBoja> Okay
03:53:33FromGitter<codenoid> hi folks, stay home
03:54:37FromDiscord<KingDarBoja> Done, thanks
03:54:54FromDiscord<KingDarBoja> But there isn't a faster way?
03:55:05leorizeyes there is
03:55:30FromDiscord<KingDarBoja> I mean, a single function to output any rune as it's unicode string
03:55:33FromDiscord<KingDarBoja> Which?
03:56:59leorize!eval import strformat; echo fmt"\u{0x1F602:04}"
03:57:07leorize^ would that do?
03:57:44FromDiscord<KingDarBoja> Oh
03:59:34FromDiscord<KingDarBoja> What if I wish to return it but the unicode (the rune in this case) is inside a string ?
04:00:05FromDiscord<KingDarBoja> I mean, something like "hi Γ¦" yields "hi \uXXXX"
04:01:23leorizewhy can't you just use utf8 strings...
04:01:32FromDiscord<Elegant Beef> So basically if any character is ascii display it, else display unicode?
04:04:10FromDiscord<KingDarBoja> Yeah
04:04:59leorizeuse the utf8 iterator, if you got a value with len > 1, then turn it into that form
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04:07:22FromDiscord<KingDarBoja> πŸ‘
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04:15:00FromDiscord<KingDarBoja> Just found the isPrintable proc
04:15:05FromDiscord<KingDarBoja> Pretty nice
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04:19:42leorizeso I wrote a "fast" version
04:20:04leorizeit will be fast as long as you don't encounter any of the utf chars :P
04:24:55*rockcavera quit (Remote host closed the connection)
04:30:24PrestigeHow can I manually init a table with empty sequences at the values? I tried { 1: @[] }.toTable and { 1: seq[int] }.toTable, for instance
04:32:17leorize[m]why do you need that?
04:32:41leorize[m]but well you can use `newSeq[int]()`
04:32:49PrestigeI'm wanting to populate a table with a set number of keys
04:32:51Prestigeag thanks
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04:34:58FromDiscord<KingDarBoja> πŸ˜‹ πŸ‘
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04:46:06skrylar[m]all i did was read a pile of text layout articles/books and then kind of got fancy paragraphs :x
04:46:18skrylar[m]probably not as impressive as new memory models lol
05:06:25PrestigeHm so I have a table with Hashsets as values, I'm wanting to iterate over the hashsets and add an element to each, e.g. https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2jK8
05:06:30PrestigeHow should I actually do this? ^
05:11:20PrestigeSeems like it's just immutiable if I iterate over the values, so I'm having to iterate over the keys and then access the set from within the for body
05:11:40FromDiscord<Yardanico> There's .mitems
05:11:44Prestigeah thanks
05:11:47FromDiscord<Yardanico> And .mpairs
05:12:14FromDiscord<Yardanico> It's a convention to name iterators like this if you can mutate the values they return
05:13:01FromDiscord<Yardanico> And .mvalues too
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06:11:14voltistDoes Nim have a way to pass a seq as varargs? Like how in Python `zip(*[a,b])` is equivalent to `zip(a, b)`
06:12:11FromDiscord<Varriount> Hm, you might just be able to pass the sequence as normal
06:16:07voltist@Varriount Oh, it seems you can. Thanks!
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07:21:36voltistWhats the Nim equivalent to Python's `pass`?
07:22:25FromGitter<bung87> discard
07:24:01voltistYeah that works, thanks!
07:24:22FromGitter<bung87> ```spawn server() ⏎ sleep(900) ⏎ app()``` ⏎ ⏎ is there another solution instead of waiting 900ms? [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5ea688a694ac2758e30e6c63]
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07:49:54FromDiscord<flywind> How can I do code coverage? It seems that code coverage result is not accurate enough using `gcov`?
07:52:10FromDiscord<flywind> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/371759389889003532/704238447778463764/unknown.png
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07:53:50Araqthere are also nimble packages that use Nim's macro sytem for code coverage
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07:54:52Araqhaven't used them though, I don't do code coverage, instead I only write the necessary code
07:57:09Araqhttps://github.com/nim-lang/opengl/pull/76 narimiran, same, no CI integration
07:57:11disbotβž₯ Removed unused imports, fixed #65
07:57:41Araq--> move to 'fusion'?
07:58:08Araqwell not yet
07:58:17Araqbut we should keep it in mind
08:02:50*xcm quit (Remote host closed the connection)
08:03:27FromGitter<bung87> `socket.connect( "localhost", Port(80))` raise `(parent: nil, name: "OSError", msg: "Invalid argument"` ?
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08:05:17Araqbung87: you used a question mark but it wasn't a question
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08:07:40FromGitter<bung87> hmm , it's in loop , when move out and top of the loop, it raise connection error
08:08:05FromGitter<bung87> Error: unhandled exception: Connection refused [OSError]
08:09:46FromGitter<bung87> my bad ,sleep after connect
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08:23:08FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> is arduino nim usable?
08:23:13FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> zevv?
08:29:22Araqit should be
08:29:43FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> i hope my teacher lets me use it
08:31:42narimiranPMunch: are you around?
08:32:31narimiranIIRC, the playground has its own list of "important packages" that are installed? how big is that list and how did you pick the packages?
08:33:31PMunchThat's right
08:34:23PMunchThe list was seeded with the official "important packages" list, then I removed some that obviously wouldn't work (like Windows specific packages, JS specific packages, GUI packages, networking packages, etc.) and I accept pretty much all PRs for new packages
08:34:50PMunchThere are some more ones that can be removed as well
08:35:05PMunchLike c2nim and cligen probably aren't very useful in there
08:35:15PMunchOr inim
08:35:17Araqexcellent work, PMunch :-)
08:35:29PMunchWhat did I do now? :P
08:35:43narimiranPMunch: great, thanks! i'll see what of that list i can include in the official "important packages"
08:36:04Araqyou took "important packages" and cleaned it up for nim-playground, I wasn't aware
08:36:08PMunchI think there are only like 5 packages that have been added to that
08:36:22PMunchOh right, yeah I did that quite a while ago :P
08:37:01PMunchTBH it's not very cleaned up. Some packages might have 3rd party dependencies that aren't installed as well..
08:37:21voltistOh gee `Error: cannot open file: strutils`. What *have* I done...
08:37:23PMunchAlthough I try to add them here: https://github.com/PMunch/nim-playground/blob/master/docker/Dockerfile#L61
08:37:40PMunchRecruit_main707, Nim runs fine on Arduino
08:37:52PMunchI used it to program the Arduboy
08:38:33PMunchBut I'm not sure how well nim-arduino works, I was just wrapping things by hand
08:38:54FromGitter<alehander92> that's cool
08:38:54FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> but the arduino ide wont look good with nim right?
08:38:59PMunchBut Zevv showed me that it worked during FOSDEM
08:39:25PMunchHehe, Zevv actually integrated it into the IDE, so apart from a bit wonky syntax highlighting it works fine
08:39:41FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> nice
08:40:03PMunchI just made a makefile that built and uploaded the Nim code directly
08:40:34PMunchThis is what I'm using: http://ix.io/2jKO
08:41:07PMunchWith this nim.cfg file: http://ix.io/2jKP
08:42:10FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> ok, so that first file is a .make?
08:42:24PMunchIt's a "Makefile"
08:42:30PMunchWhat's a .make?
08:43:17FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> idk, how should i use the makefile :p
08:44:55PMunchPut it in a file called "Makefile" and then you can run "make upload", "make size", "make run" (this is for running in the Arduboy emulator), or simply "make" which runs the first rule
08:46:04ZevvRecruit_main707: it works and all, but I never properly finished it. Story of my life, basically.
08:46:08PMunchMakefiles are basically just rules for creating files. So the format is `file>: <dependencies>
08:46:31ZevvI reached out to the arduino developers but they only started nagging me and being blunt about the language, so screw that
08:47:23PMunch`<file>: <dependencies>` and then an indented list of commands to run to create the file. If a `dependency` is missing, it will run the rule to create that file. As you can see `upload`, `run` and `size` doesn't actually create any files, so they will always run.
08:47:48voltistOk seriously, anybody got any idea why I'm getting ` Error: cannot open file: strutils`?
08:48:05PMunchZevv, the Arduino developers didn't want more languages? :(
08:48:17PMunchvoltist, because it's missing?
08:48:38PMunchHow did you install Nim?
08:48:54voltistPMunch: With choosenim
08:49:04PMunchCan we see the full compilation output? There are some hints there to which cfg file it uses and such
08:50:00voltistPMunch: Yeah sure, https://pastebin.com/Jk1qdwT8
08:50:37PMunchAnd what is the contents of /home/liam/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-1.2.0/config/nim.cfg
08:50:57PMunchAnd do you just have "import strutils" or something else in your file?
08:52:13voltistThe config file is empty
08:52:25voltistAnd yeah `import strutils' is in there
08:52:32PMunchAnd that's probably your issue :P
08:52:58PMunchMy config file is 319 lines long, and that's the default one
08:53:07voltistOh weird
08:53:18voltistI'll try getting rid of everything and reinstalling
08:53:24PMunchJust delete the entire /home/liam/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-1.2.0 directory and run choosenim stable again
08:54:28PMunchUgh, I think it's about time to get a new graphics card..
08:55:34voltistNah that didn't help unfortunately
08:57:26PMunchStill an empty file?
08:58:24*xcm quit (Remote host closed the connection)
08:58:46voltistYep. Choosenim says when I install that the compiler and tools have already been installed. Perhaps a broken config is being copied in from the cache?
08:59:02voltistAlready built*
08:59:40PMunchTry choosenim update stable
09:00:35voltistSame issue. It doesn't appear to actually be downloading anything except the compiler
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09:01:02PMunchWhat does your `choosenim --version` say?
09:01:41voltistchoosenim v0.6.0 (2020-03-06 18:24:57) [linux/amd64]
09:02:27PMunchHmm, weird
09:02:45narimiranPMunch: ah, at first i thought your list would be more different than ours. now i see they're basically the same: your has 4-5 packages that we don't (yet)
09:03:20PMunchYeah, as I said it's a copy of the "important packages" list, but I add things people want to have an the playground
09:03:30voltistPMunch Yeah, do you know what I need to delete in order to cleanse everything?
09:03:40PMunchBut it's not very well known that there even are packages on the playground :P
09:03:53narimiranpeople should want more :D
09:03:55PMunchvoltist, I mean if you delete the .choosenim folder..
09:04:13narimiran(i'm looking for more packages we should test)
09:04:28PMunchYou can test all of mine :P
09:04:37PMunchI try to make sure they always work on the latest Nim version
09:04:58narimiranPMunch: three of yours are getting introduced this time :)
09:05:07PMunchOh nice, which ones?
09:05:26narimirantermstyle, optionsutils, macroutils
09:05:40ZevvPMunch: apparently not. And ther was this dude going on how "unsafe" this all must be, just as "unsafe" as using C++ strings - he clearly does have no clue, but it's a bad start to get your thread hijacked by someone like that.
09:05:56voltistPMunch: It must be caching somewhere else because even when .choosenim and .nimble are removed, it still doesn't build anything
09:06:40PMunchnarimiran, haha good luck breaking termstyle :P It's basically just some string concatenation
09:07:20PMunchZevv, wait, how unsafe it would be to use Nim, or how unsafe it would be to integrate new languages in the IDE?
09:07:31PMunchvoltist, that is very strange
09:07:55PMunchI assume your username is liam?
09:08:15Zevvto use nim. He wanted my to Nimify some serial mundane rx/tx example, and it was clearly no better then the C++ version and very unsafe
09:09:11voltistPMunch: Yep
09:09:26Zevvoh right, that wasn't an actual arduino developer, it wast just Some Guy
09:09:27PMunchZevv, that's just dumb..
09:09:50PMunchLike why would that even matter for integrating it into the IDE..
09:10:24Zevvright https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=661603.0
09:10:38PMunchvoltist, I don't know what to tell you. Unless you have `choosenim` aliased to something that sets --choosenimDir and --nimbleDir I don't really know what's going on..
09:11:56voltistPMunch: All good. I'll work on it some more and see if I can find out whats going on
09:16:19AraqZevv, lol
09:16:24Araqthat thread is funny
09:27:16PMunchIf he could see some of the Arduboy stuff I've been working on I think he would be a bit more impressed :P
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09:27:50PMunchBut just a serial read/write example, as you say, how much more/less complexity were you expecting?
09:28:09FromGitter<alehander92> Praise God
09:28:12FromGitter<alehander92> what a good day
09:28:36FromGitter<alehander92> disruptek interesting work
09:28:37FromGitter<alehander92> on IC
09:28:58FromGitter<alehander92> when would it be usable for alpha testing :)
09:29:04FromGitter<alehander92> (even for toy examples)
09:29:16PMunchGood day?
09:30:03*arecaceae quit (Remote host closed the connection)
09:30:16FromDiscord<KrispPurg> Hey guys, uh when I send a multipart data to a http request that is a file in a directory it throws this error "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect." when I use Nim v1.0.4 it works fine, but on Nim v1.2.0, it doesn't any solutions to this?
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09:31:51PMunchKrispPurg, how have you set up your server?
09:33:31PMunchHmm, I can get an RTX 2060 6Gb for €365 or a GTX 1660 6Gb for €261..
09:33:42FromDiscord<KrispPurg> you mean how I handle the request?
09:34:18FromDiscord<KrispPurg> Hold on
09:35:06FromDiscord<KrispPurg> https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2jLa
09:37:06PMunchUhm, where do you do any file handling there?
09:37:34FromDiscord<KrispPurg> oh wait
09:38:06FromDiscord<KrispPurg> https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2jLc
09:39:26FromDiscord<Chiqqum_Ngbata> Any idea why querySetting(ccompilerPath) is returning empty
09:39:51FromDiscord<Chiqqum_Ngbata> If no good solution to that one, how else could I find the current compiler
09:39:58FromDiscord<KrispPurg> the first statement is where if the file body isn't provided and the file object is just a file with a name only.
09:41:53PMunchKrispPurg, TBH I have no idea what's going on. Try to create a minimal example that reproduces the error
09:43:02PMunchHmm, a used 1060 for €78
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09:51:10Zevvit's funny but it's also sad
09:52:17dom96By god, arguing with open source developers should be a full-time job :P
09:53:01FromDiscord<InventorMatt> I think nim has a lot of potential for robotics so it kind of sucks that the arduino community wasn't receptive to it
09:53:32FromDiscord<InventorMatt> if we could integrate it with ROS that could help gain exposure
09:57:24livcdwill orc replace arc? :D
09:57:30*Romanson quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
09:57:44Araqhttps://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/14121 it's done
09:57:45disbotβž₯ new implementations for --gc:orc
09:58:32Araqlivcd, maybe, I'm seeing more and more things the researchers overlooked
09:58:32FromDiscord<KrispPurg> PMunch: https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2jLh
09:58:59livcdAraq you are the Omnissiah
10:01:27Araqlivcd, I'm not that familiar with Warhammer
10:02:21Araqso yeah, 1.4 is ready, featuring --gc:orc for the people who cannot rewrite software
10:02:38FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> Araq, despite having orc, arc will eventually fix its memory leaks right?
10:03:06Araqthere are no leaks, there are bugs we're fixing but the fact that it doesn't collect cycles is by design
10:03:11livcdAraq: "Hail the Omnissiah! He is the God in the Machine, the Source of All Knowledge."
10:03:41FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> Araq: isnt the problem with async a leak?
10:04:03Araqyeah, so today's async requires --gc:orc
10:04:22Araqall the other std libraries are known not to create cycles
10:04:48FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> thats what i mean, arc will eventually fix that (or async will be re designed)
10:05:44Araqno, arc can't fix that by design
10:05:56Araqonly a different async can do that
10:06:39Araqbut for now --gc:orc is becoming the solution
10:06:55FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> there are plans on that new async model in he mid future?
10:07:28FromDiscord<mratsim> I thought you had this colofing based cycle collector from Bacon and Dingle paper?
10:08:08FromDiscord<Chiqqum_Ngbata> "Bacon" occurs in the diff, I know that much
10:17:24FromGitter<alehander92> PMunch good day !
10:18:12FromGitter<alehander92> hm, loading assembly today!
10:18:25FromGitter<alehander92> do you guys
10:18:32FromGitter<alehander92> prefer the at&t or the intel syntax
10:21:21FromDiscord<Chiqqum_Ngbata> Hrm, is there no way to get current C compiler?
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10:26:50FromDiscord<mratsim> I prefer intel syntax
10:27:03FromDiscord<mratsim> but for inline assembly I have to use ATT :/
10:30:26FromDiscord<KrispPurg> Hello..? Is anyone gonna help me? I have this error "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect." when I use Nim v1.0.4 it works fine, but on Nim v1.2.0, it doesn't. Any ideas or solutions to this error?
10:32:37FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> that last url is the source?
10:34:46FromDiscord<KrispPurg> yes
10:34:46FromDiscord<KrispPurg> https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2jLh
10:37:23Araqmratsim: yeah, why?
10:42:09Araqonce again, --gc:orc is --gc:arc + Bacon/Lins's cycle collector
10:42:25Araqthe 'o' is a cycle
10:42:30Araqhence the name
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10:48:18FromDiscord<Zed> how does nim handle class methods?
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10:48:38FromDiscord<Zed> like with java, you have a class and then a bunch of methods for that class to access data etc
10:48:45FromDiscord<Zed> how does nim do this?
10:48:47AraqNim doesn't have 'class'
10:48:53PMunchKrispPurg, I don't get that error on 1.2.0 with your code..
10:49:05FromDiscord<Zed> can you turn an object into a class?
10:49:13FromDiscord<Yardanico> @Zed https://nim-lang.org/docs/tut2.html#object-oriented-programming
10:49:18FromDiscord<exelotl> ^
10:49:23FromDiscord<KrispPurg> huh
10:49:33FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> i dont know how to help you bro
10:49:50FromDiscord<exelotl> is it still using dispatch trees as the mechanism?
10:50:04FromDiscord<exelotl> or did we switch to vtables yet?
10:50:20Araqstill uses the dispatch trees
10:50:56FromDiscord<mratsim> @Araq maybe interesting for DrNim on what people may want to use it for, and you can just reuse their example for documentation as well: https://allan-blanchard.fr/publis/frama-c-wp-tutorial-en.pdf
10:51:31FromDiscord<mratsim> gc:orc --> owned ref counting πŸ˜‰
10:51:34Araqmratsim: thanks but I'm already stealing everything from Frama-C
10:51:59FromDiscord<mratsim> well steal their documentation then
10:52:00Araqit's very good stuff, they even have my write tracking ideas
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10:54:17Araqmratsim: the first milestone for Drnim is "integrate into nim's development"
10:54:25FromDiscord<mratsim> btw I've found out the source of the C++ atomics codegen issue, I've workaround my initial bug but I have another one where inexplicably, Nim compiler doesn't respect {.noInit.} if the variable is declared in a for loop
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10:56:19Araqyeah I've seen it, can't be hard to fix
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10:58:18FromDiscord<mratsim> type-level {.noInit.} might be helpful for atomics, or atleast prevent assignment and sink with the C++ backend as well
10:58:49livcdwindows\registry.nim(58, 54) Error: expression cannot be cast to pointer -> this is what I get with gc:arc. Is this a bug?
11:01:45Araqlivcd, yeah, registry.nim needs to be patched
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11:11:25FromDiscord<KrispPurg> Well, have they changed the way how you read files in nim?
11:11:47FromDiscord<KrispPurg> (nim v1.2.0)
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11:16:40PMunchSince 1.0.4, doubt it
11:17:46FromDiscord<KrispPurg> PMunch, have you tested the code with sending your local file.
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11:19:52PMunchI just get the normal "No such file or directory" error
11:20:37FromDiscord<KrispPurg> huh
11:21:17PMunchWhich is a bit weird since the file exists..
11:21:29FromDiscord<KrispPurg> yeah
11:22:06FromGitter<alehander92> mratsim hm, att seems less verbose to me because of the DWORD stuff
11:22:13FromGitter<alehander92> but i totally look rarely at asm
11:22:18FromGitter<alehander92> so no idea if i am right.
11:23:58PMunchHuh, it seems like multipart.add tries to read the file
11:25:02*Hideki_ quit (Remote host closed the connection)
11:25:06PMunchWell, not the add function. But when you go to send it
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11:29:13PMunchThis seems to cause the issue that I'm having: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/version-1-2/lib/pure/httpclient.nim#L913
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11:31:31PMunchThis commit basically changes how the httpclient handles files: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/commit/e056298ceb0fbddf6190f1b97f415b61323d446c
11:31:37PMunchAnd it seems to do something wrong
11:32:09FromDiscord<KrispPurg> a ha
11:33:07PMunchTry to set isStream = false
11:34:01PMunchErr, useStream
11:34:17FromDiscord<KrispPurg> I'll do it later, because I'm fixing a a different bug.
11:39:18PMunchI get the same error on 1.0.4 though..
11:40:20FromDiscord<Zed> has anybody tried any sort of machine learning with nim?
11:40:33FromDiscord<Zed> how did it go?
11:40:56FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> we actually have torch wrapped
11:40:57FromDiscord<Zed> did you use that python binding library or direct c bindings?
11:40:57PMunchI dunno, ask them
11:41:03PMunchBut I think it went pretty well :P
11:41:12FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> i didnt manage to install it though
11:41:13PMunchI didn't do it, but I know somebody did
11:41:18FromDiscord<Zed> ah ok
11:41:25FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> also there is arraymancer
11:41:37FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> which is a tensor library
11:42:25FromDiscord<Zed> yeah im looking at that now
11:49:31FromDiscord<Yardanico> See https://github.com/sinkingsugar/nimtorch
11:57:47FromDiscord<Zed> thanks @Yardanico
12:03:15PMunchAre there any tests for document generation?
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12:15:30FromDiscord<KrispPurg> PMunch, it works fine now thanks :)
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12:16:54PMunchNo problem :)
12:17:52shashlick@voltist that's a choosenim bug you saw - https://github.com/dom96/choosenim/issues/194
12:17:53disbotβž₯ Choosenim v0.6.0: Toolchain extraction results in corruption of vital `Nim v1.2.0` files after `choosenim update stable` ; snippet at 12https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2iDk
12:18:04shashlickI don't have a repro though - are you on arch Linux
12:18:10FromDiscord<KrispPurg> Someone should make a pr to this change though
12:18:29shashlickAlso, does the failure happen if you install 1.0.6?
12:18:34FromDiscord<KrispPurg> (not to be confused with the choosenim issue)
12:20:06FromDiscord<mratsim> @alehander42 it's not the verbosity but the argument order that mostly are annoying
12:20:24FromDiscord<mratsim> ATT is input -> result while intel is result <- input
12:20:33FromDiscord<Chiqqum_Ngbata> Does nimscript not support one of the child process exec procs that return exit code
12:20:41FromDiscord<Chiqqum_Ngbata> The only thing I can get to work is exec()
12:21:47PMunchKrispPurg, yeah I'm not entirely sure what happened there
12:21:58PMunchIs it a bug, is it a (documented) API change?
12:23:02FromDiscord<KrispPurg> I believe it was just some bug or just some mistake, I guess?
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12:30:03PMunchIt looks a bit like they just swapped two fields by accident
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12:32:01FromGitter<bung87> how to get next free port?
12:32:45livcdbind to 0 i believe
12:34:11livcdi believe on linux it gives you the free port
12:34:48FromDiscord<Yardanico> Wow, TIL
12:34:53FromGitter<bung87> it's system behavior?
12:35:05FromGitter<bung87> what about windows
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12:36:35FromDiscord<Yardanico> Yes, it works on Windows too
12:36:58livcdDid you just try? :P
12:37:11FromGitter<bung87> ok thanks
12:37:15FromDiscord<Yardanico> Seems like it's a part of BSD4.2 standard or something https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/win32/api/winsock/nf-winsock-bind?redirectedfrom=MSDN
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12:37:27FromDiscord<Yardanico> "For TCP/IP, if the port is specified as zero, the service provider assigns a unique port to the application from the dynamic client port range"
12:38:05FromDiscord<Yardanico> 4.2BSD *
12:39:04FromGitter<bung87> thank you !
12:40:47livcdso bung87 it's a spec you should not rely on :P
12:41:51FromGitter<bung87> I'll test the program on windows when it's ready
12:42:10livcdbung87 are you chinese?
12:42:50livcdAnyone knows if there are some alipay/wechat libs for Nim?
12:42:57FromGitter<bung87> yeah old chinese
12:43:07livcdold chinese means taiwanese?
12:43:22FromGitter<bung87> 30+ years old
12:43:28livcdage lol
12:44:17FromGitter<bung87> I dont think there are alipay/wechat libs in Nim
12:44:45FromGitter<bung87> the nim std libs well enough? I dont think so
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12:50:13FromDiscord<Chiqqum_Ngbata> I've used port 0 bind extensively in automated tests, e.g.
12:56:22PMunchshashlick, what's the status on nimssl?
12:57:27PMunchnimssl: https://github.com/genotrance/nimssl
12:57:55federico3there's already a wrapper in stdlib
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12:58:14nc-xAraq, dom96 https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/pull/797
12:58:15disbotβž₯ Fix nimble because `paramCount` & `paramStr` for nimscript are now defined in os.nim
12:58:31PMunchfederico3, not a complete one
12:58:46PMunchI specifically need RSA_private_encrypt
12:58:49federico3yep, and we should try to improve that one instead
12:58:52PMunchAnd decrypt
13:01:35livcdhmm how do you actually get back the port the OS gives you?
13:01:37livcdin jester
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13:07:52FromDiscord<mratsim> @Pmunch, for RSA we use bearssl
13:09:52PMunchHmm, that might work
13:10:01PMunchHave you cross compiled for Windows with that?
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13:11:16dom96PMunch, wrap RSA_private_encrypt?
13:11:32PMunchThat's what I have done so far
13:11:37PMunchManually, for my own library
13:13:18PMunchI guess I could create a PR to add them to the official module
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13:17:01martiniumwhat is the equivalent of Python's pass in Nim?
13:17:10FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> discard
13:17:16martiniumI specifically want to ignore an error so my program doesn't segfault
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13:18:58PMunchmartinium, define "ignore an error"
13:18:59FromDiscord<Rika> Just as recruit said
13:19:05martiniumto I need to use it within a try: except: block within the except block?
13:19:27Zevvmartinium: a segfault is not an exception
13:19:28FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> discard will do
13:19:48FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> about the error no idea
13:19:51FromDiscord<Rika> Zevv, I think you misunderstood
13:19:51Zevva segfault is a bullet through the head because your program was behaving very bad
13:20:07martiniumwell not really segfault but just so my program doesn't quit on an error that can be handled and not stop the running of the program
13:20:31FromDiscord<Rika> Not all thrown errors are handlable are they?
13:20:33martiniumsegfaults are a very bad error that should and will kill program
13:20:43Zevvunless you catch SIGSEGV :)
13:20:55martiniumin my case am getting OSError invalid argument
13:21:18martiniumso want to ignore that one case and continue processing the other 40k cases in the loop
13:21:23Zevvindeed; catch the exception and do nothing in the except: block
13:21:54martiniumso just the discard keywork in the except block
13:22:09martiniumok will try that
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13:24:28PMunchZevv, don't give him any ideas!
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13:29:20PMunchUhm, is choosenim broken?
13:29:38FromDiscord<Rika> kinda apparently, what happened now?
13:29:57PMunchI compiled Nim locally, and ran "choosenim ."
13:30:08PMunchBut nim --version shows the stable version being chosen..
13:31:50PMunchUhm: http://ix.io/2jMs
13:32:28PMunchOh wait..
13:32:38PMunchSomehow Nim has gotten installed through my package manager..
13:33:14PMunchHuh, wonder how long it's been like that..
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13:43:24livcdpackage managers are bad for your blood pressure
13:43:49martiniumZevv, no dice still stops program from running ugh so I either have a more serious logic error or I dunno lol
13:44:09livcdmartinium: post your code
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13:44:43martiniumin a bit have to change gears for work unfortunately
13:49:16disruptekbuy a radeon, they said.
13:49:16martiniumcan readFile read an entire directory's contents?
13:49:28disruptekopen drivers that work in linux, they said.
13:49:33FromDiscord<mratsim> use walkDir / walkDirRec
13:50:18PMunchlivcd, better than scourging SourceForge for installers..
13:53:46livcdPMunch: sourceforge
13:54:38PMunchThat was all the rage last time I used Windows :P
13:54:54PMunchinstallersR'us then
13:55:12shashlickPMunch - I've not updated nimssl since it's not clear which headers should be wrapped by default
13:55:23Araqdom96: which Nimble commit should the upcoming Nim ship?
13:55:31shashlickThere's so many and wrapping all will take a long time to render
13:55:58dom96when is the upcoming Nim shipping?
13:56:01dom96and what version is it?
13:56:03shashlickBut using rsa.nim, you can edit and wrap those headers of interest
13:58:48PMunchJust added them here instead, hopefully it will be merged :) https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/14137
13:58:49disbotβž₯ Add RSA key reading and encrypt/decrypt to openssl
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14:00:13PMunchI think I've asked this before, but I don't think I got an answer. Is there a way to run the test-suite locally so that I don't have to create a PR and wait to see if it fails?
14:00:43Yardanicoyes of course
14:00:46Yardanicotestament can be run locally :P
14:01:28PMunchAnd how do I do that?
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14:02:08Yardanico./koch tests ?
14:02:26Yardanicoyou also might want to select a category of tests
14:03:10PMunchOh boy, my computer sounds like it's about to fly away :P
14:09:54martiniumwhat is standard way to read/list a directory's contents?
14:10:51narimiranPMunch: i compile `testament/testament.nim` and then run the category i'm interested in with `./testament/testament cat <myCategory>`
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14:14:54PMunchThat seems to work well
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14:19:35nc-xAraq: https://github.com/Araq/ormin/pull/49
14:19:36disbotβž₯ import paramCount, paramStr from os.nim
14:19:40PMunchWhat was the koch command to quickly build again?
14:19:46PMunchIt's not in --help..
14:19:46narimiranPMunch: koch temp?
14:20:06PMunchThat's the one
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14:26:19disruptekwe should have a deprecation tag that works opposite of since.
14:30:06PMunchDeprecated until?
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14:36:57PMunchWait, koch temp puts the compiler in a different directory?
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14:40:52disruptekgithub 2fa broken.
14:41:03PMunchWell that's half an our of good confusion I'm not getting back..
14:46:20disruptekkoch temp makes bin/nim_temp.
14:46:37disruptekit knows how to call testament, but you can run testament yourself, too.
14:47:05Araqdisruptek: 'validUntil: (2, 0)'
14:47:17disruptekit's a thing?
14:47:27Araqno, you invented it, I gave it a name
14:47:56disruptekit solves the problem.
14:49:58*BohlAdmin quit (Quit: East bound and down, loaded up and truckin')
14:50:10Araqfun fact: every single proc in 1.0 has "Potential end of life in 2.0" because that's how semver works
14:50:16FromGitter<alehander92> hmm
14:51:13disrupteki guess `until` is the closest antonym, maybe.
14:51:16*Araq will never be a fan of semver
14:51:41FromGitter<alehander92> just finding out about `__attribute__((visibility("hidden")))`
14:52:06disruptekthings i wish i never knew.
14:53:08disruptektoday i try to build an obs for native wayland because qtgui/wayland seems to be br0xred on radeon.
14:53:09FromGitter<alehander92> is this the way
14:53:18FromGitter<alehander92> to define a function with the same name in 2 .c files
14:53:46Araqwell there is also 'static'
14:56:39FromGitter<alehander92> hm yeah i am trying it
14:57:50disruptekstuff in important packages that doesn't run on windows has to produce a noop for windows tests, yes?
14:59:40Araqdisruptek: or we put the test inside a 'when not defined(windows)'
15:00:00Araqthe power of having the data as code *cough*
15:00:54disruptekthis might be one of those days where i find something, anything, else to do.
15:01:53FromDiscord<mratsim> @disruptek, you're the first person I met that uses wayland?
15:02:11disruptektoday i read that it's the default on gnome.
15:02:26FromDiscord<mratsim> OpenCL 3.0 specs are in RFC since today btw, with finalization next months AFAIK
15:02:29FromGitter<alehander92> okk
15:02:35FromGitter<alehander92> `static` it is thanks Araq
15:02:46FromDiscord<mratsim> can't use Wayland with Nvidia drivers I think (or maybe they solved that)
15:03:02disrupteki've been using nouveau.
15:04:55Araqoh la la, niveau avec nouveau
15:07:55Yardanico@mratsim I use wayland too
15:08:01Yardanicoalthough I have an amd gpu
15:08:49Yardanicoand yeah, you can't really use wayland on nvidia because every open source driver implemented GBM for it, and nvidia decided that EGLStreams will be "a better fit" for their driver, and it's only supported in GNOME and Plasma (and it doesn't work that good)
15:14:57disruptekyou say that like it's a bad thing.
15:16:43disbotstream: 11https://twitch.tv/disruptek (live video/audio) and mumble://uberalles.mumbl.io/ (live voice chat) -- disruptek
15:16:44disruptekdoes it work?
15:17:06PMunchI can see the stream
15:31:52FromDiscord<Joshua S. Grant> @mratsim https://wiki.gnome.org/Initiatives/Wayland/NVIDIA
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15:50:17martiniumis there an equivalent for python's os.listdir()?
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15:54:22FromDiscord<mratsim> > @mratsim https://wiki.gnome.org/Initiatives/Wayland/NVIDIA
15:54:22FromDiscord<mratsim> @Joshua S. Grant I'm using KDE but it seems like for Gnome it should work then
15:56:55FromDiscord<Joshua S. Grant> Don't want to get too offtopic; But yeah, think that Nvidia is starting to relax a tiny-tiny bit and there's general advancements coming from the other-end anyways ... so, matter of time? lol I have a Nvidia Card, use GNOME, but I don't ever really use it because some things like streaming is not where I need it to be on Wayland
15:57:47FromDiscord<Joshua S. Grant> I'm thinking a realistic timeline is 5 or-so years for now for it to be a "drop-in replacement"; On at least GNOME
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16:02:25martiniumlivcd, walkDir for some reason wasn't working for me I must be using it wrong. Does it need to be used in a loop or a function?
16:04:16narimiranmartinium: it is an iterator
16:04:28narimiranhere's a small example how to use it: https://nim-lang.github.io/Nim/os.html#walkDir.i%2Cstring
16:05:47martiniumthanks, I just realized something good
16:06:34narimiranmartinium: here's how you could convert it to seq if you want: https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2jNn
16:07:12FromGitter<bung87> walkdirrec is for you
16:07:57FromGitter<bung87> if you using pythons ,similar behavior
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17:11:39FromDiscord<Yardanico> @Joshua S. Grant I use OBS with Wayland (on Sway) just fine, there's a plugin for that πŸ™‚
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18:35:35inv2004Hello, Question: I have nimble lib with k.h header and c.o in the root of the project. binary works ok, but the question about tests folder: config.nims with switch("path", "$projectDir/../src") does not help to find k.h header file for tests, does it mean than I have to add -Isrc to test1.nim ?
18:35:56inv2004or probably there is a better way to do it for tests
18:41:32PMunchAnyone have any input on whether this is my fault or not? https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/14137
18:41:33disbotβž₯ Add RSA key reading and encrypt/decrypt to openssl
18:41:42PMunchThe CI fail that is
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18:48:54leorize[m]it's not your fault
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19:19:30FromDiscord<CoolMan> Is there any reason ```net``` should be so slow
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19:19:43FromDiscord<CoolMan> I'm getting 42 ping on my own computer
19:22:00FromDiscord<CoolMan> with -d:release
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19:23:43Yardaniconotice to people here: the discord bot is gonna be down for ~1 min, I'll change its nickname from FromDiscord to "nid"
19:23:48Yardanicowhich is shorter and much better to read
19:24:28leorizeCoolMan: depends on how you use it
19:25:33Yardanicook let's hope it works first try
19:25:38*FromDiscord quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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19:26:30nid<Yardanico> 123
19:26:49YardanicoI hope that'll make it easier to read stuff xd
19:26:58livcdyou broke it
19:27:04Yardanicolivcd: ?
19:27:12livcdcheck offtopic
19:27:41*nid quit (Remote host closed the connection)
19:27:48leorizeyou could just use a proper irc client and you won't need that name to be short
19:27:49Yardanicoidk why it does that wtf
19:28:00Yardanicoah I know why
19:28:29livcdleorize: it is bad on mobile with whatever client
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19:28:48leorizego matrix on mobile :P
19:29:01livcdirssi :p
19:29:40nid<CoolMan> https://github.com/CoolMineman/stunning-octo-train/ is my code bad or is net just slow?
19:29:50nid<CoolMan> 0x01 is the ping packet
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19:31:11Yardanicobtw I see you use some NBT stuff
19:31:25Yardanicosee https://github.com/Yardanico/nimnbt/blob/master/src/nimnbt.nim how to parse endianness and stuff
19:31:38YardanicoI mean endianness only though, sorry :P
19:32:01YardanicoI think I should have code for varint too
19:35:25nid<CoolMan> varint is a protocal thing
19:35:38nid<CoolMan> and it is little endian
19:36:05nid<CoolMan> will probably need the endian stuff in the future tho
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19:36:34shashlickwhat's this bridge now
19:37:34nid<CoolMan> discord
19:38:00Yardanicoshashlick: people asked to make the nick shorter :P
19:38:12nid<Rika> maybe make it more explicit
19:38:12Yardanico@CoolMan I think I had varint decoding somewhere
19:40:45nid<CoolMan> It's in python?
19:41:14*noonien quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
19:42:43nid<CoolMan> your varint
19:42:57Yardanicomaybe i deleted it, but I surely had it in nim
19:45:51FromGitter<alehander92> wow man
19:46:00FromGitter<alehander92> that offtopic thing was a wild ride
19:46:10FromGitter<alehander92> but nid sounds like a real nick of a real person
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19:52:54shashlickFromDiscord => nid?
19:53:04Yardanicoyes :D
19:53:15shashlickokay need to fix my matterbridge config
19:53:25shashlicki'm not used to seeing <Xyz> for a long time now
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20:28:16livcdi asked to make the nick really short so it is readable on mobile
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21:01:38voltistshashlick: Thanks for pointing out that it's a known issue. I'll test to see if the problem also occurs when installing 0.16.0 and reply to the issue with my results.
21:04:47Yardanicoi hope not nim 0.16.0 :P
21:05:01Yardanicoah right you're about corruption
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21:11:01FromGitter<pigmej> Heya, ⏎ If I run `nimble build --cpu:arm64 --os:android` then the binary *should* be for arm64 right? Then why I still can run it on amd64 (?)
21:11:26shashlick@voltist are you also on arch Linux
21:11:31FromGitter<pigmej> nim `devel` branch and nimble more or less recent
21:11:44voltistshashlick: Yep
21:12:01dom96pigmej: might need to use --passNim:--cpu:arm64
21:12:03shashlickIs it musl based
21:12:29FromGitter<pigmej> yeah that would explain as I had feeling that it's ignoring my settings
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21:14:22FromGitter<pigmej> @dom96 but it says then `Error: invalid command line option: '--passNim'`
21:14:46voltistshashlick: Arch is not musl based. BTW, the specifics you asked for are now on the issue thread.
21:14:59dom96maybe your nimble version doesn't support that, `nimble c --cpu...` will definitely work
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21:16:22FromGitter<pigmej> @dom96 I do have most recent "stable" nim
21:16:22FromGitter<pigmej> nimble I mean
21:17:17shashlick@voltist thanks - at least it can be debugged now
21:18:45voltistshashlick: Yeah. Do you have any guesses as to which recent version might work fine?
21:18:58shashlickNewer Linux builds now come with precompiled binaries
21:19:11shashlickBut why stuff isn't extracted correctly makes no sense
21:21:02FromGitter<pigmej> unless there is some super duper trickery going I'm always able to run --cpu:arm64 on amd64...
21:21:16leorizeit's nothing special, really
21:21:26leorizeyou probably didn't configure your nim to use a cross compiler
21:21:34leorizeso it complied the generated C code with the native compiler
21:21:52leorizethus enable you to run the executable
21:22:04shashlickOr you gave qemu
21:22:14FromGitter<pigmej> ok, so then how to enable cross compilation? I thought that it's by passing the --cpu
21:22:32FromGitter<pigmej> https://nim-lang.org/docs/nimc.html#cross-compilation
21:22:35leorizedo you have a cross compiler for android installed?
21:22:54FromGitter<pigmej> I want native arm64 so I don't need all the "android" stuff
21:23:01Yardanicoah then you need an arm64 cross-compiler
21:23:04Yardanicofor example zig ;)
21:23:14Yardanicoah right it's not in 1.2.0
21:23:20FromGitter<pigmej> I do have 1.3.1
21:23:26Yardanicoah then you might want to try with zig
21:23:33leorizethe manual also states that you need to configure your nim :P
21:23:45Yardanicodownload master for your OS from here https://ziglang.org/download/ , add "zig" to your path
21:24:07FromGitter<pigmej> arch so done :)
21:24:15Yardanicowhat version?
21:24:24FromGitter<pigmej> zig or nim?
21:24:26Yardanicozig >= 0.6 is needed
21:24:35FromGitter<pigmej> 1) 6.0-1
21:24:49Yardanicothen do nim c --cc:zig --cpu:arm64 --passC:"-target aarch64-linux-musleabi" --passL:"-target aarch64-linux-musleabi" yourfile.nim
21:25:03Yardanicoand it'll make a statically linked binary with musl
21:25:12FromGitter<pigmej> k
21:25:15FromGitter<pigmej> I need cpp though
21:25:18FromGitter<pigmej> but that's easy change
21:25:25Yardanicowell then try "cpp" but I'm not sure if zig will work with that
21:25:29Yardanicoah it won
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21:25:37FromGitter<pigmej> crap
21:25:37Yardanicozig only can act as a C compiler rn
21:26:03Yardanicoyou'll have to find (or cross-compile yourself) a cross-toolchain for aarch64 (arm64, armv8, same meaning)
21:26:07FromGitter<pigmej> what about arm-linux-gcc?
21:26:25Yardanicothat's armv7 I guess
21:26:26Yardaniconot 64-bit
21:26:38FromGitter<pigmej> oh yeah plausible
21:26:44Yardanicoah there's https://www.archlinux.org/packages/community/x86_64/aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc/
21:27:02Yardanicoalthough it will link dynamically with glibc, so your target arm64 device should have glibc with same version or newer too
21:27:33FromGitter<pigmej> crap
21:27:50FromGitter<pigmej> so I can go --compileOnly then and just compile on android...
21:28:01FromGitter<pigmej> will be probably less painfull
21:28:09Yardanicosee https://musl.cc/
21:29:26FromGitter<pigmej> yeah libmusl would be an option for static link too
21:30:11FromGitter<pigmej> ok I thought it's somehow more integrated and having a wish to have it "easy peasy" done. Seems that it will need to wait day or two more :D
21:30:57Yardanicowell with zig that's possible for C backend
21:31:35FromGitter<pigmej> https://github.com/genotrance/nimfuzzy needs cpp sadly
21:32:27Yardanicodoes it?
21:32:47Yardanicoit's really small https://github.com/forrestthewoods/lib_fts/blob/master/code/fts_fuzzy_match.h
21:32:55YardanicoI guess you can rewrite it in Nim easily :P
21:32:57FromGitter<pigmej> https://github.com/forrestthewoods/lib_fts#why-c-and-not-c
21:33:25FromGitter<pigmej> obviously it's not rocket science,
21:33:30FromGitter<pigmej> but.... again matter of time :)
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21:39:13shashlickjust use a docker image
21:39:25shashlickdockcross, like nightlies use
21:39:29FromGitter<Vindaar> maybe just: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/tools/dochack/fuzzysearch.nim ?
21:42:09FromGitter<pigmej> dockcross would be an option too as that would make ndk possible "easy"
21:42:11FromGitter<pigmej> thx will check
21:48:59FromGitter<pigmej> @Vindaar that's also nice, maybe would work for me that would mean that I can drop cpp :)
21:52:07nid<Joshua S. Grant> @Yardanico regarding, obs screencapture on Wayland -- haven't tried it some months, but at the time there was a notable delay to the cursor and some fullscreen apps wouldn't render. It's possible this is an issue more-so with GNOME and they way it's compositor is implemented. Idk lol
21:52:57YardanicoI'm using an obs plugin https://hg.sr.ht/~scoopta/wlrobs
21:53:06Yardanicoit works fine with Sway, no lags really and all apps render
21:53:43Yardanico(I use the screencopy backend)
21:54:06FromGitter<pigmej> hmm.... how can I "import" that file without copy&paste?
21:54:51nid<Joshua S. Grant> Ah, maybe I'll true that. I was using the flathub's version that was shipping 'GNOME Screencast' or similar
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21:55:58nid<Technicae Circuit> Anyone familiar with circle ci?
21:57:19leorizeI have a bit of experience
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22:09:24FromGitter<pigmej> ok sadly @Vindaar that search is more optimized for short single symbols from what I see than bigger texts
22:09:33FromGitter<pigmej> anyway enough input ;-)
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22:29:34nid<Joshua S. Grant> 'true that' ahahaha didn't even notice at the time; one of the funnier autocorrects I've got tbh
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23:05:47PrestigeIs there a way to do math operations on a float and int and expect a float result (that's built in)? I've just been converting the int to a float
23:06:05Prestigelike x = float(someInt) * 2.5
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23:16:59PrestigeThanks shashlick
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23:36:10nid<Technicae Circuit> I wonder if i could use Kivy with Nim...
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